Enjoying life is hard work. How to learn to enjoy your life no matter what: the main rules

The ability to live happily and enjoy life is not given to everyone. But if we only focus on the negative, then the quality of life becomes worse. With such an attitude, it is more difficult to work, and to build relationships, and negativity is attracted by itself. Remember the anecdote about a man whose words were recorded by a guardian angel and gave him what this man was thinking about: the boss-cattle, children-assholes and poor students, a wife-bitch? Just about, thoughts are material. Let's try to rebuild.

Learning to rejoice in the little things that we have

We really have a lot. So, as a child, a school friend envied the author: “It's good for you, you have a dad…”. And also, you have learned a lot in your life and what you can do is admired by many. Not everyone knows how to cook so deliciously, not everyone has a pedagogical talent, not everyone knows how to train pets, and your cat gives a paw ... And not everyone has the opportunity to have a cat.

Switching your thoughts

And again we recall the same anecdote about a man and a guardian angel. As soon as negative thoughts overwhelm you, flip the switch and start thinking about something good that has already happened in your life. Or to come. It is important to learn how to turn off the internal dialogue here, but this is a completely different story.

Learn to be grateful

Firstly, to close people. One day they will disappear, and you will understand that you did not appreciate all the warmth that it gave you. Secondly, life.

Try the practice. Place a nice notebook on your nightstand or table near the sofa. Do not forget to open it every evening and write down everything for which you are grateful to this day. After rereading it once, you will understand that even your life has something to be thankful for. You need to keep records for at least three weeks. Pay attention to those thanks that appear in the notebook regularly. This is what really makes you happy.

You have something that cannot be taken away

Remember Amelie from the movie with her little joys? So you should have them. And really, how to live happily and enjoy life if there is no place for pleasure in it? This can be games with your beloved dog, clean linens, homemade pizza, dance lessons.

What makes you happy about yourself

It is very important to enjoy yourself in difficult moments of life. So, even after a divorce, you can be glad that you found the strength to end an unhealthy relationship. Or the fact that now you can devote more time to your career, a forgotten hobby, your beloved friends. And simply because you were able to survive it, which means that you are a really strong person.

Live here and now

Many people are either planning a future life: here, I will find a job, do a manicure-pedicure, etc. There is also the opposite habit. People get stuck in past experiences or ponder what they did wrong, what would have happened if they had acted differently ... Both paths are unproductive. Transfer your thoughts immediately to today. How to learn to enjoy life and see the positive if you live in a different reality? You simply cannot see the beautiful.

You can't put off your life for later.

If you have a dream that you can fulfill right now, do it. Nothing can be postponed until better times, even if better times will come now.

Make your loved ones happy

Give them reasons to rejoice. How does this relate to a positive outlook? Yes, just positive emotions are contagious. And if everything is good with your loved ones, then it will be good for you. Moreover, your loved ones will also try to do better for you.

Live your life

Depression often develops due to the fact that you live the way you were told, and not the way we want, or because you have taken on other people's responsibilities or burdens.

It is difficult to get pleasure in this case. But you are an adult, so it's time to learn to distinguish your desires from what you are forced to. This is the only way to inner harmony.

It is very good that you are helping people, but this should be your sincere desire. If you take on a burden beyond your shoulder, you may break. What kind of joy is there? You can help people only if you have filled your own life.

Let go of your past

The trap of the past draws in even the strongest and most positive people. Rubbing hard moments from life, we lose the ability to enjoy the pleasures that life offers today and right now.

So, over time, you will realize that you have lost a lot, stirring up the terrible past. And you realize how stupid it was. Let this awareness come to you right now.

Let's start acting here and now. Here are some simple methods.

Learning to give thanks for the lessons

If you are still unable to part with a difficult past, most likely, it has brought you an important lesson. The negative event had some kind of task. And this wisdom will definitely come in handy in the future.

Nothing just happens. Therefore, ask yourself the question, why did you do it. Once you understand, you can let go of this situation.

Be happy for other people

Paradoxically, it attracts good luck. In addition, if you live in disapproval, condemnation and envy, you can become so immersed in negative emotions that you will definitely miss the joys that fate brings you.

We develop

It really forms a positive outlook. In addition, this way you become the master of your life and understand that much is in your power.

You yourself can make positive changes in your life. So why not do it?


First, it is a source of endorphins. Secondly, the positive changes that happen to your body and physical capabilities cannot but rejoice.

Finally, building your body is a process that you always enjoy. Even if there is soreness and minor injuries.

Today fitness clubs offer a lot of sports disciplines to choose from, which means that there is one that suits you for health reasons and for the soul. If you don't find anything for yourself, you can just run on fresh air... Or practice on the horizontal bars. Being in the daylight also helps the body to produce hormones of joy, and this will return positive and your life. If you want, you can create a body work plan and a rough workout schedule. All success in their implementation will surely bring you a lot. positive emotions.


Why not? If in your youth you wanted to become a musician or an actor, then you can make your dream come true even as an adult. What you liked during your school years can please you as an adult.

Moreover, over time, it is a hobby that can become a source of good income for you. And who knows, even if you are a programmer by profession, you may be a much more talented florist or interior designer. However, even if the talent is not found, you will have a source of positive emotions and something that will support you in a difficult life, so you do not need to deprive yourself of the chance to live exactly the way you want. Take it and try it! And if you have not experienced great love for anything, you can try everything that has ever aroused interest. Somewhere there is a real work of life.

The real source of joy lives only within us. And to uncover it, you can conduct a very exciting search.

Toilet paper, pasta, canned food, soap are just a few of the items that are quickly disappearing from supermarket shelves in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak. Let's call a spade a spade: these are not out-of-necessity purchases, but panic purchases. And although this is a completely understandable reaction of people to an uncertain situation, it does not affect the lives of others in the best way.

The level of self-esteem in one way or another affects a person's actions. A person constantly underestimates his capabilities, as a result, "life prizes" go to others. If your self-esteem goes lower and lower, then there are 20 tips given in this article to help you. By starting to apply them in your life, you can increase your self-esteem and become a confident person.

Many will agree that, from time to time, they are overcome by unwanted thoughts that cannot be eliminated in any way. They are so strong that even doing an interesting job does not help at all. This is accompanied by negative emotions that add excruciating sensations. Sometimes it seems that it is not possible to defeat such thoughts, but if we consider the problem with different points vision, you can find the right solution.

We are killing our happiness with our own hands. The negative that we carry in ourselves towards others, destructive thoughts, envy, anger, resentment - this list is endless. Review your life, release unpleasant memories, get rid of people, activities and things that poison your mind. Tune in to goodness and positiveness. Do something nice, something you've dreamed of for a long time.

A person's life changes with age, desires and priorities change. This is a completely normal process, although each of us is different. If you want to make the most of your life after 30 years, the following 9 tips will help you.

Fighting complexes is often very difficult due to lack of motivation. And in order to achieve the maximum effect in the fight against complexes, it is necessary to develop for yourself the tactics of finding the necessary motivation and further actions. It is on this joint work that the principle of working on oneself is built.

Happiness - no matter what anyone says, the goal of every person's life. But is it really that difficult to achieve this goal? People strive to become happy, but they neglect simple joys, which together can give this feeling. Here are some ways to help you feel happier.

Do you want to become a healthy person? If you follow the advice given in this article, then it is safe to say that you will become healthier than you were before. At first glance, they seem simple, but start doing them, and you will be amazed at the real changes in your health and condition.

Touchiness is not an incorrigible, pathological character trait, it can and should be corrected. Resentment is a person's reaction to not meeting their expectations. It can be anything: a word, an act, or a sharp glance. Frequent grievances lead to bodily illnesses, psychological problems and an inability to build harmonious relationships with others. Do you want to stop being offended and learn to understand your offenses? Then let's look at how you can do it.

Look inside yourself

The ability to enjoy life is the ability to see this life from a certain angle. Seeing something cool and attractive in the familiar, mundane, everyday. There are people who do it easily and simply. How? Largely due to the special device of the psyche, which helps to brush aside anxieties and worries, not pay attention to the imperfection of the world, be open to other people, quickly adapt to changes and not lose hope.

There are also people who find it more difficult to enjoy life, because - again because of their mental structure - they get stuck in unpleasant experiences. Negative emotions, memories are hard to erase. They accumulate, layering on each other: the person has not yet moved away, when the car almost ran over him, and then they stepped on his foot.

Because of this, the world around is perceived as difficult, dangerous, unkind, requiring struggle and overcoming. Nothing good can be expected from him. What is the joy of life here?

If you belong to the second group of people, you just need to know this mental feature of yours - to know that it is more difficult for you than for other people, not to cheat yourself, not to boil in the cauldron of your experiences and to treat everything easily and with humor.

Understanding your characteristics allows you to greatly improve your life and focus on starting to enjoy it.

It is impossible to enjoy the beauty of nature from the window of a high-speed train, and the grandiose architecture - on the run, buried in the phone. It is impossible to enjoy life in the same way in the daily bustle, which, as it seems, will never end.

Train yourself to stop, "emerge" from the whirlwind in order to look around and enjoy the moment, from simple and seemingly insignificant things - cuddle a pet, bake your favorite cake, delve into an interesting book, admire a sleeping child. As long as you "fell out" of the world, nothing will happen to it, and some problems may even disappear by themselves.

Try to waste less energy on non-constructive experiences. The past cannot be returned, but valuable lessons can be learned from it. The future is unknown, and this inability to look into it gives rise to a lot of anxiety. Replaying situations that have already become history and worrying about the future take up a lot of energy that could be spent on the present. To improve the quality of the life that is now, and not that is waiting “around the bend”.

Therefore, by a strong-willed effort, return yourself to the "here and now", solve urgent tasks, urgent and important. Be sure to praise yourself and rest, recover from their implementation. In our clear, rational and planned world, it is very important to be able to relax and be spontaneous. At least sometimes. Indulge in pranks and mischief.

On your deathbed, all that remains of your value is the piggy bank of life. And in it - not money and goods, but memories and impressions.

Determine your real capabilities

Society makes a huge number of demands on everyone, both men and women - we must be competent, attractive, and successful. From the need to do too much flawlessly, on the "five", you easily fall into despair. Determine what you can “reach,” and don’t take on more than you can accomplish. Don't burden yourself with what you can live without.

It is vital to know the limits of your real possibilities, to set yourself an interesting, difficult, but feasible bar. If this bar is prohibitive, fate will always click on your nose. You cannot solve all the problems of the Universe and be an iron robot, playfully coping with all life's challenges.

But it is in your power to internally free yourself from a multitude of social expectations and define for yourself a list of attainable goals and activities. And then just rejoice at your successes and new knowledge - without devaluation and self-criticism. Then make up new list, execute it and rejoice again.

And one more important point... We follow the life of friends and strangers through social networks, and it seems to us that they have it much more interesting, richer, tastier ... But this is not so, this is a distorted picture of the world. V virtual space people post all the best they have, sometimes deliberately creating beautiful image a successful and joyful person. And you need to understand that there, behind the window, is the same life as yours, your worries and calluses, and not an eternal, carefree holiday.

Master the art of small steps

The ability to enjoy life, like any new skill, is above all the art of small steps.

Great joy also consists of small, weightless joys. Train yourself to see all the good things in life (and thank fate for it). Look for the bright side of what's going on, and look for positive intentions in other people's actions. A few drops of positive emotions every hour add up to a rather large sea of ​​pleasantly lived in a day.

Say good, warm words to yourself, learn to defend yourself internally and not reproach for mistakes. Move more - with active and regular physical activity, hormones are produced that improve the emotional state.

Make sure to devote time to what brings pleasure and from what the soul sings. Each of us has things that nourish, nourish and please - do them often.

And fewer unrealistic expectations. Expectations that are too high are a recipe for deep disappointment. As J.E. Renard, "when they complain about life, it almost always means that the impossible was demanded of her." It never happens that everything goes well and smoothly all the time. You can't just laugh and never cry. There will always be problems in life, daily routine, troubles, and sometimes moments of grief, hopelessness, a feeling of injustice.

But this is not our whole life. It also has the pleasure of a job well done, and the pleasure of interacting with nice people, and unexpected luck, and little surprises. And everyone decides for himself what, first of all, he notices and appreciates. What he fills his life with. And how free and happy he is in this diversity of life.

How to learn to enjoy life - many have been looking for the answer to this question for years. And all why? Because many simply cannot enjoy those who already have today. People are too enslaved by their own selfishness and envy. And looking around, they simply cannot live in peace, often falling into depression and despondency. Of course, this is only one of the reasons for the impossibility of daily joy. There are a huge number of them.

Let's first consider the reasons for dissatisfaction with your life. There are many of them. And everyone for himself can easily list those things that create a feeling of dissatisfaction.

How to Become an Optimist: Causes of Life Dissatisfaction

So, most often, any dissatisfaction is associated with the nature of human existence, with basic needs: lack of attention, love, low self-esteem, as a result of which pronounced ambitions simply do not have any development and degree of realization, dissatisfaction with the choice of a profession, lack of sympathy for one's own body, complexities , financial problems and so on. This is a small part of what prevents people from enjoying life.

Of course, there are things that can be sad, but this can only mean one thing - there is a goal, there is something to strive for. If everything falls out of hand, you need to get together and do your plan. It is difficult, but quite real.

Consider the average person as an example. He was born, he was brought up by his parents as the time dictated, graduated from school, entered higher education educational institution(where it turned out or where the parents advised - most often this is how), studied at the university, got a job, got married, had children. The scenario is similar for many. Routine life began after the wedding: everyday life, children, wife, work.

Ask such a person: what exactly prevents you from enjoying each new day? And he will answer something like "home - work - home". Monotony. “I can no longer see these 4 walls,” his wife laments, sitting in maternity leave with child. “My eyes would not see these reports, these are the bosses and this collective,” the person repeats to himself every day. You need to start small. You can see. You were not born disabled and your eyes see everything that is happening around. You can enjoy colors and paints, and not live in eternal darkness like unhappy people who have lost their eyesight. By the way, psychologists have long noted that people who have any kind of defect or health problem, the level of love of life is much higher than that of an ordinary average city dweller.

And if you go through each of these points, then you can find joy in any movement of your body and thoughts: "I'm tired of running around on business" - that means there are legs that can run, "I can no longer listen to children's crying at night" - it means , there is a child (how many couples dream of having a baby and are being treated for years), and it also means that there is hearing (remember deaf and dumb people who communicate with gestures), “I don’t want / I won’t be / tired” ... You know, all this really happens from the monotony of everyday life, from lack of sleep and rest, possibly from improper diet, the wrong environment. The human nervous system is an extremely delicate matter and it is simply necessary to protect your inner world from this kind of negativity. So we gradually came to the question of how it is possible to overcome the depression that has fallen on a person and interferes with the enjoyment of life.

How to overcome depression?

It should be remembered that depression is primarily a disease. Like the flu or SARS, depression has its own distinct symptoms and signs. And this not only applies to mental anguish - fatigue, sadness, anxiety, melancholy, irritability, aggression, guilt, and so on. Depression also manifests itself in physical ailments: sleep disturbance, increased fatigue, loss of appetite, digestive upset, weight loss (set).

Most often, all this pours out in the aggregate in a complete unwillingness to contact with outside world, in apathy, lack of interest in life. Therefore, if every day you are just a little dissatisfied with something, but at the same time you do not have all of the above symptoms, then this (fortunately) is not depression, but simply CMEA (emotional burnout syndrome) or banal fatigue.

Depression tends to go hand in hand with great tragedies in a person's life. Death of loved ones, leaving the family of a spouse, loss of property as a result of weather conditions, for example (tornado, flood), loss of absolutely everything (war), serious incurable disease. But even then people who are in any of the listed situations, sooner or later, but raise their heads and move on.

If you are annoyed every day by the bosses, the city of residence, wage, your own car, which does not start in the cold, - you are not a tree: you can leave the city, change a job, sell a car. Think of those who cannot do this and your problems will seem ridiculous to you.

How to enjoy life every day?

Let's talk about how you can still learn to enjoy life every day. There are several important principles. More about them.

The mood is high

Positive attitude, smile and a good message for the whole day. It is important to wake up and smile. Remember small children, after all, when they open their eyes, they immediately smile at their relatives. This is unconscious. They just woke up. Make it a rule to wake up with a smile.

Let it be your own face charger (to begin with). Interesting fact: when a person smiles, he sends an impulse to the brain, after which the active production of the hormone of joy begins, and that, in turn, increases efficiency, improves mood, tones up everything else. That is, even if you don't want to smile at all, just stretch your lips over your face. Let it be an arbitrary smile, grin, or whatever happens specifically for you.

In a healthy body ...

A healthy mind - says the proverb. And indeed it is. When you wake up, try at least a month to systematically do exercises, or at least a parody of exercises: stretch, sit down a couple of times, bend in different directions, stretch your arms and legs, preparing them for today. There are many advantages: this is a daily tone, and in a month you will already be able to feel pleasant changes in appearance, which is usually very pleasing, especially for the fair sex.


Of course, proper nutrition- perfect option. Again, this is both health and figure, and all this together is great mood and increased self-esteem. But here's a little secret: if you got up right on the wrong foot, do not deprive yourself of the pleasure in the delicacy. Your favorite chocolate bar, hot coffee with cream or a slice of pizza will brighten up your morning sadness a little.

Favourite buisness

Suppose mom chose a university, dad and his connections helped with work, but memories of your student past and the harsh reality of today not only depress, but directly smear your personality on the asphalt.

We live now in a time when it is no longer necessary to sit for 20 years at the same plant. Now you can change professions, learn something new, learn languages ​​and travel, change cities, places of work, apartments. The main thing is not to be afraid to take the first step.

You are not a lawyer for a minute, although you have five years behind the university and two years of practice in the nearest court, you feel that you could genius cut people and dye your hair - you have a direct road to hairdressing courses. Everything is available. One has only to want to change your life. And there is a plus in this matter - if suddenly it does not lead to anything - no one will be to blame. You tried. It didn't work out. Not scary. Look at everything a little easier.

No need to compare

It's important not to try to compare your life with that of your neighbor. We are all different and a scenario of the future has already been written down for each person. We can only correct it a little. But do not forget that a person is the blacksmith of his own happiness. If you are not satisfied with something, you can always start improving.

Water does not flow under the lying stone and, most likely, your neighbor applied tremendous forces so that he had what he had. 1 in 10 people on the planet are just lucky. That is, it gets to the right place at the right time. Fate favors him, and he lives without problems. The rest of the people build their own lives. And if you have arms, legs, a head, a thinking brain - you will achieve everything you want. Yes, not right away, but it will definitely happen. The main thing is to enlist the support of relatives and friends.

Observing such simple rules, you can really live enjoying every day. The main thing to remember is: you are a healthy person, you have relatives nearby, a roof over your head, a job that generates income at least for food. Sometimes think about those people who are deprived of this, and you will understand how rich you are.