What is internal communication. Creation of an effective system of internal communications

Human resources and information are, perhaps, the main components of an organization in any field of activity. Manufacturing, selling goods or providing services: Whatever you do, employees, managers and subordinates constantly share a variety of information.

But how to assess the effectiveness of internal communications in a company? What is her weak spots? How to “strengthen” them? Your employees can answer these questions. But how to effectively collect their opinions and draw the right conclusions - this is the next post from the HR series.

Communications management

Any information that is in the company, as well as the methods of its transmission, is an important component of management, namely, communication management. Communications are divided into external - the company's interaction with partners, suppliers, competitors, customers - and internal. Usually, external communications are handled by the company's PR department, if any, as well as the manager himself and the employees who are in charge of this interaction. All employees, without exception, take part in internal communications.

Internal communications in an organization can be vertical (transfer of information from managers to subordinates and vice versa) and horizontal (transfer of information in departments, among colleagues or between departments). These are formal internal communications, which are usually supported by official documents, for example, "Regulations on structural divisions." Informal communications can be singled out separately - in the "smoking room", at lunch or in the corridor, information spreads quite actively and quickly, which cannot but affect the entire communication system as a whole.

What media are commonly used for corporate communications? This is, of course, email, Skype, telephone, corporate Information Systems, corporate newspapers and boards, planning meetings and meetings, general meetings and one-to-one talks.

The state of affairs in the company, goals, objectives, problems of department heads and specific employees, information about new services, products, customers, regulations and prices, orders, report forms, data on successes and failures - all this information, important or not very urgent or the one that can wait goes from employee to employee. And, of course, especially when the company is large and there is a lot of information, errors and shortcomings can occur if the system of internal communications in the organization is imperfect. “They didn’t say”, “They didn’t report everything”, “They didn’t fully explain”, “I didn’t understand”, “I wasn’t present” - the price of all these errors is directly proportional to the value of the communication content.

A simple example. In a company that sells industrial equipment, the prices for related services for its installation have changed. The heads of departments recorded the information for themselves, but did not convey it to their subordinates. Customers were invoiced at the old price, and then they had to urgently amend service contracts and issue new invoices. All this, of course, does not in the best way affect the company's reputation, customer reviews and, as a result, profits.

After such a situation, it would seem that the most logical thing for the director is to "scold" the heads of departments and control the delivery of information to each subordinate. But it is wiser to think about conducting an audit of internal communications in the company, for which it is useful to ask yourself a few questions. How well is information disseminated vertically and horizontally in each department and in the company as a whole? What information is insufficient? Which distribution channels perform worse? How to fix it? The clearer the picture of the company's communications, the more effective recommendations information dissemination tools can be developed and implemented.

Thus, the purpose of the audit (research, diagnostics) of the company's internal communications system is to identify the weak and strong points in the transfer of information among employees. To conduct an audit, it is most convenient to use a matrix questionnaire, which can be compiled on the basis of a typical version. In the lines of the matrix, you can arrange the main characteristics of information (its essence), and in the columns - the main sources, or channels of dissemination of information. Below is an example of such a table.

When filling out the matrix, you can use simple notation ("Check the box, cross") or enter a special scale ("Rate from 1 to 5, where 1 - information is spread very poorly, and 5 - spread very well").

In addition to the matrix, you can use a number of additional questions, for example, "How satisfied are you with the situation with the flow of information in the company?", "What other information would you like to receive?" free answer.

Auditing principles

First, when conducting almost any research in a company, it is very important to convey to the participants the goals of the events. Briefly and succinctly inform everyone about what and why you are doing, answer questions from employees. Secondly, this audit can be carried out anonymously, but it may make sense to simply sign the forms by department so that the picture of communications is more detailed.

If you oblige employees to sign the forms, you can get unreliable results: as a rule, some marks of 5 points and the answers “I'm happy with everything,” which is basically uninformative, and such research will have a negative emotional response from employees. Third, it is better to spend everything in the same day at the same time in all departments - employees will not have time to discuss details with each other and the picture of the results will be more believable. By the way, such diagnostics can be carried out regularly; This is especially important when the company is undergoing changes - this method will allow you to track serious errors in the dissemination of information in time.

The audit results can be processed both qualitatively and quantitatively. There is room for your imagination - you can calculate the average scores for each information channel or conduct a cluster analysis of answers in free form. In the course of analyzing the results of the study, conclusions and recommendations will be formed for optimizing the system of internal communications in the company.

This can be expanding channels for disseminating information (introducing general meetings or corporate mailing lists), working to control the assimilation of information to employees (whether, for example, everyone uses updated product descriptions) and even organizing corporate events so that employees can more openly and informally discuss company news.

Internal communications are any communications within an organization. They can be oral or written, direct or virtual, personal or group. Effective internal communications in all directions - top down, bottom up and horizontally - is one of the main tasks of any organization. Good internal communication allows for the establishment of role interactions and the distribution of responsibilities among employees. (lj-community "Internal Communications" - materials on the topic)

Communication is often defined as the exchange of information. It is always a dialogue. Dialogue in which a large number of people can participate. In the structure of the organization, the requirement of two-way communication means the ability of management to listen to employees, and correctly interpret the messages transmitted to them. This allows you to identify the strengths and weaknesses production process, and accordingly adjust management decisions.

Internal communication practice

Corporate departments of internal communications, originating in the depths of personnel (in international terminology - HR, from the English. Human Resources), in the 80s-90s acquired independence. Where this has not yet happened, the functions of internal communication can be performed in the old fashioned way by personnel officers, either top management, or marketing and PR departments.

Internal communications should help the employee understand the corporate culture, goals and values. All employees must be aware of developments and decisions that affect the work of all departments. Good internal communications are especially important in times of crisis, when it is necessary that each employee not only obey orders from above and follow instructions, but can act independently, keeping in mind the general situation and the benefit of the entire company. Internal communication links all departments of the company together, across all levels, and creates a sense of community.

Internal communication cannot be established once and forgotten. The process must be constantly maintained and changed in accordance with the development of the company. Methods for establishing internal communications are being developed in more and more detail, depending on the different interest groups that exist in the company, and the specifics of building their interaction, intersecting areas of activity.

In internal communications, the essence, channels and even the form of information are important. The form has a very strong influence on the message, the same fact can be communicated in such a way that it will be perceived in a negative or positive way, leave people indifferent or, on the contrary, arouse interest. If a company invests huge amounts of money and applies the most advanced technologies in order to secure PR for itself - that is, public relations - then it must be just as attentive to internal relations. The most difficult thing is to find the right balance between communication "from top to bottom" and "from bottom to top" so that the democratic and responsive management to new ideas does not affect the efficiency and discipline of employees.

Signs of good internal communication

  • Informativeness - it should be not just a set of words, but something that will somehow affect the work.
  • Clarity - the message should be composed with the perception of those to whom it is intended.
  • Timeliness. Employees should receive necessary information before it leaves the company and is provided to customers, partners, competitors.
  • Independence and impartiality - any lie or understatement will be revealed sooner or later.
  • Laconicism.

Those who are engaged in the establishment of internal communications must have the following qualities:

  • Openness - which means being able to speak to any audience and listen to any suggestion.
  • Honesty.
  • Ability to dialogue.

In fact, the internal communications department becomes the moderator of interactions between management and employees. He is responsible for maintaining a certain number of communication channels in working order, for example, such as:

  • internal website (intranet);
  • regular meetings - including:
    • informal meetings where employees can speak directly with their superiors;
    • virtual meetings using online platforms such as Second Life
  • conferences;
  • corporate press and non-recurrent printed materials;
  • internal email newsletter;
  • message boards.

Communication management

To establish communication with employees, management uses different approaches:

  1. Targeted approach - communication is established with a well-defined target audience. The more accurately the message is composed, the more likely it is to be correctly perceived. The main mistake- it is to consider that information is transmitted only by words and that the recipient is simply passively accepting the message.
  2. Circular approach - communication is established through good human relationships, as well as working to ensure that every employee enjoys work. Such a system can only be established through lengthy and open discussions. It is assumed that the essence of communication is to achieve mutual understanding. Problems arise from the misconception that understanding leads to agreement, and that is the only purpose of communication. It is not necessary to share a person's point of view in order to respect it and take it into account in your work.
  3. Proactive Action Approach - Communication is established through practical actions that require understanding and intuition. The approach is based on the principle that communication is the coordination of meanings, understanding of general rules and pattern recognition.

As a result of studying this chapter, the student must:


  • - the goals and objectives of the organization's internal communications management;
  • - the meaning of the term public relations and why an organization needs public relations;
  • - know modern systems management of external communications;
  • - how the communication system works, aimed at establishing public relations;
  • - what types of texts are used in PR activities to convey information;
  • - why organizations need to build connected with government structures - GR (Government Relations);
  • - how the work of a GR-manager in the company can be organized;
  • - what justified the need for the activities of organizations but relations with investors;

be able to


ways of organizing work to manage internal and external communications of the organization.

Management of internal communications of the organization

Any process must be managed, all the more so ramified and important for the life of an organization as the movement of information in the course of its activities. It is extremely important to manage the technological (production) process, the processes of supply and shipment of products, the process of hiring personnel, training workers, etc. But all these processes cannot be managed without organizing the movement of information.

Improvement of work with information is very active today. In this case, the main directions are: the creation of databases, computer networks, the introduction of professional software products. This is definitely very important aspects, but only technical means cannot solve the problem of improving communications. The point is that the main problems lie in the "man-to-man" field, and improvement of the "man-machine" interaction cannot solve this problem. However, only a few organizations approach the issue in a comprehensive manner, improving all aspects important for communication - both technical and aspects of human relationships, and issues of attitude to work, etc. Communication management should be carried out systematically, ie. an integrated, well-thought-out management system must be created.

The main goals of the communication management system is the establishment:

  • information support management decisions;
  • information support for change management - company restructuring, mastering new technologies, merging businesses;
  • reducing resistance to change from employees of the organization;
  • identification of communication and management problems of the company;
  • the formation of a corporate community of the team and the creation of employee motivation;
  • formation and support of corporate culture (corporate values ​​and norms of behavior).

As well as other areas of functional management (personnel, financial, quality management, etc.), communication management follows from the goals and strategies of the organization, is implemented in tactical decisions, has its own goals, programs, and budget.

Communication management within the organization is necessary in order to to form and order the flows of information circulating in it... A huge role is played by the implementation of this function in the formation of the ideology of the company. Directed flows of information create a psychological atmosphere, a work attitude, help to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings.

The work of internal communications specialists differs from company to company, due to the specifics of their activities. Below is an approximate list of areas of activity for an internal communications specialist:

  • - creation and maintenance of portals, blogging;
  • - organization of various events, including professional competitions, sports, holidays;
  • - work of corporate mass media;
  • - support for social programs, etc.

As you can see, the work of managing the organization's internal communications is varied and quite voluminous. Rarely, a specialist is engaged in all the listed works simultaneously and individually. As a rule, if a company requires a wide range of activities in this area, then a whole unit is created, for example, an internal communications department. However, even if there is such a need, it is not easy to make a decision on the creation of such a structural unit.

Internal communications are a relatively new type of work for domestic companies. The need for them has been recognized not so long ago, and the importance of managing internal communications is often underestimated by managers. Indeed, far from all managers understand why internal communications are needed. The main argument "against" sounds something like this: "they lived somehow before" or "for decades there were no specialists of this profile at the enterprises and nothing, everything functioned." The company's management is constantly addressing the issues of expediency and efficiency, i.e. the ratio of costs (money, time, effort) and results. Finding a qualified specialist, providing everything necessary for work, paying wages and taxes - all this requires the costs mentioned above. What will be the result? For large companies, internal communications is a task for a whole team of specialists, therefore, the costs are even higher. However, in large companies, the need for internal communications is more obvious, which means that the decision to create an appropriate division is to some extent made easier by the head.

Let us consider in more detail why a modern company at a certain stage of its development cannot do without building an internal communications management system.

In the most general form, activities in this area have four main tasks.

  • - to form corporate culture organizations;
  • motivate staff;
  • - to form and maintain company image- employer;
  • - increase labor efficiency.

Corporate culture as a set of norms, rules, values, ethical standards, shared by all employees, is formed in the course of the organization's work. It is necessary that this process should not take place spontaneously, but purposefully. In this case, you can form a corporate culture that will contribute to effective work. Internal communications play an important role in this process.

Motivation. What is material motivation is clear to everyone. First of all, these are salaries, bonuses and bonuses, medical insurance, discounts on food and various services included in the so-called social package. And at first glance, it may seem that decent wages can motivate an employee to labor exploits. However, numerous studies have shown that this is not entirely true. It has been proven that material motivation by itself is far from so effective. For example, any increase in wages has a motivating effect for a very limited time. Then this fact is forgotten, employees get used to the new level of payment and perceive it as the norm. The social package is also perceived neutrally and bonuses seem to be self-evident. Expression of gratitude for the work and recognition of the usefulness of the work done are required by employees much more often than the employer can afford to raise their salaries. And here the question arises - how can an employer maintain good relations with staff and not spend more money on it than the organization can afford? Answer: in addition to material incentives, use the levers of non-material motivation: the employee's awareness of his success, the perception of respect from colleagues, pride in working in the company, etc. Intangible motivation- a question that is almost entirely within the purview of an internal communications specialist. It is this specialist who formulates and broadcasts information about achievements and successes in the internal media, is directly involved in the organization of professional competitions, sports competitions and other events that create a sense of involvement in the company for employees, pride in their successes, their profession, and their team.

Creation and maintenance of the image of the employer company. This is a job that has two main goals: attracting qualified specialists to the company and retaining existing employees in it. In other words, we are talking about two target audiences - already working and potential employees of the company. And working with both of these audiences is fundamentally important for the effectiveness of the company as a whole. The problem of attraction is solved by broadcasting positive information about the employer company to the external environment.

Employee retention, in other words, is called increasing their "loyalty". A loyal employee is, ideally, a person who shares the goals of the employing company, loyal to its interests, fully interested in its success. There are few loyal employees among employees, much less than employers would like to think. Increasing employee loyalty is largely ensured by competent and timely submission of information, which, again, is the result of work on managing internal communications.

Improving labor efficiency. The motivation of personnel, which was mentioned earlier, ultimately leads to an increase in labor efficiency. However, there is another function of internal communications that allows you to directly influence efficiency. It is about creating so-called informal horizontal ties.

Informal connections are extremely important, because for interaction and, moreover, for cooperation, it makes sense, at least, to re-acquaint employees of different departments. Giving or asking for advice, asking or offering help, "throwing" an idea or getting it - all this greatly increases the speed and efficiency of work. Especially if you communicate directly, bypassing formal bureaucratic channels. For this, it makes sense to know colleagues "by sight" and by name, as well as to imagine who is doing what. Even if the company has a well-developed platform for online communication, with colleagues, at least with neighbors in the office, it is always useful to be personally acquainted.

By means of internal communications, it is possible to achieve the formation of stable informal ties, and, consequently, unification and cohesion, or, at least, acquaintance of employees from different departments.

The immediate boss is responsible for the atmosphere and teamwork within each department. The relationship between the employees of the company as a whole often starts to take its course. And the result can not always be considered good or even satisfactory.

In addition, in the presence of a highly developed system of informal communications, the adaptation process is greatly facilitated, i.e. new employees entering the organization. For the company, this means that the new employee will bring benefits to the company faster.

Internal communications management Is an activity at the intersection of HR (Human Resources) and PR (Public Relations). An internal communications department can belong to an HR department, a PR department, or a department with some generic name.


Chapter 2. Analysis of communications of OJSC "Oil company" Lukoil "


List of sources used


The term "communication" is general, and translated from the Latin "communicatio" means to make common, to connect, to communicate. Until the end of the 19th century, communication was considered only in engineering and technical meaning, and only in the 20th century did the term acquire a social meaning. Today, there are over 150 definitions of "communication".

Communication in a broad sense is understood as communication, the transfer of information from person to person. In an organizational context, the concept of "communication" is considered as a process (communication is the communication of people: the exchange of ideas, thoughts, intentions, feelings, information) and as an object (a set technical means providing information transfer processes).

The urgency of the problem... Currently, this problem is relevant, since well-established communications contribute to ensuring organizational effectiveness. If an organization is effective in communication, it is effective in all other activities. Communication should be such that the management of the company, the firm has objective information at the right time and in a convenient form for making decisions. This means, ultimately, in relation to the tasks of the theory of organization, the most important is the communication process.

Communication is the process of communication and transfer of information between people or their groups in the form of oral and written messages, body language and speech parameters.

Communication in an organizational context involves interaction between people. It is the process of exchanging information and transferring information between individuals or groups of people. Organizational communication is the process by which leaders develop a system of providing information to large numbers of people and individuals within the organization, as well as to institutions outside of it. She serves necessary tool in coordinating the activities of the organization's divisions, allows you to receive the necessary information at all levels of management.

Object research is OJSC "Oil Company" LUKOIL ". Subject research is the management of internal and external communications in OAO "LUKOIL".

Target term paper- study of the management of internal and external communications using the example of OAO Oil Company LUKOIL.

In accordance with the set goal, the following tasks :

1 Examine the internal and external communications of the organization;

2 Consider the directions of communication activities;

3 Analyze the implementation of communication in OAO "LUKOIL".

Hypothesis- correct management of external and internal communications of the organization has a beneficial effect on the climate within the team, forms a positive opinion about the organization and contributes to an increase in its publicity capital.

Applied research methods: source analysis, message research, observation.

Work structure... This work consists of an introduction, two chapters: theoretical ( Theoretical basis communications of the organization) and practical (Analysis of communications of OAO Oil Company "Lukoil"), conclusion and list of used literature. In the theoretical part, we will consider various theoretical foundations of communications, their purpose in managing an organization. In the practical part, the analysis of communications in OAO "Oil Company" LUKOIL "is given.

Chapter 1. The theoretical foundations of organization communications

1.1 Internal and external communications in the organization

The main function of any organization is to solve problems associated with interaction with both external and internal environment. The internal environment of an organization is the source of its strength. It contains the potential that enables an organization to exist and survive in a certain period of time. But the internal environment can also be a source of problems and even death of the organization in the event that it does not provide the necessary functioning of the organization. The factors that determine the internal environment of the organization, researchers include such variables as the structure of the organization, its goals, objectives, technologies, people. The internal environment can be viewed as a set of interacting structural components of an organization.

Any organization, even a "closed" type, is connected with the outside world. It cannot exist without receiving "from the outside" resources - information, energy, raw materials, which, after processing, return in the form of products of its activity. The organization is surrounded external environment how the Earth is surrounded by an atmosphere. But the resources of the external environment are not unlimited. And they are claimed by many other organizations in the same environment. Therefore, there is always the possibility that the organization will not be able to obtain the necessary resources from the external environment. This can weaken its potential and lead to many negative consequences for the organization. Task strategic management is to ensure such interaction of the organization with the environment, which would allow it to maintain its potential at the level necessary to achieve its goals, and thereby give it the ability to survive in the long term.

The external environment of an organization can be defined as a set of physical and social factors external to the system, which are directly taken into account in the process of making organizational decisions.

The integrity of the organization and its openness as a system determine the separation of the internal and external environment, the dependence of the organization on external factors, the interaction of the internal and external environment, various degrees of influence of the parameters of the internal and external environment and their management.

Since an organization is created by people, then all its elements and connections to one degree or another have a variable character. Organizational structures are determined by the logical and quantitative relationship between system elements and management levels. The manageability of an organization is determined by the ratio of the number of managers and subordinates, the number of people who are subordinate to one manager, as well as the relationship between the time of decision making with the time of transition of control objects to various states, including predictable ones.

The most important part of both the internal and external environment of an organization is infrastructure, i.e. a complex of elements and connections that provide the conditions for the life of the organization's team and serve the main processes of production and management. Infrastructure includes communications and organizational culture, in which a huge role is assigned to people, their knowledge, abilities and the art of interaction.

Communications are both ways of communication (air, water), and forms of transmission of messages (oral, written), and communication channels (telephone, radio, etc.). But the main thing in this process is not just the exchange of information between two or more people, but the exchange of meaning, the content of information. There are many obstacles and hindrances for the correct transmission of the meaning of messages both in the channels and in the environment. Even with face-to-face communication, there are barriers to clear communication (differences in perception, attention, etc.). Communication as connecting links in information management processes is a necessary condition for management itself.

It should be noted that the role of a person in the communication processes of management is very important. The quality of communication processes largely depends on the organizational culture of the organization. Organizational culture is a system of norms and values ​​that distinguish workers and the organization as a whole. The system of norms and values ​​of an individual is complexly dependent on his individuality and personality and on the attitudes and values ​​in the organization. All these elements together determine the behavior of employees and the success of the organization.

Internal environment

The system of internal communications (ICS) is a set of information channels that allow the transfer of information of business, intellectual and emotional content within an organization between employees. At the same time, it is possible to distinguish top managers, line managers and employees of specialized departments working with ICS in an organization as subjects of communication.

Ideally, the ICS in any organization, regardless of its type of activity, should comply with the following principles:

· Openness;

· Simplicity and clarity;

· Regularity;

· Sufficiency;

· Complexity;

· Reliability;

· Timeliness.

Information about the internal environment of the firm is necessary for the manager to determine the internal potential that the firm can count on in the competitive struggle to achieve its goals. Analysis of the internal environment also allows you to better understand the goals and objectives of the organization. In addition to the production of products, the provision of services, the organization provides an opportunity for the existence of its employees, creates certain conditions for their life.

The causal relationship between the effectiveness of the ICS and the results of the organization's activities is confirmed by research conducted among employees Western companies, 28% of which showed that the information they need reaches them too late, and more than half (58% of employees) believe that the information disseminated in the company is not related to professional activity. As a result, 60% of the interviewed employees want to change jobs. At the same time, to change the composition of the personnel, serious financial investments will be required both for the selection and determination of the level of professional competence of the personnel, and for the adaptation period. It will take three to nine months for new employees to reach the level of "self-sufficiency" (when the economic result of the new employee's activities exceeds the investment made in him).

For creating positive image a company in the market must promptly communicate the necessary information to its employees, which, as a result, will make it possible to increase the overall manageability of the company, increase work efficiency, staff motivation and operational activity in the market, and also improve the social and psychological climate in the team.

The creation of an effective system of internal communications consists of seven main stages. First of all, you need to diagnose the existing system communications. For example, to find out whether the company holds meetings, whether there is a corporate Internet portal, a bulletin board or a board of honor, where photos of employees and a list of their achievements are located, to understand through whom and how quickly rumors are spread, whether the company conducts opinion polls, questionnaires, intracorporate training. The next stage is the creation of a single information space, the development of the company's policy and standards in the field of VC, then - the implementation of these standards, strengthening the loyalty of personnel, then - monitoring the operability of the VC system, assessing its effectiveness and taking measures to improve it, setting new tasks in the field of management internal communications.

The introduction of a system of internal communications is intended ultimately to synthesize the theory of management, the theory of organization, psychology of management and interpersonal communication, and the theory of communication itself. "Gaps", incompetence in one of these areas entails the replication of errors and ineffective actions in all other areas. This applies not only to the work of managers, managers of all levels, but also to any specialist and so-called "ordinary" employees, i.e. employees involved in the process of communication with other people.

As the American authors V. Howell and P. Deepboy justly point out, sooner or later each person faces a choice: "in the old fashioned way" to adhere to bureaucratic, soulless principles of work, or to make the "human factor" the main axis of their activities. The second path requires from a person complete dedication, tension of the intellect, a willingness to take risks, to make non-standard decisions and the ability to be responsible for other people's destinies. The results of such work are capable of surpassing the wildest expectations.

External environment

The external environment for an organization, whose goals are business, is a complex set of subjects, systems and their relationships, both among themselves and with the organization. This collection can be divided into two sectors. The first, which is the space of the business environment for the business, includes the subjects and business systems that interact with the organization, i.e. in a relationship or connection with her. The second includes those subjects and systems whose activities have some impact on business organizations, but there is no direct communication between them.

External communications are communications with the world outside the organization, these are communications between the organization and the external environment.

The task of external communications is to satisfy the information needs of the organization, to establish connections with government bodies, the public, suppliers, customers. With the help of external communications, the company's image is formed and maintained.

The structure of the subjects interacting with the organization is quite complex and has the following form.

1 The links and relationships of the organization established with:

· Business partners;

· Consumers;

· Competitors;

· Operators of market infrastructure;

· Investors, analysts (financial relations).

2 Business systems:

· Market infrastructure;

· National business traditions.

The external environment is characterized by:

1 the relationship of environmental factors - the level of force with which a change in one factor affects other factors. A change in any environmental factor can cause a change in others.

communication internal external team

2 the complexity of the external environment - the number of factors to which the organization is obliged to respond, as well as the level of variability of each factor;

3 the mobility of the environment - the speed with which changes occur in the environment of the organization. Environment modern organizations changes with increasing speed. The mobility of the external environment may be higher for some organizational units and lower for others. In a highly mobile environment, an organization or department must rely on more diverse information to make effective decisions;

4 environmental uncertainty - the relationship between the amount of information about the environment that an organization has and the confidence in the accuracy of this information. The more uncertain the external environment, the more difficult it is to make effective decisions.

Thus, in any organization, the analysis of both the internal and external communication environment is very important, since the external and internal environment are the main components of the integrity of the organization.

1.2 Directions of communication activities

Communication activity is defined as the movement of meanings in social space. A communication action is a completed operation of semantic interaction that takes place without changing the participants in communication. The subjects who have entered into communication can pursue three goals: first, the recipient wants to receive from the communicant some meanings that are attractive to him; secondly, the communicant wants to communicate to the recipient some meanings that affect the behavior of the latter; thirdly, both the communicant and the recipient are interested in interaction with the aim of exchanging some meanings. Accordingly, three forms of communication are possible.

Successful corporate communications management presupposes a well-thought-out communication policy... In the past, public relations were carried out mainly through the press and other media. With the development of communication management, the public, to which the information impact was directed through the press, and which was initially presented as a kind of homogeneous target group, was segmented according to various social and functional characteristics. Allocation of specific segments allows you to plan the work more efficiently, to reach the required audience using the most appropriate methods and tools for a particular case.

· Interaction with the media.

· Interaction with personnel.

· Interaction with consumers.

· Interaction with investors and financial relations.

· Interaction with authorities. Lobbying.

· Utility connections.

· Environmental ties.

· Crisis communications.

The activity of work in one direction or another, the allocation of financial and other resources, is in direct proportion to the marketing and social significance of this direction in a particular period for a particular enterprise.

Interaction with the media

Interaction with the media is understood as the regular and purposeful joint activities of the organization and the media aimed at improving public awareness, presenting objective reality and achieving mutual understanding.

Relations with the media include the preparation and distribution of analytical press materials, press events, participation in reviews, exclusive interviews, press monitoring and press clipping, informal contacts with journalists.

Some public relations specialists emphasize that it is possible to win the sympathy of journalists by providing them with absolutely reliable data, even if this is not directly related to own company... Thus, showing, first of all, their own awareness, and secondly, the willingness to disinterestedly cooperate with the media.

When choosing media for publication, many leading companies prefer the printed word. This has obvious advantages: the newspaper lives longer, it can be passed from hand to hand. In addition, newspaper pages provide an opportunity to comment in more detail and in detail on the company's position on a particular issue, to establish feedback with the reader by publishing the telephone numbers of "hot lines" or information services.

Time-limited television and radio sometimes do not allow giving more detailed information about the business and the services provided, the "lifespan" of information is relatively short, and numerous repetitions dramatically increase costs.

When building the technology of interaction with the media, you need to clearly understand your target audience. Based on the focus of its activities, the company builds its advertising and PR-strategy.

When interacting with the media, the company's PR service is somehow forced to use various methods of manipulating public opinion. At the same time, some of the bottom are absolutely unacceptable and unethical: direct deception of information consumers (the use of deliberately false numbers and facts); impact on subconscious instincts (hidden inserts in television, video, film programs, computer files); insulting individuals or organizations and discrediting goods or services. The most creative ways of manipulation are "silence" (suppression of negative information), "editing" (priority of positive news), "selection of quotes" (influential people or 2-3 representatives target audience talk about the positive aspects in the work of the company). And also the choice of the "necessary" fragments from polls and ratings, the involvement of an authoritative intermediary and emotional support.

Implementation of communication management goals, such as conducting communication processes that are optimal for the organization, forming and maintaining an image and public opinion, consent, cooperation and recognition, directly depends on the properly organized interaction with the media.

The fact of the conditional division of information transmitted by the media into evaluative and semantic should be reflected in the corporate publications of the organization. An important point at the same time, there is a provision that it is the estimated information that most actively influences the formation of public opinion. Thus, appraisal information is the most effective tool used to form the image of an enterprise, to promote its ideas and goals.

Interaction with the media and wide dissemination of information about the company is carried out in two directions. Direct informing of the public by the information services of the enterprise and informing through journalists. The main instruments for the work of these two areas are the distribution of publicity, distribution of press releases, holding press conferences and other events for journalists.

Interaction with personnel

The organization of effective interaction with personnel can be understood as many different points: from the formation of business processes (interaction between people depends on how technological procedures are built and what roles are played by those who are involved in them) to issues of effective communication (information transfer from manager to subordinate and vice versa).

The task of interaction with personnel is to ensure that employees are motivated to perform their work in the best possible way. This direction carried out by specialists of the corporate communications department in conjunction with the personnel department.

For a correct and adequate perception of corporate philosophy, as well as effective interaction with personnel, it is necessary to observe the following principles arising from theories about labor motivation.

· Respect. Employees value showing respect for them as individuals, especially from management.

· Recognition. The staff feel successful if their contribution to the common cause is appreciated by the management.

· Promotion. Of course, money has always motivated employees, but besides this, moral encouragement and support are required for further productive work.

Activities carried out in the framework of interaction with personnel contribute to the creation of a humane atmosphere at the enterprise. In the conditions of increasing alienation in society, individualization, insufficient self-identity of the population, the creation of a benevolent microclimate in the organization, as well as the formation of a good comradely atmosphere, perform not only the important task of optimizing production processes, they also carry socially significant and important social and moral functions.

Interaction with consumers

Customer engagement is an important area marketing communications organizations. In this case, direct informing of consumers about goods or services, about the organization itself, is highlighted. The same direction includes different kinds direct and indirect communications with consumers, replies to letters, suggestions, complaints, etc.

The clientele of the organization includes consumers of finished products or services who receive them directly from the organization - the subject of business relations. The class of customers unites all consumers of finished products, both consuming a standard finished product and placing an order for the manufacture of a specific product sample.

Businesses and organizations, through activities aimed at interaction with consumers, seek to use a variety of forms of direct contact with their end customers. As a result of the development of computer systems and electronic technologies, such contacts are established not only using traditional mailing lists, etc., but also using the Internet, e-mail, telephone, SMS, teletext.

Customer engagement events allow manufacturers to reach out to customers directly, bypassing sellers and resellers. In this direction, such communication means and tools are used that allow the manufacturer to receive immediate feedback on the product or service, actively motivate the consumer, and quickly respond to consumer behavior. Customer engagement events allow manufacturers to reach out to customers directly, bypassing sellers and resellers.

Organizations, through activities aimed at interaction with consumers, seek to use a variety of forms of direct contact with their end customers.

Investor Relations and Financial Relations

This direction is focused on the financial community, investors, government financial bodies that regulate activities joint stock companies.

Large Russian companies began to pay more and more attention to relations with existing and potential investors. At this stage of the development of Investor Relations, companies in most cases resort to the help of Western agencies or invite Western specialists, nevertheless, PR specialists should know the basics of the mentality of large investment companies and investment analysts, as well as the main stages of building IR practice, their methods and means of achieving goals.

The basic principle of IR is very simple, although not yet fully achievable in our country: a company or an individual will not invest money if they do not have complete information about the state of affairs of the company and its prospects for the coming years.

Communication in the financial sector is provided with a wide range of information about financial activities, conducting a particular financial transaction, changing the stock price, etc. into the audience to which this activity of corporate communications departments is directed - financial analysts and analysts of the securities market, that is, those who form an opinion and give a competent analysis of the financial situation.

Important areas of work carried out within the framework of financial relations and typical for the communication services of the organization are the publication of annual financial statements and joint preparation and holding of shareholders' meetings with management.

Interaction with authorities. Lobbying

This direction is addressed to the economic, social and political environment of the organization. The task of communicative interaction with authorities is to ensure joint work with government agencies, society, action in the structure of the general economic system.

An important and delicate area of ​​interaction with government authorities is lobbying, that is, the influence of interested groups or organizations on decision-making by government agencies, as a rule, legislative bodies. Lobbying for the benefit public associations carried out mainly in the direction of protection environment, problems related to education and social sphere.

Utility connections

Communal ties are ties aimed at those living in the location of the organization and aimed at forming good-neighborly relations. The development of communal ties is determined not only by its place in the economic life of society, but also in the social one. The social role of the organization is actively manifested in the location of its production structures.

The communication policy focused on the territories adjacent to the organization is also conditioned by personnel interests. Also, good-neighborly relations are determined by the desire to prevent territorial conflicts, possible conflicts due to crisis and emergency situations.

The importance of good-neighborly relations is determined, among other things, by the desire to prevent territorial conflicts, possible conflicts due to crisis and emergency situations. For enterprises producing consumer goods, the population of adjacent territories is also an interested and especially motivated layer of consumers. It is known that the products of enterprises located in the residential area enjoy increased attention of buyers.

Environmental ties

Environmental linkages address issues of environmental balance and represent the organization in discussions about environmental action. Attention to environmental theme is constantly growing. For large industrial enterprises, the problem of environmental pollution remains an important problem. For producers of consumer goods and food producers, the problem is the environmental safety of the manufactured product. Requirements for environmental safety are caused not only by the actively changing public consciousness, but also by major industrial and technological accidents and disasters, new epidemics of domestic animals, plant diseases, and the use of chemicals and fertilizers in the agricultural industry.

The task of the corporate communications departments is all possible, including informational, support for such undertakings, the formation of an environmental initiative, and action in a group of public interests. An important area is not only the implementation of environmental programs, but also informing about them. Such information helps, on the one hand, to strengthen confidence in the organization, and on the other hand, contributes to the further development of environmental programs, increases the interest of top management in their development.

Thus, the implementation by the organization of full coverage of all ranges of communication directions contributes to the harmonious and progressive development of its activities.

Conclusions on the first chapter

In every organization, the analysis of both internal and external communication environment is very important, and the communication management process is an integral part of any organization. The external and internal environment are the main components of the integrity of the organization.

The external environment of an organization can be defined as a set of physical and social factors external to the system, which are directly taken into account in the process of making organizational decisions. Organizations use a variety of means to communicate with components of their external environment. In the field of public relations, priority is given to creating a certain image, the image of the organization at the local, national or international level.

The internal environment plays an important role in the existence of the organization, having a constant and most direct impact on the activities and existence of the organization. The role of a person in communication management processes is very important. Therefore, the correct management of relationships between people in a team is important in the life of an organization.

The organization should implement a full coverage of all ranges of communication directions, contribute to the harmonious and progressive development of its activities.

Chapter 2. Analysis of communications of OJSC "Oil company" Lukoil "

2.1 General information about the company "Lukoil"

LUKOIL is one of the largest international vertically integrated oil and gas companies. The main activities of the Company are the exploration and production of oil and gas, the production of oil products and petrochemical products, as well as the marketing of manufactured products. The bulk of the Company's exploration and production activities are carried out on the territory Russian Federation, the main resource base is Western Siberia... LUKOIL owns modern oil refineries, gas processing and petrochemical plants located in Russia, Eastern and Western Europe, as well as neighboring countries. The Company's products are sold in Russia, Eastern and Western Europe, neighboring countries and the USA.

LUKOIL is the second largest privately-owned oil and gas company in the world in terms of proven hydrocarbon reserves. The Company's share in the world's total oil reserves is about 1%, and in the world's total oil production - about 2.4%. The company plays a key role in the Russian energy sector, accounting for 18.6% of all-Russian oil production and 18.9% of all-Russian oil refining.

In the exploration and production sector, LUKOIL has a high-quality diversified portfolio of assets. The main oil production region of the Company is Western Siberia. LUKOIL also implements projects for the exploration and production of oil and gas outside Russia: in Kazakhstan, Egypt, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Saudi Arabia, Colombia, Venezuela, Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Iraq.

In 2005, with the commissioning of the Nakhodkinskoye field, the Company began implementing a gas program, according to which gas production will grow at an accelerated rate both in Russia and abroad, and the share of gas will be increased to one third of the total hydrocarbon production. The resource base for the implementation of this program is the fields of the Bolshekhetskaya Depression, the Caspian Sea and the Central Astrakhan field in Russia, as well as international gas projects - Kandym - Khauzak - Shady in Uzbekistan and Shah Deniz in Azerbaijan.

LUKOIL owns refining facilities in Russia and abroad. The Company owns four large refineries in Russia - in Perm, Volgograd, Ukhta and Nizhny Novgorod, and two mini-refineries. The aggregate capacity of Russian refineries is 45.1 million tons / year of oil. Abroad, the Company owns refineries in Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine, as well as a 49% stake in the ISAB refinery complex (Sicily, Italy) and a 45% stake in the TRN refinery (Netherlands). The aggregate capacity of the Company's foreign refineries is 26.4 million tons / year of oil. In 2009, the Company's refineries (including the shares in refining at the ISAB and TRN complexes) processed 62.70 million tons of oil, including 44.46 million tons at Russian ones.

In 2008, within the framework of the Program strategic development for 2008-2017, a new business sector was created at OAO "LUKOIL" - "Electric Power Engineering". In addition to the UGK TGK-8 OJSC acquired in 2008 and its own power plants at fields in Russia, it also includes enterprises generating electricity and heat in Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine. The total generation of electric energy by organizations in the sector in 2009 amounted to about 14.7 billion kWh, heat generation - 16.9 million Gcal. In the long term, the Electricity business sector will become an important factor in the growth of cash flows and shareholder value of the Company.

As of the beginning of 2010, the Company's sales network covered 26 countries of the world, including Russia, neighboring countries and European countries (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Hungary, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Serbia, ( including franchises).

The communication process at OJSC "LUKOIL" is very multidirectional and very peculiar. The goal of both external and internal communications of OAO "LUKOIL" is to implement changes and influence operations in such a way as to achieve the company's prosperity.

2.2 External communications of OJSC "Lukoil"

OAO LUKOIL's external communications are managed very efficiently. This is evidenced by well-established contacts with segments of the external environment. Below we will take a closer look at how LUKOIL interacts with these segments.

Figure 1 - Scheme of external communications of OJSC "Lukoil"

Relations with partners ( B2 B)

Since the main activities of the company are exploration and production of oil and gas, production of oil products and petrochemical products, as well as sales of manufactured products, the main partners of the company are various companies, gas station networks, large oil and gas companies. The partners of the company include the Indonesian oil company "PERTAMINA", GAZPROM NEFT, OJSC "KAMAZ", "GAZ Group", Toyota Motor Manufacturing Russia, LLC "Stavrolen", "Qatar Petroleum", Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia, OJSC "UGK TGK-8", ConocoPhillips, "Severstal-Auto", "ADK", "DE BIRS" and many others.

Communications are carried out mainly on the acquisition of various types of products, such as tanks, oil transportation vehicles (railway tanks), vehicles for transportation of auto products (tank trucks), equipment for drilling rigs for drilling wells in the development of fields, vehicles, pipes for oil transportation and liquid petroleum products through oil pipelines and many others. etc. For example, the GAZ Group purchases vehicles, the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant supplies metal for the production of oil pipelines, as well as pipes for the transportation of oil and liquid petroleum products.

Relations with authorities ( B2 G).

Since the enterprises of the group belong to strategic sectors of the economy, this indicates the need for a fairly strict regulation of their activities by the state. State technical policy is focused on increasing the economic and energy efficiency of all stages of production, transformation, distribution and use of energy resources; refusal from excessive centralization of energy supply with its approach to consumers; environmental and emergency safety of energy sources and reliability of energy supply to consumers; elaboration efficient technologies extraction and processing of hydrocarbons, etc. Since the company is subject to government regulation, it constantly fills out lengthy written reports in this regard. In its annual reports, the company provides information on finance and marketing, as well as details of its location, career opportunities, benefits, etc. Using lobbyists and making various contributions to certain political groups, committees, the company tries to influence the content of various laws and regulations. The company's activities are constantly regulated by the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation. Also, the company cooperates with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Industry, the Government of the Russian Federation, the UN, etc.

Relations with third sector organizations ( B2 S).

OAO "LUKOIL" pays special attention to cooperation with non-profit organizations... "Given their ever-increasing role in solving a number of social problems, especially in the regions where the company operates, we are carefully studying their proposals for the participation of the company or its subsidiaries in social projects"- says Igor Beketov. Social and charitable programs are part of the company's corporate strategy and help constructive cooperation with the state, business community and society. The LUKOIL fund was created in 1991. The fund provides charitable and sponsorship activities. culture and assistance in organizing and conducting specific projects... Culture support is traditional for Russian large companies the area of ​​sponsorship and charity. The peculiarity of partnership with these institutions is that the support is comprehensive - it is not only pure sponsorship (financing of new performances, exhibitions, etc.), but also charitable assistance. The company's priority is to support various types of classical art. OAO "LUKOIL" provides support to a number of the largest Russian museums, including the State Museum fine arts named after A.S. Pushkin, Moscow Kremlin Museums, State Russian Museum, Tretyakov Gallery. The company implements various projects with Museums, theaters, sponsors sports events, and is also an official partner of the Russian National Olympic Committee. The Company considers helping children to be its main priority, which is present in all implemented programs: charitable, sponsorship, programs for the development of children's and youth sports, culture. An integral part of charitable activities is the participation of the company and its subsidiaries in the process of restoring religious traditions and spiritual culture. At the same time, OAO "LUKOIL" pays special attention to supporting those institutions whose activities include social service. The company considers helping children to be its main priority, which is present in all implemented programs: charitable, sponsorship, programs for the development of children's and youth sports, culture. Social investment in human capital seem to be the most reasonable in modern conditions... The company strives for a balanced approach, supporting both children who, due to unfavorable family conditions or health, found themselves in worse conditions than their peers, and children from quite prosperous families, helping them develop natural abilities and talents.

Thanks to this program, inmates of 60 orphanages, boarding schools, and organizations of disabled children receive assistance from the Company, its subsidiaries and the LUKOIL Charitable Foundation. The company helps their graduates to get an education, improve their health, find a profession and find their place in life.

Annually Charitable foundation LUKOIL organizes summer vacations for children from sponsored orphanages in Kirov, St. Petersburg, Staraya Ladoga, the Astrakhan Region and the Perm Territory. In addition, inmates of children's institutions make excursion trips around the country. So, the best students of orphanages in the Perm Territory, Astrakhan Region, Kstovo, Langepas, Kirov, St. Petersburg and St. Ladogi spent winter school holidays in Moscow in January 2009 and 2010. Since 2006, the LUKOIL Charitable Foundation has been paying personalized LUKOIL scholarships to graduates of sponsored orphanages who study at higher and secondary educational institutions. Experience has shown that receiving a "LUKOIL" scholarship increases the level of performance of graduates of orphanages.

The priority area of ​​the company is caring for the younger generation and training young qualified specialists for the Russian oil industry. OAO "LUKOIL" provides support to a number of top educational institutions where oil and gas specialists are trained. Also, the company supports a number of the largest specialized medical research centers. Front-line oil workers, veterans of the Great Patriotic War and the labor front enjoy the special attention and care of the company. Every year on the eve of Victory Day, they receive cash benefits and gifts. The company also provides support to the families of servicemen who died in local conflicts. By supporting disabled people, the Company not only provides them with financial assistance, but also tries to help solve material problems on their own and feel needed by society.

The company contributes to the development of a system of medical services in the regions of its presence. In particular, in 2008-2010. The company helped to purchase expensive equipment for the Limanskaya (Astrakhan region) central regional hospital, Astrakhan children's city clinical hospital No. 1, Ust-Tsilemskaya (Komi Republic) central regional hospital, Penza regional clinical hospital, Saratov 1st city clinical hospital named after V.I. Yu.A. Gordeev, Novoburassk central regional hospital of the Saratov region, Bolshemurashkinskaya (Nizhny Novgorod region) central regional hospital, Children's city hospital No. 1 in St. Petersburg.

Relations with organizations of the information sector ( B2 I).

These relations have numerous established connections with various media, including foreign ones. It should be noted that according to the results of 2008, the company is the most informational open company of the year. It has its own press center, which broadcasts news information to other media sources. The press center publishes monthly publications, which include articles on new contracts, new types of products or services, signing agreements and cooperation. The company usually cooperates with large news agencies Russia, such as INTERFAX, ITARTASS, RIA Novosti, Continental, Reuters. Also on the website of the company "Lukoil" posted various interviews, speeches of representatives of the organization. For example, an interview with V.Yu. Alekperov (Chairman of the RSPP Committee on Energy Policy and Energy Efficiency, President of OJSC Lukoil) in " Rossiyskaya Gazeta", the newspaper" Vedomosti ", the magazine" Expert ", the newspaper" Kommersant ".

A huge number of articles and notes about the activities and news of the company are placed in various search engines every day. Press conferences and briefings are regularly held for journalists, press releases and the history of the company are posted daily on the company's website.

Relations with individuals ( B2 P).

The company communicates with existing potential customers through advertising and other programs to promote products to the market. In the field of public relations, priority is given to creating a certain image, the image of the company at the local, national and international level. The main clients of the company are people, electricity consumers, car owners, factories, various companies, airports, gas station networks. For example, Toyota Motor Manufacturing Russia is a potential consumer of LUKOIL oils.

OJSC LUKOIL Group of Companies has its own website, which displays in detail the activities of not only the head center, but also all divisions in Russia. Here you will find information about the company, its mission, goals, objectives, the history of the company since the first years of its existence, press releases, articles, news, publications of the company's press center, photo and video reports, and other information. The site gives a complete picture of the company's activities and its responsibility to society.

Thus, OAO "LUKOIL" pays great attention to the process of managing interaction with segments of the external environment.

2.3 Internal communications of the organization

Employees of the management staff participate in the communication processes in the company. This is a vital link between the leader and the organization, between the organization and the external environment, because in his daily work, the leader must use information from various available sources - senior managers, subordinates, managers at the same level, customers, suppliers, the media, etc. ... After all, if people cannot exchange information, it is clear that they will not be able to work together, formulate goals and achieve them. However, communication is a complex process with interdependent steps. Therefore, for the successful work of OAO "LUKOIL", effective communications are required.

It is widely recognized that communication is of the utmost importance to a company's success. For example, surveys have shown that 73% of American, 63% of British and 85% of Japanese executives consider communication as the main obstacle to the effectiveness of their organizations. Another survey of approximately 250,000 employees in 2,000 different companies found information exchange as one of the most difficult problems in organizations. Thus, these surveys showed that ineffective communication is one of the main areas for problems.

Internal communications in the organization are carried out vertically and horizontally. Vertical communications are carried out both from bosses to subordinates, and in the form of feedback - from employees to bosses.

So, downstream communications are carried out as follows: the management apparatus issues guidance documents that are delivered to subordinate levels and report on current tasks, recommended procedures through newsletters and newsletters, normative documents, orders, instructions in writing and orally, reports, proposals and explanatory notes. Ascending communications also serve to alert the top of what is being done on the lower levels... In this way, management is aware of current or emerging issues and suggests possible remedies. Also, this includes reporting documentation from divisions, from companies included in main group, various reports on the economic condition of regional companies, as well as various kinds of petitions and awards.

The latest management innovation in ascending communications at OAO LUKOIL is the creation of groups of workers who meet regularly to discuss and solve problems in production or customer service.

In addition to sharing information downstream and downstream, the company needs horizontal communications. Since a company consists of many divisions, the exchange of information between them is needed to coordinate tasks and actions. Since an organization is a system of interconnected elements, management makes sure that specialized elements work together, moving the company in the right direction. Regional sales managers meet periodically to discuss common issues, coordinate sales strategies, and exchange product information. Key line managers from manufacturing, marketing, and R&D meet to coordinate product updates. Also, company employees communicate by phone and e-mail (e-mail).

Companies can make a wide variety of products based on the underlying technology, so it is extremely important through the R&D department to get information about what the market wants. This allows the company to remain close to the customer and continue to effectively meet their needs. The added benefit of horizontal communication is the formation of an equal relationship. This relationship is an important part of employee satisfaction.

Special trainings, seminars, meetings and conferences are held for the employees of the LUKOIL group of companies. Thanks to this, employees have the opportunity to gain new knowledge, communicate with colleagues from other cities and exchange professional experience, as well as organize intensive information exchange between the divisions of the group of companies. All of the above allows you to coordinate plans and schedules for the supply of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products, their processing and delivery of the final product to the consumer.

The most important component of communication in an organization is the relationship between the manager and the subordinates. These relationships constitute the main part of the manager's communication activities. Research has shown that 2/3 of this activity is carried out between the managers and the managed. In addition to the exchange of information between the manager and subordinates, there is an exchange between the manager and his working group. Communication with the working group as a whole allows the leader to improve the effectiveness of the group's actions. Since all members of the group participate in the exchange, everyone has the opportunity to reflect on the new tasks and priorities of the department, about how they should work together, about the upcoming changes and their possible consequences for this and other departments, about recent problems and achievements, proposals for rationalization. ...

The company's employees are the basis of the potential of OAO "LUKOIL". Today the staff numbers about 150 thousand specialists, operating in more than 60 regions of Russia and 30 countries of the world on four continents. Considering that it is the professionalism of employees and job satisfaction that are the basis for prosperity, the company has a personnel management policy. The main task of the personnel management policy is to create such a personnel management system under which OAO "LUKOIL" would have a stable status of "preferred employer" in the labor market.

Communication in this company is carried out both formally and informally.

Formal communications are also of great importance in the activities of OAO LUKOIL. They reflect the connections necessary for the performance of functions and powers, connections determined by the nature and system of distribution of functions.

Such communications exist in the form of a written message on paper, electronic media, by fax and telephone. These include: instructions, orders, incentives, sanctions, orders, notice boards on which operational information is posted, congratulations on the holidays, photos of the best employees are posted.

These communications have certain advantages, as they can be stored as records and sources of links; they are often more carefully worded than oral communications and sometimes save both time and money. Such communications are used to carry out a huge amount of paperwork when concluding transactions and agreements, setting out organizational charts and rules for drafting the charters of the LUKOIL group of companies and others legal documents, for publishing newsletters, memoranda, drafting contracts and complaints, advertising and press releases, presenting a course of action, delegating authority, job descriptions and many other things. Such communications retain documents for legal purposes.

Informal communications arise in the process of communication between LUKOIL employees on various interests: everyday, psychological, and situational. These communications are not recorded in any organizational documents or official requirements. They play an important role in the activities of employees, determine the social and psychological atmosphere of work. Employees communicate with each other via ICQ, as well as directly talking. Such communications facilitate the rapid and complete exchange of information. This includes instructions, congratulations, business communication, rewards, reprimands, and rumors. But they in no way complicate the work of this organization, do not distort the information received from the management apparatus.

Conclusions on the second chapter.

LUKOIL demonstrates socially responsible business conduct: it constructively interacts with stakeholders; knows how to conduct a dialogue with the authorities in the territories of presence, representatives of the public; social politics of the company is embedded in the overall business development strategy of the company. Due to the fact that the company has implemented the principles of responsible business conduct in its business practice, it has an additional margin of safety, including at the moment in the conditions of the economic crisis. Such characteristics of activities as standards of corporate culture, quality of management, cost efficiency in all key areas of the implemented corporate policy are gaining more and more importance from the point of view of the sustainability of companies and trust in it from the external environment.

High professionalism, well-established communications, innovation, a developed corporate culture, care for young specialists, an active social policy - all this ensures the guaranteed success of LUKOIL in all its affairs and undertakings.


Communication is the most important component in the activities of any organization. This essential element ensuring the effectiveness of its management. Nearly everything that leaders do to make it easier for an organization to achieve its goals requires effective communication. According to research, a leader spends 50 to 90% of his time on communication. It seems incredible, but it becomes understandable when you consider that the leader is doing this in order to fulfill his roles in interpersonal relationships, information flow and decision-making processes, not to mention the management functions of planning, organization, motivation and control. Precisely because the exchange of information is built into all the main types management activities, communication is considered the link in the organization's activities. We were able to observe this on the example of the analysis of communications of OAO "LUKOIL". We reviewed the company's internal and external communications system. In general, we can conclude that communications have been established efficiently and function quite successfully.

In conclusion, we can say that the hypothesis set at the beginning of the work was confirmed: the correct management of external and internal communications of the organization has a beneficial effect on the climate within the team, forms a positive opinion about the organization and contributes to an increase in its publicity capital. Thus, the set goal has been achieved, the tasks have been solved.

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An internal communications specialist is needed for a company in which several tens or hundreds of people work on projects. Such a person becomes especially necessary if employees work remotely, if offices are located in different parts of the world and time zones. The task of an internal communications specialist is to synchronize the work of different departments, monitor the microclimate in the team and organize joint leisure for colleagues. But there are other responsibilities as well. Secret asked several internal communications professionals to talk about their work.

Zlata Nikolaeva

Head of External Communications Qlean, ex-RBC, ex-Afisha-Rambler

Let's imagine a ten-person company, including a CEO, developer, and accountant. The head of such a company probably doesn't need to come up with any special communications with the team. Everything is clear and so: people communicate with each other, find out news about the company and the market in which they work, celebrate holidays together and experience setbacks. No additional tools are needed here, except for mail and messenger, smoke breaks and corporate parties in the "Cover the clearing in the office" format. However, if the team employs several dozen people, and not everyone communicates with each other (which is absolutely normal), it is worth considering that all employees are informed about what is happening in the company, about its present and future. If this is a company of several hundred people, this can be very important.

There is no need to make a cargo cult out of the very concept of internal communication, they say, we will now hire a special manager, and he will do magic for us. First of all, it is important to understand exactly what you want to achieve with the help of internal communications. Do you want your employees to pray for you, be satisfied, happy and rush to work every day with butterflies in their belly? This is unrealistic, and no communication can achieve this.

It is important for everyone to achieve several goals: for the employee to be informed about what is happening in the company and its key projects, to be aware of the company's plans (product, marketing and others), to know the key people of the company by name and by sight. And ideally, he knew that the employer did not give a damn about him, that he was taken care of, because he was an important part of the mechanism. There are other tasks: so that the employee can relax and have fun with colleagues, no matter in what form, beer on Fridays, team building or corporate party. This is a great and useful thing, conversations in an informal setting bring people together. The main thing is not to overdo it and not start forcing the team to sing the corporate anthem on Mondays at 10 am.

It is very important that people know what they are doing, why, and how this “what” and “why” is related to the general vector of the company's movement.

At Qlean, there is not yet a big need for serious work on internal communications, we are not very big, and there are enough tools like Slack. At previous jobs, I did not have KPIs, there were only tasks and deadlines. For example, every Friday it was necessary to send a letter with company news, if there was urgent news, it was necessary to quickly prepare and send it. It is not so easy to evaluate the result; after all, someone may simply not read, not listen, not know and not want to know. All people are different, and so are your dear employees. When in case of occurrence non-standard situation and with any incomprehensible question, employees turn to you as “knowing the answers to all questions, or knowing who to turn to” - this is the result.

We did not have such serious scandals that they caused a violent reaction within the team. Firstly, everyone is passionate about their work and often notes some things later. Secondly, if someone wants to ask: "Is this the position of the company?" or "Aren't you crazy?" - he (she) asks a question in the same Slack, for example. We quite calmly discuss, argue, even swear, and everyone can reasonably say to the other: “It seems to me that you behaved (behaved) *** ". Some controversial situations and their solutions lie mostly in the field of external communications.

Evgeniya Shipova

Uber Communications Manager in Russia

At Uber, the internal communication system is well built and works because the company needs it very much. The focus of our business is to improve the efficiency of processes, to scale them up and simplify them. That is why constant communication between team members, transfer of experience based on the results of already implemented projects is very important. Internal communication and internal management help you make decisions faster and move forward.

Internal communications are very important for high-growth companies. If we talk about Uber and the scale of business growth, then as of December 31, 2015, users have made a billion trips through the platform around the world. In mid-June 2016, this figure doubled. At the same time, in order to make the first billion, it took us about six years (from the moment the company was founded in 2009 to the end of 2015), then to reach the second - only six months.

Our company has about 7000 employees. The app is available in over 500 cities around the world, and there are company employees in each city. The selection of employees and management work with them is aimed at ensuring that people understand how their role affects the work of the company - even in the most junior positions or in functions that are traditionally perceived by companies as a "support function", that is, not core tasks.

In this sense, it is very important to constantly exchange information - and not only with employees of your department, but with other departments and colleagues from different countries. At Uber, this happens regularly. Each employee knows that such meetings are an opportunity to understand what his team has done over a certain period, how it differs from what teams have done in other countries. This helps to avoid situations where we reinvent the wheel. Drawing on the experience of colleagues helps to improve what they have done, but applicable to local conditions, taking into account possible mistakes.

It is very important to break down tasks into several components, set goals for teams and plan their work for a short period of time (for example, a week or two) and report on the results. This helps to efficiently allocate resources and achieve results, even when there are multiple tasks and all require a simultaneous response.

Among the tools: internal chats, teleconferences, planning tools, the ability to remotely access various documents from different offices. All these tools reduce bureaucracy, help improve efficiency and transparency of processes, and make information exchange easier.

It is very important to be able to quickly find the information you need. To do this, Uber uses internal resources (where you can easily find certain documents). The company has cross-functional units that know what is being done on the ground and can find the right person at any time in order to request the necessary information from him. As a rule, following the results big projects the teams make up the so-called playbooks, which then become available to all employees. The purpose of playbooks is to briefly describe the implemented project and the results, indicate what difficulties had to be faced and what could be improved. It helps new teams get started new project, already having the experience of the previous one.

An important point: well-established internal communications help get rid of bureaucracy. At Uber, the internal communications function is performed by the employees themselves, but each in their own area. Almost every division has its own pages on internal resources, where you can find information about the latest projects, find the right employee... There are no separate employees who deal exclusively with internal communications.

A situation where there are conflicts or misunderstandings between departments is rather unlikely, because everyone has their own KPIs that are part of the KPIs of a global function or country. Working groups for projects are always created, especially when it comes to launching a new city, a new function in an application, a new product. As a rule, in each situation, teams work together that are responsible for building processes for working with drivers, marketing, communications, lawyers and other departments.

Janis Dzenis

PR director of Aviasales

The fact that you don't know all of your colleagues by their first names can be a definite signal to turn on internal communications. And the second point: it is much easier to work on something when all employees understand why and for whom they are working.

In addition to Aviasales, we have three more brands, and the number of products is not always countable. Let's add geography to this: mobile development is located in St. Petersburg, some of the programmers leave for Moscow for the summer, support works from Vilnius, and most of the employees are located in Phuket (there are 150 people in the company in total). As a result, we get the strongest need to connect all these people.

This, of course, is not about corporate parties. The guys can leave for the whole weekend in a neighboring province simply because they are interested in together and in this a significant role of HR is to find people who are comfortable with each other. The task of internal communications is to identify "thin" places (where information is lost) and create situations for communication.

In terms of delivering messages, we broadcast from quarterly meetings from Phuket, where the CEO tells what is happening in the company and what awaits it in the future. Watching these broadcasts, of course, is optional, however, according to my feelings, everyone who is online at the moment is watching them, because everyone is interested. In addition to the quarterly broadcast, there are monthly letters to all employees with a report: no brainwashing, only numbers and facts. If anyone wants to talk about the "mission of the company," they'll probably be thrown into the pool.

Internal research and interviews are good ways to understand if communication is working. It makes sense to include relevant questions in the Employee Survey / One-to-one Performance Appraisal and track projects that appeared at the intersection of different teams, if that was the goal. In fact, sometimes even a sticker on a laptop is an element of internal communication.

If the goal of internal communications is some kind of synergy, KPIs can be in projects that have appeared at the intersection of different products and teams.

We have a general channel in Slack, where everyone can express themselves quite calmly. If you remember

Director of the Communications Department of the Polytechnic Museum

In such large-scale projects as the Polytechnic Museum, a clear and well-thought-out system of internal communication is indispensable. I am now thinking about how to unite the Polytech teams scattered across Moscow. Before 2018, we will not find ourselves in a historic building on Lubyanka, but our exhibitions at VDNKh and other sites, scientific laboratories at ZIL, and Open Funds at Tekstilshchiki continue to fully exist. It is important for employees to understand what certain departments of the museum are doing in order not to stray from the general course. Heads of departments should meet at least once a week. And it is also necessary to write follow-up of such meetings: always and not on the table. Email, working groups and a clear corporate website should be actively used in work. And it is advisable to leave minimal amount working chats on Facebook.

Meetings and a common document in Google Docs help us a lot, a clear tool for everyone that is easy to use both online and offline. Trello and Slack are handy programs for small teams. We are currently preparing for one of the largest projects of the year, the 360 ​​° Science and Technology Film Festival. External curators and our three departments are working on it. To synchronize and quickly resolve issues, everything is used - from Google Docs to instant messengers.

After the training "Context" ( Business course Relations), I began to pay attention to how important it is to trust your team and as frankly as possible articulate all the pros and cons of what was conceived. The guys want to understand the main goal, see the interrelationships of processes, and receive detailed briefs. And the most important thing is feedback on the work done.

In addition, you need trips, matinees, meetings where ideas are discussed (and always in a friendly atmosphere, without the mood of "at school in front of a deuce"), ethics of work correspondence, respect for personal space - it seems that everything matters when it comes to the team. The result of such work is expressed, it seems to me, in the greater enthusiasm of people, their dedication, and as a result - in better performance indicators. I am impressed by the lyrical approach here: all team members should be not indifferent to the final result. It is important to work together, not against each other.

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