Characteristics of professions such as a person an artistic image. Professions of the type: "A person is an artistic image

Topic: "Professions of the type" person - artistic image "


to acquaint with the concepts: "artistic image", "burime", "interview";

to expand the knowledge of students in the field of professions that can be attributed to the type "person - artistic images";

promotedevelopment of speech, thinking, attention;the development of creative imagination, fantasy, observation;the development of cognitive activity through the creativity of students;

contribute to the education of love for the life around;accuracy, love of beauty.

Equipment: ICT, images of emoticons, ball, sheets of paper


I . Organizing time.

Good afternoon, good hour!
How glad I am to see you.
They looked at each other
And quietly they all sat down.

Our rest ends,

The work begins.

We will work hard

To learn something.

The motto of our lesson: "The sun paints the earth, and labor paints man." (writing on the board)

How do you understand this proverb?

II ... Motivation for learning activities.

Guys, do you know who A. Pushkin, K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, A. Barto, P. Bazhov are?

Who are poets and writers?

What is your favorite piece?

What artists are you familiar with? Have you been to exhibitions?

What do you know about the professions of director, actor, make-up artist?

What attracts these professions?

III ... WITH generalization of the topic

Today we have an unusual activity. Today we have a lesson - a competition. The topic of the lesson is youyou can find out by reading the anagram.

Prossiife party "vekhlostvennohunny raz"

Occupations of the type "person - artistic image"

What do you know about this type of profession?

To write poetry, canvases, music really needs inspiration and good mood... Then the works will turn out to be funny, they will bring joy to people. And so that our lesson would be fun, interesting, I propose to tune in to it.

Take a deep breath and exhale. Close your eyes. I'll count to 5. On the count of "5" - you open your eyes and smile at each other. 1-2-3-4-5. Smile at the neighbor on the left, smile at the neighbor on the right, smile at me.

IV ... Updating basic knowledge

How is poetry different from other works?

Why is poetry written in a column? What is an interview? Artistic image?

What are rhyme and anagram?

We will receive answers to these questions during the competition program.

V . Competition program

Contest "Interview".

Today I have invited an amazing person to visit us. This is the former director of the Novozybkovsky folk theater Kochetov Andrey Borisovich. Each of you has seen interviews on TV.

You are given 2 minutes to come up with interview questions. The guys who asked the most interesting questions that help to reveal the meaning and role of his profession will receive emoticons.

Competition "Photography".

Children are divided into two groups. One group will improvise, the other will guess. Actors from the first group must think of something: an animal, a profession, a natural phenomenon, heroes of their favorite fairy tales, etc.

Having guessed, the children begin to move, depicting those actions that are inherent in the characters they envisioned, and another group of participants observes and analyzes. At some point, the presenter commands: "photo!" and all the actors from the first group freeze, in the position in which they were at the time of the command. The participants are assessed by Andrey Borisovich.

Decorator Contest

The guys are divided randomly into 4 groups.

What is a decorator?

Assignment: from the proposed elements to design a scene for the performance. Draw the missing elements ("Gingerbread Man", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Pinocchio", "Ryaba Chicken").

Physical education

Are you tired?

For health, not for a joke,

Let's spend a physical education.

Competition "Poetic"

- Whatdo we need the poems to be beautiful?

( rhyme - consonance at the end of two or more words. Audible repeat at the end of the rhythm unit)

Name the literary heroes who wrote poetry.

Which of the literary heroes owns the following lines:

The bear loves honey very much!
Why? Who will understand?
Indeed, why
Does he like honey that much? Winnie the Pooh)

But who wrote these lines?

At Avoska under the pillow

There is a sweet cheesecake.(Dunno).

Who wrote the fairy tale novel about Dunno? (B. Zakhoder)

What verses of this poet do you remember? And Dunno's poems?

Znayka went for a walk on the river,
Jumped over the lamb.

The hurry was hungry

I swallowed a cold iron.

Who taught Dunno to write poetry?

What poems by Tsvetika do you remember?

A huge balloon inflated with steam

It was not for nothing that he rose into the air.

Our shorty is at least not a bird,

He is still good for flying.

And everything is available, ehma!

Now for our mind!

Before writing a poem, you need to practice choosing rhymes. Let's play a game "Say a word"

Everybody here we have a talent

- Both the singer and ... (musician).

Stop sulking, missing,

we begin ... (to dance).

If you are tired of dancing

swing on ... (swing).

And tired of swinging?

We get down to ... (case).

Better to sit down at the table

and ice cream ... (eat).

Are you all full, kids?

Play then ... (it's time)!

Well done, you're good at it. Let's complicate the task.

Training "Find a common end"

For each block of the given letters, you need to find a common part for the end of the word.

B-, gl-, dl-, m-, kart-, os-, ryab-. (-ina).

What words came out?

Zamor-, b-, steam-, d-, k-, card-, p-, t-. (-point).

B-, g-, l-, m-, p-, h-, w-. (-ike).

Sa-, ha-, bush-, ser-. (-lat).

And you have successfully completed this task.

Training task "Rhyme game".

I will speak the word and throw the ball at you at the same time. Whoever catches the ball will have to tell me the rhyme to this word. (Day, house, tire, cat, stove, accordion, insect, basket, ram, sparrow, rooks).


Now we are going to play the game "Burime".

"Burime" (translated from French) means a poem, usually of a comic nature, on predetermined rhymes that can neither be rearranged nor changed and which must be connected by meaningful text. This literary game originated in France in the HUP century. How is it played?

Let's say a poet is given the rhyme "summer is candy".

An associative bush.

What do you remember when you say "summer"?

What about the word "candy"?

Who has already invented the poem?

Analysis of literary techniques in a poem.

Let's say the following poems turned out:

So the resounding summer has melted,

Like sweet candy!

Or like this:

Where are you, where are you, our summer?

Your taste is mint like candy ...

Or: You are a holiday, you are a song, you are a fairy tale, oh, summer! ..

You are the most delicious candy in the world!

What did summer do? Can it be so?

What techniques are used in the next two poems?

Writing poems... Group work.

For further work, we will split into groups. Create your own burimes in groups. I think one head is good and several is better. We continue to earn emoticons. The most active guys who have received the most points for the contests will receive small souvenirs from Andrey Borisovich.

I offer the following rhyme options: "school - free", "hello - infirmary", "in the forest - I will bring", "dew - heaven"; "Coloring-fairy tales"; "Moth is a breeze"; "By the river - deep"; "Grumblers - naughty", "one - at the window", "dog - brought", "run - I will help."

Each group chooses the rhyme with which they will work. If we can quickly cope with the task, we do the same with a different rhyme. Don't forget to create an associative bush. He will help you in versification.

* I propose to come up with a burima for 4 terms.

(Slide18) Rhyme options:nature-weather,
year-people;. laziness is a stump, deeply wide; hair - the voice of the grass-murav; heaven - wonders house - corner; bird - water garden - waterfall; herons-drops of heaven - the forest.

VI... Summarizing

Presentation of souvenirs

Andrey Borisovich:

At home, try to write your own burime poems on your own, arrange them on A4 sheets with illustrations

What have you learned in class today?

Did you feel like composing poetry yourself?

Now let's check how successful our today's lesson was. You have stickers on your table.

If the lesson was fruitful for you, and you were satisfied, attach the stickers to the emoticon with a "smile".

If the lesson went well, but could have been better, attach stickers to the "doubt" emoticon.

If the lesson does not differ from the previous lessons, and has not brought anything new - stickers for the “sadness” emoticon.

"Man - an artistic image" The subject of labor for representatives of most professions - page №1 / 1

"Man is an artistic image"

The subject of labor for representatives of most professions such as "Man is an artistic image" is an artistic image, the purpose of labor is to achieve beauty, harmony, aesthetics in the world around a person, to influence a person through art to improve it, to preserve the cultural heritage of mankind.

Most of the professions of this type are associated with:

  1. with the creation, design, modeling of works of art (artist, fashion designer, architect, writer, sculptor, choreographer, journalist, composer, designer, florist, decorator, etc.);

  2. with reproduction, production of various products according to a sketch-sample in single copies (jeweler, engraver, restorer, cabinet-maker);

  3. with reproduction, copying, reproduction of works of art in mass production (painter for painting porcelain; grinder for stones, crystal; printer).
Classification of professions "Man - an artistic image"

The entire field of professions such as "Man - artistic image" can be subdivided into subtypes (which are often intertwined) in accordance with the types of artistic representation of reality:

1. Professions related with visual activities: carpenter for the production of artistic furniture, photographer-artist, hairdresser-fashion designer, stained glass painter, designer-fashion designer, artist-master, graphic artist, painter-colorist, sculptor, etc.
2. Professions related with musical activities: accompanist, theater artist, ensemble artist, singer, composer, etc.
3. Professions related with literary and artistic activities: fiction editor, literary worker (newspaper, theater, etc.), etc.
4. Professions related with acting and stage activities: actor, artist of theater, cinema, etc.
By field of application:

  • Space (architect, landscape designer, interior designer, furniture designer, sculptor).

  • Sound environment, music (performer of different musical genres, composer, conductor, vocalist).

  • Literature (journalist, literary critic, playwright, art critic).

  • Color, fine arts (painter, graphic artist, decorator).

  • Film and video (photo artist, film and television cameraman, director).

  • Scene (theater artist, ballet dancer, cinema artist).

  • The appearance of a person (fashion designer, hairdresser, make-up artist, etc.).
According to the goals and objectives of labor:

  • organizational profession (director, stage director, conductor, choreographer);

  1. actually creative, constructive (writer, painter, composer, actor);

  2. performing arts (manufacturer of art products, pastry chef, tailor, etc.);

  3. research (art critic, theater critic, restorer).

Psychological requirementsto representatives of professions such as "Human -artistic image":

  • rich and vivid creative imagination

  • creative thinking

  • creative (creative) ability

  • persistence
As well as:

  • highly developed artistic taste

  • aesthetic sensitivity

  • good (high) level of development of special abilities (artistic, artistic, literary, choreographic, musical, etc.)

Cosmetics have been used since ancient times. Eyeliner paint was found in Egyptian graves dating back to 3000 BC. Roman ladies used dyed powder and long-handled bronze spoons to extract and mix cosmetics. For a long time, the use of decorative cosmetics was considered immoral: a book dedicated to etiquette, written at the beginning of the century, claims that the oriental custom of lip tint is allowed only on stage. Fortunately, recently, opinion has changed, and absolutely all women can freely use decorative cosmetics.

  • masking facial imperfections, cosmetic defects using decorative cosmetics

  • highlighting individual facial features with skillful application of makeup taking into account the shape of the face, skin color, hair, eyes, etc.

  • selection of cosmetics suitable only for a specific client

  • assistance in creating an individual appearance, image

  • conducting advisory work with people (giving recommendations, advice on the selection of decorative cosmetics)


  • artistic ability

  • a high level of development of color perception (the ability to perceive and distinguish a wide range of colors and their shades)

  • development of figurative memory

  • a sense of harmony and symmetry

  • good vision

  • accuracy

  • cleanliness

  • sociability

  • attentiveness

  • patience

  • politeness

  • attentiveness

  • patience

  • politeness

  • unkempt appearance

  • inability to communicate with people

  • lack of artistic ability and creative thinking

  • inability to subtly feel shades of color


  • institutes of cosmetology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

  • fashion houses

Related professions:

hairdresser, manicurist, pedicurist, stylist, make-up artist

The profession can be obtained on courses and in secondary specialized educational institutions:

  1. Petrovsky College

The word "designer" comes from English words « industrialdesighn», which in translation means design, creation of industrial! products. Since ancient times, people have tried to somehow improve the conditions of their existence. It's always nice to see your home warm and cozy, and workplace convenient and comfortable. All objects around us can be useful, comfortable, economical and beautiful, should serve to preserve health and contribute to a person's peace of mind. The creation of such things is fundamental; task of the designer.

The XX century is characterized by the development of science and technology, the successes of the scientific and technological revolution, the desire for economy and beauty, which made possible the emergence of a new profession of designer, without which not a single industry can do without.


  • creation of new projects of the subject environment of a modern person to improve working conditions

  • development of art and design projects for industrial and household products, interior decoration of premises, offices

  • development of details for the external design of products, interior

  • study of customer requirements for designed products and technical capabilities their manufacture

  • selection of materials for the manufacture of products

  • control over the implementation of the concept at the stages of design, manufacture, testing and presentation of the finished product to the customer

  • development of technical documentation for designed products (sketch and working drawings, demonstration drawings, diagrams, working projects, models)

  • work related to packaging and advertising of designed products

  • design of products and objects, taking into account the existing shortcomings, following modern trends

  • assessment of the significance of the created products for each individual consumer and for society as a whole

  • providing advice to enterprises, organizations and individuals

Qualities for successful execution professional activity:


  • Creative skills

  • artistic ability

  • analytic skills

  • high level of development of imagination

  • good eyesight and eye

  • a sense of harmony and taste

  • the ability to perceive, distinguish a wide range of colors and their shades
Personal qualities, interests, inclinations:

  • originality, resourcefulness

  • intuitiveness

  • a responsibility

  • realism

  • sociability

Qualities that hinder the effectiveness of professional activity:

  • lack of taste

  • rigidity of thinking (inability to adjust the activity program in accordance with changing environmental conditions)

  • lack of imagination

Areas of application of professional knowledge:

  • the sphere of culture and life

  • design bureaus at ministries and departments

  • research, design institutes

  • theaters, palaces of culture

Related professions:

Artist - constructor

The profession of a designer can be obtained in higher educational institutions:

  1. Leningradsky State University named after A.S. Pushkin

  2. Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic University

  3. Saint Petersburg State Technological University of Plant Polymers (SPbGTURP)

  4. NOU Nevsky Institute of Management and Design

  5. NOU Baltic Institute of Foreign Languages ​​and Intercultural Cooperation

  6. NOU Baltic Institute of Ecology, Politics and Law

  7. NOU Institute of Television, Business and Design

  8. NOU Smolny Institute

The profession of a designer can be obtained in secondary specialized educational institutions:

  1. Petrovsky College

  2. OU SPO St. Petersburg College of Hairdressing and Decorative Cosmetics "LOKON"

Art critic
Art history (art history) - a complex of social sciences studying art - artistic culture society as a whole, certain types art, their relationship to reality, the laws of development, the whole set of questions of the form and content of works of art.

Art criticism is a very ancient science. Initially, the elements of art history were included in religious, philosophical and other teachings and were in the nature of recommendations and separate information.

The first fragments of the teaching about art known to us were recorded in Ancient Greece(Aristotle, Plato, the treatises of Polycletus - V century BC). Then the teaching of art receives its rapid development in Ancient Rome (Cicero - 1st century BC). From the beginning of our era. the most valuable and universal character were literary treatises in Asian countries (for example, the treatise "Chitrapakshana" - 1st century AD). In the Middle Ages in Europe, the theory of art was an inseparable part of theological worldviews (Augustine - IV-V centuries, Thomas Aquinas - XIII century).

The most important stage in the formation of art criticism, and, consequently, the profession of "art critic", was the Renaissance. A large number of people appear, developing the theory of art (for example, Cennino Cennini - XIV century, Leonardo da Vinci, etc.). In the 18th century, art history began to stand out as an independent science. It was at this time that the first professional art experts appeared.

In Russia, art criticism gets its special development in the second half of the XIX - early XX century. The most famous domestic art critics are D. Rovinsky, N. G. Sobko and others.
Dominant activities:

Art theorist:

  • study theoretical problems visual arts

  • research of theoretical problems of architecture

  • study of the laws of the development of art, its relationship to reality

  • study of the relationship between art and society

  • study of issues of ideological content, art form

  • study of the specifics of types and genres of art

Art historian:

  • study of the collection of a particular collection

  • systematization of the works of individual masters, various schools and trends

  • ensuring the safety of museum exhibits

  • providing an opinion on the need for restoration of a particular work

  • attribution of the authorship of the controversial work, the authenticity of the thing, its value

  • participation in survey expeditions

  • conducting excursions, lectures, electives

  • publication of scientific and popular science brochures, collections, guidebooks, which are published by art museums and galleries

  • art criticism: a comprehensive study and scientific analysis of a topical problem, Objective assessment, judgment, writing articles, reviews

  • organization of the exposition (selection of exhibits, hanging)

  • drawing up files of museum exhibits

Qualities that ensure the success of the performance of professional activities:

Capabilities :

  • fine artistic taste

  • openness to everything new (to be constantly "in the know")

  • developed intuitive thinking

  • impartiality

  • visual-figurative thinking

  • objectivity

  • "Sensory memory (" memory of feelings ")

  • high level of concentration

  • ability to interest

  • accuracy

  • tact

  • sociability

  • patience

  • striving for self-development

Qualities that hinder the effectiveness of professional activity:

  • lack of artistic taste

  • rigidity of thinking (inability to perceive new things)

  • carelessness

  • distraction

  • bad memory

Areas of application of professional knowledge:

  • museums

  • galleries

  • Exhibitions

  • publishing houses

  • excursion bureaus

  • antiques

  • publishers (editor)

  • art criticism

  • teaching

  • Scientific research

Educational institutions teaching this profession

The profession of an art critic can be obtained in higher educational institutions:

  1. St. Petersburg State Academy of Art and Industry named after A. L. Stieglitz (SPGKhPA named after A. L. Stieglitz)

  2. Saint Petersburg State University

  3. Saint Petersburg State University of Technology and Design

  4. NOU Higher School of Folk Arts (Institute) (NOU)

  5. NOU Institute of Decorative and Applied Arts

  6. NOU Smolny Institute

"Cosmetics" (kosmetike) translated from Greek means "the art of decorating." The history of cosmetology is closely related to the level of development of culture, natural science, medicine. The first reference book containing the simplest information on this specialty appeared in the 5th millennium BC. (it was written on papyrus). The striving for beauty has existed in humans at all times. The famous physician of antiquity Claudius Galen invented the first cream that can be used as a cosmetic product - cold cream. Back in Ancient Greece and Egypt to improve appearance dyes, various mixtures of animal and vegetable fats, decoctions and infusions from herbs and other plants, aromatic substances were widely used. All of these substances have been widely used to soften and whiten facial skin, strengthen hair and improve hair growth. For the production of cosmetic procedures and facial massage, slaves were specially trained - the so-called cosmetics. They also dealt with face tinting, using powder, blush, special pencils for eyebrows, eyelashes, lipstick, etc.

In the XVI-XVII centuries, there is an increase in the production and variety of perfumery products. In the 18th-19th centuries, it was increasingly noticed that many skin diseases are accompanied by cosmetic defects (acne, oily and dry skin, etc.) and their elimination depends on proper treatment.

And today the concept of "cosmetics" is the art of decorating a person's appearance with the help of numerous methods and means, and "cosmetology" is a concept that includes methods of scientifically based treatment of cosmetic defects, methods of creating cosmetics.

Dominant activities:

  • carrying out preventive and hygienic measures for the care of the skin of the face and body (hygienic cleaning, the use of cosmetic masks for the prevention of wilting, whitening of the skin of the face, compresses, etc.)

  • hygienic massage of the face and neck

  • treatment of skin defects and cosmetic defects (freckles, age spots) with masks, compresses and various cosmetics

  • diagnostics, treatment and prevention of certain skin and hair diseases (acne, seborrhea, demodex, etc.)

  • preparation of cosmetics (creams, lotions, masks, etc.)

  • epilation and depilation (removal of unwanted hair from various parts of the body)

  • cosmetological assistance using special devices (vaporization - a procedure for warming up and deep cleaning of the skin, darsonvalization - exposure to tissues with an alternating pulsed high-frequency current of low voltage and low strength, cryotherapy - exposure to liquid nitrogen)

  • consulting work on cosmetic issues (proper skin care, selection of cosmetics taking into account skin type and individual characteristics), as well as on proper nutrition

Qualities that ensure the success of the performance of professional activities:

Capabilities :

  • ability to make contact with people

  • good development of long-term memory (the ability to retain information in memory for a long time)

  • dexterity and good development of fine motor skills of the hands

  • a high level of concentration and stability of attention (the ability to focus on one object while distracting from others and keep attention on it for a long time without being distracted)
Personal qualities, interests and inclinations:

  • accuracy

  • patience

  • cleanliness

  • sociability

  • politeness

Qualities that hinder the effectiveness of professional activity:

  • unkempt appearance

  • inability to communicate with people

  • disgust

  • distraction

  • fast fatiguability

  • impetuosity and harshness of movements
Areas of application of professional knowledge:

  1. Research Institute of Cosmetology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

  2. specialized medical institutions of the Ministry of Health system that provide cosmetology assistance (cosmetology hospitals and offices)

  3. specialized institutions in the field of household and communal services (beauty parlors, salons, hairdressing salons, baths, hotels)

Related professions:

Hairdresser, manicurist, pedicurist, stylist, make-up artist

Educational institutions teaching this profession

To work in the profession of "cosmetologist", you must have a basic medical education:

  • it is possible to obtain secondary specialized (medical) education in medical schools as a general nurse. After graduating from an educational institution, it is necessary to additionally complete courses in cosmetology or study in the specialty of a cosmetologist

  • it is possible to obtain a higher medical education and, with additional specialization, to acquire the profession of a cosmetologist

  1. Petrovsky College

  2. GOU SPO Saint-Petersburg College of Hairdressing and Decorative Cosmetics "LOKON"

The profession of a fashion model is relatively new. But the history of this profession is rooted in the distant past.

Since the meaning of the professional activity of a fashion model is to present your outfit in the most favorable "light", practically all women at all times can be considered fashion models. In aristocratic circles, it was always customary to hold balls, where all women wanted to amaze others with their outfit. Thus, it is the first in human history the ball can be called the first fashion show, and all the women who took part in it were the first fashion models.

The profession of a fashion model in the form in which it exists today appeared with the emergence of the first fashion designers and the first fashion houses, where girls were required to present new outfits.

Today this profession is not so much in demand as it is popular among young girls.

Dominant activities:

  • runway presentation of clothing collections

  • creating an image corresponding to the demonstrated costume (facial expressions, facial expressions, gestures, movements)

  • movement on the catwalk according to the drawing, the director's scheme

  • influencing the viewer with the help of artistic, expressive abilities

  • conveying to the viewer the artistic idea, the idea of ​​the author of the collection using the created image

  • participation in the filming of promotional products

  • dance work for singers

  • participation in television programs and shows

  • work as an actor on the set of films

  • participation in presentations (conducting, attendants)

  • participation in contests (Miss World, Miss Universe, Miss Russia, etc.)

  • company representation ("company face")

  • regular, daily activities aimed at maintaining a figure, appearance and health:

  • sports activities (shaping, callanetics, certain sports);

  • adherence to a diet;

  • special cosmetic care for face and body skin;

  • creating your own image;

  • discussion of orders with the manager.
Qualities that ensure the success of the performance of professional activities


  • good shape and standard body parameters (height, weight, etc.)

  • acting skills

  • ability to influence the public

  • good coordination of movements

  • good health

  • ability to improvise

  • intuition (the ability to feel what the artist wanted to convey)

  • sufficient level of intelligence

  • the ability to make independent decisions in a problem situation;

  • presence of aesthetic taste

  • the ability to express your thoughts (for interviews)

  • photogenicity

  • a high level of development of attention switching (the ability to quickly switch from one type of activity to another)
Personal qualities, interests and inclinations:

  • endurance

  • expressiveness

  • emotionality

  • persistence

  • sensitivity

  • strength of will

  • purposefulness

  • sociability

  • intuitiveness

Qualities that hinder the effectiveness of professional activity:

  • short stature

  • custom figure

  • fullness

  • physical disabilities

  • lack of acting ability

  • shyness

  • stiffness

  • isolation

  • poor coordination of movements

  • poor health

  • self-doubt
Areas of application of professional knowledge:

  • modeling agencies

  • mod houses

Educational institutions teaching this profession:

The profession of a fashion model can be obtained in commercial courses

Fashion designer

From the most distant past to the present day, clothing has been a constant companion of man. But she was not always the way we are used to seeing her. Clothes went a long and difficult way before they acquired modern look... At an early stage in the development of human society, clothing was just a piece of skin that served to protect a person from adverse influences external environment... Thanks to even such primitive clothing, a person ceased to be dependent on natural conditions and was able to live in a wide variety of climatic zones. Each era, each historical period had its own forms and cut, decoration and material of clothing, color and pattern of fabric, which together created a certain style of clothing. The style of dress is a kind of mirror of a particular era, which makes it possible to judge the culture and economy of states, the position of a person in society, his class affiliation.

Dominant activities:

  • development and creation of new compositions of clothes, taking into account requests
    different groups of the population and the available assortment of material

  • implementation and implementation of creative ideas and ideas

  • selection of materials for the implementation of the project composition

  • creation of sketches of new models

  • adjustments to industrial modeling

  • creating new styles of clothing and influencing the development
    different fashion trends

  • designing technically perfect, comfortable and beautiful
    compositions of clothes

  • organization of shows, exhibitions of clothing models

Qualities that ensure the success of the performance of professional activities:


  • Creative skills

  • developed spatial-imaginative thinking

  • developed imagination

  • the ability to convey, convey the main idea (idea) using a graphic image, layout

  • good eye

  • a sense of harmony and taste

  • artistic ability

  • good development of fine motor skills of hands

Personal qualities, interests and inclinations:

  • originality, resourcefulness

  • freedom from convention

  • independence, autonomy

  • intuitiveness

  • focus on non-traditional values ​​and attitudes

  • a responsibility

  • patience

  • purposefulness

  • self confidence

Qualities that hinder the effectiveness of professional activity:

  • conservativeness, inclination to support traditional methods

  • insufficiently developed spatial-imaginative thinking

  • lack of imagination

  • lack of taste

Areas of application of professional knowledge:

  • fashion houses

  • modeling and production organizations

  • light industry enterprises, industrial sewing
    associations (factories, ateliers)

Related professions:

Tailor, costume designer, designer - fashion designer

Higher schools:

  1. Saint Petersburg State University of Technology and Design

  2. Saint Petersburg State University of Service and Economics
Secondary specialized educational institutions:

  1. Engineering school of clothing (college) GOU VPO "SPBGUTiD"

  2. College of Technology, Modeling and Management "St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design"

  3. GOU SPO Pedagogical College No. 5 of St. Petersburg

  4. GOU SPO "Russian College of Traditional Culture of St. Petersburg

  5. GOU SPO Saint-Petersburg College of Hairdressing and Decorative Cosmetics "LOKON"

The hairdresser
Our ancient ancestors knew about the profession of a hairdresser. In many literary works you can read about the services of barbers
(as hairdressers used to be called in Russia), hundreds of people came to them to shave, cut their hair or get their hair done. The word "hairdresser" is of French origin (perruque) - hair strap, and in the theater - one of expressive means makeup.
The profession of a hairdresser has always been and will be vital, since a person has a desire for beauty and self-care.
Dominant activities:

  • selection of hairstyles taking into account the peculiarities of the client's appearance

  • washing, combing, cutting and styling hair

  • dyeing hair in various colors and shades, bleaching them

  • perm hair

  • curling hair electrically (with tongs) and curlers

  • cosmetic hair care (medical treatments: masks, massage, etc.)

  • creating custom hairstyles for special occasions

  • shaving your face, taking into account the properties and types of skin

  • work with wigs, hairpieces and onlays

  • disinfection, cleaning and inspection of instruments

  • development of models of hairstyles, taking into account the direction of fashion

Qualities that ensure the success of the performance of professional activities:


  • good development of hand motor skills

  • accurate eye

  • ability to focus on one object for a long time

  • good visual memory

  • developed creative imagination

  • high hand sensitivity

  • artistic ability (drawing)

  • high noise immunity (the ability to work with high noise levels in a room)

  • physical endurance

Personal qualities, interests and inclinations:

  • patience

  • cleanliness

  • ingenuity

  • aesthetic taste

  • accuracy, thoroughness (the ability to carefully do the job)

  • goodwill towards people

  • energy

  • ease of communication with people

  • tact

  • observation

Qualities that hinder the effectiveness of professional activity:

  • poor coordination of movements

  • impaired attention and memory

  • undeveloped imagination

  • undeveloped hand motor skills

  • lack of aesthetic taste

  • slovenliness, inability to comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements

  • irritability and fatigue

  • intolerant attitude towards manners, taste, features of the appearance of other people

  • feeling disgusted with other people

  • allergic reactions to chemicals (odors and dyes) and hair

Areas of application of professional knowledge:

  • hairdressing salons

  • Beauty Salons

  • model houses

  • offices at individual enterprises

Related professions:

make-up artist, make-up artist, hairdresser-stylist, stylist

Educational institutions teaching this profession

The profession of a hairdresser can be obtained in vocational schools, industrial training centers or commercial courses, as well as in secondary specialized and educational institutions:

  1. Petrovsky College

  2. SPO Saint-Petersburg College of Hairdressing Art and Decorative Cosmetics "LOKON"

  3. SPO "Russian College of Traditional Culture of St. Petersburg"

  4. Polytechnic College FGOU VPO "St. Petersburg State University of Service and Economics"

People tend to strive for harmony and perfection, the search for various compositional solutions: whether in art, music, painting, architecture, literature or other areas of culture. The word “style” was used to describe the association of Dutch architects and artists in 1917-1931. The profession of "stylist" is important in our time, characterized by a large volume of various trends in fashion, on the one hand, and the desire to simplify cultural products (buildings, clothes, hairstyles), on the other hand. Now specialists are in demand who can professionally work on the creation and selection of the external appearance of people and any objects.
Dominant activities:

  • creating an external image of the client (modeling hairstyles, makeup, clothes, etc.)

  • development of a style that most fully emphasizes the merits and hides the flaws of the client

  • practical application of theoretical developments (hairstyles, makeup, selection and production of clothes) in accordance with the individual characteristics of the client and fashion trends)

  • selection of colors and shades of cosmetics, clothes, taking into account the individual characteristics and desires of the client

  • creation of professional clothing, company image, organization, taking into account the client's request

  • comparative analysis and study of the best practices of domestic and Western specialists

Qualities that ensure the success of the performance of professional activities:


  • ability to concentrate on one object for a long time

  • accurate eye

  • a sense of harmony and symmetry

  • well-developed fine motor skills of the hands

  • developed creative thinking

  • good imagination

  • artistic ability

  • high level of development of figurative memory
Personal qualities, interests and inclinations:

  • creativity

  • concentration

  • attentiveness

  • accuracy

  • initiative

  • patience

  • benevolence

  • tact

Qualities that hinder the effectiveness of professional activity:

  • negligence

  • carelessness

  • slovenliness

  • irritability

  • coarseness

  • lack of creativity in work

Areas of application of professional knowledge:

  • Beauty Salons

  • model houses

  • hairdressing salons

  • image creation companies

Related professions:

cosmetologist, make-up artist, make-up artist, hairdresser-stylist, image maker

Educational institutions teaching this profession

  1. Petrovsky College

  2. SPO St. Petersburg College of Hairdressing and Decorative Cosmetics "LOKON"

Artist - decorator
A graphic designer is a specialist in the field of visual arts who uses artistic techniques and media for decoration purposes.

In Russia, art education existed in the form of individual training of icon painters, masters of monumental painting and carvers directly in the workshops. In the 18th century, the Drawing School at the St. Petersburg Printing House, created by Peter I in 1711, played a positive role in the development of art education in Russia. A large art school in the first half of the 18th century was the so-called painting team "Office of Buildings". Many famous Russian masters of painting worked and studied in it - I. Ya.Vishnyakov, A.P. Antropov and others. Largest center art education in Russia was founded in 1757 in St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. In the 19th century, realist artists A. A. Ivanov, K. P. Bryullov, as well as V. M. Vasnetsov, I. E. Repin, V. I. Surikov, I. I. Shishkin were educated there.

Dominant activities:

  • decoration work by orders of structural divisions of an institution (organization)

  • graphic and type works for research and development materials, meetings, scientific conferences, seminars and creative discussions

  • drawing up sketches and performing work on the decoration of projects, layouts, scientific and technical reports, etc. participation in the development of projects for the decoration of premises and facades of buildings of an institution (organization), as well as the occupied territory

  • determining the most rational decisions color design of interiors

  • author's control over the implementation of artistic design solutions

  • control over the observance of aesthetic requirements during the reconstruction and construction of production, office and cultural and amenity premises

  • development of recommendations for the selection of work clothes, corresponding to the specifics of production and type of work

  • development of projects for the improvement and landscaping of the territory of the enterprise, architectural and artistic design of the facades of buildings, etc.
Qualities that ensure the success of the performance of professional activities:


  • artistic ability

  • good eyesight and eye

  • Creative skills

  • the ability to perceive and distinguish a wide range of colors and their shades

  • developed spatial imaginative thinking

  • high level of development of imagination;

  • developed attention to detail
Personal qualities, interests and inclinations:

  • originality, resourcefulness

  • independence

  • observation (the ability to notice even minor trifles and shortcomings)

  • a sense of harmony and taste

  • openness to new perception

Qualities that hinder the effectiveness of professional activity:

  • lack of artistic ability

  • lack or low level of development of spatial-figurative thinking and imagination

  • lack of creativity

  • lack of taste

  • rigidity of thinking

Areas of application of professional knowledge:

  • artistic design departments at industrial enterprises

  • the sphere of culture and life

  • theaters, palaces of culture

  • film industry

  • educational institutions (colleges, technical schools, universities)

  • law enforcement (drawing up a portrait of a criminal, suspect)

Related professions:

Artist - decorator, illustrator, graphic artist, artist - restorer, artist - master, restorer

Educational institutions teaching these professions

Higher educational institutions:

  1. St. Petersburg State Academy of Art and Industry named after A. L. Stieglitz (SPGKhPA named after A. L. Stieglitz)

  2. St. Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I.E. Repin

  3. Saint Petersburg State University

  4. Saint Petersburg State University of Film and Television (SPbGUKiT)

  5. Saint Petersburg State University of Technology and Design

  6. Saint Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts

  7. St. Petersburg State Academy of Theater Arts

  8. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

  9. NOU Higher School of Folk Arts (Institute)

  10. NOU Institute of Decorative and Applied Arts

  11. NOU Smolny Institute

Secondary specialized educational institutions:

  1. Art School named after N.K. Roerich

  2. GOU SPO "Leningrad Regional College of Culture and Art"

  3. FGOU VPO "Higher School of Folk Arts (Institute)"

  4. GOU SPO "Russian College of Traditional Culture of St. Petersburg"

Web -designer
The profession of a web designer includes two aspects: the ability to use special computer programs and design activity. As early as the 19th century, shop, restaurant and business owners produced promotional postcards. These postcards were designed by special people whom we today call designers. Nowadays web designers are engaged in virtually the same activity, but only using different computer programs.

The profession of a web designer as such appeared only with the emergence of the world computer network World Wide Web (WWW), in which it is possible to create websites for advertising purposes (late 1980s - early 1990s).

Dominant kinds activities:

  • website design

  • creation of an idea and development of a server layout

  • creating the execution style of the server layout

  • ensuring the best perception of web-documents on the monitor screen, taking into account the time of loading documents, the bandwidth of the data transmission channel, the size of the graphic files of the document, the quality of the color palette

  • determination of the rules for the layout of web pages, the choice of format, background, quantity and quality of design elements

  • creation of style samples of web-documents

  • work with the Internet node

  • writing the program part and the page code

  • hypertext document management

  • conducting information policy of the company on the World Wide Web (WWW)

  • installation and work with tools for preparing and checking web pages

  • creation of interactive web-applications

  • update, modernization of a web document

  • creating and working with applications for static processing
Qualities that ensure the success of the performance of professional activities:


  • developed aesthetic and artistic taste

  • high level of development of distribution, volume, concentration and switching of attention

  • high level of development of imaginative thinking

  • high level of memory development

  • logical thinking

  • analytical thinking

  • developed finger motor skills
Personal qualities, interests, inclinations:

  • creativity

  • thoroughness

  • systematic work

  • attentiveness

  • accuracy

  • perseverance

  • a responsibility
Areas of useprofessionalknowledge:

  • enterprises and organizations

  • computer design agencies and firms

  • schools

Educational institutions teaching this profession

The profession can be obtained in higher educational institutions:

  1. Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen

  2. NOU St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions

  3. Saint Petersburg State University of Service and Economics
Questionnaire for the study of the degree of interest in the professions "Artistic type"

Instructions: in front of each statement, circle the number that corresponds to the degree of your interest in these activities (desire to do them)

I like it, I wonder (I would like it, I would like it)

0 - not interesting at all

1- don't know

2 - interesting, but not too much

3 - very interesting

Statements, statements





Help to pick (choose) clothes (shoes, hats) for friends and family; accessories; jewelry, cosmetics; hairstyles





Perform on stage (on the podium), appear in commercials





Design (create) clothing models and (or) DIY jewelry





Engage in design (including computer design), fine and decorative arts, photography





Come up with new hairstyles





Attend exhibitions in art museums, galleries and salons; attend fashion shows and (or) watch them on TV (Internet)





Listen to lectures on art, MHC, fashion history





Study various drawing techniques (handicrafts, arts and crafts, etc.); experiment with creative work





Alter old clothes; additionally decorate a new





Get acquainted with the world of art (fashion), reading specials. literature (books, magazines); studying information on specialized sites on the Internet






Processing of results:

Sum up the circled numbers and write them down in the appropriate box (“Points”).

Interpretation of results:

Number of points


14 and below

interest in this professional field is not expressed

(mild interest)


poorly expressed professional propensity

(the degree of interest is below average)


pronounced professional orientation and interest

(moderate degree of interest)


interest in this professional field is expressed significantly

(the degree of interest is above average)

27 - 30

professional orientation is expressed clearly and distinctly

(high degree of interest)

These are professions in which work is aimed at artistic objects or the conditions for their creation. All professions of the "person - artistic image" type can be divided into subtypes in accordance with historically distinct types of artistic representation of reality.

1. Professions associated with the visual activity.

2. Professions related to musical activities.

3. Professions related to literary and artistic

4. Professions associated with acting and stage activities.

The listed subtypes are not strictly limited from each other and are more or less strongly intertwined.

The first manifestations and forms of art (image, song, dance) in the history of mankind have always been by no means idle, but the most important social matter - the work of the collective. The song set the rhythm of joint work or created the necessary mood (sorrowful, joyful or fighting). A drawing or dance determined and clarified intentions, goals, plans, served as a kind of preparation for hunting, fighting, etc. Art was associated with the life support of society, labor.

In the process of human development, there was a separation and isolation of the production of artistic values ​​from the production of material values. Artistic specialists appeared. They satisfy their material needs at the expense of those who work in the field Agriculture, industry, and instead bring aesthetic values ​​into the common cause.

There is a natural exchange of labor products. Of course, from time to time there appears a "frenzied piano", which begins to think that "it plays for itself," in other words, ideas appear that art is something exceptional ("art for art", etc.). This is no more witty position than if someone proclaimed: "industry for industry", "beekeeping for beekeeping", etc. In any area of ​​work, skill can be prohibitively high; however, not in every area it is expressed in spectacular effects. Therefore, not all areas of labor are the same conditions for "pride" to take possession of a person.

One of the features of this type of profession is that a significant proportion of labor costs the employee remains hidden from the outside observer. Moreover, special efforts are often made to create the effect of lightness, ease of the final product of labor. Thus, an artist's performance can continue in public for several minutes. But for it to take place, the artist daily and many hours works to improve and maintain on necessary level his skill, strictly adheres to a special regime, etc.

When choosing the appropriate professional path, it is important to think about this implicit side of work, which can turn out to be an unbearable price to pay for success. In order for work to bring satisfaction, it is important to cultivate a realistic level of claims for public recognition (not to claim more recognition than what you deserve based on the real results of your activities). However, this is not easy to achieve if someone has already been praised by someone. A person with an unrealistic level of claims drives away from himself the idea that the real reason for the lack of resounding success is in himself. He is inclined to explain the failures by the actions of other people ("interfered", "do not give passage", "envy", "slow down", etc.).

Subtypes of professions such as "Human - Artistic Image"

Artistic professions:

Wallpaper painter, lining-tiler, photographer, toy painter, chaser, wood carver, jewelery insert cutter, make-up artist, lighting designer, restorer, production designer.

Musical professions:

Piano tuner, accompanist, vocalist, orchestra artist, musical toy tuner.

Writing professions:

Editor, newspaper employee, correspondent, writer.

Professions related to acting and stage activities:

Drama artist, circus artist, vtraveling to the concert.

So, you have determined the type of profession that suits you, and now we will determine which class your future profession belongs to.

"Man - man", "man - technology", "man - nature", "man - sign system", "man - artistic image"

The first feature of the professions type "Man - man" lies in the fact that the main content of labor here is reduced to the interaction between people. If this interaction is not going well, then the work is not going well either. For example, if a leader, a propagandist, or an educator does not establish good relationships with those people whom he leads, convinces of something, whom he should educate, then the most important thing in the work is not there. Success is not possible here. Hence, strictly speaking, there is no real work either.

The second feature of this type of profession is that each of them requires a double training from a person:
a) you need to learn, be able to establish and maintain contacts with people, understand people, understand their characteristics;
b) you need to be prepared in a particular area of ​​production, science, technology, art, etc.
If the organizer leads a group of working people, then he must know well the essence of the work they are doing. Without this, he will not be able to correctly understand the actions, behavior, thoughts and intentions of his subordinates. This does not mean that he should know and be able to do everything better than any of the subordinates. This is often impossible and unnecessary. A theater director shouldn't dance better than a prima ballerina, a factory director doesn't need to be a better toolmaker, a school director can't know everything academic subjects as thoroughly as each of the subject teachers knows their business. But many of the features of the work of subordinates, the leader must still clearly understand.

The service worker also deals not only with people, but also with those values ​​that he brings to consumers. Values ​​can be material or spiritual. Material - food, clothing, household items. Spiritual - useful information, works of science, art. It is clear that you need to deeply understand what you are trying to convey to people.

In the field of professions of the type "Person - person", we distinguish several subtypes:
1. Professions related to production management, management of people, teams.
2. Professions related to the education and upbringing of people, the organization of children's groups, professional training.
3. Professions related to material and household, trade service people.
4. Professions related to information services for people.
5. Professions related to information and art services for people and the management of art groups.
6. Professions related to the medical care of people.

"Man - technology"... In professions of this type, educational subjects such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, and drawing help to navigate. It should be noted that the field of technical objects includes not only "glands", but also all kinds of non-metallic materials - fabrics, plastics, food raw materials, semi-finished products. The field of technology is to be understood broadly.

This is the largest (in terms of the number of professions and specialties) type of profession. The work of professionals here is directed, of course, not only to technology. So, the installer of radio equipment cares, in particular, about the beauty of the installation, the trolleybus driver communicates with people during work, the operator or locksmith can count something, calculate, and the crane driver can be busy loading cages, say, with the inhabitants of the zoo, sent on tour. But, nevertheless, the main subject of professional attention and concerns of workers in this case is the area of ​​technical objects and their properties. Still, a crane driver (crane operator) is a crane control specialist, a locksmith is a metalworker.
Occupations type "Man - technology" so many that we will have to distinguish several subtypes:
1. Professions associated with processing, extraction of soil, rocks.
2. Professions in the processing and use of non-metallic industrial materials, products, semi-finished products.
3. Professions in the production and processing of metal, mechanical assembly, assembly of machines, devices, equipment.
4. Professions for the repair, adjustment, maintenance of mechanical equipment, technological machines, installations, Vehicle.
5. Professions for installation, repair of buildings, structures, structures.
6. Professions in the assembly, installation of electrical and radio equipment, devices, apparatus.
7. Professions for the repair, adjustment, maintenance of electrical equipment, instruments, apparatus.
8. Professions associated with the use of lifting, vehicles, their management.
9. Professions for the processing of agricultural products.

Along with a creative approach to business in the field of technology, a high performing discipline is expected and required from a person. Discipline is, of course, needed everywhere. But technology, with its precision, is especially sensitive to this quality of workers.

"Man is nature." In this case, we mean precisely wildlife, in which biological educational subjects, sciences (botany, zoology, anatomy, physiology, general biology) help to navigate. Human labor in the field of professions such as "Man - nature" is aimed only at the objects mentioned above. For example, plant breeders use a variety of sophisticated techniques in their practice. Working in a team, they, in particular, are busy with establishing interpersonal relationships... They also have to deal with issues of accounting, economic assessment of their work. There are even professions of this type that necessarily require artistic aptitudes (along with biology and botany). For example, there are flower growers, decorators, green building technicians (specialists in landscaping cities, populated areas). But, nevertheless, the main object of attention and concerns of workers in this case is plants and their environment.

The situation is similar with livestock professions... Livestock breeding today is increasingly being transferred to an industrial basis, equipped with technology. A livestock breeder is also a machine operator. But if he does not have a special attitude, special inclinations to work with animals (and there is only an interest in technology), then the trouble is animal husbandry.

The microbiologist is surrounded on all sides by laboratory equipment, and the biological object itself is not even visible to the naked eye. But here, too, the main thing is interest in the phenomena of living life. And technology is a means, but not the main subject of labor.

When choosing a profession like "Man - nature" it is very important to take into account the following. For many people, nature acts as an attractive recreation environment. Residents of the city strive after work or on vacation to nature, the guys go to pioneer camps, etc. But this is not the same love for nature that is expected from a professional in the field of "Man - nature". It is very important for you to figure out exactly how you love nature: as a workshop in which you are going to devote all your strength to the production of this or that product, or maybe you just like to walk in the forest, breathe, lie on the lawn? You need to test your love for nature in practical, socially useful work.

If you are going to think thoroughly about choosing a profession like "Man - nature", it is important to consider the following. The peculiarity of biological objects of labor is that they are complex, changeable, non-standard. They change according to their internal laws. Plants, animals, and microorganisms live, grow, develop (and also get sick, die) without any days off. An employee needs not only to “keep in mind” a lot, but also to mentally anticipate changes in the objects of labor.

The employee is required to take initiative and independence in solving specific labor problems. Qualities such as caring and foresight are important. Indeed, many changes in animals and plant organisms can be irreversible (plants can wither, die from pests, general cattle diseases can begin, etc.). Changing working conditions require the employee to creatively solve emerging problems.

"Man is a sign"(or "Man is a sign system"). A breakthrough for you in this area in the past could be the performance of written work on various subjects, keeping records, diaries, orderly accumulation and storage of various kinds of information (clippings, extracts, card files), translation from one language to another, performing calculations, calculations, drawings, diagrams. Even N.V. Gogol at one time noticed that one can have a tendency in such a special reality as letters, signs. His hero is engaged in an important business for that time - he is rewriting business papers (there were no typewriters at that time): “There was hardly a place where you could find a person who would have lived like this in his position. It is not enough to say: he served with zeal; no, he served with love. There, in this rewriting, he saw his own varied and pleasant world. Pleasure was expressed on his face; some letters he had favorites, to which if he got there, he was not himself: he laughed, and winked, and helped with his lips, so that in his face, it seemed, it was possible to read every letter that was drawn by his pen. "

Yes, you can love signs, sign systems. And this is no worse and no less important than loving machines or, say, plant cultures as objects of labor. Modern man immersed in the world of signs and sign systems: drawings, diagrams, topographic and geographical maps, numerical data, tables, formulas, signatures, inscriptions, texts, road signs, all sorts of conventional signals - all these are integral features of the manifestation of modern civilization and culture. This means that appropriate specialists are also needed.

Profession type "Man is a sign" so diverse that it's time to talk about their varieties, subtypes.
1. Professions in which work is aimed at creating and processing documents (in the native or foreign language), paperwork, analysis of texts or their transformation, transcoding.
2. Professions in which work is aimed at numbers, quantitative ratios.
3. Professions in which work is aimed at conventional symbol systems, schematic representations of objects.

In the conditions of modern culture, signs that do not have a pictorial resemblance to the designated object play an important role (words do not look like the objects in question, notes do not look like music, money does not look like goods, mathematical formulas that describe and make it possible to determine the course of an airplane, do not look like an airplane, nor a trajectory of its flight, etc.). Therefore, in order to successfully work in any of the professions of this type, special tendencies are needed to immerse mentally in the world of seemingly dry designations, to be distracted from the actual objective properties of the surrounding world and to focus on the information that certain signs carry with them. When working with signs, as well as when working with other realities, there are tasks of control, verification, accounting, processing of information, as well as the tasks of inventing new signs, sign systems. In other words, in this area of ​​labor, as in any other, there are unique possibilities of creativity.

You more often choose professions in which work is aimed at artistic objects or the conditions for their creation. These are specialties, professions like “Man is an Artistic Image”.
The entire field of professions of the type "Man - an artistic image" can be subdivided into subtypes in accordance with historically distinct types of artistic reflection of reality.
1. Professions associated with the visual activity.
2. Professions related to musical activities.
3. Professions associated with literary and artistic activities.
4. Professions associated with acting and stage activities.
The first manifestations and forms of art in the history of mankind (image, song, dance) have always been by no means idle, but the most important public matter, a matter not of individuals, but of a collective. The song organized the rhythm of joint work or created the necessary mood (mournful, joyful or combative). A drawing or dance determined and specified intentions, goals, plans, served as a kind, for example, preparation for hunting, fighting, etc. Art was associated with the life support of society, with difficulty.
In the process of human development, the separation and isolation of the production of artistic values ​​from the production of material ones gradually took place. Artistic specialists appeared. They satisfy their material needs at the expense of those who work in the field of agriculture, production of industrial products, and in return bring aesthetic values ​​into the common cause. There is a natural exchange of labor products.
One of the features of this type of profession is that a significant proportion of the employee's labor costs remain hidden from the outside observer. Moreover, special efforts are often made to create the effect of lightness, ease of the final effect of labor. Thus, an artist's performance can continue in public for several minutes. But for its implementation, the artist works daily and for many hours to improve and maintain his skills at the required level, strictly adheres to a special regime, etc.

When choosing the appropriate professional path, it is important to think about this implicit side of work, which can turn out to be an unbearable price to pay for success. In order for work to bring satisfaction, it is important to cultivate a realistic level of claims for public recognition (not to claim more recognition than what you deserve based on the real results of your activities). However, this is not easy to achieve if someone has already been praised by someone. A person with an unrealistic level of aspirations pushes away the idea that the real reason for the lack of resounding success is in himself. He is inclined to see these reasons in the actions of other people ("interfered", "do not give me a go", "envy", "inhibit", etc.). Beware of being in this position.

A type "Human-artistic image" unites professions associated with the creation, design, modeling of works of art, with reproduction, production of various products according to a sketch, a sample.

General psychological requirements of this type of profession for a person:

  • - Artistic ability, developed aesthetic senses.
  • - Developed visual perception, observation, visual memory.
  • - Visual-figurative thinking, creative imagination.
  • - Knowledge of the laws of emotional impact on people.
  • - Analytical thinking outside the box


Since ancient times, a person has been characterized by the desire to make his life more comfortable, and the objects around him more functional and beautiful. And this is natural, because without constant transformations and improvements in the world around us, life would be boring and monotonous, gray and dull.

Since the beginning of the twentieth century, many tasks and functions associated with the formation and modernization of objects around us have been concentrated in such a field of human activity as design. The term itself comes from the English "design", which in translation means the process of design, conception, construction. All these directions are combined in the sphere of design. Although it is very often customary to mean by the work of a designer only the improvement of the external characteristics of an object or space, in fact, design includes many other stages of creating or modernizing the object environment. The emergence of design as a separate sphere of human activity was a kind of reaction to the spontaneous formation of the objective world around us. And with the emergence of design, this process became less spontaneous, but subject to the laws of composition and color combination.

Professions belong to the "artistic" format.

Required personal qualities and abilities to achieve professional success:

Related professions:

  • - architect
  • - stylist
  • - decorator
  • - fashion designer

A professional designer today is a specialist with a higher education in this profession, who has the knowledge of a design engineer, the basics of psychology, who knows the laws of combination various materials, as well as prices for these materials and much more ... A modern designer, as a rule, specializes in a certain direction - interior design, industrial

linen design, architectural design, landscape design, auto design and so on….

In the middle of the twentieth century, in our country, design developments were carried out centrally in specialized research and art-design bureaus, and this profession was not widespread (training in the specialty "Designer" was conducted until the 90s of the last century only in several universities throughout country). Today, training in this specialty is carried out by several dozen Russian universities. Among them are the Chelyabinsk Branch of BIEPP and the Russian-British Institute of Management RBIM (which was the first among the universities of our region to open the widest range of design specialties).

At the end of the review of this profession, it can be noted that the presence of design thought in many areas of human activity has become an integral part of reality today, and the profession of a designer gains everything

more applied in nature.

A. Martin


A bill has been submitted to the Russian State Duma, which should oblige the highest educational institutions to award additional 11 points to the Unified State Exam for applicants with a gold school medal.

The initiators of the document propose to set the minimum addition of 11 points, but not to set the maximum bar for the “additional bonus”.

Ural Agrarian University received accreditation to train economists and managers.

The experts of Rosobrnadzor, based on the results of the examination, accredited the economic and management educational programs of the Ural State Agrarian University.

We are talking about such specialties as "Economics", "Economics and Management", "Management", "Personnel Management" for all levels and forms of higher education: bachelor's, master's, full-time, part-time and distance learning.

Rosobrnadzor experts checked the content of educational programs, the qualifications of managerial and scientific-pedagogical workers, the material and technical base and much more for compliance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

For school leavers of the next season, the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science has set minimum scores for the unified state examination. Thus, in 2020, a graduate of a Russian school will be able to obtain a certificate only by gaining a set number of points or higher. The minimum USE score guarantees only obtaining a certificate.

At the end of July, the admissions campaign reaches the home stretch, and on July 29, the country's universities must post the first enrollment orders on their websites and information boards (this applies to beneficiaries).

At the same time, so-called rating lists are already available for the rest of the applicants. Applicants who have submitted applications in these "passing" lists are not arranged in alphabetical order, but in descending order of the USE scores.

At the same time, sometimes universities do not divide applicants into those who submitted copies of documents, and those who immediately brought the originals. Then it becomes difficult to compare your scores with others.

The time to finally decide and bring the original to the university, applicants have until August 1. Orders for admission to budget places of the "first stream" will appear on August 3.

And orders for the enrollment of those who entered the "second wave" and those who entered on a commercial basis should be published on August 8.

The invention of the Ural students was included in the top ten in precision farming.

Unique drone aircraft students of the Ural Agrarian University will present at the All-Russian Field Day in the Leningrad Region.

The new development will reduce the cost of plant protection products and fuels and lubricants and significantly increase the economic efficiency of agricultural production. In addition, the authors of the invention plan to modify the device for the possibility of carrying out an express analysis of the soil in order to create a geoinformation space of field areas and transfer the drone to biofuel, which will replace expensive diesel fuel. Young scientists from Ural State Agrarian University have already received a patent for this development.

Students of the Ural University are presenting their remote-digital complex for soil and plant cultivation within the framework of the competition "Dreams and Reality of Digital Agro-Industrial Complex". Digitization of the agricultural industry will become one of the important thematic vectors of the exhibition's business program.

The exhibition "All-Russian Field Day", organized by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, will be held from 10 to 12 July at the production site of the St. Petersburg State Agrarian University (Pushkin).

The All-Russian Field Day is a unique exhibition project representing the most important achievements of the domestic agro-industrial complex, as well as a professional scientific and business forum. Its main difference is the demonstration of advanced cultivation technologies, the latest means of production and agricultural machinery in natural conditions, on specially prepared fields.

The topic of limiting the availability of telephones during school hours for students Russian schools became the subject of discussion for last years not once. Among the reasons for the possible restriction of school participants in the use of "gadgets" during school hours - phones distract the owner's attention, in some cases they can interfere with others, in certain cases they demonstrate material inequality, they can be a kind of "cheat sheets", etc.

In the first days of July, the speaker of the Council of the Federation of the country Valentina Matvienko voiced the opinion that schoolchildren should be prohibited from carrying telephones to educational institutions, due to the fact that schools do not have the necessary conditions for their storage.

There are possible solutions to this issue (for example, it is possible to create conditions for storing phones in schools, but on condition that they are not taken to class).

At the same time, developing this topic, the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova, referring to Matvienko, suggested creating a working group on the procedure for using telephone devices in Russian schools.

The data of surveys and public opinion studies indicate that more than half of Russians approve of possible restrictive measures that reduce the possibility of the presence of telephone devices in the educational process.

Earlier, at the start of the 2018-19 academic year, the head of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva voiced the position that children should hand over their phones before starting school.

The initiative to limit the presence of telephones at schoolchildren in class is supported by Russians of almost all ages and is seen as a way to increase the concentration of students in the educational process.