Top 10 countries by the number of AIDS patients

According to the report announced at the Fifth International Conference on HIV, held in March 2016 in Moscow, the following ranking of 10 countries was compiled by the number of people infected with AIDS. The incidence of AIDS in these countries is so high that it has the status of an epidemic.

AIDS- Acquired immune deficiency syndrome associated with HIV infection. It is the last stage of the disease of an HIV-infected person, accompanied by the development of infection, tumor manifestations, general weakness, and ultimately leads to death.

10th place. Zambia

Until society realizes the real threat, until casual partners stop assessing the presence of STDs "by eye", until the government changes its attitude towards drug addicts, we will rapidly rise in this rating.

8th place. Kenya

1.6 million infected per 13 million inhabitants. These figures were driven by the widespread practice of prostitution, the lack of basic knowledge of contraception and general poverty.

3rd place. India

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