What do you do if you can't force yourself to do something? How to force yourself to do something If you need to force yourself to do something unpleasant.

How to stop being a vegetable? How to motivate yourself to take action? How to change your life?

Familiar questions? Of course, sooner or later everyone comes to the conclusion that the inexplicable and incomprehensible is happening in his world.

The sooner you stop putting up with it and try to figure it out, the better.

The first thing to realize and take as a starting point is that only you can do something, others in general don’t care what will happen to you, such a reality.

I’ll immediately interrupt the internal dispute that there are parents, relatives, friends, acquaintances, yes it is, but they won’t live for you, you build your future yourself, choose hobbies, where you go, with whom you communicate, therefore, in order to make it easier to live in our world, count only on yourself, do not make references to others.

Secondly, take a pen and notepad, not a computer or laptop, not thoughts in your head. Take and write what bothers you, worries, goals, tasks. Do not write elementary things that are solved immediately or are not a real problem, real problems, goals can be, for example, finding a good job, finding a girl or a guy for a relationship (seriousness is tested by time and compatibility, no one bothers to try), difficulties with parents or in general it seems to you that you need to lose weight / gain weight / pump up certain parts of the body / learn how to communicate with people, understand psychology and so on.

It is with this list that you will work, and in such a way that you take and do everything to achieve a positive result. No evasions.

We set goals, great, but I don’t want to do anything, how good it is to sleep for a long time, sit in bars, go to shops, work a little bit and want a lot of money. We need motivation in its specific form - self-motivation.

For me, this motivation is my goals, that I realize what I need from life. There are goals and desires, they were not all the time, but I came up with and I want to achieve. This is the moment when I already started, got involved and do what I do.

And for those who are starting, I offer an article from Habr, there are many similar ones, but it influenced me the most.

Although I was not accustomed to industriousness from childhood, but by nature I cannot imagine myself without a task, without work and without a project. When I wake up, the first thing I do, before I get out of bed, is scroll through my head with a list of tasks for today. Interesting projects captivate me so much that I completely forget about rest, and only working thoughts pulsate in my head. But with all this, a couple of years ago, my productivity suddenly just magically began to fall and fell to such a critical point that I became not just a lazy person, but a real Great Procrastinator. And I want to tell you this story.

Fall in productivity

The more I worked and the tighter my working rhythm became, the more I felt the pressure of increasing procrastination. Even though I still showed up to work on time and left late at night, my work was idle. As soon as I sat down at a work computer, the monster immediately took over, and instead of a task manager, I opened a browser that was tightly packed with bookmarks of “interesting sites”, although it all started with one harmless entertainment portal. Checking and reviewing all this took two to three hours. After that, in theory, I certainly had to start working, but how I wanted tea at that moment! How could you start working without tea? And after drinking a mug, of course, it was impossible not to smoke. But during the time I was away, the sites from the bookmarks had already been updated, and besides, a couple of new flash toys appeared on one of them, and my colleagues also raised an interesting topic for discussion! My nature was brazenly deceived, because I still had tasks and projects waiting for my participation. I was just a little unprepared. I courageously gathered my will into a fist, opened the document that needed to be written and sat in front of a blank sheet. I wrote a couple of lines, then erased, wrote again and erased again. I could not write what I needed, no way, at least break. Something was missing for me to fill it. I only needed to smoke one more cigarette, look at one more website, drink another mug of tea…

Further, the phenomenon began to acquire a spontaneous character, it demolished the last frontiers of my productivity. I was too lazy to answer calls. I just stared at the phone screen and didn't want to waste a single drop of energy. I didn’t even make tea for myself anymore, I waited when someone followed him, and usually asked me to make a mug for myself. The task manager was replenished with new tasks, but I performed only a few of them - those that could not be extremely postponed or delegated. I didn't have the energy to go out for a walk in the evening or to visit my friends. I finished work and sat at home in front of the computer until sleep turned me off. Autumn from a beautiful time has become "it's wet there, I don't want to go there", winter "it's cold there", and summer "it's hot there". I didn't want anywhere or anything. Days became monotonous, boring and sleepy. I reminded myself of a zombie.

Searching of decisions

Naturally, I was aware of my problem! I have tried the GTD techniques one by one. But, of course, most of them only help to improve the existing efficiency and optimize work. And I didn't have a job. It became clear that the workflow had nothing to do with it. No amount of motivation could help. Yes, life is short, but money is paid for the project, but there is no strength and that's it. I opened the editor over and over again and did not go further than an empty sheet. I was like a dead battery. Of course, my next step was a health check. Which, fortunately, did not reveal anything of the sort. Proper nutrition and vitamins did not help.

Who is guilty

But I managed to completely get out of this state and restore my previous productivity, and even increase it. Moreover, unlike most recommendations for such cases, I did not need any effort for this.

Our activity, our productivity, our work is life passed through us. We are not the source of what we invent, what we do and what we create. As soon as there is nothing to miss, you lose your activity. And not only working, but, as was the case with me, you will not have the strength to make yourself tea. And it's a vicious circle! You do not show activity - your battery is discharged.

And the easiest way to close this cycle in your life is to work hard.. Leaving life "for later", "at the weekend", "when I finish the project" and so on. Soon your battery will run out completely and you will lose the opportunity to reach the charger. You just get used to being inactive.

What to do

When I said that no effort would be required from you, I lied. You need to make a few kick-starts, which is to open up to life whenever the opportunity arises. If “the weather is bad outside for a walk”, then just leave the house, you will like it. If "it's a long way to friends\cinema\bowling club\theater\traffic jams" then just go, you'll like it. If you are invited to the forest\mountains\fishing, do not refuse because of mosquitoes, weather or something else. Don't put off until later what life has to offer you today. It's time to learn what you have long wanted to, whether it's playing the guitar or Spanish. For starters, just try not to deny life. If you want to make tea, go and make it 🙂 Yes, it will seem to you that you have no strength and you will find a thousand excuses not to be active. But believe me, as soon as you start to show it, it will become much easier. Just as inaction gives rise to inaction, closing the circle, so activity gives rise to activity. Soon, activity will become a habit.

Charge yourself with the energy of activity, the energy of impressions, the energy of sports, the energy of life! Relax, have fun, watch, communicate, travel. And you will be filled with life, you will have something to take strength and inspiration from to work.

Believe me, having enjoyed life to the fullest, you yourself will want to do and create something, it is impossible to keep it in yourself)
And the next time you have an empty editor sheet in front of you, you will be full of strength and ideas to realize what you need, without violence against yourself!

This is the personal experience of the author, which cannot be considered as a universal solution. Moreover, it cannot replace a visit to the doctor, because. the problem of extremely low activity can be a symptom of various diseases. But it's definitely worth a try.

In the life of any person at least once there comes a moment when the desire to move on completely disappears. What can be done to restore the ability to act and develop? How to force yourself to do something, and not wallow on the couch.

To successfully eliminate such a condition, it is first necessary to understand what caused it. Most often, the cause is routine, overwork, a decrease in self-esteem due to previous failures. The choice of further action should be based primarily on the findings.

Effective ways to deal with apathy

The best cure for blues and apathy is deservedly recognized as a change in the field of activity. In addition, this is a wonderful way to discover new opportunities and perspectives. Most often, the cause of unwillingness to act is hidden or overt anxiety. Switching to a new task, the brain will allow itself to take a break from experiences. After that, a pleasant discovery will be the presence of any new skills, knowledge and training, which in turn will inspire new achievements.

Also one of the most common and effective ways is to make a list of goals. Some plan for the day, week or year. This will help to structure your desires, formulate goals from them and build an approximate sequence of actions to achieve them. Of course, all people tend to get tired, and it is precisely a clearly defined sequence of actions that is most often lacking at such a moment. During the preparation of such a plan, due to a clear awareness of the benefits of achieving the ultimate goal, there is a significant motivation for action.

Well helps in such cases, the development of a system of incentives. Small rewards upon completion of each small

th fragment of the work, significantly reduce the time spent on it, and also contribute to the improvement of the emotional state, the emergence of a sense of satisfaction. It could be

anything: favorite treats, walking or listening to music.

Praise. Reception at first glance is close to the previous one. Only in this case, a person, after completing the planned amount of work, should praise himself. Aloud or in writing, but never to yourself.

Speaking or writing in this case will give psychological confidence and help increase self-esteem.

Of course, you can combine the above methods at your discretion, supplementing them with watching motivational films or reading relevant literature. The main condition for success here will be the absence of long periods of passive pastime.

I just don't want to! Disgusting, passive, worthless. And it seems like you want to quit everything and relax, but the feeling of inferiority, unfulfilled duty does not let go.

When this feeling fills every cell of the body, you understand that control over yourself is finally lost. Self-esteem wriggles in death convulsions and other harmful things immediately come out, such as “since everything has gone topsy-turvy, I’ll go get some sandwiches!”

How to break yourself in such moments? How to force yourself to do something? Let's find out in this article!

We will look at several ways. The first is life hacks that can be used like matches: if it ignites, it’s great, if it doesn’t ignite, we try another one. The second and third are more serious methods of self-control using willpower and motivation.

life hacks

To get started, you can try the following methods:

1. Come up with a start-up ritual

Such is the device of a person: some kind of chain of events can start certain processes in the body. For example, in the absence of light, the brain begins to produce melatonin, the sleep hormone. When threatened, there is agitation and the fight-or-flight response. This phenomenon is called triggers.

Triggers can be used to your advantage. For example, to program the body that after drinking a mug of sweet green tea, it should work hard. Just repeat the “tea → work” process more often, and the brain will build a neuro-associative connection. Unbeknownst to you, this connection will grow stronger, and subsequently, create a constant reaction that will help you get involved in business faster.

2. Provide reward for work done

Great work - great reward! If you can’t get out of apathy, you can exchange a greater evil for a lesser one. Fast food, TV shows, anything to start doing something.

What are you limiting yourself to? Resolve it after the work is done. After all, rules are there to be broken!

3. Break a big task into many small ones and do them one by one

It is known that in any sphere of life success is achieved by "regular people", that is, those who constantly, in small steps, go towards the goal. Unlike impulsive and changeable people, they get results much faster.

This is our case too. By regularly returning to work, pinching off bits and pieces of it, we will exhaust our business so much that the fear of it will disappear. Before us will be slices of a once huge elephant, which would be impossible to eat entirely.

4. Complete a difficult task in one sitting

When, after 2 hours of work, you are in a state of flow, when you have figured out all the intricacies, when your hand is full, and the speed is maximum, it is silly to put pressure on the brakes. Even if your eyes are strained from the computer, even if your body is physically exhausted - just before the finish line, it’s better to push a little.

It happens that there are 10-15 percent left, you leave to drink coffee or read messages for 5 minutes, but for some reason you relax so much that you don't want anything again. “Come on, there won’t be long!” you say to yourself. And then this "not long" develops into half an hour, an hour, and so on.

Agree, with a sense of accomplishment, rest is much more pleasant. The mind is calm, and therefore the body is relaxed. In a word - lafa!

5. Look into a brighter future

Sometimes, from dull and monotonous work, everything is so annoying that you lose motivation to do anything at all. We focus on the current state and forget why everything was started.

But that's why we are people that are able to analyze the future! Able to foresee the results and consequences of their actions. Represent freedom and that will happen after the problem has been solved.

This is what needs to be done after the onset of another depressive streak. Try to accumulate as much positive charge in your thoughts as possible. Just do not get carried away, otherwise the flight of fantasy can hurt painfully when it hits reality.

6. Create a pleasant environment

A strand on the table - order in the head. Fresh air means fresh thoughts. Calm environment - calm pace of work! This series is basically infinite.

We must try to make the workplace attract itself. Imagine an artist who closes himself in his closet and enthusiastically begins to create. No one distracts him, he always has everything at hand. And he sits there at least all day, giving birth to another masterpiece.

If you want to, you need to become such an artist in everyday life. And for this you need to create a "closet" with all the amenities and comfort. Let your fantasy play, let it do its thing!

7. Plan carefully

Forcing yourself to do something can be difficult due to the lack of a plan. Hands down when uncertainty hangs over a difficult task.

A well-designed schedule will help dispel the fog of ambiguity. This means not just sketching out a “do this, this, this” list, but prioritizing:

  • A - do first
  • B - proceed only after all done A
  • C - delegate if possible
  • D - remove altogether

By knowing your priorities, you will move in a direction that will take you to the finish line much faster.

8. Unlink from External Distractions

  • Forget about browser tabs
  • Forget about the phone
  • Forget talking
  • Forget about the music
  • Forget about unthinking thoughts
  • Forget what needs to be forgotten

Everything. An iron curtain has enveloped you.

It happens that as soon as you accelerate and start to gain altitude, a phone call abruptly lowers you to the ground. And again you have to start all over again, delve into, understand. It's better to be a savage for an hour and not know what the greatest historical events have happened during this time, but to do the job 2 times faster.

9. Load the morning - free the evening

If you have a free morning, do the unloved thing at this time. Then the rest of the day you will be filled with a sense of relief and freedom.

Otherwise, you can procrastinate the upcoming work for a whole day and get mentally tired by the evening, without even starting to work.

10. Do not chase the ideal

No businessman, no scientist, no sportsman started his career with perfect results. An example - a favorite of the authors - Thomas Edison. He made 10,000 attempts before inventing the light bulb.

The same is true in our life. While others are testing the waters the hard way, you may be striving for perfection on the first try. It is because of this that they achieve more, and you get tired of endless improvements and monotonous work.

Striving for perfection is certainly a great quality, but in some cases it can hurt productivity.

11. Get creative

There is a small child in each of us. True, most people taught him to keep quiet and agree with boring work. But he also has rights!

Let him, at least a little fool around and diversify life. Turn your task into a game, into an interesting pastime. Maybe this will help to sober up the attitude to the upcoming business and complete it with full dedication.

12. Destroy the enemy one by one

Pick one thing. Concentrate on only one thing. Don't let the tide of urgent work confuse you.

When there are a million things around, and each one requires attention, you need to stop and calmly choose the most difficult and ugly. Deal with it, and then repeat the algorithm from the beginning. As the “opposite” decreases, you will notice how the speed of work and motivation for further actions will increase.

Oh, we've been discussing banal things for too long! Any grandmother would put this point into one saying: “You chase two hares, you won’t catch one!”

13. Be calm about interference

If you are constantly prevented from concentrating, this is normal. Spontaneous events will not go anywhere, they will always interfere in our lives. It is important to relate to them.

If you "round" you can get 2 options for the development of events:

  1. Deal with urgent matters and move everything else to tomorrow.
  2. Carry out task after task in a planned manner

The first option is, of course, attractive. But tomorrow again, a bunch of urgent and urgent cases will pile up. And again transfer everything and change it.

If possible, the second path should be chosen. You know that there will never be ideal conditions!

14. Set deadlines

We all know how many jokes about endless repairs in the apartment. And all these jokes can be projected onto the protracted performance of their work. In order not to be a laughing stock in your own eyes and finish as quickly as possible, you need to set specific deadlines for the project. Not just "until Friday", but until 03/03/2033.

If you still come up with an incentive (see paragraph 3), for the sake of which it is worth hurrying, the work will go doubly fun.

15. Do not scold yourself beloved

If you really worked, but still failed to fulfill the plan, do not scold yourself. Everything is fine and life will not end because of this!


Many people compare willpower to a muscle, and for good reason: it has similar properties. By constant training, it can be strengthened, overtrained - to break it.

This muscle, of course, is trained in everyone. It allows them to get up at 6 in the morning, do sometimes unloved things, lead a healthy lifestyle, make 100 calls a day and much more. How to use this terrible tool?

  • The first is to realize connection between the physical and spiritual state. Agree, if you are tired at work, if you have a lot of unpaid debts, if your body is haggard and tired - there can be no question of any willpower.

    Only when you are alert, productive, and free can you use your willpower as productively and painlessly as possible. Therefore, you need to strive so that the blood does not freeze in the veins. Try as hard as you can, even though it doesn't always work out.

  • Second. If willpower is a muscle, then the inner core is the bone on which it is attached. When you are confident in yourself and your behavior, it is easier for you to do something unpleasant. A reputation as an armor-piercing person with high self-esteem will push you to further achievements.

    Strengthening the inner core with a constant desire to work will become just an everyday habit. And the thought “I can’t force myself to do anything” will no longer arise.

  • Third. There are some things that should be taken out of the scope of decisions. This means that if the matter is really important, then do not hesitate to do it or not, but do it without talking. With the help of inner strength, transfer yourself to the workplace and start plowing.

    As appetite comes with eating, so the desire to work comes with work. It is important to hold out for the first half hour, and then it becomes easier and easier.

  • Fourth. Indulgences such as “I was good today, so I can treat myself a little” do not work and lead to a worsening of the situation. A tense muscle suddenly relaxes sharply, and it can be difficult to return it to the opposite position.

    It is advisable to choose 1 specific day and completely devote it to rest.

  • Fifth. Forgive yourself! The punishments we come up with after a relapse are usually short-lived.

    Life consists of pleasant little things: eat a chocolate bar, lie on the couch once again, put off tedious work. Therefore, shoving remorse in a dark box is sometimes a good solution.


Willpower is certainly good and effective, but it contradicts the person himself. Well, your inner self doesn’t want to do something, it needs to have fun, relax, communicate with family and friends, as in childhood!

If there was a “power of motivation” when you pushed, pushed, and now you are already charged for action, it would be just fine. Unfortunately, this is not so. Motivation is a thing that comes, and even the most effective tricks sometimes do not work.

However, here are some things you can do to motivate yourself to take action:

  • Think about your acquaintances and understand that if you do something, you will bypass them, increase the chances of your success. And they will remain standing still.
  • Find a competitor among friends or colleagues to arouse the desire to defeat him
  • Listen to your favorite music, watch a motivating movie or video - there is a huge amount of this on the Internet.
  • Finally, take responsibility for your entire life. Understand that everything that happens to you is the result of your actions in the past and present
  • Stop blaming others for your failures and inaction, take the oar and start rowing yourself
  • Realize that daily behavior becomes a habit. If you get used to choosing work, not laziness, then next time it will be easier.

    As a huge country is formed by individual people, so life is created by certain actions. Therefore, with each choice to work, you strengthen your strength and motivation for further achievements.

  • At the beginning of the work, say to yourself: I will do this for as long as it takes. If day, then day. If year, then year. This will immediately set you up for long-term work without unnecessary disappointments.
  • And, finally, remember (although it is difficult) about the time allotted to us. Ask yourself: “What will I remember on my deathbed? How do I lay on the couch? How did I give up? How I was afraid to take risks and show emotions? No, it's not about me!"

Hello! In this article, we will talk about how to make yourself work.

Many people have a “need to start doing something” state from time to time, but we constantly delay the process. We can start working, then chat on social networks, scroll through the feed, watch a video or read light books. It is very difficult to force yourself to work in such conditions. In this article, I will try to understand why this condition occurs, how to deal with it, and whether you can force yourself to work when necessary.

Why there is a reluctance to work

Probably, you yourself have noticed that sometimes you can literally work in one breath, and sometimes you feel like a squeezed lemon. The first state is the norm to which it is necessary to come. The second state is connected with the internal problems and desires of the body.

In the second state, it is unrealistic to make a person work. He himself is happy to do something, but he cannot.

Our body consumes energy for every action. It doesn't matter what you're doing: watching a movie, scrolling through your social media feed, or working on a report. For all this you spend your inner strength. And in order for the body to work at its usual pace, it needs to take energy from somewhere.

The desire to mess around arises from the fact that work does not promise us instant rewards.

A striking example: you have a supply of energy. You can use it to watch funny videos on YouTube or to work. If you choose the first option, then:

  • You will use less energy.
  • The reward will come instantly (positive emotions).

Positive emotions from the video will come almost immediately. With work, the situation is different. You need to spend your energy twice: on overcoming the reluctance to work and on the work itself. Such an expenditure of internal energy forces you to take your time, spend time on something more interesting, or look for instant benefits.

We come to a simple conclusion: we do not work because our body does not want to spend extra energy. So, idleness is not so bad. It allows you to save the necessary resources.

Now, from the main reason for not wanting to work and procrastination, let's move on to psychological reasons that increase energy costs.

Psychological causes of procrastination

In addition to the objective reason in the form of energy savings, there are several other psychological reasons why people cannot get to work. I will give a general list of them:

  1. You don't like what you are doing.
  2. You are not resting properly.
  3. You are afraid that you will fail.

Each of these reasons, one way or another, affects energy consumption: it makes you spend much more effort.

In order to close the excessive expenditure of internal forces, you will have to solve your internal problems and contradictions.

You can do this in a variety of ways: delve into yourself and negotiate with yourself or solve problems with the help of a psychologist - there are a huge number of ways. But you need to understand an important detail: without working with internal problems, at one moment you can become a weak-willed and lazy person who cannot get together and force himself to do at least something.

Simple Techniques for Making Yourself Work Here and Now

There are times when you need to work. And in the process of building up, we lose money, put ourselves in an uncomfortable position, and in general we can completely and irrevocably miss the deadlines.

This condition usually occurs the night before a deadline. When all the deadlines have already been lost, there is one day left to solve all the problems that have accumulated in the last week.

First way: minimum steps. For example, you need to prepare a report: find information, sort, choose the most important and finally write. Do a little. Write a couple of lines, make a structure, a small draft, etc. Gradually, you will immerse yourself in the work, and you will no longer be torn off.

I often use this method. I write a few paragraphs, look for some specific information, and then I make coffee, after the next step, sandwiches, and then I watch an interesting video on YouTube. And with each time the interval between these actions becomes more and more. After a couple of hours, you can't stop working.

Second way: work on impulse. Before you start a complex and monotonous business, start it with a minimum. For example, cleaning - many people find it difficult to force themselves to clean. Start dusting: first the table, then the cabinet. Take a deep breath and keep going.

This method allows you to do monotonous things. Overcome the first resistance, start with difficulty, and then you will continue, thinking about something completely different.

Third way: do nothing for a while. Stand in the middle of the room. There should be nothing in the hands, no distractions. Spread your arms out to the sides and stand still. Once you get tired of doing nothing, you can get to work.

This method is a bit weird, but it works. Suitable if you don't feel like doing anything at all. For a while, you will feel a surge of desire to do at least something. Let it be work.

Fourth way: promise yourself a reward. Before you sit down to work, promise yourself that if all plans are successfully completed, you will allow yourself something special.

I have never used this method, but many people like it. Usually, for the successful completion of the working day and the fulfillment of the plan, some people promise themselves small rewards: buy sweets, go shopping, goof off, etc.

Fifth way: to make a plan. It sounds a little trite, but the steps written down on paper really help. You can write down all the mini steps you need to take to reach your goal. This way you will have a plan that is much easier to follow and an instant reward system in the form of crossed out points.

Sixth way: try to tune in to a certain job with the help of music. The music should match the work and your own musical tastes. Before I sit down to work, I turn on the rock, I get into a state where I need to do something actively and work calmly.

For leisurely work, folk-rock, lyrical or classical music is more suitable. This method helps to generate energy, tune in and makes the brain work better.

These methods will only allow you to get to work here and now. They do not solve the general problem of procrastination. It is necessary to get to the bottom of the psychological, underlying causes and solve them.

First advice. Allow yourself to do nothing.

This is the most basic point that many people forget about. In the constant race to be the most productive, every moment when a person does not do something, he thinks about how lazy he is and generally does everything wrong. This is fundamentally the wrong approach.

Sometimes you need to allow yourself to just sit back and satisfy momentary desires. Craving something sweet in the middle of a work day? Climbed, walked, bought, ate.

Second tip. Rest properly.

A lot of people even on vacation think about work. But each such thought, again, requires energy from you. And in order to replenish your own energy reserves, you need to rest.

Rest is not just a change of activity. You should not think that you have to do something at this time. Do what you really enjoy.

If you do not allow yourself to rest, then at one point you can face burnout. You don’t have to look far for examples: just work for a week at the pace your boss wants you to. Not just 8 hours, but all 24, even in a dream thinking about work. After a week, you will realize that you are physically sick of everything, and you do not want to do anything.

Third tip. Go in for sports.

Your body is responsible for storing energy. It accumulates and leaves in itself. A healthy and athletic person has much more internal reserves than someone who does not play sports.

I'm not talking about heavy physical exercise. It is enough to exercise, do not eat a lot of junk food and at least occasionally run.

Fourth tip. Praise yourself for a good job.

Praising yourself for a job well done is one way to get energy. You can look at the list of planned and completed tasks with a sense of pride. This will be a kind of incentive: "I did all the planned things, I'm done, I can afford to mess around."

Sincere praise for the work done will make even the lazy one work. And imagine what effect it would have if you were proud of yourself every day for what you did.

Fifth tip. Surround yourself with the right people.

The right people are the ones you get energy from. And those who receive energy from you. It doesn't matter who it is. Much more important is how you feel about that person. You yourself noticed: chat with one person, and you are bursting with positive emotions. There must be many such people.

It is better to isolate yourself from those people who make you waste energy and feel insecure. They should be as few as possible.

It's not that hard to follow these tips. In just one day, you can change your thoughts.


The reluctance to work periodically arises in everyone. This is absolutely normal. We are not soulless machines that only have to work. Stop perceiving every moment of your idleness as something bad and wrong. Get proper rest, allow yourself to mess around sometimes, and you will be able to work much more productively.