A targetologist is what a profession: training, resume writing, job search and salary search. Profession Targetologist: who is it, what does he do and how much he earns Is it possible to learn targeting on your own

One of the most in-demand professions in advertising and marketing is the profession of targeting. At Headhunter, the targetologist's salary bracket is 50–150 thousand rubles a month.

Targetologist is a specialist in setting up targeted advertising in in social networks... It is aimed at a specific target audience, segmented by age, gender, interests, previous purchases, marital status, place of residence and other data, and not all users in a row.

The easiest way to segment the audience is on social networks, where people indicate complete information about themselves: gender, age, interests, marital status, place of residence, as well as join communities and mark participation in events, indicate geolocation on photographs while traveling. The advantage of such advertising is in its focus on the audience, which will be potentially interested in the proposed product or service, as well as in the ability to constantly monitor the process of product promotion, test various hypotheses and identify the most effective ad display settings.

What Skills Are Needed to Become a Targetologist

The targetologist's task is to conduct advertising campaign It is most beneficial for the customer and to attract as many buyers as possible, and for this it is not enough to set up an ad display once to the assembled target audience. Now we will tell you what skills are needed for the targeting specialist to work successfully.

First, the marketer must draw up an advertising promotion strategy. You will need here:

  1. Ability of a specific product, choosing the most relevant advertising platform and segmenting correctly. To do this, you need to understand the characteristics of the audience of different social networks and know how they differ from each other.
  2. Ability to develop an advertising banner and offer (Offer - short advertising text, able to hook the audience and tell about the benefits of the product for the buyer). The customer is far from always able to provide them. You can order them for a designer and copywriter, but possession of a graphic editor or an online editor, as well as the ability to compose a selling text, will save time and money (read, make more money).
  3. Ability to analyze landing page(landing page), and sometimes create it, since an advertising banner is not a final product that a client wants to sell. The targeting specialist can correctly determine the audience, create a selling ad and place it in the right place, but it will be useless if the landing page is incorrectly created or the website is not working properly. You need to make sure that the click will bring the prospect to a landing page that will prompt them to make a purchase. It is useful to learn how to collect landing pages, especially since now it is not necessary to learn programming languages ​​for this and you can do it on specially created sites, for example, on Tilda.
  4. Ability to plan a budget and correctly allocate it to preliminary tests and the main advertising campaign. For understanding target audience you may need up to 20 preliminary ads, of which there will be 2-3 in total that have shown the highest efficiency. And already on them the main part of the budget should be spent.

The next task of the targeting specialist is to work with a personal account, setting up displays of an advertising banner for a potential audience, recruiting and optimizing bids and daily monitoring of personal accounts.

At this stage, you need:

  1. Ability to work with tools for collecting the target audience. Most popular: Cerebro, Segmento, Pepper.ninja.
  2. Ability to work with an advertising personal account of each of the sites, as well as knowledge of the rules and tools for each of them.
  1. Data analytics in personal accounts, tracking coverage, response, targeted actions and their cost.
  2. Determination of the conversion rate of each advertising channel.
  3. Tracking audience reactions, comments, requests for private messages on social networks.
  4. Adjustment of the advertising campaign based on the received data.
  5. Analysis of the conducted advertising campaign, identification of strong and weaknesses, competent and erroneous decisions.

When hiring a targetologist for a job, employers call (according to hh.ru):

  • Strategy development, creation and daily control of advertising campaigns
  • Marketing campaign analytics and planning
  • Target audience analysis
  • Selection of sites for advertising
  • Creation of graphic and text materials as part of advertising campaigns
  • Writing competent ads that stimulate readers to take targeted action
  • Conducting A / B testing and tracking behavioral factors
  • Analytics of an advertising campaign, adjustment and optimization in order to fulfill KPIs
  • Understanding the structure and principles of social networks

Key terms that a targeting specialist needs to know

CPC (cost-per-click) - payment for clicks. In this case, you pay per click on your ad, no matter how many times it appears.

CPM (cost-per-thousand) - payment for impressions. You pay for every 1000 impressions, no matter how many times your ad is clicked. The choice of a payment model depends on the budget, the goals of the advertising campaign, the degree of knowledge of the target audience.

ROI (Return on Investment) is the rate of return on investment. Shows how effective the investment was.

KPI - criteria for evaluating the results of marketing, advertising campaign, business and any system of attracting customers and sales.

Engagement is the level of interest and attention a user shows when they are in the community or when they come into contact with an advertising message.

A case is a way to demonstrate with a real example how a particular company works. It shows the successful solution of a specific task, demonstrates the key factors of work and further prospects.

Conversion is the ratio of the number of visitors who completed the targeted action to the total number of page visitors.

Lead - a user who has taken the desired action, a potential customer who has shown interest in a product or service. Most often this is expressed in the indication of any contact information - email, phone number, subscription to the newsletter in the messenger.

Lead generation is a tactic aimed at attracting the largest number of potential customers and getting leads.

Reach is the unique number of users who saw the ad.

Parsing is the selection of a target audience using special parser services. They allow you to set the criteria by which you need to select the target audience, and then produce a file with a list of people matching the description.

Parsers are programs that collect information about users or user id according to certain criteria. They set the parameters by which it is necessary to select the target audience, and they issue a file with a list of people / email / id on social networks.

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Interactive Advertising Development Association IAB Russia found out that targeted advertising ranks second in popularity among advertisers after banner advertising, and digital companies plan to increase budgets for competent targeting. The editors figured out that this is a targeting agent, targeted advertising, and how much the specialists who set up social media campaigns earn.

Targetologist in simple words is a specialist who creates targeted advertising. Such ads appear in the feed and recommendations only to the target audience. Each user of the social network becomes part of a target audience when he indicates gender, age, city of residence, interests in the profile.

What is the difference between a targeting specialist and an SMM specialist?

Technically, the targeting specialist is part of SMM - social media marketing. But the nature of a marketer's job is different from that of a marketer.

Full-cycle specialists have experience in running advertising campaigns and knowledge of optimization, they are able to analyze traffic, create advertising images, content, and can launch targeted advertising. Analyst targeting analysts tweak existing ads to maximize conversions.

The scope of tasks of an SMM specialist is wider: such an employee is engaged in the development of a content strategy and a publication plan, creates content, collects feedback, fulfills the negative, plans the budget.

What does a targeting analyst do

In general terms, the work on the project is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. The customer completes the brief and discusses the project.
  2. Study of target audience, division into segments.
  3. Drawing up a plan for an advertising campaign.
  4. Search for target audience using parsers.
  5. Creation advertisements different formats and assessment of their effectiveness.
  6. Writing reports with specific figures for the project.

In contact with

Recently, VKontakte opened users access to the updated advertising account. The new functionality allows you to view statistics for any period, export reports, and perform bulk actions with ads. New subscribers and likes notifications for business pages are now available.

Kirill Kizin, a targeting specialist at Atvinta agency, believes that the key features of the new office are audience segmentation and lead processing. In general, the update is aimed at small business pages.

On Facebook

Julia Davidenko, lecturer at the LVL80 marketing school, says that the Facebook advertising account is very similar to that of Google Ads. Settings can be changed at the campaign, ad group, or single ad level. At the campaign level, you can select only goals, set a budget and cost limit, and time frames. At the ad group level, the display schedule, target audience parameters, places where ads will be displayed, optimization methods are set. For each individual ad, you can add creatives: videos, photos, texts, links.

On Instagram

Instagram is important visual content... To create targeted advertising, specialists use bright and high-quality images (product images) and text. Advertising works well in stories or in the accounts of bloggers whose names are on everyone's lips. Advertising is configured from a single Facebook and Instagram account.

How to Become a Targetologist: Training and Courses

You can learn targeting in specialized courses. Training can take place remotely (online courses) or face-to-face (lessons within educational programs private schools are held in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities). Online universities, schools for online professions and retraining centers teach competent targeting from scratch. V higher schools there are no such courses - the direction is developing too intensively to be regulated by official state programs.

On average, courses last 3.5-5 months and cost from 40 thousand rubles. up to 60 thousand rubles. and more. At the end of the courses, the student receives a diploma, all materials in notes or workbooks, so that he does not need to look at Wikipedia if something is forgotten. Often there is an opportunity to take a free internship or get a job right away - this gives an advantage over those who master targeting on their own.

Can you learn targeting yourself?

It is quite possible to become a targeting specialist on your own - this is a significant plus. The profession presupposes a set of specific skills, the ability to work with advertising accounts of social networks and automatic parsing systems. Therefore, first you need to master the theory: how targeted advertising works, how to set up an advertising account, how to analyze the results.

Educational channels on YouTube, professional cases, discussions in specialized groups in social networks and on thematic forums will help in training. After learning the basics, you can begin to master the toolkit of a specific site and try to make your first targeted ad. All social networks have detailed step by step instructions, guides and a responsive community where you can ask a question and get a qualified answer.

How to write a resume

Beginners in their resume should focus on education and skills (but without exaggeration), and also be sure to give a potential employer an opportunity to get acquainted with the diploma project. It's good if by the beginning of your job search you already have some experience: your own project, freelance, internship. The vacancies for advanced specialists require experience with automation systems and knowledge of web analytics - these are areas for further development.

Where to look for vacancies remotely

Remote job opportunities for targeting specialists are rarely published on standard job search sites like HeadHunter or Indeed. You can search for projects on freelance exchanges (including foreign ones) and in thematic groups on social networks. For a first experience, you can suggest business targeting to entrepreneurs you know.

Targetologist salary

The salary of a freelance targeting specialist depends on the number of clients. The average price for a project for beginners is from 5 thousand rubles, experienced specialists receive 10-15 thousand rubles for setting up one advertising campaign. In a month, you can manage to work on 4-6 projects. That is, newbie targeting experts earn 20-25 thousand rubles. subject to the availability of orders, specialists with experience - 40-60 thousand rubles.

Staff targeting agencies of agencies involved in social media promotion, administration and content creation are ready to pay 50-70 thousand rubles. Such offers are posted on Jooble. There are part-time vacancies with a salary of 15-30 thousand rubles. - these are companies that want to hire a specialist in advertising customization, and not turn to freelancers.

How to work with a targeting expert

The dream of any business is to pay only for applications, or even better for sales. There are sales - keep the money, there are no sales - go for a walk.

It's a shame that targeting analysts often don't agree to this. They can also be understood: the main indicator in the targeting profession is applications (although it is difficult to predict them at the start), and processing of applications is an indicator of work.

How is the work organized?

Now I will tell you in detail and in all colors how the work with the targetologist is organized.

Step 1. Filling out the brief + discussion of the project

The Vkontakte or Instagram targetologist, for example, looks at your page or studies previous advertising campaigns (if any) and decides whether to promote the project.

If the answer is yes, you give all detailed information about the project. That is, which ones you can use, everything you know about competitors and the market, how many bids you want and at what price, how much budget you are willing to spend per month, etc.

You jointly fill out a brief for further cooperation, and the target specialist gets to work.

Step 2. Study the target audience

The targetologist studies yours in detail, divides it into segments. Everyone has their own interests, needs and habitats.

Ideally, there will be a separate offer for each segment, a separate advertisement. That is, mothers with children under one year old will see in the advertisement a stroller with a child who is not yet a year old.

With the help of such a division, it is much easier to break through the “banner blindness” of users in social networks.

Divide the audience

Step 3. Drawing up a work plan

Each targeting specialist has their own standards of work. And it is better to find out these standards BEFORE starting an advertising campaign. The more detailed the targeting plan is, the more likely it is to succeed and the fewer unpleasant surprises there will be for the owner.

For example, here are my standards: the first day - I study the portrait of the audience, the second - the “pains” and, on the third day - I upload the audience to the advertising office, the fourth, fifth day - I create creatives and connect them with the audience.

Thus, the owner, even before the start of the advertising campaign, knows on what day and what exactly will be done with the advertising office.

Step 4. Search and collection of target audience

The most important step, so I'll tell you about it in detail. So, with the help of special programs (), the targetologist finds all segments in the social network.

Let's say we need pregnant women on social media. Then a VKontakte advertising specialist, for example, can collect those who joined groups dedicated to pregnancy or childbirth in the last two months.

If a woman joins the group "Preparing for childbirth", most likely she will give birth soon, and she is our target audience. But if you just take the groups "Preparing for childbirth", there are 80% of those who gave birth long ago and they do not need strollers.

By the way.If you want to gather a high-quality audience and not spray your budget, then use parsers. Most TOP - Pepper ninja (“INSCALE30” +30 days upon payment) TargetHunter (“INSCALE” +2 days of full rate) Segmento Target (“INSCALE” +30 days upon payment).

Interesting. On Instagram, the role of parsers is performed by the social network itself - in the settings advertising cabinet you can select users for any interests, but it is better to use special programs.

The task of the targetologist is to separate the former from the latter. Collect only those who might be really interested in the product. After that, the targetologist shows a separate offer to each segment.

Step 5. Creation and analysis of advertisements

At the initial stage, the targeting specialist creates 5-10-20 advertisements of different formats and looks at which one works best (brings the cheapest bids).

If at the initial stage, for example, some advertisements received 2-3 applications per day, at the scaling stage, 7-10 applications per day are received for them.

The targetologist constantly analyzes how the advertising campaign is going, what can be improved, and what is better not to touch.

Analysis of ads

Step 6. Reporting

Mandatory reporting for target debt is once a month. A month of work has passed, the targetologist writes a report to you. It contains all the figures for the project (spent, received, how much it costs), conclusions about what worked and what did not, and suggestions on what to do on the project.

In addition to the monthly report, I make short weekly reports for customers. They allow you to see the dynamics of results here and now.

In general, the reporting frequency for each specialist is different, it is worth discussing this before the start of work.

You shouldn't demand daily reports (if the targeting specialist is not on the staff). Daily reports are good when work has just begun (or when there is no result for a long time).

In my practice, at a distance, weekly reports, subject to compliance, are more than enough.

Reports ... oh, those reports

Skills and responsibilities

I will briefly go over the fundamental skills and responsibilities of a specialist. And then you will understand exactly what kind of “beast” it is.

Responsibilities of the targeting specialist:

  1. Search for the target audience of the project;
  2. Gathering audience by segment;
  3. Development of creatives (text + picture);
  4. Show each segment a separate creative;
  5. Tracking indicators in the advertising office;
  6. Improving your ad campaign based on metrics;
  7. Drawing up reports for the owner.

Targeting skills:

  1. Ability to quickly and efficiently analyze a niche;
  2. Understanding the language of the target audience;
  3. Knowledge of advertising cabinet analytics;
  4. Ability to select working ad formats.
  5. Basic skills (creating advertising posts);
  6. Ability to work with;
  7. Basic skills in working with graphic editors (creating layouts).


In an ideal world, the owner knows everything about his project before starting to work with a targetologist. Knows his own, in sales, can calculate the required cost of the application. But what a pity that reality is different from the ideal, and this does not happen often.

Therefore, in fact, you need to divide the work of the targetologist into two sections, each of which will have its own performance indicators.

1. First time (or test company)

There are KPIs here, but they are not there. Since at the start you can only make a hypothesis, and real numbers can be obtained only after testing it.

That is why, if you are just starting to get involved in this quagmire for the first time, then first you need to accept the fact - “It's stupid to set KPI at the start”.

For example, you have a salon selling kitchens. Your average check- 150,000 rubles. You are ready to spend 10% of the average check on. That is, one sale should cost you no more than 15,000 rubles.

You know that your average purchase conversion rate from social networks is 20%. That is, every 5th order ends with a purchase. To get one sale, you need five bids.

If you are ready to spend 15,000 rubles on a sale, then you are ready to spend 3,000 rubles for one application (remember, one sale = five applications). You want 25 sales per month. This means 125 applications.

In this case, the KPI for the targetologist will look like this: 125 applications are not more expensive than 3,000 rubles with a budget of 375,000 rubles.

2. Second + time (or permanent work)

After the test has been carried out, you have the numbers. Even if they are not immediately clear and reinforced concrete, this is enough for a start.

Of course, there are dozens of different marketing metrics here. And you have the right to determine them yourself. But if we talk about the classics, then it will be like this:

  1. At the cost of the application... This is when the business owner says to the targeting expert: “I don't care how you do it, but I need applications no more than 350 rubles” (for example). The desired number of applications is also placed here;
  2. By subscriber cost... The case when you drive traffic to your group. That is, it is not the number of applications that is important to you, but the number of the signed audience. The targetologist's task is to get as much as possible at the minimum price;
  3. By cost per click... This option is relevant when traffic goes to the site. Here, the targeting analyst can influence only two metrics - the cost of a click and their number. The cost and number of applications depend on the conversion of the site itself.

From experience. Gives a good conversion to the application. But it can be used if you have one (or several) products. For an online store with a large assortment, this option is not suitable.

Working according to clear and feasible KPIs is a pleasure for both the customer and the target audience. But what if you do not know either the conversion to purchase or the average check from social networks?

When is it needed?

We will not procrastinate on the topic that if you have social networks, then you need a targetologist. It's obvious. This is rather a question of at what point it should be connected. And at what point to do it, even if it is bad, but on your own.

Budget up to 20,000 rubles per month

“I want 100 applications a month, I’m ready to spend 3000 rubles” - a common situation for micro businesses.

If you are ready to spend 3000 rubles a month, it is better to try to set up advertising yourself, because you will pay much more for the work, and you will receive few applications. And you will be unhappy with both the targeting analyst and social networks in general.

Much depends on the project, but for a local business (geographically tied, like a cafe or a hairdresser), budget for promotion costs at least 10,000+ per month.

The exact amount for each project is different, depending on the average check, target audience, geolocation, the required number of applications.

But if you are not ready to invest at least a few months 10,000 in the budget and the work of a targeting specialist, you should think about self-promotion.

Budget 20-50,000 per month

With such a budget, you can easily hire a good specialist. I recommend an experienced freelancer - he will not waste your money and will bring you the required number of applications.

And of course, do not forget to agree on the cherished KPIs before starting work!

Budget from 50,000 rubles per month

This is a good marketing budget. A freelance star (with a high rating) is suitable for you, or you can already contact an agency to implement a project.

I advise you to ask for weekly reports at first (so that there is no accidental drain of the budget).

Your gifts from partners

Staff or freelance?

Experienced targeting specialists usually work remotely or in agencies. This allows them to grow and work on multiple projects at once. But there are also cases when a person is needed on the staff. Let us analyze what is the difference between the work of one “SMM” operator from another.

Place of workStateFreelance / agency
Criterias of choice- Complex product
Since the remote targeting specialist is simply worn out with the conditions and the results are not very good;
- Big
For example, you have a network grocery supermarkets and they need to be promoted in the same style and with the same promotions;
- Group of projects
If there are more than three projects, it will be cheaper to hire a targeting specialist for a full day.
- One or two projects
If you have one project, maximum two, it would be a good idea to send them to the targeting specialist remotely;
- A clear niche
You can figure out in half an hour what you are selling and to whom? If so, feel free to give the project to a freelancer.
pros- Man in sight
You will always know how the projects are going, what results have been achieved at the moment;
- Project focused
If you want a complete immersion in the project, take it on the staff;
- Operational
The freelancer usually has a dedicated response time, and the person on staff is “yours” at any time.
- Specialist knows his business
Most likely, a freelance targeting specialist every day for 8 hours does nothing but set up ads;
- Salary
Most often it is cheaper than hiring a person on the state;
- Narrow specialization
If you wish, you can find a targeting specialist who specializes in your niche.
Minuses- Limited geo
It is difficult to find decent targeting experts in small towns;
- Education
Be prepared that you will most likely take a beginner and have to pay for the training. A good course costs 15,000 or more, and you can't do it alone;
- Additional expenses
From time to time (once every three to four months) you will have to buy consultations from experienced targetologists so that they can evaluate the results and give advice.
- Inoperability
A remote employee will not answer a question in 10 minutes (sometimes it will not answer in an hour). Keep in mind right away: the action of today should have been given two days ago, so that this morning it was in advertising;
- Cat in a poke
The biggest danger is hiring the “wrong” specialist. It is not immediately clear whether this particular specialist will give a result in your project or not;
- Trust in a specialist
Control is control, and trusting a specialist is a necessity. If you think you know better how to set up ads, do it yourself.

How much to pay a targeting specialist

In my practice, mostly companies prefer targeting, but I will still more or less tell you more or less in detail about all three options: with the staff, with the agency and with freelancers. Find out how much a typical targeting scientist earns.

So how much the services of different targeting specialists cost will depend on several factors: the level of the targeting specialist, agency or freelance.

- State

The salary of a full-time specialist depends on the region of residence. For example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, full-time targetologists earn on average 60-80 thousand rubles.

The difference with other cities is noticeable, here the salary of a full-time targetologist is on average 30-35 thousand rubles.

- Agency

You will be asked on average from 25,000 rubles, you are unlikely to find out the level of a targetologist, but several people will work with you at once, which means quick answers to all your questions.

Usually the agency good service... In addition, you can change your targeting specialist, if suddenly the work is “not fire”.

- Freelancers

In the case of freelancers, the salary of a specialist is estimated based on his knowledge and experience. This is detailed in the table below.

Specialist levelSalary in rublesDescription
Elementaryup to 5000People who have just completed the courses and now need practice. They are willing to work for almost free (for a tip) and will most likely try very hard. True, this does not guarantee a good result. They take on a project with almost any budget, even 1000-3000 rubles
Averageup to 12,000Target analysts who already have case studies. They have been on the market most often for six months - a year, they managed to work with various projects, some of them turned out to be successful, they wrote cases on them and now demonstrate them.
Advanced12 000 – 20 000 Such targetologists do not undertake every project, most often there is a queue of clients for them for a month or two or three in advance. There must be a budget for promotion of at least 10-15,000 per month
Stars20-25000 These are speakers of large conferences, people who have been in the profession for 5-10 years. It's not so easy to get into their work: there is a queue of clients, and the obligatory implementation of recommendations, and budgets must be serious

How to find a good specialist

Before telling tricky interview questions, and in general how to evaluate a specialist, a little more about where to look for targetologists.

Hh.ru (and other personnel search resources)The main disadvantage is paid placement. Targetologists with case studies and good experience rarely visit such resources.
Cerebro and Target HunterThese are the public pages of the parsers, they are also prof. community of targeting experts. You can find a specialist there by writing in a thematic discussion (“I am looking for a targetologist”), then look at the comments under the posts, choose the most thoughtful and interesting ones. And after that, look at the authors of the cases that are published there.
FamiliarThe easiest way is word of mouth. Just be prepared for the fact that a specialist in your project may not give as good results as in the project of the person who recommended him. The same thing, if you just enter on the Internet “targetologist instagram” - you get a cat in a poke.
Freelance.ru, Workzilla, etc.You can find a targeting specialist here very cheaply. Of course, it is far from a fact that such a targeting specialist will bring at least some applications to your business. Usually on such resources absolutely “green” newbies.
Profile conferences and eventsA great way, but it takes time and money (go to a conference + pay a ticket + talk to a bunch of people there and choose someone you like).

And when you have several candidates, you can further select.

Selection of a candidate

So, the fun part. I tell you how to choose a professional in your field and minimize risks.

  1. Cases. Expanded, detailed prove the expertise, cases of one and a half lines (the format was spent 3000, received 30 applications) most often cannot be scaled in any way;
  2. Completed projects. Ask if the targeting specialist has worked in yours before. Ask to see projects, ask contacts of people who can evaluate it;
  3. Primary analytics. What does the targeting specialist say about your project? Offers solutions? Suggests improvements? Or you can give some test task;
  4. Estimated results. Promises mountains of gold - run! Asks about the cost of the application, about the conversion, etc., says that the results can take time - this is a good special;
  5. Experience. Ask the targeting specialist to tell you about the latest projects, about the best of their projects. Listen to how detailed and convincing he speaks, evaluate thinking;
  6. Personal community. Showing it is a great way to demonstrate expertise. And how will a specialist who cannot promote his group attract clients?

Let's find out

With this sorted out. Now I will give examples of leading questions. They should be such that the responses can be used to assess the way of thinking and analytical skills of the targetologist.

Sample questions:

  • Highlight the key segments of the target audience for the project?
  • How will you collect these segments and which one is the best to start with?
  • What format of promo posts would you start an advertising campaign with and why?
  • Suggest several offers that, in your opinion, can work in an advertising campaign?
  • What are some brief recommendations on the project?
  • Tell us about your experience of promotion in related areas: what worked and what didn't?
  • What numbers do you think we should focus on in the promotion (forecast of the cost of the application)?


Briefly about the main thing

Who is a targeting specialist? This is a person who can customize the flow of applications to your business from social networks. The work of a “smm-specialist”, as he is popularly called, will be super-profitable only in conjunction with constant work on the group and high-quality processing of applications.

When hiring a targeting specialist, be prepared for the fact that applications will not be trampled on the second day of setting up advertising, and optimal results may appear only after a few months of work.

And the most important thing: in 2019 there are 109.6 million Internet users in Russia, most of them visit social networks every day.

Do you think your customers are there? An online advertising specialist will find them and show you exactly what will hook them. This is his job.

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Social media advertising has become so popular that good specialist on a target can earn no worse than an experienced top manager. For those who are faced with a choice future profession, it will be useful to find out about the targetologist vacancy, what is this specialty and where to get training.

Who is a targeting specialist and how to become one?

To become a good targeting specialist, you need to have the following qualities:

  • perseverance;
  • the ability for self-development;
  • creative thinking;
  • logic;
  • dynamism.

To understand the target and for employment, it is not at all necessary to have higher education but knowledge of marketing will be a big advantage in the job. This direction will help to understand the needs of customers and create an image of a potential buyer.

Alexander Knyazev, in an interview with marketer Vyacheslav Yurenko, spoke about the first steps in the profession of a targeting specialist:

Responsibilities of the targeting specialist

Many people think that a targeting scientist should be a good programmer, but this is a misconception. In fact, the duties of a specialist include other tasks:

  1. Evaluation of information and content of a site, group or page.
  2. Determination of the target audience.
  3. Correctly composed ad.
  4. Verification of work with applications.

Types of targeted advertising

On social platforms networks have unique types of targeted advertising settings. In Facebook Ads, you can tune in to users who are far from their relatives, and in myTarget there are clarifications on coffee preferences.

As for the standard types of target, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Geographic (by country, city);
  2. Socio-demographic (age, gender, etc.);
  3. Interests (fitness, travel);
  4. Retarget (interaction with users who were on the site);
  5. Customer base (people who used the service or product).

Marketer Alexey Yaroshenko tells in more detail about the types of audience targeting as part of the course from Netology:

What is the difference between a targeting specialist and an SMM specialist?

It is difficult to get confused in modern professions. Many are sure that an SMM specialist and a targeting specialist are one and the same specialty, but they have many differences:

Online targeting courses

Online courses allow you to study remotely and master the principles of targeted advertising without leaving your home. Various organizations and speakers offer free and paid courses. The latter are interesting in that after completing the program, all students receive certificates, and in some companies - a diploma of professional retraining, but there are very few such offers.

After paid training, distinguished students are helped to find their first clients or are offered employment in the same organization as a speaker.

When choosing online courses, you need to pay attention to the qualifications and experience of teachers, learn about help in finding the first clients.

Paid Targeted Advertising Basics Courses

Paid targeting courses are an opportunity to receive a large amount of information from experienced professionals with the issuance of a certificate or diploma of graduation. The duration of online courses is from 3 days to 3 months, depending on the organization.

As a result of training, graduates acquire skills and abilities:

  • development of a target strategy;
  • determination of the target audience;
  • advertising budget planning;
  • creation of banners for a successful target.

The cost differs sharply on different sites and depends on several factors: the duration of training, the prestige of the company, the experience of the teachers. On average - from 3,000 to 50,000 rubles.

It is difficult for beginners to decide on the choice of courses, so first you need to study the reviews, talk with alumni. To understand how the target is interesting and necessary in the modern world, you can go through free courses and then think about more advanced training programs.

Targeting lessons for experienced professionals

Professional targeting experts need to regularly improve their qualifications, since consumer market is constantly changing, and advertising professionals are developing new ways to capture audiences.

Targeting courses for pros will help you learn the profession much deeper:

  • building sales funnels and media planning;
  • getting the most out of good and bad creativity;
  • work with a "warm" audience;
  • maximum audience coverage.

Target lessons for specialists with work experience are designed for a short time - from 2 to 10 days. The cost of the program is from 3000 rubles and more.

In order not to be mistaken in the choice of courses, it is necessary to get to know the teachers of the educational institution as best as possible, their achievements and compare with their own knowledge. Pros already know the tricks and features of targeted advertising that are not yet available to beginners, so it won't take long to test your speaker skills.

In addition to courses, the targeting specialist can sign up for webinars and seminars that last for several hours, and the cost rarely exceeds 2,000 rubles. The teacher is a well-known targetologist who managed to build a fortune on advertising in social networks. Accordingly, the search for such a specialist should also be carried out in social networks or on the recommendations of colleagues.

Free courses on targeted advertising

For those who are still at the stage of choosing a future profession, there is a great opportunity to plunge into the world of targeting completely free of charge from scratch. On various sites and social networks, they regularly offer to take courses, webinars and master classes online.

When choosing a training program, one may come across the tricks of the speakers. Every specialist wants to make money from listeners, so students will be offered a more in-depth targeting program and other attractive leads. But often such speakers and schools overestimate the price of paid services, so before buying you need to weigh the pros and cons.

Face-to-face training in targeted advertising

Full-time courses allow you to master the profession of a targeting specialist with full immersion in the process. Educational organizations offer a minimum of theory and a maximum of practice, so that students learn the specialty in more depth.

In full-time study, you can get a certificate or diploma, as well as undergo an internship in advertising companies and target schools.

When choosing full-time courses, you need to choose an organization that will meet several expectations at once:

  • proximity to home;
  • experience of speakers;
  • course documents (certificate, diploma).

Targeted advertising courses in Moscow

Most of the organizations teaching targeting are located in Moscow. The duration of programs for beginners is from 2 weeks to 3 months, and for professionals - from 2 days to 1 month. The cost depends on the prestige and brand awareness of the company or speaker - from 2,000 to 60,000 rubles for novice targetologists and from 3,000 to 100,000 rubles for experienced specialists. Courses are held every day in different parts of Moscow, you just need to set a goal to find a suitable educational institution.

For those who are not ready to spend a lot of time and money on courses, there is an opportunity to attend one-day training programs: seminars, master classes and trainings. The cost is from 500 to 5000 rubles. In rare cases, speakers organize free webinars, you need to follow the information on the specialist's official Instagram page or on your personal website.

Targeted advertising courses in St. Petersburg

In St. Petersburg, courses on targeted advertising are as widespread as in Moscow. The cost of full-time targeting courses for beginners lasts from 3 weeks to 3 months.

Professional targeting experts who want to develop their skills take courses from 2-3 days to 1-2 months. The price for the entire training period for beginners is from 1,500 to 50,000 rubles, and for experienced advertisers - from 2,000 to 80,000 rubles.

In St. Petersburg, webinars and trainings are held, which take from 1 to 12 hours, but there are much fewer such offers than in Moscow. The cost of listening is from 200 to 3000 rubles.

Targeting training in other cities

There are not many cities in Russia where educational institutions offer targeting courses. Programs are carried out no more than 6 times a year and they last up to 1 to 3 months and are more suitable for beginners. As in Moscow, students are issued certificates, much less often - diplomas.

Not all organizations promise subsequent employment, but give detailed recommendations on where to look for potential clients. Master classes and trainings are conducted by visiting specialists who have accumulated enough experience to transfer it to other cities.

The cost of training targeting in Russian cities is different:

  • Vladivostok - from 20,000 rubles;
  • Novosibirsk - from 19,000 rubles;
  • Rostov-on-Don - from 15,000 rubles
  • Stavropol - from 8,000 rubles.

How to become a targeting specialist yourself

How to make money from targeted advertising?

A beginner can get hired: there are quite a few remote job offers on recruiting platforms. After gaining experience, you can start private projects: offer your services to bloggers or shops in social. networks.

You can find many freelance projects with different levels of payment for work, depending on the tasks and the established budget.

Knowledge of the target helps to develop a personal brand or your business, set up ads exclusively for your own promotion: for example, to attract subscribers or buyers on Instagram, Facebook, VKontakte.

How much does a targeting specialist make?

Most of the targeting experts are freelancers. Newbies earn from 2,000 to 10,000 per month. Professionals with experience and accumulated customer base receive from 30,000 to several million rubles a month.

Vladimir Cherkasov analyzed the cost of services for targeted advertising specialists:

According to the hh.ru platform, the salary of office workers in the target area is from 45,000 rubles in Moscow and from 15,000 rubles in the regions of Russia. It is difficult to make millions here, but just right for a start.

Where can I find orders and vacancies for targeting specialists?

For beginners, it is more profitable to start a career with official work, get skills. It is enough to visit a job search site and find a suitable position (remotely or in the office). At the same time, you can search for clients on the Internet, advertise your services to shops and SMM managers who gather teams for blogging.

Offers for targeting experts, including remote ones, are available on job sites