Job description of the operator of the control panel for equipment in the production of construction products. Operator of the remote control panel in the water supply and sewerage system Working instructions for the operator of the control panel

We bring to your attention a typical example of a job description for an operator of a remote control panel in a water supply and sewage system, a sample of 2019. A person with primary or secondary vocational education and work experience can be appointed to this position. Do not forget, each instruction of the operator of the remote control panel in the water supply and sewerage industry is issued on hand against a receipt.

The following figure provides typical information about the knowledge that a remote control operator should have in a water supply and sewerage system. About duties, rights and responsibilities.

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1. General Provisions

1. The operator of the remote control panel in the water supply and sewerage sector is classified as a worker.

2. The position of the operator of the remote control panel in the water supply and sewerage system is a person with an average professional education or initial vocational education and training and work experience ________.

3. The operator of the remote control panel in the water supply and sewerage system is hired and dismissed by the director of the organization on the proposal of the head of production (site, workshop)

4. The operator of the remote control panel in the water supply and sewerage system must know:

a) special (professional) knowledge of the position:

- the principle of operation of the serviced structures;

- rules and order of operational switching;

b) general knowledge of an employee of the organization:

- rules and norms of labor protection, safety engineering, industrial sanitation and fire protection,

- rules for using funds individual protection;

- the requirements for the quality of work (services) performed, for the rational organization of work in the workplace;

- types of marriage and ways to prevent and eliminate it;

- industrial signaling.

5. In his activities, the operator of the remote control panel in the water supply and sewerage system is guided by:

- the legislation of the Russian Federation,

The charter of the organization,

- orders and orders director of the organization,

- this job description,

- the rules of the internal labor regulations of the organization,

— __________________________________________________.

6. The operator of the remote control panel in the water supply and sewerage system reports directly to the worker with higher qualifications, the head of production (site, workshop) and the director of the organization.

7. During the absence of the operator of the remote control panel in the water supply and sewerage system (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by the director of the organization on the proposal of the head of production (site, workshop) in the prescribed manner, who acquires the corresponding rights, duties and is responsible for the performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Responsibilities of the operator of the remote control panel in the water supply and sewerage system

The duties of the operator of the remote control panel in the water supply and sewerage system are:

a) Special (professional) job responsibilities:

- Maintenance of water supply and sewerage facilities from a remote-automatic control panel under the guidance of an operator of higher qualifications.

- Regulation of the operation of the units in accordance with the given mode.

- Keeping records of readings of instrumentation.

b) General job responsibilities of an employee of the organization:

- Compliance with the Internal Labor Regulations and other local regulations of the organization,

internal regulations and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

- Execution within employment contract orders of employees, by whom it was repaired in accordance with this instruction.

- Carrying out work on acceptance and delivery of the shift, cleaning and washing, disinfection of serviced equipment and communications, cleaning of the workplace, devices, tools, as well as keeping them in proper condition.

3. Rights of the operator of the remote control panel in the water supply and sewerage system

The operator of the remote control panel in the water supply and sewerage system has the right to:

1. Submit proposals for the management's consideration:

- to improve the work related to the provisions of this instruction responsibilities,

- on bringing to material and disciplinary responsibility of employees who have violated production and labor discipline.

2. Request from structural divisions and employees of the organization the information necessary for him to fulfill his job duties.

3. To get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and obligations in the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties.

4. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the organization concerning its activities.

5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance, including the provision of organizational and technical conditions and the execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

6. Other rights established by the current labor legislation.

4. Responsibility of the operator of the remote control panel in the water supply and sewerage system

The operator of the remote control panel in the water supply and sewerage sector is responsible in the following cases:

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by labor legislation Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the organization - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Job description of the operator of the remote control panel in the water supply and sewerage system - sample of 2019. Responsibilities of the operator of the remote control panel in the water supply and sewerage system, the rights of the operator of the remote control panel in the water supply and sewerage system, the responsibility of the operator of the remote control panel in the water supply and sewerage system.

The issue was approved by the Decree of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR, All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of September 18, 1984 N 272 / 17-70
(as amended by the Resolutions of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of 09.09.1986 N 330 / 20-89, of 22.07.1988 N 417 / 21-31, Resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR of 29.01.1991 N 19, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 29.06.1995 N 35 , Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of 11.11.2008 N 643)

Remote control operator in the water supply and sewerage industry

§ 12. Operator of the remote control panel in the water supply and sewerage system of the 2nd category

Description of works... Maintenance of water supply and sewerage facilities from a remote-automatic control panel under the guidance of an operator of higher qualifications. Regulation of the operation of the units in accordance with the specified mode. Keeping records of readings of instrumentation.

Must know: the principle of operation of the serviced structures; rules and order of operational switching.

§ 13. Operator of the remote control panel in the water supply and sewerage system of the 3rd category

Description of works... Maintenance of water supply and sewerage facilities with a capacity of up to 300 thousand cubic meters. m per day from the remote-automatic control panel. Regulation of the operation of the units in accordance with the given technological regime. Keeping records of readings of instrumentation.

Must know: the principle of operation of the serviced structures; rules for the operation of electrical equipment; rules and order of operational switching; basic information on electrical engineering.

§ 14. Operator of the remote control panel in the water supply and sewerage system of the 4th category

Description of works... Maintenance of water supply and sewerage facilities with a capacity of over 300 to 500 thousand cubic meters. m per day from the remote-automatic control panel. Elimination of minor malfunctions of signaling devices: terminals, lamps, contacts, etc.

Must know: device of serviced technological equipment and structures; the principle of operation and the meaning of the readings of instrumentation; technological scheme of structures; sequence and rules of operational switching; operating modes of equipment and structures; rules for the operation of electrical equipment.

§ 15. Operator of the remote control panel in the water supply and sewerage system of the 5th category

Description of works... Maintenance of water supply and sewerage facilities with a capacity of over 500 thousand cubic meters. m per day from the remote-automatic control panel. Adjustment and elimination of malfunctions of individual devices and devices. Operational switching production in high voltage switchgear.

Must know: device of a remote-automatic control system; rules and procedure for operational regulation of the work of structures; ways to check the correct operation of instrumentation.

( Profession code for OKPDTR - 159486)

Works at power, chemical, metallurgical, machine-building and other enterprises with a high level of production automation. According to the indications of digital displays and signal lamps, it observes and controls the processes of parts processing, product development, movement vehicle... With the help of levers and toggle switches according to the set parameters, it regulates them.

The most complex functions in the work of a control panel operator, typical for energy, chemical, metallurgical enterprises, are decoding information (translating a signal into an image of a real object or process) and making a decision (including in non-standard conditions), taking into account possible technical, economic and social consequences.

At mechanical engineering enterprises, the construction industry, in addition to the specified functions, the operator carries out visual control of the exit of the tool to the starting point of processing the surfaces of parts (operator of machine tools with program management). Manages the supply of metal by the crane, adjusts the conveyor to the operating mode, refills the painting and drying chamber with materials (operator of the painting and drying line and unit). Performs readjustment of individual units and mechanisms.

The work of the operator of various control panels differs in the amount of mental and manual labor, the degree of complexity and responsibility for the results. It is charged for 2-6 digits.

Operator is necessary good preparation in physics, mathematics, computer science, knowledge of machine theory, electrical engineering and electronics, mechanization and automation of production; skills in assembling and disassembling mechanisms and devices, their technical diagnostics and adjustment.

The operator works individually, indoors, as a rule, in one shift, and in enterprises with a continuous production cycle - in 3 shifts.

Due to the high intensity of work, possible great physical and psycho-emotional overload, this profession is recommended for men.

are necessary the following qualities: a combination of high concentration and distribution of attention, visual and effective thinking, the ability to foresee events, balanced assessments, high emotional and volitional stability, decisiveness, observation, attentiveness.

Work Not recommended people with diseases of the cardiovascular system (high blood pressure, angina pectoris, heart defects), dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system that impede movement; mental illness, visual defects.

Related professions: inspector of parts and products, adjuster industrial equipment, industrial training foreman, production (or control) foreman, repairman.


Profession code for OKPDTR - 161999

One of the most modern and necessary specialties in our time is the profession of a computer operator. On keyboards, the operator processes engineering, economic, sociological and other information with its subsequent presentation to the customer. Checks the condition and readiness of the machine for work, the clarity of the printing of signs, the presence of ciphers on the materials to be processed. Sorts materials, performs arithmetic calculations, compiles statements, tables, summaries with the help of a machine. He enters information into the machine manually, checks the correctness of its display on technical media. The operator's work is strictly regulated by instructions.

Computer operator are necessary high visual acuity, stability of clear vision, sufficient mobility of the hands and fingers, accuracy and coordination of movements; high concentration of attention, good memory. Work of average monotony, more successfully performed by women.

Operator must know fundamentals of electrical engineering and electronics, specifications used computers, the rules for their operation and control, ciphers and codes, the basics of switching and computer settings. A computer operator must have the skills of working on a computer ("fluently" to work on the keyboard, be well oriented in the working area), be able to perform calculations and control information carriers.

It is contraindicated to work as a computer operator for people with eye diseases with a significant decrease in visual acuity, suffering from severe polyarthritis with damage to the hands. It is allowed to master the profession and perform work in the presence of low and medium myopia.


A teller is a bank employee who carries out banking operations for settlement and cash services and lending to the population, enterprises, organizations and institutions with various forms of ownership.

He accepts deposits, other types of savings, payment documents, monitors the correctness of their execution. Prepares statements for the client on the current account, draws up business documents, calculates the amount of payments at the interest rate, draws up letters of credit, transfers, settlement checks, sale and purchase of securities (certificates, lottery, bonds, shares). sells and buys currencies. Maintains personal accounts of citizens and current accounts of enterprises, primary accounting for transactions performed during the day. Keeps an operational log. At the end of each business day, he checks cash, securities, etc., displays their balances, verifies with the relevant documents. Provides information and reference services to bank clients.

Works indoors, in one shift, central and commercial banks) or every other day (savings banks).

Must have good working memory, a predisposition to painstaking work with numbers and documents, the ability to focus attention, high emotional and volitional stability, calm, friendly character.

Teller must know technical characteristics and rules for the operation of cash registers, instructions, resolutions, orders for servicing bank customers, be able to use computing technology, have the skills to carry out banking operations. Knowledge is desirable foreign language.

Work Not recommended people with visual and hearing impairments, speech impairments, serious mental illnesses, as well as some chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, which reduce their ability to work in conditions of highly regulated work.

Related professions (specialties): accountant, tax inspector, insurance agent, financier.


( Profession code for OKPDTR - 163994)

The waiter is an employee of the restaurant's sales area. For a long time this profession was unfashionable, but in Lately its prestige has increased. Self-service has now been introduced in many cafes and canteens, but a restaurant is unthinkable without a waiter.

All the work of the waiter sequentially includes the following stages: sets tables in the hall, covers them with a tablecloth, receives dishes and cutlery; serves the table according to the time of day and appointment; meets visitors in the hall, greets them and offers a menu; gives time to choose dishes and advises what is best to order; accepts the order; receives ready-made dishes from the kitchen, keeping track of them appearance, design and temperature; accurately and quickly makes settlements with visitors.

This specialty is not suitable for everyone. Waiter should be able to easily and freely come into contact with people, under all circumstances be polite, correct, pleasant to talk to, witty and resourceful. This profession requires a well-developed aesthetic taste, as the waiter is a kind of decorator. Besides, the waiter needs a good memory. It is not enough for him to perfectly know the names and prices of the dishes ordered by the visitor, but also the time of their ordering and the schedule for serving these dishes.

The waiter must count quickly and accurately so as not to make mistakes in the calculation and not to delay visitors. Speed ​​is one of the main psychological qualities of a waiter. This work does not tolerate delay, so a person must be lively, energetic and artistic in all conditions (with great physical exertion, lack of time during peak hours). The profession of a waiter requires a person to have certain moral qualities: honesty and conscientiousness.

Must know: rules of service, table setting, culinary characteristics of dishes, drinks; assortment, norms of output of released products and prices for it; work rules for cash registers... When working in restaurants and cafes used by foreign citizens, knowledge of several languages ​​is required within the professional spoken minimum.

The profession has the 3-5th grade.

The waiter must be physically enduring and strong, since he walks on average up to 30 km per day with a tray weighing up to 10 kg, so when choosing this profession contraindicated: diseases of the joints and spine (pronounced polyarthritis, osteochondrosis), vascular and heart diseases (endarteritis, varicose veins of the lower extremities, heart defects). Due to the fact that the waiter is an employee of the service sector, twice a year he undergoes a special medical commission to exclude some infectious diseases that are dangerous to others (intestinal infections, tuberculosis, pustular diseases).

Related professions: bartender, food seller.


( Profession code for OKPDTR - 254163)

A security guard is a specialist who carries out a service for the protection of various objects (state and private forms of ownership) located at a protected object of material values, as well as individuals... The functions of the guard include: direct protection of the object and the surrounding area; detention of persons who are trying to illegally take out (take out) material values ​​from a guarded object, suspected of committing offenses and accompanying them to office premises or a police station. Reception under protection from financially responsible persons of objects, warehouses and other premises with material values ​​included in the post area. Monitoring the operation of security and fire alarm devices installed at facilities, identifying the reasons for their operation, reporting to the guardroom. Observation of the service of guard dogs displayed in the post area.

The main function of the guard is to prevent criminal acts, therefore, many of the guards are issued a permit to carry gas or firearms. The security guard can work for hire, performing the function of protecting a private person and his relatives. In this case, he is responsible for the safety of the life and health of his client, accompanying him on all business and even personal trips. At the same time, both the client himself and the guard can take the issues of monitoring the situation and making a decision on the need for protection. As a rule, people who work in the protection are people who have undergone special training in the army or the Ministry of Internal Affairs and who know how to handle weapons well. The security guard can work not only with any specific client constantly, but also on call.

Workplace: in different conditions. Labor mode: changeable. Occupational hazards: night shifts, work on weekends and holidays, high psycho-emotional stress associated with a risk to life.

Must know: instructions, orders and others regulations regulating the organization of the protection of objects; various types of weapons used for security, handling entrusted weapons, the procedure for caring for them; rules for the detention of offenders; the structure of the protected enterprise and the mode of operation of its subdivisions; officials and materially responsible persons from whom the objects are taken under protection; the purpose of the security and fire alarms used at the enterprise, the procedure for responding to its operation, the location of neighboring posts; location primary funds fire extinguishing and communications and the procedure for using them; safety rules; methods and techniques for client protection; receptions of first aid and emergency medical aid.

Mindfulness, responsibility, good memory, composure, emotional and volitional stability, good physical fitness, good health.

Guard profession Not recommended people with severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, severe visual and hearing defects, mental disorders, manifested in increased irritability, aggressiveness.

Related professions: watchman (watchman), trainer in various types of martial arts, courier.



( Profession code for OKPDTR - 164376)

A hairdresser works at consumer services enterprises. Performs haircuts and hair combing in accordance with fashion trends and facial features of adults and children. Styles and curls hair, makes a permanent (chemical or electric curling), performs facial massage and shampooing. Shaves according to the properties of the client's skin. Prepares dyeing and chemical solutions, dyes hair in various colors and shades, bleaches them. Applies compresses to the face. Performs work with wigs. With the help of simple and ingenuous tools - ordinary scissors and a comb - the master makes beautiful and modern haircuts, hairstyles. A true specialist is distinguished by the ability to combine fashion trends with an individual approach to a specific person. His professional duty obliges him to sometimes tell the client that the hairstyle he would like to do is not suitable for him. Working with people requires special personal qualities, abilities, and skills from a hairdresser. And the best hairdressers are those who not only fulfill an order or a client's request with great skill and talent, but also know how to maintain good contact with him.

The profession of a hairdresser is physically difficult (on his feet all day), and there is a considerable amount of monotony in his work. All this must be taken into account when choosing this profession.

Must know: structure, properties of skin and hair; rules, methods and techniques for performing work; the formulation of dye and chemical mixtures and their effect on the skin and hair; rules of sanitation and hygiene; ways and techniques of providing clients with first aid; modern fashion trends.

The main production factors that negatively affect the health of a hairdresser are prolonged stay on the legs, as well as sometimes occurring allergies to chemicals and dyes used for dyeing hair, therefore, when choosing this profession contraindicated: diseases of the joints and spine (pronounced polyarthritis, osteochondrosis), vascular diseases (severe endarteritis, varicose veins of the lower extremities, thrombophlebitis), skin diseases, bronchial asthma.

As a service worker, a hairdresser must undergo a special medical commission twice a year to exclude certain infectious diseases that are dangerous to others (intestinal infections, tuberculosis).


( Profession code for OKPDTR - 164450)

Produces flooring from art (mosaic), panel parquet, parquet riveting. In the process of activity, he sorts parquet boards, rivets by size, color, grade. On a woodworking machine, he finishes the boards and rivets to the required dimensions. Prepares the base (base layer). Lays the parquet according to the plan (drawing). Carries out ostrozh, scraping floors. Carries out work on the repair of floors with the replacement of individual rivets and panels. To perform all operations, he uses hand and power tools, mastics, glue.

Parquet flooring works indoors. The work is characterized by a forced working posture ("bent over" position) and physical activity. The harmful factors are dustiness and unfavorable gas composition of the air (a protective mask is used), noise (when using scrapers).

The profession has 3-5 ranks.

In order to successfully master the profession of a parquet flooring specialist, certain qualities are required: physical strength, good hand-eye coordination (at the level of hand movements), an accurate linear and volumetric eye, spatial imagination, good figurative memory and visual-figurative thinking.

Must know: main species, properties and defects of wood; parquet riveting varieties; methods of laying and repairing parquet floors, including artistic ones, scrapping them, scraping and polishing; rules for installing ventilation grilles and skirting boards; methods of making mastics; requirements for the quality of floors; methods of working on electrified tools and machines for parquet processing.

Should be able to: use mechanical tools (woodworking machines); sort and fine-tune the boards (riveting); use mastics and adhesives; lay the parquet according to the plan and repair it.

Parquet flooring profession Not recommended people with diseases: of the musculoskeletal system, limiting the mobility of the hands; respiratory organs with frequent exacerbations of the type chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma; cardiovascular system (high blood pressure, unfavorable heart disease); the nervous system, manifested by attacks of dizziness and loss of consciousness; skin diseases localized on the hands; poor eyesight.

Working as a parquet flooring worker possible for persons with disabilities by ear.

Related professions: cladding tiler of interior premises, roofer, construction carpenter, plasterer-painter.


( Profession code for OKPDTR - 164728)

The baker works in the bakery industry and Catering, ships of the marine fleet. Bread, bakery and confectionery products are baked on ovens of various systems and baking units. According to the established recipe, in compliance with the technology, it calculates the amount of raw materials and the rate of output. Kneads dough and dough on kneading machines. Monitors the aging of the dough, determines its readiness for baking. Places the dough on sheets, shovels or cassettes and sends them to the oven. Carries out control over the baking process, temperature and steam conditions of the baking chamber. Regulates the movement of the oven conveyor. Determines the end of the baking process, selects finished products from the oven and places them in containers.

To successfully master the profession of a baker, certain individual qualities: physical endurance, fine sense of smell and gustatory sensitivity, coordination of hand movements, volumetric eyes, figurative memory, observation, neatness.

The work is physically strenuous, intense, carried out at the pace set by the conveyor. Works indoors, standing, in an unfavorable microclimate (high temperature and humidity).

Must know: technological process for the production of bakery and confectionery products; standards and technical conditions for all varieties of bakery products and parameters of readiness of semi-finished products for baking; device, principles of operation and rules for the operation of ovens, dough-dividing and other machines, safety rules and industrial sanitation.

The profession includes a number of specialties: a baker of a mechanized line, a baker-master, etc. The profession has categories: in bakery production - 2-5th, in the public catering system - 3rd.

Baker's profession Not recommended people with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, musculoskeletal system with impaired motor functions, some forms of endocrine diseases, skin allergies and eczema of the hands, visual defects, chronic infectious diseases that are bacteria carriers.

Working as a baker is possible for people with hearing disabilities.

Related professions: biscuit, waffle maker, operator of the production line for the formation of bread products, operator of dough cutting machines, dough maker, dough molder.


( Profession code for OKPDTR - 255310)

Translates scientific, technical, socio-political, economic and other specialized literature, patent descriptions, regulatory and technical and distribution documents, correspondence with foreign organizations, as well as materials of conferences, meetings, seminars, etc. performs oral and written, full and abbreviated translations in a timely manner, while ensuring the exact correspondence of the translations to the lexical, stylistic and semantic content of the originals, compliance with the established requirements in relation to scientific and technical terms and definitions. Edits translations. Prepares annotations and abstracts of foreign literature and scientific and technical documentation. Participates in the compilation of thematic reviews based on foreign materials. Conducts work on the unification of terms, improvement of concepts and definitions on the subject of translations in the relevant branches of science, technology, national economy, accounting and systematization of completed translations, annotations, abstracts.

Workplace: in various conditions. Labor regime: irregular. Occupational hazards: forced pace of work with simultaneous translation, business trips.

Must know: foreign language; methodology of scientific and technical translation; current translation coordination system; specialization of activities; terminology on research and development topics in foreign and Russian languages; dictionaries, terminological standards; fundamentals of scientific and literary editing; grammar and stylistics of Russian and foreign languages; fundamentals of economics, labor organization and management; fundamentals of labor organization; legislation on labor and labor protection of the Russian Federation; internal labor regulations; rules and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

Professionally important qualities: linguistic abilities, a large amount of long-term memory, a high level of analytical thinking, accuracy, attentiveness, patience. The profession of a translator is not suitable for people with poor eyesight, chronic diseases of the eyes of an unfavorable course (for example, glaucoma). But at the same time, this profession can be recommended for people with disabilities with lesions of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems.

Related professions: guide-translator, stenographer, securities specialist.

OVENIK (166009)

The stove operator works in construction and repair organizations. Lays stoves, stoves, pipes, hearths for various purposes. Facing them, including tiles. Lays out the fireboxes of stoves with refractory bricks, installs or replaces stove appliances. Lining vaults and floors in water-tube and fire-tube boilers. Repairs stoves, hearths, pipes, replaces bricks and tiles.

Re-equips stoves for gas fuel. Prepares solutions from different types of clay. The work is performed according to a drawing or a sketch, taking into account the properties and characteristics of the material, operational and fire safety standards, aesthetic requests of the customer.

Various types and designs of stoves, materials, the degree of complexity of the masonry (repair) require qualifications of the appropriate level. A 2-3-grade stove-maker performs cleaning and scraping of the front surface of the stove, installs stove appliances, makes mortars, disassembles unlined (2nd grade) and lined ovens, lays the foundation under the ovens (3rd grade). A 4-5 grade stove-maker performs laying of stoves and stoves in metal cases, changes appliances in stoves and stoves faced with tiles; lays vertical and horizontal cuts, replaces unusable tiles, re-equips stoves for gas fuel.

Works indoors, sometimes at height, in awkward positions, individually or as part of a team. The work is predominantly male due to significant physical exertion.

The profession has the 2-5th grade.

Must know: types of materials used in the production of furnace work, requirements for their quality; rules for the construction of stoves, hearths for various purposes, fireboxes for of various kinds fuel; methods of laying the foundations of furnaces.

For successful mastering of the profession required: physical strength and endurance, mobility and coordination of hands and fingers, accurate linear and volumetric eyes, visual-figurative thinking. To achieve 4-5 digits - good color discrimination, creative imagination, aesthetic taste.

Work Not recommended people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, having visual defects in a pronounced stable form. The profession of a stove-maker is possible for people with hearing impairments.

Related professions: bricklayer, master of industrial training, lining, refractory, pipe laying, lining.


Profession code for OKPDTR - 166757

At catering establishments, prepares and decorates dishes and culinary products of mass demand (salads, cold snacks, first and second courses, hot and cold drinks), various dietary meals, cold dishes (aspic, game salads, stuffed vegetables, piglet, poultry) , customized dishes (sauces, custard and biscuit dough products, branded snacks), dishes of national and foreign cuisine.

Must know: mode and duration of primary and thermal processing of products; norms, ratios and sequence of laying of raw materials; rules for compiling the menu; recipes for national and foreign cuisine; sanitary and hygienic requirements for food preparation; rules for the preparation of medical food dishes.

The profession has the 3rd-6th grade.

The main production factors that negatively affect the health of a cook are a long stay in a forced working position and contact with food allergens, therefore, when choosing this profession contraindicated: diseases of the joints and spine (severe polyarthritis, osteochondrosis), vascular diseases (severe endarteritis, varicose veins of the lower extremities, thrombophlebitis), allergic diseases, bronchial asthma, skin diseases. Due to the fact that the cook produces food, twice a year he passes a special medical commission to exclude some infectious diseases that are dangerous to others (intestinal infections, tuberculosis, pustular diseases).

Related professions: bartender, pastry chef, fish and seafood cook.

PORTHOUSE (169098)

Works in the sewing industry and at consumer services enterprises. On individual orders in accordance with the processing technology, a drawing from a fashion magazine, makes samples, models, products outerwear(including fur), light dresses, underwear, outerwear. At the direction of the artist-fashion designer, cutter, he trims details or alters products (individual and mass production). Participates in the launch of new models into production.

To successfully master the profession of a tailor, certain personal qualities are required: perseverance, accuracy, speed and accuracy of execution. She visually controls the quality of the seam, stitch length, sewing frequency, parallelism of the seams, she must have a developed eye, correct color perception, since she has to distinguish not only the main colors, but also shades of the same color. The ability to work stably for a certain period of time under industrial noise conditions is of great importance. The best results are achieved by seamstresses who have perseverance, accuracy, focused attention, high degree consistency of hand movements.

Must know: assortment, design, components, details of products; methods and techniques for performing machine, manual, iron-press work, requirements for their quality; types, purpose, sewing properties of the materials used; methods for setting up and regulating the maintenance of machines, devices, tools.

The profession is of the 2nd to 6th grade.

Tailor profession does not fit people with poor eyesight, impaired color perception, chronic diseases of the eyes of an unfavorable course (for example, glaucoma), disorders of the musculoskeletal system, limiting the mobility of the hands. But at the same time, this profession can be recommended for people with disabilities with hearing impairment, diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems.


( Profession code for OKPDTR - 166719)

The carpenter works in construction organizations performing carpentry and formwork work. He cuts timber, selects ridges, grooves and quarters. Cuts walls from logs, planks floors, installs window and door frames, blocks and sill boards. Sheathes walls and floors for plastering and cladding. Assembles and installs hanging rafters and trusses, arches and beams. Manufactures and assembles spans of girder bridges. Prepares and assembles wooden poles for communication lines and power transmission lines. Installs formwork for columns, beams, floor slabs, walls and partitions, foundations and similar operations. Installs scaffolding, fences, gates and other wooden structures. With the help of spray guns and sprayers, he applies antiseptic and fire retardants to timber and parts.

Must know: wood species and defects; the main elements of the wooden parts of buildings and structures, the requirements for them; methods of marking and manufacturing wooden structures, joining parts with cuts; methods of applying antiseptic and fire retardants; design and methods for arranging all types of formwork; rules for using electrified tools.

When choosing this profession, you need to know that it is very important for a carpenter to have good eyesight, chronic lung diseases with a tendency to frequent exacerbations (for example, bronchial asthma) and diseases accompanied by attacks of dizziness and loss of consciousness are undesirable.

Related professions: carpenter-parquet, restorer of wooden architecture, modeler for wooden models, carpenter-furniture maker.

Similar information.

Remote control operator in the water supply and sewerage industry

§ 12. Operator of the remote control panel in the water supply and sewerage system of the 2nd category

Description of works... Maintenance of water supply and sewerage facilities from a remote-automatic control panel under the guidance of an operator of higher qualifications. Regulation of the operation of the units in accordance with the specified mode. Keeping records of readings of instrumentation.

Must know: the principle of operation of the serviced structures; rules and order of operational switching.

§ 13. Operator of the remote control panel in the water supply and sewerage system of the 3rd category

Description of works... Maintenance of water supply and sewerage facilities with a capacity of up to 300 thousand cubic meters. m per day from the remote-automatic control panel. Regulation of the operation of the units in accordance with the given technological regime. Keeping records of readings of instrumentation.

Must know: the principle of operation of the serviced structures; rules for the operation of electrical equipment; rules and order of operational switching; basic information on electrical engineering.

§ 14. Operator of the remote control panel in the water supply and sewerage system of the 4th category

Description of works... Maintenance of water supply and sewerage facilities with a capacity of over 300 to 500 thousand cubic meters. m per day from the remote-automatic control panel. Elimination of minor malfunctions of signaling devices: terminals, lamps, contacts, etc.

Must know: device of serviced technological equipment and structures; the principle of operation and the meaning of the readings of instrumentation; technological scheme of structures; sequence and rules of operational switching; operating modes of equipment and structures; rules for the operation of electrical equipment.

§ 15. Operator of the remote control panel in the water supply and sewerage system of the 5th category

Description of works... Maintenance of water supply and sewerage facilities with a capacity of over 500 thousand cubic meters. m per day from the remote-automatic control panel. Adjustment and elimination of malfunctions of individual devices and devices. Operational switching production in high voltage switchgear.

\Typical job description 5th grade remote control operator

Job description of the 5th grade remote control operator

Position: 5th grade remote control operator
Subdivision: _________________________

1. General Provisions:

  • The 5th grade remote control operator is directly subordinate to ........................
  • The operator of the remote control of the 5th category follows the instructions ........................................ ............

  • (the instructions of these workers are carried out only if they do not contradict the instructions of the immediate supervisor).


  • The 5th digit remote control operator replaces ......................................... ........................................
  • The operator of the remote control of the 5th digit is replaced by ......................................... ......................................
  • Reception and dismissal:
    The operator of the remote control panel is appointed and dismissed by the head of the department in agreement with the head of the department.

2. Qualification requirements:
    Must know:
  • technological process at site installations
  • device, principle of operation and rules of operation of automatic installation equipment, automatic control panel, fittings, communications, instrumentation in the serviced area
  • physical and chemical properties of raw materials, reagents, intermediates
  • technical conditions and requirements for raw materials and finished products
  • process parameters and process regulation rules
  • methodology for calculating raw materials and finished product yield
  • signaling rules
  • elements of electrical engineering.
3. Job responsibilities:
  • Maintaining technological process on installations with automatic control from a remote control in accordance with the working instructions.
  • Start and stop of the serviced equipment.
  • Loading of raw materials, materials, semi-products, transfer of semi-products from one apparatus to another, supply of reagents to the apparatus, unloading of the finished product.
  • Control and regulation of the technological process from the central control panel.
  • Calculation and accounting of the consumption of raw materials, materials, intermediate products, the output of finished products.
  • Checking the condition of the serviced mechanisms, preventive inspection and their lubrication; control over the readings of instrumentation.
  • Identification and elimination of malfunctions in the operation of the serviced equipment.
page 1 Job description Remote controller operator
page 2 Job description Remote controller operator

4. Rights

  • The operator of the remote control panel has the right to give instructions to subordinate employees, assignments on a range of issues included in his functional duties.
  • The operator of the remote control panel has the right to control the execution of production tasks, the timely execution of individual orders by employees subordinate to him.
  • The operator of the remote control has the right to request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the issues of his activities and the activities of his subordinate employees.
  • The operator of the remote control panel has the right to interact with other services of the enterprise on production and other issues that are part of his functional responsibilities.
  • The operator of the remote control panel has the right to get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise concerning the activities of the Division.
  • The operator of the remote control panel has the right to propose for the manager's consideration proposals for improving the work related to the duties provided for in this Job Description.
  • The operator of the remote control panel has the right to submit to the manager for consideration proposals on the encouragement of distinguished workers, the imposition of penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.
  • The operator of the remote control panel has the right to report to the manager about all identified violations and shortcomings in connection with the work performed.
5. Responsibility
  • The operator of the remote control panel is responsible for improper performance or non-performance of his official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The operator of the remote control is responsible for violation of the rules and regulations governing the activities of the enterprise.
  • In case of transfer to another job or dismissal from office, the Remote Control Operator is responsible for the proper and timely delivery of cases to the person entering the current position, and in the absence of such, to the person replacing him or directly to his manager.
  • The operator of the remote control panel is responsible for offenses committed in the course of carrying out his activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The operator of the remote control panel is responsible for causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The operator of the remote control panel is responsible for compliance with the applicable instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of commercial secrets and confidential information.
  • The remote control operator is responsible for compliance with internal regulations, safety and fire safety regulations.
This job description was developed in accordance with (name, number and date of the document)

Head of structural