Birthday in children's style for adults. Anniversary adult kindergarten

January 19, 2016

Tired of being an adult, responsible and constantly thinking about your future? I want carefree have a fun day birth, as in the first years of life?

The idea of ​​adult parties in the style of "Kindergarten" has become quite popular. With each year of “aging”, childhood is increasingly remembered, where all the problems were solved for us by our parents. Maybe we should go back there, at least for a day?

At first glance, such theme party very picky in the organization, does not require significant costs and efforts. But the more effort is spent on decoration and preparation, the happier the faces of the guests will be. When composing a party script in a children's style, you need to work out the menu, games and contests in detail, decorate the place of celebration and find an operator to make the photos beautiful and bright.

Let's start the scenario of a fun and simple holiday in the style "Kindergarten - pants with straps"!

1. Whom to invite?

Anyone can be invited to this event. A multi-age company is acceptable. It is better not to take children with you, otherwise you will still remain parents, and the fabulous return to preschool years will not happen. When generating a guest list, there are two important factors that you should definitely take into account:

- how relaxed a person is and has a sense of humor. Bores and those who are afraid to look unpresentable in children's clothes - this is not the place;

- comfort and ease in communication of the invited. No need to collect a large company. Guests should know each other well and not be afraid to look funny or ridiculous in front of unfamiliar people.

2. Lead.

If you take on the organization of a party in children's style, take the most responsible role. The role of a kindergarten teacher, who was left with kids from different groups. You will have to direct the fun in the right direction, show what is possible, what is impossible, put the most naughty boys in a corner, and naughty girls can be spanked, but only by mutual agreement.

3. Invitations.

No need to spend money on glossy postcards. Did you congratulate your grandparents with purchased postcards as a child? You just took half of the album sheet, folded it in half, wrote a meager congratulation in crooked children's letters, crossing out the wrong letter and signing the right one on top. The text is short and light, for example: “Dear Vitya. I invite you to my birthday. Come on Saturday at 12.00 to my house. Ira. Or arrange an invitation in the form of a popsicle, as in the photo.

4. Season. Place for a holiday. Preparation and decor.

If you need to celebrate a birthday in winter, then arrange a party indoors. At the end of this article is a link to the option of holding such a celebration at home.

But if the celebration takes place in the warm season, we suggest holding it in the courtyard of a private house with a green lawn. In case of bad weather, organize a small tent or decorate a large room in the house, in which you can arrange a compact stage corner, a place for a festive table and a free corner for naughty hooligans.

Be sure to decorate the entire yard and room with balloons: the more, the better! The most colorful, ordinary and with muzzles, large and small, laid out in figures and randomly scattered. Children love color and air!

Borrow a couple of dozen children's pots from the nearest kindergarten, arrange them in pyramids of 5 pieces.

Paper garlands, flags, caps, ribbons, lanterns, colorful lights are perfect for a children's party for adults!

Lay colorful tablecloths on the tables. Napkins, plates, straws for cocktails, dishes, and everything else - different colors, colorful, shiny, rustling, ringing.
The absolute rule in decor is the brighter the better!

You can organize a corner of the buffet, where various delicacies will be displayed in rows.

We move to the yard. Today there is an excellent service: many large or simply expensive toys can be rented(per week or month). This is your source of inspiration and the guarantee of a fabulously cool result of the work done.

Rent a compact small playground. Explain to enthusiastic guests that it is better not to use it for its intended purpose, but a couple of super-cool photos SHOULD be taken! Organize the same basketball hoop and dartboard.

Make your own or borrow a sandbox. Be sure to pour a couple of buckets of sand into it, if you really want to, you can fully use it for its intended purpose. Put 1-2 standard children's sets on the sand: a bucket, a scoop, a rake, a piece of sand ...

Place a small inflatable pool filled with water nearby: you have an elite Kindergarten where parents pay extra for swimming lessons!

5. Dress code.

All guests are different in temperament and “approach to business”. Therefore, it is also not worth being extremely strict with costumes. Someone might want to be a one-year-old baby doll in a diaper and a pacifier in his mouth. Anyone wish to come, as if for a matinee, in the form of a pirate, a wolf, Carlson or Pippi-longstocking! Let them be anyone.
The easiest option is for boys to wear simple t-shirts (it would be cool with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) and shorts, and for girls bright dresses, stockings, sandals and bows in their hair.

6. Menu.

Semolina porridge, cottage cheese casserole and milk with foam! Put them in the most visible place! The rest of the dishes are normal, but it’s better to decorate like a child!

The drinks. Place on the two edges of the table a large enameled bucket with an inscription in red paint: “compote” and “dried fruit compote”. Put a ladle in each bucket - it's so kindergarten! Let the second be true. Fill the first bucket with alcohol punch, which can be made as follows.

« To prepare a cold fruit punch, take: lemon and orange juice 100 ml each, sugar - 3 tablespoons, cherries - 100 grams, 1 orange, 5 bananas, rum or cognac - 150 ml. Mix juices with cognac, adding sugar. Toss the pitted cherries with chopped fruit. Chill before serving and toss in ice cubes. Increase the portion size based on the number of people invited to the party».

As other alcoholic drinks, it is also better to use various cocktails with vodka and liquor, which will look like lemonade or a harmless vitamin mojito!

7. Music.

Be sure to prepare 2-3 dances for the kids in your group. How without the dance of little ducklings? For the rest, pick up funny hits that were popular in your childhood. For some, these could be the songs of Vadim Kazachenko, Yura Shatunov, the Tender May group, and the incendiary Faina from the Na-Na boy band? And there "Ivanushki", "Demo", "Hands Up", "Virus". Most importantly, groovy and funny hits! Leave Vysotsky and Tsoi to a lyrical party in the style of "Old about the main thing", or something like that.

8. Entertainment.

Music is an indispensable component of fun, it must play continuously. In addition, put a TV on a stool, turn on silently (in the recording), cartoons: “Well, wait a minute!”, “Tom and Jerry”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Prostokvashino” ... Let the 25th frame work: everyone will involuntarily remember nostalgia of children's expectation of the cartoon ...

As a kindergarten teacher, hand out sheets of poems to your wards in advance that you need to know by heart. After 3-4 glasses of fruit "compote", invite the "kids" to tell the prepared rhymes: "And now, Masha will tell a poem about ...". Everyone stands on a chair in the center of the room and tells. Choose funny and not quite children's rhymes. Ask to approach the solo performance with a complete transformation: you need to burr, lisp, swallow the words slightly, and most importantly, slowly draw out what was said, you can even stutter and really forget the words! And you, as an educator, tell me. Here is an example of such a poem:

The hare came out on the porch
Scratch your egg.
I put my hands in - there is no egg,
And so he flopped off the porch.
He looked under the porch
I found my egg there.
Not one, but five!
And so it flopped again.

Ask the invitees to repeat or learn the words to the songs "A smile will make everyone brighter" and Little Red Riding Hood's song about Africa. It will be great to sing them at the top of your voice, into two microphones at home karaoke!

And how without funny contests? Guests need to shake down the buns and compote!

Competition "Download faster". There are 3-4 bags on the lawn. Contestants climb into them, jump to the finish line of the race. The teacher marks the time, encourages the winner with candy.

Competition "Milk race". In baby bottles (with a nipple with a small hole), pour, say, Baileys (it is much more interesting to drink than milk, and harder to do because of the thicker consistency). Not the most snow-white fresh milk, but we will close gullible children's eyes to this! The winner becomes even more cheerful after such a miracle drink and receives a promotional "chupa-chups"!

Competition "Eat me faster!" Invite two participants to empty the plate of semolina as quickly as possible! Winner, well, you know about the candy...

Competition "The sea is worried." The birthday boy pronounces the cherished: “The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three, the marine figure freezes in place!”. Each depicts a specific animal or character. The teacher must definitely capture this spectacle in the photo! The winner is determined by the birthday boy.

Three-Point Contest. If you do have a basketball hoop, offer two players three attempts to shoot the basket from a distance of, say, 3 meters. The best basketball player gets the candy again.

Competition "Who am I?". Attach a sticker with a fairy-tale or cartoon character to each forehead. He must guess who he is by asking questions to those present: “Am I an inspired object? Man? Female? Animal?" etc. You can use Pinocchio, Pierrot, Carlson, Sailor Moon (if you remember such a cartoon anime), Cheburashka, Koshchei, Luntik, Kolobok ...

Competition "Modernized damaged phone". There are two teams involved. The teacher guesses the same word to the last one from each column (3-4 people), he draws this object with his finger on the back of the neighbor standing in front of him. In turn, the “receiver of the information” must reproduce the same on the next spin. The last one draws on paper what he managed to understand. The team that was able to display the hidden word wins. Such a word can be: watermelon, cup, apple. Believe me, even the simplest word can become a dead end test for guests!

Incentive gifts for participants: soft toys, baby bottle soap bubbles, large lollipops or chocolates. The main prize is two movie tickets for the premiere of the cartoon!

9. And the last!

Take pictures! With each other, with a teacher, in the children's pool, sandbox, during competitions, dances!

Fool around! Throw pillows and call names! It's so direct, artless, childish! This is the kind of kindergarten where they won’t put you in a terribly unloved “quiet hour”, they won’t force you to pee on a cold pot, they won’t check for a change of clothes!

Forget yourself as an adult: tomorrow this serious person will again take the papers and go to the same job, with the same responsibilities. And today, a juvenile lawless person who laughs out loud, pulls pretty Pippi by the braid, and sprinkles flour on the teacher's chair ...

How often do we adults dream of returning to childhood at least for a short time. But this dream is not difficult to realize. You just need to take and organize a party in the house in the form children's matinee. When preparing for it, do not forget to stock up on golfs, chewing gum and balls.

1. Invitations
For them, it is best to use postcards with funny bunnies or cubs. It would be nice to attach a lollipop to each invitation card.

2. Dress code
Clothes in many ways create the atmosphere of a children's holiday. Therefore, it is worth choosing it very responsibly. It is best to use an image called "Baby". Men in shorts and women in bows, with lollipops in their teeth, will look good. But if the guests are not ready for this, you can be inspired by fairy-tale or cartoon characters - Pinocchio, Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, gnomes, three little pigs, Carlson, etc.

3. Decoration
There is no need to spend much here. Decorate the room with a lot of colorful balloons You will immediately feel the feeling of a holiday. Not bad for a children's party spread toys and sweets everywhere.

4. Treat
There must be treats from childhood on the table. It can be cherry compote from a jar or lemonade, cookies and papilla lollipops and, of course, ice cream.

5. Entertainment program
Help create an atmosphere fun quizzes from the favorite cartoons "Prostokvashino", "Well, you wait!" or "The Adventure of Leopold the Cat". You can dance “Dance of the Little Ducklings”, sing “Walking Together Fun” and spend main competition for the best suit.

And you can also hold a variety of fun contests.

For example, it's always fun "Broken Phone Parody". Players are divided into teams and lined up in two columns, looking at each other in the back of the head. The last players in the columns are shown a simple picture. Players must use their finger on the back of the person standing forward to depict what is shown in the picture. He depicts what he understood on the back of the next player. In the end, the one standing in the team first must draw the final version on a piece of paper. The team with the drawing closest to the original wins.

Competition "Letter". Two men should give the girl compliments that begin with some one and the same letter. The one who has no words left will lose.

Competition "Funny monkeys". Here you need to repeat after the leader and follow his commands. The host says:
We are funny monkeys.
We play too loud.
We clap our hands
We stomp our feet
We puff up the cheeks.
We jump on toes.
And we will even show the tongue to each other.
Together we jump to the ceiling.
Let's put a finger to the temple.
Let's stick out our ears.
Tail on top.
Let's open our mouth wide
We'll make all the grimaces.
And I'll say it like the word "three"
All freeze with grimaces

The catch will be that at the moment when everyone freezes with the most incredible grimaces, someone suddenly jumps out with a camera and captures this hilarious scene.

Organize a children's party inexpensively and interestingly. We just need to forget for a while that we are adults. At least for a few hours. Then everything will work out.

Themed Birthday Parties: From Theme to Mood

No matter how many holidays we organize, especially for children, we still want to come up with something new, unlike anything else. We are looking for creativity in everything: in the menu, in music, in the selection of entertainment material ... But! Sometimes, instead of a holiday, a “vinaigrette” turns out to be continuous: dishes, activities change with kaleidoscopic speed, and as a result - only fatigue.

How to avoid such a situation?

For a successful holiday, it is important to consider:

  • general style, theme or direction of the evening;
  • entourage (decoration of the venue of the holiday, appropriate table setting, costume elements for the participants of the festival);
  • script or "dotted plan" of the party;
  • musical material.

I bring to your attention a few ideas regarding children's birthday themes and some finds in this vein (which we will talk about later)

Romance of the seas, or "We are pirates!"

Children's joys are not always sweets, desserts, cartoons, toys. The problem is also in the long stay of children in the same plane: a house, a kindergarten (school), a street or a yard. What do they see beyond that? Isn't that why a lot of joy gives them a weekend trip out of town, and only once a year - to the sea?

Invite the guys to go somewhere during the holiday ... to the sea-ocean! Your preparation plus the irresistible imagination and artistry of young guests will create an unforgettable atmosphere of adventure romance, if this is - pirate Party with elements of costumes and the corresponding situation.

We create an entourage - our holiday will be bright!

If the party is planned indoors, you can create a feeling of the sea or a pirate schooner by draping one of the walls with “sails” of different colors. Garlands of flags with skull bones and the same balloons placed under the ceiling will set the tone for the party. Everything that is in the house will fit maritime theme, and even simply related to geography and travel: a steering wheel, a globe, shells, chests and caskets, compasses, geographical maps. If the holiday is on the street or on the terrace, then there will be even more funds: on the trees - signs "Treasure Island", "Land of Captain Blood", "Mainland of Victories", throughout the territory - toy boats, weapons, and other attributes. A live parrot Gosha will add even more “chic” to such a party.

On the table with treats, you can lay out "pirate" napkins with marine motifs, and attach paper flags with a "Jolly Roger" to the skewers. To make it fun for the children, you can lay out cards with the “names” of the “pirates” - the guests: “Captain Flint”, “Invincible Sophie”, “Joe the Sharpshooter” and others.

Important! Appearance participants must match the chosen style of the holiday.

It would be good to warn the participants in advance about what is planned kids pirate party therefore, it is desirable to be in stylized "sailor-pirate" costumes (vest) and with accessories: bandages, belts, gloves.

We do not lose a minute, we light it like a pirate!

The order of the party is an important condition that allows you to turn a children's birthday into a real adventure.

At the very beginning of the holiday, you can conduct the “Treasure Island” quest: let the children follow the signs (or “traces of the robber’s feet” painted on the floor) to find an island. It can be either treats or nice small souvenirs. During the celebration of the birthday, you can sing not “Korovai” or “Happy Birthday to you”, but “Fifteen (twelve, eight - depending on the number of those present) people congratulate you! Yo-ho-ho! And they give gifts!

Contests and games are also easy to come up with based on this plot. No usual races in bags! Exceptional - "Read the encryption", "Find the treasure", "Hit the target" and other "pirate" entertainment.

Prizes - marks (can be not black, but multi-colored), artifacts (souvenirs, posters, feathers in a hat), shells, piastres - will please the participants and can serve as the "currency" of the holiday.

Musical accompaniment should reflect the general theme. If this - sea ​​party, then the music should be appropriate. Soundtracks from famous "pirated" films are more suitable.

Traveling the world... in absentia

Unlike the "pirate" ones, revels tied to some country or people always have a certain educational background. Kids don't just have fun. They are attached to the culture of a certain area.

Bright and cheerful Hawaiian party.

What makes her different from others? Guests, having come to the birthday, get to virtual Hawaii. Venue - in bright colors, balls, garlands, birds, greenery. Each arriving child is put on a previously prepared wreath of bright paper flowers (you can use napkins or corrugated paper) and are greeted with the Hawaiian "Aloha!"

Bright food, the menu is dominated by fruits and juices. Among the games are the inheritance of wild animals (“Crocodile”, “Whoever screams”, “The beast lives in Hawaii”), contests “Turtle Race”, “Butterflies and Flowers”, defile of costumes.

Great music for Hawaiian dances:

For boys, a holiday in the style of the Indians is suitable - with war paint, Iroquois, musical material and games in the spirit of "westerns". The room should be decorated in the style of the Wild West.

Like this one, it can be a colorful cowboy party. Wide-brimmed hats on the participants, meat and vegetables on the table, moving relay races and competitions, music and dance from JACK DANIEL'S and COUNTRY SISTERS - that's what will make the party truly cowboy!


"How do you look like?"

We also have party ideas that are not tied to a particular country (culture) in our arsenal. They are more about common elements in the clothes or accessories of the participants.

A funny and unusual pajama party in itself is already the opposite of that deliberately familiar holiday for us since childhood, when girls are in bows, boys are in white shirts. By no means! This festival is reckless in its essence. Pajama parties do not mean that those present must wear pajamas. It can be any elements: sleeping caps, a dress in the form of a nightgown, a pillow instead of a handbag.

Treats will not be on the table, but ... on the floor! Let the guys sit around the perimeter on the pillows. Meals are varied.

But entertainment can be associated with an overnight stay. How can we do without “Pillow fights” and composing a collective lullaby for the birthday man?

The complete opposite of pajama hat party. Guests, wearing hats, caps and baseball caps, already represent a very elegant audience. You can also easily beat the hats of the participants: combine them into teams according to the type of hat, use hats as an attribute in games and dances.

Such girls party and boys will be interesting, fun, memorable.

Thus, if a holiday is dedicated to one of the listed topics, it is already a priori doomed to success. But, when preparing for a party, do not focus only on these topics: the more unexpected the idea, the more fun and creative the holiday will turn out to be!

Many parents find that it is easier to get their kids excited about playing when there is a friend nearby. However, when a friend is not alone, but there are many of them, and suddenly it turns out that you have a whole company in front of you, it happens that even quite experienced, reasonable parents panic.

Whether you have to save the neighborhood kids from the rain, or you have invited kids on purpose - whether they are your child's regular playmates, or birthday guests, or random buddies - in this article you will find a wide variety of activities designed to entertain this team. Have fun yourself, watching how different children are, even of the same age, and listen to what they talk about among themselves.

Do not forget that children have a short attention span and cannot sit in one place for a long time. However, in order not to overload the children with hyperactivity, try to plan classes in such a way that games that require a lot of energy are alternated with calm ones. And if it turns out that some game is not working, leave it. Don't force a visiting child to do something just because you think it's a good idea. In each group of children, children are at different levels of development. Some of them may remain interested in the activities offered for a long time, while others quickly become restless. Give them the opportunity to retire and do something else.

If you invite guests for your child, then build their entertainment program in such a way that it is not overloaded, and the children are not overexcited. One of our familiar mothers determined the number of guests by the number of years of her child. However, sometimes it seems more appropriate to invite the whole class so that no one feels offended. If many children come, you can pre-arrange the time of their stay. One and a half to two hours is enough for a festive joint pastime of young children. When a group of children gathers, you need to try to make them have fun. For your child, this is a chance to become a star for a while, the center of attention. On his birthday, he feels himself the most important, gets the biggest piece of cake and sits on the most beautiful chair.

Of course, you should not forget about courtesy, but other children will get their own when their day comes. If you are overly worried and anxious, your child may also become nervous and feel un-celebrated. It doesn't matter at all whether the rules of the game are fully respected, whether the entire program has been completed, or whether something planned has not taken place. If there is no confusion and quarrels, and the children are really passionate about something, we can assume that the children's party went well.

look like a star

Encourage your child to go to a children's party dressed like their favorite star. Of course, you can just dress your child beautifully, or you can dress him up like a rock star, like a movie star, like a TV or sports star. If you're throwing a party, stick to the theme - with appropriate table decorations, posters, videos, music, and games. For example, you can arrange a parade of stars, so that dressed-up children march in a circle to cheerful music. You may want to take a snapshot of each "star" so the kids can fit their "star" photo into the homemade frame with gold trim. You can also pick up different clothes and other props for such a holiday in advance and put them in a box so that the children at the holiday choose their own "star" outfit - long capes, hats, feathers, any pieces of cloth and other things. While the kids are working on their costumes, you can help them paint their faces.

Holiday with pizza

The treat is the main pleasure of the holiday, so make it the centerpiece of the event. Invite your child's friends over for pizza, pie, or dessert with ice cream and cream.

Whatever the main dish, the cream is always a success. It's not bad at all if you make a dessert with several types of ice cream so that the children can choose. Let your guests feel like gourmets for the evening, and let your daughter choose the types of ice cream herself.

"Ha ha ha"

This is a very simple game, and, most importantly, no one loses in it. The task of the players is not to laugh. The children sit or stand in a circle, and one of the players says, as seriously as possible: "Ha!" The next one says: "Ha-ha!", the third: - "Ha-ha-ha!", and so on. Anyone who says the wrong amount of "Ha" or laughs is out of the game. The game continues, and those who have dropped out are trying to do everything to make the remaining players in the circle laugh (but without touching them). Whoever laughs last wins.

Song for birthday

When guests come to someone's birthday, they always sing a song for the birthday person. For example, "Song of the Crocodile Gena", which begins with the words: Let pedestrians run awkwardly ... ". Show how this song would sound if the birthday boy came to congratulate ...

Kindergarten choir,
- choir of the armored division,
- choir of labor veterans,
- Seminary Choir.

Whose ball is bigger?

Participants receive balloons and, on command, begin to inflate them with their mouths. Whoever bursts the ball is out of the game. The winner is the one who inflated the largest balloon.

"Fish", "Beast", "Bird"

The players sit on the sides of the room. Choose a driver. He walks past them, repeating three words: "Fish", "beast", "bird...". Stopping suddenly in front of someone, he says loudly one of these words, for example, "bird". The player must immediately name a bird. You can’t hesitate and name those fish, animals, birds that someone has already named. The one who gapes or answers incorrectly pays a forfeit, and then "redeems" him (reads poetry, sings a song, dances, shows tricks, etc.).

"Magic Box"

Take a small box and place a toy or other prize in it. Put this box in a larger box, and a larger box in the one that is even larger. The more boxes, the more interesting it is to play. Children sit in a circle and pass each other a box, while music plays. When the music has stopped, the one who has the magic box in his hands opens one of them, the first one. The player who is lucky and opens the last box with the prize takes the prize for himself.

Make a movie

Organize children's holiday with video. Depending on the number of children, divide them into groups of four to six people; Assign each group to write a script and assign roles for the next shoot.

We advise you to have on hand more of any rags suitable for changing clothes: old hats, long scarves or scraps of fabric, leftovers carnival costumes and a whole staff of "animals". Brooms, as well as shaving brushes, may come in handy.

Give the children fifteen to twenty minutes to prepare. Then have each group take turns putting on a show for the others while you film. You can watch a movie over dessert (and if you don't have a camera, forget about these video tips of ours and call the show theater).

musical chairs

It's such an old game that grandparents and even great-grandparents can remember playing it. Arrange a row of chairs, each time changing their direction. Chairs should be one less than children. Beat the drum or put on a record (record) with suitable music, and let the children run around the chairs. When the music stops, the children should have time to take a seat.

A child who does not have time to sit on a chair is out of the game. One chair also needs to be removed, and the chairs must be removed until one child remains. Vary the time during which you play music. When most of the children have dropped out of the game, you can, if you want, speed it up.

Who quickly

2 chairs are placed with their backs to each other at a distance of about 2 meters. A rope is stretched under the chairs, its ends are between the feet of the guys sitting on the chair. A bag of nuts (sweets, cookies) is tied in the middle of the rope. At the command of the leader, those sitting on the chair should jump up, run around the chairs, sit on their own and, grabbing the rope, pull the prize towards them, which goes to the one who can do it first.

tree man

Let the kids who filled your house turn into trees. Tell the children which parts of the tree correspond to the parts of the body. The legs can be roots, the body can be a trunk, the hands can be branches, the fingers can be leaves.

You can depict any natural phenomenon, and children must react to it. You can be the wind, the sun, or the rain. And from time to time you portray a forester with an ax in his hands, who is about to cut down a tree. When you shout "Log!", standing in front of some "tree", this "tree" should fall.

Telling tales

By telling a fairy tale, you can captivate not only one child, but the whole company. But you can do this in different ways: either just read an interesting fairy tale to the children, showing pictures, or read, agreeing with the children that they will accompany your reading with different sounds corresponding to the events of the fairy tale. Or you can play a fairy tale, and then the kids will “go” with you to the jungle or you will discover the Wild West. With small children, you can just sing songs from a fairy tale. With a group of children, you can play such a scene as, for example, "The Big Turtle and the Hare":

There once lived a hare - this is such an animal like a rabbit (put your index fingers above your head, depicting the ears of a hare), and a big, big turtle - like a small, but very big one (bend your arms and get down on all fours).

The hare ran very, very fast. (Bend your arms and quickly put your fists forward in turn.)

And the turtle ran very, very slowly. (Slowly, alternately move your bent arms, pushing your fists forward.)

Once the hare said to the tortoise: “Let's run a race!” (Put your hands like a mouthpiece, as if imitating a sports team.)

Reade set Go! (Put your index and thumb fingers in the "gun up" position, at the word "march" turn your hand with your index finger forward.)

Here comes the rabbit. (Quickly move your fists.)

Here comes the turtle. (Slowly move your fists.)

Suddenly the hare stopped. He looked around but did not see the big turtle. (Put your hand over your forehead with a visor, as if trying to see where the turtle is.)

And the hare decided to take a nap under a tree. (Close your eyes and pretend to be asleep, you can even snore.)

And suddenly ... he woke up. He said: “I forgot about the competition! I better hurry!" (Quickly move your fists.)

Meanwhile, the big tortoise, never stopping, kept moving forward. (Slowly move your fists.)

The big turtle won the competition and came first. (Close your hands over your head like champions do.)

The hare was terribly angry. (Make an angry face and put your hands on your hips.)

And the big turtle was very happy. (Proud, smiling face.)

You can tell the story again by asking the children questions, and they must answer and show with movements what is happening.

"Murder in the Dark"

This Agatha Christie-themed detective game can be a lot of fun for a group of five or more kids. primary school.

Write the words "detective", "victim" and "murderer" on pieces of paper and fold the pieces of paper. Add to them the same size. Then everyone should pull a piece of paper. The child who got to be a "detective" leaves the room, turning off the light.

Everyone else walks around the room back and forth, a "murder" occurs, and the "victim" quickly falls to the floor, while the "murderer" does not give any signs that he committed the crime. The "detective" returns, turns on the light and asks questions, while observing the facial expressions and behavior of those present; he must guess in five minutes who the killer is.

Continue the game until all children have been "detective" at least once.

Fashion show

Of course, we are against any gender stereotypes. Naturally, girls should be able to roller-skate, play basketball, and not just mess around with all sorts of pots and pots and needlework. However, experience shows that little girls especially love to dress up.

Put any old dresses in a big box. Add high-heeled shoes and multi-colored scarves to it. Do not forget capes and shirts, a hat, ties, jackets and purses. Let each child choose an outfit to their liking - elegant-classic or avant-garde.

It would be nice if there was an adult “assistant” who would help tie bows and put on high-heeled shoes for girls. Or maybe you want to have another "assistant" for makeup.

Now have a fashion parade and have each child run down the lane while you comment on their appearance and outfit. Here we return to the usual stereotypes. Girls will be especially pleased to hear that they are gorgeous in all outfits and that they move gracefully.

When Susie K. shows off her most dazzling outfit, designed by her, the commentator should start by paying tribute to her ability to play football or the piano. Pay attention to how gracefully Susie moves in any outfit. Or imagine Linda Lou strutting in your golden high heels and leopard print bathrobe.

Here you can improvise something like this: “Linda Lu is as dazzling today in a flowing leopard print robe, as in her blue jeans on sports ground, where she is admired by everyone, showing the best results in running. Today Linda traded in her Adidas for golden shoes, but tomorrow you can see her running to school as fast as she can. It's Linda Lu! An interesting and elegant girl, a real girl.”

bag jumping

Traditionally, this game requires a bag, but if you don't have bags on hand, old pillowcases can replace them.

If there are several children in your team, then organize a competition. For a certain time, each child must jump or walk (with legs in a bag) from one place to another. Then let him try the same thing, sticking one foot into the bag.

Complicated version

If children can easily cope with such jumps and they like outdoor games, let them try to be like “three” legs. To do this, you need two boys to stand side by side, facing the same direction, and you tie their legs that are next to each other. Then they must walk the distance on "three" legs.


If you have enough children to form a circle, then you can give them a large sheet and start the game. Children hold the sheet at waist level and lightly shake it, forming "waves".

One child should crawl under the sheet on all fours and tickle the ankle of some other child. While the baby fish “swims” under the sheet, he holds up one “fin” finger, by the movement of which the children determine where the fish is heading.

Whom the fish tickles, he himself turns into a fish, raises his “fin” and goes under the “water” to look for his victim in order to tickle her.

And the unnecessary becomes necessary

We first saw the mesmerizing junk at the Boston Children's Museum, where one rainy day our children played with all sorts of discarded junk for hours on end. If you can't go to Boston, don't worry.

Collect your own junk: cardboard spools from toilet paper, pieces of wood, something shiny, pieces of white foam rubber, which are usually used to pack fragile things, jar lids, lollipop and popsicle sticks, in a word, all sorts of little things that could be in your house. Put all this goodness in a box and one day, when your child and his friends will be bored and they will start pestering you with the question: “What should we do?” - take out this box and say: "Come on, children, make something unusual and interesting out of this for me." If you have older children, save for them different junk in larger sizes: broken chairs, leftovers building materials etc. If workers are making something near your house, ask them not to throw away things they don’t need - maybe this will be useful to your children.

hoop games

The hula hoop is a wonderful invention that confirms the theory that everything ingenious is very simple. It can be rotated around the waist, but can also be used for throwing. Lay the hoop on the ground and inside it draw circles with a number in each circle, as is done on a target. Then throw the ball at the target. You can jump in and out of the circle, or you can twist the hoop around your hand. Of the games in which the hoop does not need to be twisted, we like this one: tie the hoop to a tree branch so that it hangs from it. Then move away from the hoop and throw the ball at it. You can throw ping pong balls and plastic balls (these are the most reliable and safe balls), but tennis balls are also suitable. Quite good for this and inflatable balls.

Have a parade

Children love parades!

Give them some time to prepare. First, for the parade march you will need musical instruments. Of course, a child can take the trouble to make a drum himself, but some children may prefer to put peas in a metal can and make noise by shaking the can, or string saucepans or something like that. You need to have a few bells, pot lids and whistles, so that by the start of the parade all this is ready. (If you give these "musical instruments" to children too soon, then headache you will be provided.)

You need to think about what banners and flags the children will carry during their march, as well as paper hats that the children should make themselves. You can tie long pieces of bright fabrics or scarves to the ruler, they will flutter, decorating the parade. It is very good if you prepare some marching music in advance, but maybe the children themselves will want to suggest music for the march.

A wise man once said: “The biggest thing that surprises me in people is their constant desire in childhood to quickly become adults, and when they have already become adults, they want to return to childhood again!”

Let the child living in us tell you how to celebrate a birthday at home. The idea of ​​a party is also great because it can be held at any time of the year, including in winter, when we are so limited in choice. What to look for when organizing a children's party.

  1. invitations. The item is optional. Their preparation and presentation require time and imagination. But if your inner child is not a lazy person, you can make bright cheerful invitations. Children's postcards are suitable, on which write the date, time and place of the holiday. Be sure to specify the format of the event so that guests do not forget to prepare the appropriate outfits. And let everyone bring their children's preferably funny photo.
  2. Registration. When celebrating a birthday at home, decorate the room with colorful balloons, serpentine, rain and garlands. Children's drawings can be attached to the walls. You can put vases with cookies, chewing gum and sweets. Scattered toys, construction sets and blocks will add a festive atmosphere. For the background, you can use cartoons and songs from childhood. "Prostokvashino", "Tom and Jerry", "Just you wait!" will be on topic.
  3. Dressthe code. For men - simple T-shirts, shorts and long light socks, for girls - light dresses and bows. But let's be realistic: not all people are relaxed enough to flaunt shot shorts and a yellow clown shirt. Unfortunately, some people think that such an outfit does not correspond to their status as a successful adult. Explain to them that this is a party dedicated to returning to childhood. Then everything was simple and carefree. And how the suit sits on you, only mom worried. Particularly stubborn recall the case of the British billionaire Richard Branson. He lost the bet and worked as a flight attendant for one day, wearing a red women's dress and applying bright makeup. For real successful man can afford to look ridiculous and ridiculous, and he does not care about the opinions of others. If this argument does not work, then prepare funny caps, bibs and false bunny ears for those who do not comply with the dress code. And hand out pacifiers to everyone.
  4. sweet table. The main dish will be semolina porridge, preferably with lumps. And, of course, a cake with a few candles. And also condensed milk! And ice cream! The rest of the dishes and drinks can be quite "adult".
  5. Games and entertainment at a children's style party. No talk about politics, work and aching joints in the rain. Think of your favorite childhood games or choose from online options. Let me remind you of some fun games.

Water fight. If it takes place in the courtyard of a private house or in nature during the warm season, you can arrange a shootout with water pistols.

Compliment. Two male participants take turns complimenting a girl for a given letter. The winner is the one whose vocabulary is richer.

Banks. Suitable for outdoor party. The rules are simple. At a distance of about 10 meters, a pyramid is built of plastic or cans. The task of the players is to break this pyramid during the throw with a large stick. This game will also be interesting for the little participants of the event, because some of the guests can come with their children.

hit the target. A game popular at weddings, when a thread with a pencil clings to a man's belt. They need to get into the neck of the bottle standing on the floor. You can't help with your hands. Only the movement of the pelvis and bending the legs.

Fanta(the game will go well when the guests have time to “warm up” with alcohol). Come up with fun (but not humiliating) tasks and write them on pieces of paper. Let each guest pull out one or two of these fantas without showing the others. Agree that every 15 or 30 minutes, each guest in turn must complete the assigned task. Better when it is done without a reminder. In order not to forget, you can set a timer. Or you can write on each fanta exact time for its execution. Who is too lazy to fantasize, here fun and funny tasks for the game forfeits:

  • Dance the twist without music.
  • Draw yourself a mustache and walk with them for an hour.
  • Bite your elbow. And if it doesn’t work out, bite your neighbor’s elbow out of anger.
  • For half an hour, announce to guests that 5 minutes have passed every 5 minutes.
  • Blindfolded, feel the face of one of the guests and name who it is.
  • Quickly pronounce the tongue twister. Carl stole the corals from Clara, and Clara stole the clarinet from Carl. Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry. Grek rode across the river, sees Grek in the river cancer. He put the hand of the Greek into the river. Cancer for the hand of the Greek - tsap.
  • Draw a portrait of the neighbor on the left.
  • Take a picture in an erotic pose.
  • Parody Chaplin, Dzhigurda or another famous person.
  • Burst balloon sitting on it.
  • Remove chewing gum or candy from a saucer with flour without the help of hands.
  • Depict several emotions: fear, surprise, joy, cunning, anger, embarrassment.
  • Feed the birthday boy with a spoon.
  • Draw a specific animal. For example, a chimpanzee that catches fleas. It will be funnier if you “catch” fleas in your neighbor’s head and pretend that you are eating them.
  • Make a toast in a foreign language.
  • Distribute two cocktail tubes to the guests and ask them to portray a walrus by inserting them into their mouths. When everything is done, have time to take a picture.
  • With a perplexed face, ask a question to one of the guests: “Why does the glue not stick to the tube from the inside? It's glue!"
  • Ask the birthday person to choose any of those present, and then exchange two or three items of clothing with the specified person.
  • Say the letter "P" with your mouth open.
  • Put a pot on your head, pick up a ladle and a lid. Jump into the room with the guests and shout: “The galaxy is in danger! I will save you!
  • Write in the air booty the name of one of the guests. Let them guess.
  • Tape a basin or large bowl to your back and shout: "Ninja Turtles go!". Stay in character for at least half an hour.
  • Perform the dance of little ducklings.
  • Approach the tree and shake it vigorously. At the same time, ask: “Why don’t bananas fall?”
  • Draw the Large Hadron Collider.
  • Show a weightlifter who cannot lift weight.
  • Drink a glass of juice through a straw pierced with toothpicks.

For more gaming excitement, buy a small amount of gift trinkets to give them to your fastest, dexterous and resourceful friends. Such gifts can be a washcloth, shoe polish, a whistle, a key chain, and anything!!! It is good if these gifts are both funny and useful at the same time.