How to cook grilled chicken in the microwave. How to use a microwave oven with a grill

Grilled chickens always attract lovers of delicious and satisfying food. Of course, such a product can be purchased at any time in a store or a specialized kiosk. However, I would like to note that in such places they do not always use high-quality meat. Moreover, in order to bring down the smell of a spoiled product, a large number of various spices and seasonings are added to it.

In connection with all of the above, I would like to note that grilled chickens are tastiest at home, when only natural and fresh ingredients are used in their preparation. Only in this case you will get a tasty and fragrant dish that can be served at any holiday table.

Grilled chicken in the microwave

Modern microwave ovens have many additional programs. Unlike their predecessors, such devices are designed not only for heating or defrosting food. For example, some housewives cook various muffins, omelettes, and more in the microwave. If your device has the "Grill" program, then you can also make a hearty second course in it. To do this, you only need certain products and a special mesh on the legs, which is usually included in the microwave oven.

Grilled chicken in the microwave is especially tasty if you use the following ingredients:

  • frozen broiler chicken - 1 medium carcass;
  • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • spices and seasonings for poultry - 4 large spoons;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 1 large spoon.

Meat preparation

Grilled chicken cooks very quickly. But before placing them in the microwave, the main component is thoroughly processed. The bird carcass is completely thawed, and then thoroughly washed inside and out. Also, various elements that are unsuitable for consumption are removed from the meat. After that, the chicken is thoroughly dried using paper towels. Then proceed to the preparation of the marinade. To do this, vegetable oil is mixed with spices and seasonings (including salt). Also, freshly squeezed lemon juice and garlic cloves grated on a small grater are added to the ingredients.

Having received a homogeneous fragrant gruel, they immediately rub the entire processed carcass with it. And they do it not only outside, but also inside. In this form, the broiler chicken is left aside for a few minutes.

Heat treatment process

As mentioned above, grilled chickens in the microwave oven are cooked using a special grill on legs.

So that during the heat treatment the meat does not stick to this device, it is lightly rubbed with a slice of lemon. Then the marinated carcass is carefully placed on the grate, breast side up. In this form, it is immediately sent to the microwave.

So that the juice does not stain the kitchen device, a small plate must be placed under the grate.

The chicken is cooked by selecting the "Grill" program at the highest power. As a rule, the meat product becomes ready for consumption already after 50 minutes. In this case, the meat should become completely soft, and also covered with a golden crust.

Correctly presented to the table

As you can see, grilled chicken cooks in the microwave quite quickly and easily. After the bird is baked, it is carefully removed along with the grill and placed on a flat dish lined with lettuce leaves. In this form, ruddy and soft meat is presented to the table. After cutting the chicken into portions, it is served to guests along with some side dish or simply with fresh vegetables and a slice of bread.

Step by Step Recipe: Grilled Chicken in the Oven

As is the case with a microwave oven, modern ovens also have a "Grill" program. But, unlike the first device, the second one does not include a grill with three legs, but a special skewer. Thanks to him, the chicken is evenly baked on all sides, it turns out very ruddy, soft and tasty. To make sure of this, we suggest making such a dish right now.

So what ingredients do we need to bake a bird? Grilled chickens cooked on a spit require the use of products:

  • frozen broiler chicken - 1 large carcass;
  • garlic cloves - 3 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil (it is better to take olive oil) - 3 large spoons;
  • any spices and seasonings for poultry - 4 large spoons;
  • tomato paste - 2 dessert spoons;
  • fresh honey (thick or liquid) - 1.5 dessert spoons;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - a large spoon.

Preparing the meat product

How are grilled chickens baked? The recipe for this dish primarily requires processing the meat product. Large frozen chicken is completely thawed and then washed in cool water. At the same time, all unnecessary elements are cut off from the carcass (tips of wings, legs, neck, tail, etc.). In addition, all existing insides (veins, films, veins, lungs) are removed from the chicken. Then the carcass is rinsed again in cold water and dried with paper napkins.

Marinade preparation and pickling process

Grilled chicken in the oven cooks quickly. But before that, the meat product should be marinated. To do this, grated garlic cloves, olive oil, tomato paste, various spices and seasonings are placed in a deep cup. In order for the chicken to bake well, become ruddy and beautiful, freshly squeezed lemon juice and liquid honey are added to the above ingredients without fail. After that, all ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The resulting homogeneous and fragrant slurry is thoroughly lubricated with the entire carcass of the bird (inside and out).

Due to the fact that this product it was decided to cook on a spit, after marinating it is tightly tied with thick threads. This is necessary so that during the heat treatment the legs and wings of the bird do not hang down. In this form, the chicken in spices is left aside for 35-50 minutes.

Cooking in the oven

Delicious dish how to cook? Grilled chickens baked in the oven turn out amazing. After the poultry carcass absorbs the flavors of the marinade, it is strung on a skewer. The product is then placed in the oven. So that during the baking process the dish does not stain the entire device, a tray is installed in the lower part of the cabinet.

In this form, the chicken is cooked in the "Grill" mode for one and a half hours. In this case, the temperature in the oven should not be higher than 170 degrees. This is the only way you will get a fragrant and tasty chicken, beautifully covered with a golden brown.

Serve the meat dish to the table

After your kitchen is filled with the aromas of marinated meat, the chicken can be safely removed. It is desirable to get this product together with a skewer. Then it is carefully removed and placed on a flat plate. After that, the bird is decorated with lemon slices, fresh lettuce leaves and mayonnaise mesh. In this form, the dish is served to guests. Then it is cut into portions and split into plates along with a separately prepared side dish and a slice of bread.

Summing up

So, in the article we told recipes for delicious chicken (how to cook). Grilled chicken is not difficult to perform, especially if you have a kitchen device with the appropriate mode. It should be noted that, unlike the usual roasting of poultry, when using the "Grill" program, it turns out to be much more fragrant, juicy and tastier. Moreover, such a chicken looks much more appetizing and beautiful than a meat product baked in a culinary sleeve or foil.

Thus, properly cooked grilled chicken will serve as an excellent hot dish for any holiday table.

Microwaved is one of the most popular foods in the world. If you cook it yourself at home, it will turn out to be much more healthy and tasty. The recipe in this article is very simple. Therefore, any housewife will be able to decorate a family dinner with grilled chicken. Want perfectly crispy chicken? This can only happen in the microwave.

4. Salt and black pepper.


If the purchased chicken is not gutted, of course, you will have to gut it yourself. Then it needs to be washed and dried by putting it on a paper towel.

Now prepare the seasonings. You can give free rein to your imagination for this, or you can make it easier - buy a ready-made seasoning that is suitable specifically for grilled chicken. Indian seasonings are best suited to it.

If you find it difficult to find such, take what is available. Just remember that it is best to add a little pepper and salt to any ready-made seasoning. So the taste of seasonings will be brighter and richer. The resulting mixture should rub the chicken both outside and inside.

Now peel 2 cloves of garlic, one of which is passed through a garlic press. You need to coat the carcass with this gruel. What to do with the second head? Cut it into slices and insert it into specially made slots in the chicken. And it is best to shove them as deep as possible.

Next, you need to “forget” that you have grilled chicken in the microwave for about half an hour. Wrap all the tips of the wings and legs in foil, and fasten it as tightly as possible so that it does not "fly off" at the most inopportune moment.

Now select the mode called “Grill” on the panel of your microwave and place the chicken on the grill. Fry on both sides for about fifteen minutes each. It will be just great if you put any plate under the grate itself. The resulting juice will drain into it.

Another option

If your microwave does not have a grill mode, don't worry, just use the oven. But the cooking time will then increase significantly, but what is the time when a delicious grilled chicken is waiting for you. You need to fry it for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. Then for the next 20 minutes, the temperature should be increased to 220. And do not forget that the chicken must be turned over! And fry until a delicious golden crust appears on it.

If you wish, you can decorate the finished chicken with slices of fresh tomatoes or zucchini cooked in a double boiler. And if you also pour soy sauce on top of it, the grilled chicken will become even spicier in taste.

To prepare the marinade, you can use the following set of products:

4 tablespoons of chicken seasoning;

2 tablespoons seasoning for grilled dishes;

Juice of half a lemon;

A few tablespoons of vegetable oil;

A couple of cloves of garlic.

Of course, this recipe cannot be called the only correct one. After all, the marinade, like the grilled chicken itself in the microwave, is an incredible field for experimentation and the manifestation of your individual taste.

How to cook grilled kuru in a microwave grill?

  1. Chicken meat 300 g
    onion 1/2 head
    tomato paste 2 cm. spoons
    wine 1 cm. a spoon
    tomatoes 2 pcs
    fat 2 tbsp. l
    vinegar (3%)
    ground black pepper, salt

    Put the pieces of chicken meat in a bowl, add finely chopped onion, tomato paste, vinegar, wine, fat, a little water. Salt and pepper to taste. Cover the dish with a lid with a hole and cook at full power for 7-8 minutes. Put the chopped tomatoes on top of the chicken and cook under the lid for another 2.5 minutes. Sprinkle the finished dish with finely chopped parsley before serving.
    Chicken 800 g
    Egg 2 pcs

    Garlic 2 cloves
    Grated cheese 2 tbsp. l
    Butter 40 g
    Breadcrumbs 50 g

    Melt the butter in the oven at full power for 1 minute. Mix butter with beaten eggs. Separately, in another bowl, prepare a mixture of breadcrumbs, grated cheese, finely chopped parsley root, crushed garlic and salt. Cut the chicken into portions. Dip each piece into the egg mixture and then roll in the breadcrumbs. Put the pieces on the dish on which the meat will be cooked in the oven, so that the thick parts are closer to the edges. Cover the dish on top with greaseproof paper and cook at full power for 7-8 minutes.

  2. Grilled chicken in the microwave
    The recipe is for chicken weighing 1.3-1.4 kg.
    Marinade: 4 tbsp. spoons of seasoning "To chicken" (I take "Aromatic"), 2 tbsp. spoons of seasoning "To the grill", juice of 1/2 lemon, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, 2-3 cloves of garlic (crushed in a garlic press, granulated dry elm).
    In principle, the marinade can be creatively modified to taste - it's not bad, for example, to marinate in red wine. But don't forget to add oil.
    Seasonings, of course, can also be adjusted to taste.
    Note: For the most complete squeezing of juice from a lemon, you need to hold a cut lemon at a 20% power level for 2-3 minutes in the microwave. As soon as the juice begins to appear in the form of droplets, immediately remove and squeeze.
    Lubricate the prepared chicken with marinade, and leave for half an hour. (But if you marinate for a day - you will not regret it).
    Actually cooking. Place the chicken on a low grill rack. We put a plate under the grate to drain the fat. We wrap the tips of the wings and legs with pieces of foil measuring 5 X 5 cm (so as not to burn; carefully watch so that the foil does not fly off - otherwise there will be a discharge and the magnetron may burn out).
    1. 100% power level, only microwaves - weld for 10 minutes, then remove the foil and pour 1/3 cup of water into the plate.
    2. Combi-2 mode, fry for 9-12 minutes on one side, turn over, and 9-12 minutes on the other side.
    3. Cooking (simple in the microwave after cooking) - 1-2 minutes.
    The cooking time depends on: a) the power of the oven b) the weight of the chicken c) its initial temperature.
  3. Fried chicken. Recipe for microwave (microwave) with a grill.

    Products for 4 servings:

    1 chicken (1 -1.3 kg).

    For the marinade: salt, pepper (to taste), 1-2 cloves of garlic (crush), 2-3 bay leaves, coriander 0.5 -1 tsp. , vegetable oil 1 tbsp. l. , lemon juice 1-2 tbsp. l.

    For glaze: mustard (ready-made) 1 tsp. , honey 1 tsp.

    To prepare the dish, you need to defrost the chicken, cut off the neck, wash and dry. Then marinate and leave for 1 hour.

    Cover all thin and fatty parts of the chicken with foil. Place the chicken on the low wire rack and place a heat-resistant microwave dish suitable for dripping juices and fat on the turntable underneath. Microwave at 100% power for 8-10 minutes. (depending on weight). Remove chicken from microwave and let cool slightly.

    Prepare the glaze by mixing 1 tsp. mustard and 1 tsp. honey. Brush the chicken with the glaze and place back on the low rack. In a bowl for dripping juice and fat, pour 3/4 tbsp. water (hot).

    Cook on the following microwave modes:

    option for microwaves with grill Grill + microwave -15 - 20 min. , flip. Grill + microwave -10-15 min.

  4. and you read the annotation for the microwave, there are always recipes at the end

Grilled chicken is one of the most popular dishes, and if you cook it at home, it is much tastier and healthier. This recipe is quite easy to prepare and requires a minimum of ingredients.

This dish can decorate a festive table, a family dinner, and even a friendly party. Ideally crispy and tasty, this dish is obtained in a microwave oven with a grill mode, but you can replace it with a regular oven. It is better to use broiler chicken, homemade will not be able to cook so quickly, and it will taste dry.

Cooking steps:

6) Leave the prepared meat for half an hour to marinate. Then send it to the microwave, for this dish you need to use the grill mode. Fry 15 minutes on one side and 15 minutes on the other side.

If your microwave does not have this mode, you can get by with the oven, only the cooking time will increase slightly. The first 20 minutes fry at a temperature of 200 degrees, the remaining 20 minutes increase to 220, do not forget to turn over. Fry until golden brown.

You can decorate the dish with fresh tomatoes and zucchini cooked in a double boiler. If desired, you can pour soy sauce, it will add spice.


700 gr. chicken (broiler),
1 head of garlic
Seasoning for grilled chicken
black pepper,

Cooking chicken with tender meat and a crispy crust in the microwave is quick and very tasty. 8 recipes are waiting for you!

  • chicken legs - 0.5 kilograms
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • salt - to taste
  • ground pepper - to taste
  • spices - to taste
  • soy sauce (optional)

Wash the chicken thoroughly and pat dry. Then grate with salt, black pepper and other spices to your taste on both sides. Peel 3-4 small cloves of garlic.

Pass two cloves of garlic through a press and grease the chicken well.

Cut the rest of the garlic into slices.

Make deep holes in each leg and insert garlic cloves into it. Put the cooked meat to marinate for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

Then put the legs on a high grill and send to the microwave for 15 minutes (use the grill mode). Turn the chicken over and rest for another 15 minutes. Cooking chicken in the microwave lasts 30 minutes.

The finished grilled chicken can be drizzled with a little soy sauce, which will add a touch of piquancy to it. Now you know how to cook grilled chicken in the microwave and you can always please your loved ones with a delicious dish. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 2: how to bake chicken fillet in the microwave

  • chicken fillet - 400 gr
  • fresh parsley - 1 bunch
  • salt - a pinch
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • butter - 50 gr
  • seasoning for chicken - 1 tbsp.
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp.

Cooking chicken in the microwave: 10 minutes at a power of 1000 W, under the lid, and leave for 10 minutes in the microwave without turning off or removing the lid. The fillet will come to full readiness. Bon Appetit!!!

Recipe 3: Microwave Chicken in a Bag (Step by Step Photos)

  • chicken drumsticks - 9 pcs
  • arrogance of spices - 1 sachet
  • cherry tomatoes - 250 gr
  • pear - 1 pc.

We take a mixture of spices (without glutamates, of course) for roasting chicken legs. Package included.

Small chicken thighs.

We place the chicken drumsticks in a baking bag, pour the seasoning mixture into it, close the bag so that there is a small hole at the top. We put in the microwave for 18 minutes at a power of 800 watts.

Serve with cherry tomatoes and pears. Decorate with dill.

Recipe 4: whole chicken in the microwave (step by step with photo)

  • chicken - piece
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • carrots - 3 pcs
  • mayonnaise - 100 gr
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs
  • salt pepper

We wash the chicken carcass, dry it. Stuff with slices of garlic and carrots.

We generously grease the chicken with mayonnaise and put it in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.

After the chicken has marinated, cook it in the microwave. First 30 minutes breast up, then another 30 minutes breast down. Cut the cooked chicken into pieces and serve. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 5: Microwave Chicken in a Baking Bag

  • 1-2 chicken legs
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 2-3 pinches ground paprika
  • 2-3 pinches ground black pepper

You don’t need to add fat or vegetable oil to the list of ingredients - the legs already contain fat that will melt during baking.

Choose a deep bowl and place the bird parts in it, pouring all the cooked seasonings directly onto them.

Mix all the contents so that each leg is coated with spices.

Open the baking bag and place the seasoned chicken legs into it. Tie the bag with a string and place it in the microwave oven on the drip tray.

If you are afraid that the bag may burst during the baking process, then it is best to place it first in a microwave container, and then on a tray.

Simmer at the very maximum power for about 15 minutes - no less. Watch how the legs are baked through the bag - during the cooking process, open the door of the appliance several times and check both the integrity of the bag and the degree of cooking.

As soon as you see that the legs are properly browned, and the aroma of fried meat hovers in your kitchen, you can safely remove the bag of legs from the microwave - they are probably already ready! Carefully cut open the bag and remove the fried parts of the bird to the prepared plate. Serve hot with fresh herbs.

In this way, you can bake any part of the bird, just by adjusting the cooking time according to its weight. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 6: how to bake grilled chicken in the microwave (photo)

Everyone's favorite grilled chicken at home in just half an hour. It is unrealistic to break away from the chicken, you will lick your fingers. Be sure to place a container under the chicken for flowing juice. If your microwave does not have a "Grill" mode, then at the end of cooking, cook for 4 minutes at maximum power. Fragrant grilled chicken will not leave anyone indifferent.

  • chicken 2 kg
  • lemon ½ pc.
  • vegetable oil 1 tbsp.
  • garlic 3 cloves
  • seasoning for chicken 2 tbsp.
  • grill seasoning 2 tbsp
  • ground bay leaf 1 tsp
  • salt to taste
  • ground black pepper to taste

Turn the chicken over again and cook for 4 minutes on the "Grill" mode.

Recipe 7: Chicken and Potatoes in the Microwave in the Sleeve

  • chicken leg (small) - 2 pcs
  • Adjika - 0.5-1 tsp
  • Potatoes - 5-6 pcs
  • Salt - to taste
  • Black pepper - to taste
  • Sweet paprika - 0.5 tsp
  • Garlic (dried) - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.

Grease chicken legs with adjika.

Cut potatoes into slices. Add vegetable salt, paprika, garlic and black pepper. Mix.

Put the potatoes in a baking bag, put the legs on top. Tie up, make a couple of punctures.

Put in the microwave. Bake chicken in the microwave for 16 minutes at a power of 800 watts.

Carefully cut open the bag so as not to burn yourself with steam.

Bon Appetit! Chicken with potatoes in a microwave oven, baked in a sleeve, is ready!

Recipe 8: Whole Chicken with Apples and Oranges in the Microwave

  • Whole chicken - 3 kg
  • Oranges - 4 pcs
  • Apples - 2 pcs
  • Butter - 50 gr
  • Honey - 1 tbsp.
  • Ground black pepper - ½ tsp
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tbsp.
  • Rosemary - ½ tsp
  • Water - 2.5 liters.
  • Apple cider vinegar - 12 tablespoons
  • Sunflower oil - 2 tbsp.
  • toothpicks

We remove all the insides from the chicken and cut off the neck. I make a marinade - 2.5 liters of water + 4 tbsp. l. salt + 12 tbsp. l. stir the apple cider vinegar well to dissolve the salt. I put the chicken in this marinade, cover with a plate and put it under the press.

So the chicken should be left for 12 hours in a cold place, it can be longer.

In the morning I continue to prepare the chicken - I make the second marinade. I rub the zest of two oranges and squeeze the juice from the same oranges, put it in a small saucepan, add honey, ground black pepper, 1 tsp. salt, sunflower oil and 1 tsp. rosemary. I put this mixture on a small fire and bring it to a boil.

Now I rub the whole chicken with the prepared marinade, pour the remaining liquid onto the bottom of the container in which the chicken is located. Again I leave the chicken in a cold room or refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

After this time, the final stage begins. I peel 2 oranges and 2 apples and cut them into small pieces, add mayonnaise, a little salt, ground black pepper and ½ tsp. rosemary and mix well.

Stuff the chicken with the resulting mixture, pierce the hole with toothpicks. Now I rub the chicken with butter, put small pieces of butter under the skin.

I tie the paws with a thread like this:

I place the chicken in a container in which I will bake it, pour the remaining honey-orange marinade on top. Baking chicken in the microwave lasts 1 hour at the highest power.