Family Planning and Reproduction Center. Family Planning Center Family Planning and Marriage Center

Great maternity ward!

Indifference of pediatric nurses in the postpartum ward.

Finally got around to write a review of the TsPSIR. Gave birth in November 2019 without a contract. My first birth, so there was nothing to compare with. I was admitted to the hospital by ambulance early in the morning of 11/19/19. For a period of 40 weeks and 3 days. Although in the ZhK at 38 weeks I received a referral to another maternity hospital. The contractions were not strong, the water did not leave. We could, of course, stay at home for a couple of hours, but they scared the blood discharge and decided with my husband that it was time! At the admission department, a strict, silent woman met me, and with a displeased look asked the ambulance doctor why I was brought to them. To my delight, after 15 minutes of my arrival, the sleepy woman was replaced by another, more affable. We completed all the documents, changed our clothes, did the necessary procedures and ultrasound, and about 1.5-2 hours after my arrival, they were taken to the maternity ward. The rooms are separate, clean, comfortable and this made me very happy. I want to say a special thank you to the doctor who delivered the baby - Alexander Anatolyevich Marynich, very attentive, came to me almost every half hour, asked about my health, talked about further actions. I still remember how, thanks to his words, I pulled myself together during strong fights in order to do everything right. And I would like to express my special gratitude to the midwife of the birth department Ostankova Svetlana Vladimirovna, very friendly, sensitive, understanding, treated me like her own daughter, after giving birth surrounded me with attention and care, helped to attach the baby to the breast, thank you very much for that! After giving birth, I was transferred to the postpartum department only after more than 3 hours, due to the fact that the wards were overcrowded. Therefore, after giving birth, I had to lie in the corridor of the maternity ward for almost 1.5 hours. Well, these are little things ... In the postnatal ward, too, it looks decent, a ward for two, the food is normal. The kids can be taken to the ward right away, but on the first night I decided to come to my senses and get a good sleep, so my daughter was brought in early the next morning from the children's department, and from that moment we did not part. The only thing that upset was the indifference of the nurses of the children's department, absolute indifference, some of them answered the questions by rolling their eyes. The pediatrician examined in the morning, very quickly. I understand that the maternity hospital is overcrowded and there are a lot of children, but still I would like a more sympathetic attitude from pediatricians and nurses! In general, I would like to thank the doctors once again for their sensitive approach and attentive attitude! I didn’t regret giving birth to you! Best regards, Ksenia.

Diagnostics and treatment of infertility, planning and management of pregnancy, effective contraception are the leading directions of the Reproduction Center at the ILC on Taganka. The clinic is the scientific base of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of P.M. Sechenov, and her staff is made up of the best specialists in Moscow.

Each patient or married couple who apply to the Family Planning Center can count on an individual approach, confidentiality and maximum interest on the part of our doctors in restoring their reproductive health.

Price list for family planning clinic services

  • from 2000 R Male infertility treatment (specialist appointment)
  • from 2000 R Treatment of female infertility (specialist appointment)
  • 4 000 R 7 000 R Artificial insemination with husband's sperm
  • 5 000 R Postcoital test (Shuvarsky test)
  • 5 000 R Kurzrock-Miller test
  • 2 000 R Initial consultation with a hirudotherapist
  • 1 500 R Hirudotherapy (up to 3 leeches)

Who should contact a reproduction and family planning center

We will be happy to help couples who are responsible for family planning and wish to conceive a healthy child. All types of genetic, hematological, immunological and hormonal studies are available in the MLC, which will help eliminate the risk of obstetric and intrauterine pathologies.

Our doctors wait at the reception of patients suffering from primary and secondary infertility of various origins. We are ready to provide competent support for pregnancy, including multiple and complicated, as well as choose the best method of contraception.


obstetrician-gynecologist, specialist in clinical hemostasiology, professor, doctor of medical sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, vice-president of the Russian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Honorary Professor of the University of Vienna (Austria)


What services does the family planning clinic offer?

The ILC has a powerful diagnostic and clinical base for successful problem solving:

  • male infertility - anatomical, endocrine, associated with inflammation, sexual and ejaculatory disorders;
  • female infertility caused by endometriosis, adhesions, acquired pathologies of the uterus and diseases of the immune system;
  • pathologies of pregnancy - habitual miscarriage, preeclampsia, eclampsia, fetoplacental insufficiency, which are caused by hereditary factors.

Available at our Family Planning Center

  • safe, innovative methods of contraception - installation of progestin-only and copper-containing intrauterine devices, hysteroscopic sterilization of Essure and individual selection of oral contraceptives;
  • preparation and maintenance of pregnancy in patients of different age groups;
  • extensive prenatal diagnostics at all stages of gestation;
  • a wide range of hardware and laboratory tests for future parents;
  • preparation for IVF;
  • classes at the School of Motherhood.

About doctors of the Family Planning Institute

The medical staff of the Center for Reproduction at the ILC has remained unchanged for over 20 years - these are the best specialists in Moscow and the region: obstetricians-gynecologists and urologists-andrologists with solid practical experience, hemostasiologists, qualified geneticists, endocrinologists and uzists.

Family planning in our Center is handled by doctors of the highest category. Most of them have degrees of candidates and doctors of medical sciences - Evgeny Rafailovich Petreykov, Tatyana Vladimirovna Kuznetsova and others.

Why it is worth contacting the ILC

The Women's Medical Center on Zemlyanoy Val is a clinic that will help you overcome the problem of infertility, prepare for conception and eliminate risk factors for pregnancy pathologies. And in the future, plan the time of appearance and the number of members of your family using reliable methods of contraception.

Make an appointment with us right now, do not delay the happiness of being parents and take care of the health of your children!

Thanks to advances in medical technology, infertility is no longer a death sentence. Modern centers of family planning and reproductive medicine are able to solve the problems of conceiving and bearing a healthy child in most of the couples who have applied. In vitro fertilization, artificial insemination and surrogacy programs are no longer incredible, and more and more people are getting the opportunity to become parents with their help.

Family planning center services

The concept of "family planning" appeared in the second half of the 20th century. It includes the solution of tasks aimed at protecting the reproductive health of men and women, the birth of healthy and desired children. Today, a large number of specialized centers and departments at maternity hospitals and antenatal clinics operate under the family planning program. IVF centers can be part of the structure of family planning centers or be independent structural units that provide assistance to couples with reproductive problems in conceiving and carrying a child.

IVF centers solve the following tasks:

  • early diagnosis, prevention and treatment of reproductive diseases;
  • examination and treatment of infertility by intrauterine insemination with the husband's (donor's) sperm or IVF;
  • identification of fetal pathologies in the early stages of development;
  • regulation of the timing of conception and pregnancy.

All IVF centers provide almost the same range of services. Differences can only be in the level of service, the cost of a particular service and the technologies used. They have their own embryological laboratories, in which embryos for IVF are created and studied, as well as cryobanks.

Best IVF centers in Moscow

Today in Moscow there are more than 70 IVF centers of various levels - from state medical institutions to small private clinics. Nevertheless, this number is still not enough, since married couples apply to the capital's institutions not only from Moscow itself and nearby settlements, but from remote regions of the country.

The quality level of the services offered is usually quite high. It should be noted that large clinics have more opportunities in diagnostics, choosing a method of treatment and attracting highly qualified specialists. Most clinics have their own laboratories and modern equipment for research and procedures.

State IVF centers:

  • FSBI NTsAGiP named after V.I. Kulakova, Ministry of Health of Russia- Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after Academician V.I. Kulakova is a state budgetary institution, which is a leading clinic in this area. The center employs world-renowned specialists. The center provides a full range of obstetrics and gynecology services, including IVF, childbirth and high-tech medical care.
  • TsPSiR Moscow- The Center for Family Planning and Reproduction is a multidisciplinary clinic in which a normal pregnancy is maintained, care for premature births, and patients with group and Rh incompatibility in the mother and the fetus are managed.
  • GBUZ MO MONIIAG- The Moscow Regional Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology is a leading scientific and practical healthcare institution that provides all types of assistance in the field of reproduction and family planning. Its structure includes the departments of reproductive medicine, endoscopic surgery, neonatology, and a laboratory for perinatal diagnostics.

Private IVF centers:

  • Embryo Medical Center- one of the oldest clinics in its field in Russia (founded on the basis of Maternity Hospital No. 4 in Moscow in 1992), specializing exclusively in carrying out in vitro fertilization programs, cultivation and intrauterine injection of an embryo according to various protocols. An important advantage is the availability of a modern diagnostic base and medical materials for determining the causes and successful treatment of infertility of various origins. All the necessary laboratories and departments are located on the territory of one center. In addition to classical IVF, the center also uses assisted reproductive technologies that increase the patients' chances of pregnancy.
  • "Mother and Child"- these are four modern hospitals and 26 clinics with good diagnostic and therapeutic resources in different cities of Russia. The main areas of the center's work are women's health, infertility treatment, surgical gynecology, and pregnancy management.
  • "AltraVita"... When creating the clinic, the standards of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine were applied. Today, the center is actively introducing new IVF technologies.
  • "Lera"... The clinic positions itself not only as an institution dealing with women's health problems, but also as an andrology clinic. The center's specialists took part in one of the first IVF procedures in the USSR. The Lera clinic provides a full range of services for the treatment of infertility, pregnancy management, and surrogacy.
  • "Test-tube babies"... The clinic provides assistance in the treatment of male and female infertility in any form. The clinic's arsenal includes the latest ART methods of various types.

Prices for services of IVF centers

Although most reproductive care services, such as IVF or ICSI, are paid, it is possible to obtain them free of charge under a quota both in government institutions and in some private centers. Since 2015, infertile couples have the opportunity to get this quota under the compulsory health insurance policy. At the same time, all procedures under the quota are paid by the compulsory health insurance fund (MHIF).

In 2018, not only officially married couples, but also those who are in a civil marriage and single women will be able to obtain quotas for IVF.

But how do you get a quote? First of all, the couple should be diagnosed with infertility, while the woman must be registered with the antenatal clinic and strictly follow all the doctor's prescriptions. After the diagnosis is made, the couple takes additional tests and the documents are sent for consideration by a special commission. After making a positive decision, you must contact the IVF center included in the list of institutions registered in the program. The wait may take a year and a half. If it is not possible to obtain a positive decision from the commission, then it remains possible to pay for IVF on your own. An initial consultation with a reproductive specialist will cost from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles.

On average, the cost of an IVF procedure in Moscow ranges from 110,000 (basic program) to 400,000 rubles (IVF maximum).

How to choose a medical center

Choosing a reliable IVF center is a very important task, because it depends on the specialists of this center with what probability a childless couple will finally be able to give birth to a healthy baby.

The main requirements for any medical center are the period of existence, the availability of high-level specialists, the necessary equipment for conducting research and manipulations. It is worth paying attention to the availability of certificates for the implementation of this or that activity. In reputable clinics, usually all the necessary documentation is freely available to patients.

The choice of a medical center when planning and managing pregnancy is usually based on information from various sources. It is necessary to carefully study the sites of the clinics you like, the list of services provided, prices, and the level of specialists. It is recommended to talk with those who have already received treatment at the chosen center to find out how effective it was. Pay attention to the clinic's opening hours and the availability of the opportunity to contact your doctor in case of an emergency. If it is necessary to conduct ART programs (IVF or IUI), the qualifications and experience of doctors are even more important. The staff of a clinic that performs ART must necessarily include an obstetrician-gynecologist, andrologist, anesthesiologist and embryologist. It is necessary to clarify whether the center has experience in working with germ cell donors - such experience speaks of high professionalism. Request statistics on successful pregnancies for ART programs and statistics on multiple pregnancies - these data will give you almost all the information you need about the clinic.

IVF clinics specialists act in stages, realizing opportunities to solve the problem of infertility in various ways. In the event that simpler methods are ineffective, an IVF procedure is prescribed.