Society's assessment of the social significance of the situation. The assessment by a society or a social group of the social significance of certain positions taken by people is called

Test on the topic "Social sphere"

Teacher: Taran Elena Aleksandrovna

MOU secondary school No. 1, Gryazovets, Vologda region

Position: teacher of history, social studies

Note: You can use the test both in the class of the basic level and in the profile.

Option 1.

А 1. Assessment by society of the social significance of a particular status, enshrined in culture and public opinion is called

1) value 2) adaptation 3) prestige 4) sanction

A 2. There are a huge number of examples in history when commoners became generals. In this case, the army acts as

1) social adaptation 3) social determinants

2) social lift 4) social control

A 3. After graduation, K. got a job as a manager in a small private firm. After some time, he moved to work as a top manager in the largest holding company in the South of Russia. This situation can be seen as an example.

1) horizontal social mobility 2) vertical social mobility

3) social stratification 4) professional differentiation

A 4. Relationships between people (or groups of people) that are carried out in accordance with the laws social organization societies are called

1) social relations 2) social structures

3) social integration4) social differentiation

A 5. The distribution of social groups in a hierarchically ordered sequence is called

1) adaptation 2) stratification 3) mobility 4) socialization

A 6. The democratic (partner) family, in contrast to the patriarchal (traditional), is characterized by

1) living together for at least three generations

2) fair division of household responsibilities

3) the economic dependence of women on men

4) the dominant role of men in the family

A 7. The functions of the family include

1) education of law-abiding behavior in children

2) determination of the amount of utility bills

3) setting school standards

4) determination of the minimum wage

A 8. Social control is a special mechanism for maintaining public order and includes two main elements:

1) power and action 2) norms and sanctions

3) expectations and motives 4) statuses and roles

A 9. There are ending rules telephone conversation:

The caller hangs up first. The man who called the woman is waiting for the woman to hang up first.

If the boss called his subordinate, then the latter waits for the boss to hang up. What type of social norms can they be attributed to?

1) norms of etiquette 2) customs 3) norms of law 4) traditions

A 10. The social conditions under which people have different access to social benefits are called

1) social mobility 3) social inequality

2) social status 4) social relations

A.R. and P. got married, formed a family, began to live separately from their parents - this is an example of horizontal mobility.

B. An example of horizontal social mobility is the receipt by a worker of a managerial position in an enterprise in connection with graduation from a university.

A 12. Which judgment is correct?

A. Behavior that deviates from the values, norms, attitudes and expectations of a society or social group is called deviant.

B. Any manifestation of deviant behavior is a crime.

1) only A is true 3) both statements are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are wrong

IN 1. Analyze the data in the table social survey reflecting the answer to the question "What is success?" What conclusion can be drawn from these data?

1) young people in all age groups singled out economic, independence, independence from others as the main criterion of success

2) young people under the age of 25 consider the creation of a strong family the most important in life

3) to be the best - a criterion typical for young people aged 18 to 25 years. This is due to their adolescent maximalism.

4) the number of people who believe that the most important thing in life is career growth, decreases with age

A. The development of interethnic relations in the modern world is associated with two trends - interethnic integration and national differentiation. B. In our opinion, they operate constantly, but not without conflict. C. The aggravation of the national question is associated with the contradictions between the growing scientific and technological revolution, which requires maximum cooperation, the international division of labor, and the national identity of states and peoples. D. Between the nation states themselves, contradictions arise in connection with the presence of specific interests: the use of natural resources, transport communications. E. The reasons for the aggravation of conflicts are of a political, economic, demographic nature.

Determine which positions are worn

Social inequality characterizes the relative position of individuals and social *** (A). Specific group or individual *** (B) are recognized by members of society and in public opinion they are attributed to a certain significance. Social inequality in modern society is most often understood as *** (B) - the distribution of social groups in a hierarchical order. The concept of "middle class" describes such a socially comfortable position as economic well-being, the presence of property, valued in society *** (D), civil rights. Social inequality is determined primarily by the significance and *** (D) of the functions performed for society. In modern society, the profession becomes the defining criterion of the social *** (E)

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word can only be used once. Select words one by one in sequence, filling in each gap. Note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the blanks.

1) status 2) group 3) criterion

4) bundle 5) profession 6) prestige

Part 3 (tasks of level C)

1. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "social mobility"? Drawing on knowledge of the social science course, compose two sentences containing information on factors affecting social mobility

Option 2.

A 1. The profession of a programmer is especially in demand today. The degree of its prestige is determined

1) higher education institutions2) the administration of the enterprise

3) society 4) laws

A 2. What social lift was limited by the Circular of Cook's Children, adopted in Russia in 1886?

1) army 2) church 3) school 4) marriage

A 3. An example of horizontal social mobility is

1) getting the next officer rank

2) transfer to a new, better paid position

3) retirement

4) moving to another city

A 4. The collision of opposing goals, opinions and views of the subjects of interaction is

1) social control 3) social integration

2) social adaptation 4) social conflict

A 5. Indicate the characteristic characteristic of all types of social norms.

1) consolidation in the relevant regulations, laws

2) transmission from generation to generation in the form of unwritten rules and regulations

3) acting as a regulator of people's behavior

4) provision with the force of state coercion

A 6. What sign must be indicated in order to confirm that the Vasiliev family is extended?

1) Vasilievs N. and M. have been living in a registered marriage for more than 15 years

2) Vasiliev N. and M. have two minor children

3) The Vasiliev family consists of the Vasiliev spouses, their children, as well as the parents of N.

4) the Vasilievs have their own business

A 7. A small group based on marriage or consanguinity, whose members are linked by a common life and mutual responsibility, is ...

1) genus 2) family 3) estate 4) elite

A 8. The activities of a society to prescribe and encourage the proper behavior of its members and apply sanctions to violators of accepted norms is called

1) social control

2) social differentiation

3) social stratification

4) social progress

A 9. “When greeting a woman or an elder in office, a man should stand up. A woman in a business setting also greets an incoming employee by standing up if he is higher in rank. ”What kind of social norms does this rule refer to?

1) custom 2) rule of law 3) tradition 4) etiquette

A 10. Trends in the development of nations and interethnic relations are

1) centralization and decentralization2) bureaucratization and democratization

3) integration and differentiation4) collectivization and individualization

A 11. Which judgment is correct?

A. A cardinal change or loss of a profession by a person always entails changes in his social status.

B. As a result of a change in social status, the social roles of a person change.

1) only A is true 3) both statements are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are wrong

A 12. Are the following judgments about deviant behavior true?

A. Deviant behavior can be beneficial to society.

B. A manifestation of positive deviant behavior in society is scientific and inventive activity.

1) only A is true 3) both statements are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are wrong

Q 1. Analyze the data from a social survey on the topic "How often do you trust people?" What conclusion can be drawn from these data?





1) what older people, the less they trust others

2) most people don't trust each other

3) the most distrustful are people whose generation graduated from school in the late 70s - first half of the 80s of the twentieth century

4) young people from 18 to 24 years old are characterized by an absolute lack of trust in people

Q 2. Read the text below, each position marked with a letter.

A. In our opinion, deviant behavior is very different from the requirements of social norms. B. It entails the application of sanctions - from the desire to reform to punishment and isolation of the offender from society. C. Assessment of human behavior as "deviant" is extremely dependent on the era, prevailing norms and values ​​in society: what is deviant today may become the norm tomorrow. D. In sociology, there are several reasons for deviant behavior: biological (innate predisposition of some people to alcoholism, drug addiction, crime); psychological (associated with mental disorders of the personality); social (impossibility of positive self-realization of an individual) ..

Determine which text positions are worn

1) the factual nature 2) the nature of value judgments

Write a number under the letter of the position indicating its character.

" V

Q 3. Read the text below where a number of words are missing. Select the words you want to replace the spaces from the list provided.

Aggravation of national relations results in *** (A). This is a form of conflict in which groups with opposite interests differ by *** (B) attribute. The most common reasons for them are violation of *** (C) representatives of a particular nation, violation of justice and *** (D) in interethnic relations. Interethnic conflicts can be resolved only by means of *** (D) - a system of measures implemented by the state aimed at taking into account, combining and realizing national interests, at resolving contradictions in the sphere of national relations. Its strategy in the Russian Federation is developed and substantiated in the Concept of National Policy and State program national revival and interethnic cooperation of the peoples of Russia. The strategic goal is to strengthen the unity and cohesion of all peoples on the basis of national revival and interethnic cooperation, strengthening *** (E) and ties, the formation of a state-political and interethnic community ~~ Russians.

Words (phrases) in the list are given in the nominative case. Remember that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the blanks. Choose one word after another in sequence, mentally filling in each gap.

1) a unitary state 2) interethnic conflicts.

3) human rights 4) national policy

5) ethnic 6) federative relations

7) the state 8) administrative-command methods

9) tolerance

Part 3 (tasks of level C)

1. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "youth"? Make two sentences that reveal the essence of the problems of today's youth.

Additional task for the profile level:

2. To speak at a seminar, you need to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Interethnic relations". Make a plan according to which you will perform.

3. Text. Modern migration processes in Russia

External migration processes in Russia are characterized by qualitative characteristics in relation to the emigrating contingent. Recall that the country has lost at least 100 thousand people annually over the past 15 years. The most educated, professionally trained people are leaving Russia, and huge capital has been spent on their training. "Brain drain" is an indicator that characterizes the socio-economic and political situation of a country. First of all, scientists, doctors, technical and creative intelligentsia, highly qualified workers are leaving Russia. Our citizens, leaving the country, significantly contribute to the growth of the scientific, technical and intellectual potential of Germany, Israel, the United States and a number of other countries.

The brain drain is very promising. According to the results of surveys of graduate students of leading natural-technical universities (Moscow State University, MIPT, MEPhI, MAI, etc.), more than 50% of them would like to emigrate, and 10-12% already have specific offers for work abroad. Today, every fifth emigrant has a higher education, including among those who left for Israel - 30%, in the USA - more than 40% (the share of people with higher education in Russia is only 13.3%). The departure of a highly qualified specialist is tantamount to a loss of $ 300 thousand per year for Russia. The damage to the departure of one specialist with a doctorate degree in some cases reaches $ 2 million.According to the most conservative estimates of experts on population migration, in the coming years Russia will suffer losses of $ 30-35 billion annually due to the departure of highly trained specialists.

The paradox of the qualitative aspect of the immigration and emigration balance is determined by the fact that, giving a number of countries its most highly qualified personnel, Russia acquires very low qualified personnel from part of the surplus labor potential of neighboring and even distant countries. There is no exact definition of the number of immigrants to Russia; according to many experts, there are at least 1 million illegal immigrants. In a number of regions of the country, illegal immigration has a significant impact on the socio-economic, and often even on the state-political situation. For example, immigrants from the countries of Southeast Asia (mainly from China) concentrate in the Far East. Taking into account the growing outflow of the Russian-speaking population from the regions of the Far East, an increase in the proportion of Chinese among the total population creates not only ethnic and cultural problems, but also far-reaching economic, military-strategic and political difficulties.

Illegal immigrants occupy the most low-prestige jobs for the local population. A significant part of them agree to work outside their specialty and without registering their own labor relations with the employer. This situation creates special social and economic consequences. Employers are becoming less interested in improving working conditions and introducing new, more advanced technology; favorable conditions are created for the development of the shadow economy; the level of injuries and morbidity among migrants is growing.

Russia is unable today to avoid both legal and illegal immigration. Its inevitability is predetermined by the demographic situation in the country. For the sake of preserving the territory, the state will have to open its doors wide to immigrants. It is extremely difficult to curb illegal migration today; we will have to respond by expanding legal opportunities for immigration. It is necessary, without delay, to develop a new migration legislation that takes into account today's and tomorrow's interests of Russia. But changing the laws alone is not enough. There is an urgent need for other attitudes in relation to the nation and citizenship, it is necessary to control the structure of immigration. At the same time, new management schemes and aspirations should be aimed at optimizing the demographic situation of the people of Russia, it is necessary not tomorrow, but today in reality to take care of their welfare and health.

P. D. Pavlenok, L. I. Savinov. "Sociology"

C1. What is a Brain Drain? Why does the author consider it to be an indicator characterizing the socio-economic situation in the country?

C2. Name at least three consequences of the brain drain.

SZ. What is the qualitative characteristic of illegal immigration? What are social and economic problems fuss about her? (Name at least three.)

Test on the topic "Social sphere"

Option 1.

A 1. The assessment by society of the social significance of a particular status, enshrined in culture and public opinion, is called

1) value 2) adaptation 3) prestige 4) sanction

A 2. There are a huge number of examples in history when commoners became generals. In this case, the army acts as

1) social adaptation 3) social determinants

2) social lift 4) social control

A 3. After graduation, K. got a job as a manager in a small private firm. After some time, he moved to work as a top manager in the largest holding company in the South of Russia. This situation can be seen as an example.

1) horizontal social mobility 2) vertical social mobility

3) social stratification 4) professional differentiation

A 4. Relations between people (or groups of people), which are carried out in accordance with the laws of the social organization of society, are called

1) social relations 2) social structures

3) social integration 4) social differentiation

A 5. The distribution of social groups in a hierarchically ordered sequence is called

1) adaptation 2) stratification 3) mobility 4) socialization

A 6. The democratic (partner) family, in contrast to the patriarchal (traditional), is characterized by

1) living together for at least three generations

2) fair division of household responsibilities

3) the economic dependence of women on men

4) the dominant role of men in the family

A 7. The functions of the family include

1) education of law-abiding behavior in children

2) determination of the amount of utility bills

3) setting school standards

4) determination of the minimum wage

A 8. Social control is a special mechanism for maintaining public order and includes two main elements:

1) power and action 2) norms and sanctions

3) expectations and motives 4) statuses and roles

A 9. There are rules for ending a telephone conversation:

The caller hangs up first. The man who called the woman is waiting for the woman to hang up first.

If the boss called his subordinate, then the latter waits for the boss to hang up. What type of social norms can they be attributed to?

1) norms of etiquette 2) customs 3) norms of law 4) traditions

A 10. The social conditions under which people have different access to social benefits are called

1) social mobility 3) social inequality

2) social status 4) social relations

A 11. Which judgment is correct?

A.R. and P. got married, formed a family, began to live separately from their parents - this is an example of horizontal mobility.

B. An example of horizontal social mobility is the receipt by a worker of a managerial position in an enterprise in connection with graduation from a university.

A 12. Which judgment is correct?

A. Behavior that deviates from the values, norms, attitudes and expectations of a society or social group is called deviant.

B. Any manifestation of deviant behavior is a crime.

1) only A is true 3) both statements are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are wrong

IN 1. Analyze the data provided in the table of the social survey, reflecting the answer to the question "What is success?" What conclusion can be drawn from these data?


Be the best

Respect for others

Material independence, independence


Family Children

14 ~ 18years





18-25 years old





25-30 years old





1) young people in all age groups singled out economic, independence, independence from others as the main criterion of success

2) young people under the age of 25 consider the creation of a strong family the most important in life

3) to be the best - a criterion typical for young people aged 18 to 25 years. This is due to their adolescent maximalism.

4) the number of people who believe that career growth is the most important in life decreases with age

Q 2. Read the text below, each position marked with a letter.

A. The development of interethnic relations in the modern world is associated with two trends - interethnic integration and national differentiation. B. In our opinion, they operate constantly, but not without conflict. C. The aggravation of the national question is associated with the contradictions between the growing scientific and technological revolution, which requires maximum cooperation, the international division of labor, and the national identity of states and peoples. D. Between the nation-states themselves, contradictions arise in connection with the presence of specific interests: the use of natural resources, transport communications. E. The reasons for the aggravation of conflicts are of a political, economic, demographic nature.

Determine which positions are worn

1) the factual nature 2) the nature of value judgments

Write a number under the letter of the position indicating its character.

Q 3. Read the text below where a number of words are missing. Select the words you want to replace the spaces from the list provided.

Social inequality characterizes the relative position of individuals and social *** (A). Specific group or individual *** (B) are recognized by members of society and in public opinion they are attributed to a certain significance. Social inequality in modern society is most often understood as *** (B) - the distribution of social groups in a hierarchical order. The concept of "middle class" describes such a socially comfortable position as economic well-being, the presence of property, valued in society *** (D), civil rights. Social inequality is determined primarily by the significance and *** (D) of the functions performed for society. In modern society, the profession becomes the defining criterion of the social *** (E)

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word can only be used once. Select words one by one in sequence, filling in each gap. Note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the blanks.

1) status 2) group 3) criterion

4) bundle 5) profession 6) prestige

Part 3 (tasks of level C)

1. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "social mobility"? Drawing on knowledge of the social science course, compose two sentences containing information on factors affecting social mobility

Additional task for the profile level:

2. To speak at a seminar, you need to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Interethnic relations". Make a plan according to which you will perform.

3. Text. Modern migration processes in Russia

External migration processes in Russia are characterized by qualitative characteristics in relation to the emigrating contingent. Recall that the country has lost at least 100 thousand people annually over the past 15 years. The most educated, professionally trained people are leaving Russia, and huge capital has been spent on their training. "Brain drain" is an indicator that characterizes the socio-economic and political situation of a country. First of all, scientists, doctors, technical and creative intelligentsia, highly qualified workers are leaving Russia. Our citizens, leaving the country, significantly contribute to the growth of the scientific, technical and intellectual potential of Germany, Israel, the United States and a number of other countries.

The brain drain is very promising. According to the results of surveys of graduate students of leading natural-technical universities (Moscow State University, MIPT, MEPhI, MAI, etc.), more than 50% of them would like to emigrate, and 10-12% already have specific offers for work abroad. Today, every fifth emigrant has a higher education, including among those who left for Israel - 30%, in the United States - more than 40% (the share of people with higher education in Russia is only 13.3%). The departure of a highly qualified specialist is tantamount to a loss of $ 300 thousand per year for Russia. The damage to the departure of one specialist with a doctorate degree in some cases reaches $ 2 million.According to the most conservative estimates of experts on population migration, in the coming years Russia will suffer losses of $ 30-35 billion annually due to the departure of highly trained specialists.

The paradox of the qualitative aspect of the immigration and emigration balance is determined by the fact that, giving a number of countries its most highly qualified personnel, Russia acquires very low qualified personnel from part of the surplus labor potential of neighboring and even distant countries. There is no exact definition of the number of immigrants to Russia; according to many experts, there are at least 1 million illegal immigrants. In a number of regions of the country, illegal immigration has a significant impact on the socio-economic, and often even on the state-political situation. For example, immigrants from the countries of Southeast Asia (mainly from China) concentrate in the Far East. Taking into account the growing outflow of the Russian-speaking population from the regions of the Far East, an increase in the proportion of Chinese among the total population creates not only ethnic and cultural problems, but also far-reaching economic, military-strategic and political difficulties.

Illegal immigrants occupy the most low-prestige jobs for the local population. A significant part of them agree to work outside their specialty and without formalizing their labor relations with the employer. This situation creates special social and economic consequences. Employers are becoming less interested in improving working conditions and introducing new, more advanced technology; favorable conditions are created for the development of the shadow economy; the level of injuries and morbidity among migrants is growing.

Russia is unable today to avoid both legal and illegal immigration. Its inevitability is predetermined by the demographic situation in the country. For the sake of preserving the territory, the state will have to open its doors wide to immigrants. It is extremely difficult to curb illegal migration today; we will have to respond by expanding legal opportunities for immigration. It is necessary, without delay, to develop a new migration legislation that takes into account today's and tomorrow's interests of Russia. But changing the laws alone is not enough. There is an urgent need for other attitudes in relation to the nation and citizenship, it is necessary to control the structure of immigration. At the same time, new management schemes and aspirations should be aimed at optimizing the demographic situation of the people of Russia, it is necessary not tomorrow, but today in reality to take care of their welfare and health.

P. D. Pavlenok, L. I. Savinov. "Sociology"

C1. What is a Brain Drain? Why does the author consider it to be an indicator characterizing the socio-economic situation in the country?

C2. Name at least three consequences of the brain drain.

SZ. What is the qualitative characteristic of illegal immigration? What social and economic problems arise in connection with it? (Name at least three.)

Answers to tasks:

Option 1.

Part A

Part B.

AT 11

IN 2.

AT 3.

Part 3 (C).

С 1. Social mobility - a change in the place occupied by a person or a group of people in the social structure.

Suggestions reflecting factors: subjective - a person's awareness of his social origin, state policy.

Test "Person and Society" Profile

Option number 1

1. Definition: "The totality of ideas, views, theories, as well as feelings, habits and morals of a certain social community or group" refers to the concept

A) public consciousness B) society

C) everyday consciousness D) ideology

2. Ivan - tall, thin, with beautiful features, courageous, calculating, slow and careful. All this characterizes Ivan as

A) personality B) citizen C) individuality D) professional

3. Automation of production is widespread in R. society, and computerization is being carried out successfully. Which Additional Information will lead to the conclusion that R.'s society is post-industrial?

A) the main product of production - industrial products

B) the main factor of production is knowledge

C) widespread use of mechanisms, technologies

D) class division of society

4. What feature characterizes a traditional society?

A) intensive urbanization B) the predominance of the assigned social status

C) high social mobility D) growth in consumption

5. The meaningful stimuli of human activity include

A) habits B) attraction C) motives D) emotions

6. Are the following judgments about the similarities and differences between humans and animals true?

A. Ants and other "social" animals work in the same way as humans.

B. All individuals of animals, unlike humans, always act according to the genetic program.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both statements are true 4) both statements are false

7. The basis of human existence is

A) friendship B) love C) consumerism D) activity

8. Write down the word missing in the outline.

Types ……………………….




9. What characteristic is not suitable for a traditional society:

A) low level social mobility

B) the dominance of religion, customs and traditions

C) the agrarian nature of the economy

D) globalization of life

10. A person's need for anything is:

A) ability B) activity C) needs D) interest E) values

11. Characteristic feature postindustrial society is:

A) expansion industrial production

B) a slowdown in the pace of development

C) the creation of mass culture

D) the use of computer technology

12. The emergence of transnational corporations in modern society, development international trade are a manifestation of the trend:

A) modernization B) globalization C) democratization D) informatization

13. The transition to a post-industrial society is characterized by:

A) the formation of a market economy

B) restriction of social mobility

C) the development of mass communication

D) the organization of factory production

14. Are the following judgments about the globalization process true?

A) the development of mass communications makes the modern world more integral

B) all global problems are the result of economic integration

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both statements are true 4) both statements are false

15. Social progress is expressed in:

A) the progressive development of society B) the relationship between society and nature

C) the stability of the forms of social life D) the systemic structure of society

16. In the transition from a traditional to an industrial society:

A) the prevalence of Agriculture over industry

B) the importance of science and education has increased

C) class differences have increased

D) the importance of collectivist values ​​has increased as opposed to the values ​​of individual freedom

17. Which of the following characterizes modern Western society?

A) agrarian type of society

B) underdevelopment of institutions of private property

C) the special value of human individuality

D) the predominance of collective forms of consciousness

18. At the heart of the civilizational approach to the study of society:

A) highlighting the general B) highlighting the special

C) the development of reason D) the development of morality.

19. A number of terms are listed below. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the industrial society. Find two terms that fall out of the general row, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. Popular culture, 2. Technology, 3. Community, 4. Private property, 5 . Castes , 6. Law, 7. Classes, 8. Environmental crisis, 9. Human rights and freedoms.

KEY to the Test "Man and Society" Grade 10. Profile

Option number 1

1- A 2- C 3- B 4- B 5- C 6- 2 7- G 8- Company 9- G 10- C

11- G 12- B 13- C 14- 1 15- A 16- B 17- C 18- B 19- 3.5

Social status

Social status (from lat. status- position, state) of an individual is the position of a person in society, which he occupies in accordance with his age, gender, origin, profession, marital status.

Social status - it is a certain position in the social structure of a group or society, linked to other positions through a system of rights and obligations.

Sociologists distinguish several types of social statuses:

1) The statuses determined by the position of the individual in the group are personal and social.

Personal status is called the position of a person that he occupies in the so-called small, or primary, group, depending on how his individual qualities are assessed in it.

On the other hand, in the process of interaction with other individuals, each person performs certain social functions that determine him social status.

2) The statuses, determined by the time frame, the influence on the life of the individual as a whole, are basic and non-basic (episodic).

Main status determines the main thing in a person's life (most often this is a status associated with the main place of work and family, for example, a good family man and an irreplaceable worker).

Episodic (minor) social statuses affect the details of a person's behavior (for example - a pedestrian, a passenger, a passer-by, a patient, a participant in a demonstration or strike, a reader, listener, TV viewer, etc.).

3) Statuses acquired or not acquired as a result of a free choice.

Prescribed (assigned) status - a social position that is prescribed in advance to an individual by society, regardless of the merits of the individual (for example, nationality, place of birth, social background etc.).

Mixed status possesses the features of the prescribed and achieved statuses (a person who has become disabled, the title of academician, Olympic champion, etc.).

Achievable ( acquired) is acquired as a result of free choice, personal efforts and is under the control of a person (education, profession, material wealth, business connections etc.).

In any society, there is a certain hierarchy of status, which is the basis of its stratification. Certain statuses are prestigious, others - on the contrary. This hierarchy is shaped by two factors:

a) the real usefulness of those social functions performed by a person;

b) the value system characteristic of a given society.

If the prestige of any statuses is unreasonably high or, conversely, low, it is usually said that there is a loss of the balance of statuses. A society in which there is a similar tendency to the loss of this balance is unable to ensure its normal functioning.

Prestige - it is an assessment by society of the social significance of a particular status, enshrined in culture and public opinion.

Each individual can have a large number of statuses. The social status of a person primarily influences his behavior. Knowing the social status of a person, one can easily determine most of the qualities that he possesses, as well as predict the actions that he will carry out. Such expected behavior of a person, associated with the status that he has, is usually called a social role.

Social role is a status-oriented behavior model.

Social role - it is a pattern of behavior recognized as appropriate for people of a given status in a given society.

Roles are determined by the expectations of people (for example, the idea that parents should take care of their children, that the employee should conscientiously carry out the work entrusted to him, is ingrained in the public consciousness). But each person, depending on specific circumstances, accumulated life experience and other factors, performs a social role in his own way.

Claiming this status, a person must fulfill all the role requirements assigned to this social position. Each person has not one, but a whole set of social roles that he plays in society. The totality of all the roles of a person in society is called role system or role-playing set.

Role-playing set (role-playing system)

Role-playing set - a set of roles (role complex) associated with one status.

Each role in a role-play set requires a specific demeanor and communication with people and is, therefore, a collection of dissimilar relationships. In the role-playing set, one can distinguish basic (typical) and situational social roles.

Examples of major social roles:

1) a hard worker;

2) the owner;

3) consumer;

4) citizen;

5) family member (husband, wife, son, daughter).

Social roles can be institutionalized and conventional.

Institutionalized roles: institution of marriage, family (social roles of mother, daughter, wife).

Conventional roles accepted by agreement (a person may refuse to accept them).

Social roles are associated with social status, profession, or type of activity (teacher, student, student, salesperson).

Man and woman are also social roles, biologically predetermined and presupposing specific modes of behavior, enshrined in social norms or customs.

Interpersonal roles are associated with interpersonal relationships that are regulated on an emotional level (leader, offended, family idol, loved one, etc.).

Role behavior

The real one should be distinguished from the social role as a model of behavior. role behavior, which means not socially expected, but actual behavior of the performer of a particular role. And here a lot depends on personality traits the individual, on the degree of assimilation of social norms by him, on his beliefs, attitudes, value orientations.

Factors defining the process of implementing social roles:

1) biopsychological capabilities of a person, which may facilitate or hinder the performance of a particular social role;

2) the nature of the role adopted in the group and the characteristics of social control, designed to monitor the implementation of role behavior;

3) personal model, defining complex of behavioral characteristics necessary for the successful performance of the role;

4) group structure, its cohesion and the degree of identification of the individual with the group.

In the process of realizing social roles, certain difficulties may arise associated with the need for a person to perform in different situations many roles in some cases, the mismatch of social roles, the emergence of contradictions and conflict relations between them.

Role conflict and its types

Role conflict is a situation in which a person is faced with the need to satisfy the requirements of two or more incompatible roles.

Types of role conflicts:

Type name

His essence


A conflict in which the requirements of the same role contradict each other (for example, the role of parents implies not only kind, affectionate treatment of children, but also exactingness and severity towards them).


Conflict arising in situations where the requirements of one role conflict with the requirements of another (for example, the requirements of a woman's main job may conflict with her domestic responsibilities).


A conflict situation when the requirements of a social role are contrary to the interests and life aspirations of an individual (for example, professional activity does not allow a person to reveal and demonstrate their abilities).


1. Establish a correspondence between the types of status and their examples: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position in the second column.


heir to the throne


world champion


head of department in the company

2. When applying for a job, citizen A. filled out a questionnaire in which she indicated that she was a specialist with a higher education, came from a family of employees, was married, and had two children. Name one prescribed and two achieved status of citizen A., which she noted in the questionnaire. Using the example of one of the named achieved statuses, indicate the status rights and responsibilities.

1. Prescribed status - woman.

2. Achieved statuses - a specialist with a higher education, a married lady and a mother of two children.

3. As a mother of her children, she is obliged to bear moral and legal responsibility, ensure a decent standard of living. Just like the mother of her children, she has the right to choose educational institution for them, with whom to communicate, etc.

PHILOSOPHY Ed. V.P. Kokhanovsky

"Phoenix" 1995.


Minsk STC "API" 1998

PHILOSOPHY Ed. B.S. Tribuleva

Minsk BGPA 1994.


Minsk BGPA 1994.

PHILOSOPHY Ed. I.P. Mamykina

Minsk IE "Ecoperspektiva" 1997.


"Phoenix" 1995.

PHILOSOPHY Ed. Yu.A. Kharina

Minsk "Higher School" 1993.










Lieutenant Colonel of the Police



MOGILEV, 1999.








Considering the previous topic of the course "Man as a Philosophical Problem" we have found out that, unlike other biological species living on planet Earth, man is a unique being.

At the same time, he combines both biological and social principles. That is, he can become a person, a person only by living in society, among his own kind.

The purpose of the lecture: to find out what place a person occupies in society, how relationships are built in the system person - society, what influence a person can have on social progress.


When we talk about a person - "he is a person," we mean that he is a mentally normal person, capable of independently thinking and acting sanely. But each of us can become a person only in society, in the process of life, activity and communication with other people.

In society, each person occupies a certain position, which depends on the functions performed by him - the president, a member of the government, an officer, a doctor, a teacher, an engineer, a worker. In other words, each of us has his own social status.

Social status is an assessment by society of a person's position in it.

The formation of social status is influenced by both objective and subjective reasons.

Objective reasons- do not depend on the person himself. This is his social origin, nationality, gender.

Subjective reasons are the personal qualities of a person, his qualifications, education.

It is thanks to these subjective factors that a person has the opportunity to significantly change his social status. Today, subjective factors play a major role in determining social status.

Let me give you an example. Take two young people of your age. But one of them was born in Mexico, in a simple peasant family, and the other in the family of a British lord.

Do you think they will have the same starting positions?

Of course not. Moreover, not only in those countries where they were born.

So, admission to any prestigious university in the world - Harvard, Cambridge, Oxford, Sarbon for a descendant of the British lord will not be a big problem - there would be money for tuition fees. And for a Mexican, even legal entry into any developed country in the world can be a serious problem.

but Lately among the famous names of scientists, businessmen, more and more often there are Chinese, Korean, Latin American. That is, representatives of various social groups were able to overcome the inequality of starting social positions and, thanks to work, perseverance, intellectual activity, significantly change their social status.

Here are some examples. In 1949, two young Americans, whose total capital was $ 50, decided to start their own business. The amount that they had at their disposal was scanty, but they had a great desire, enthusiasm and a favorite thing, to which they wanted to devote their whole life. Having rented an old garage and repaired it, they set up a radio equipment repair workshop here. We worked 12 hours a day and gradually accumulated the necessary amount to expand the business. They were among the first who began to create a prototype of such a familiar personal computer today. The names of these young men were Hewlerd and Packard. It is currently one of the most prosperous computer peripheral firms.

time he is The Director General the largest computer

corporations Microsoft producing the latest software

and his name is Bill Gates.

The higher the level of civilization of the society, the greater the opportunity to change social status.

Was it possible for a commoner to become a nobleman in pre-Petrine times in Russia?

Now, in the civilized countries of the world, each person has rights that make it possible to move freely along the social ladder, from a farmer to a president.

For example, the President of the Republic of Belarus is Alexander Grigorievich Lukashenko. Born into a simple peasant family and thanks to his abilities, hard work and other qualities, he became the first President of the Republic of Belarus.

Or the former President of the United States of America - Ronald Reagan. He was also born into a farmer's family and later became the head of state. Moreover, he showed outstanding ability in government and was re-elected for a second term - a very rare phenomenon for the United States of America.

At the same time, it should be remembered that a person can realize himself as a person within the framework of any social status. It is no coincidence that the well-known Russian proverb says: "It is not a place that paints a person, but a person is a place!" Therefore, the best realization of the personality's abilities is possible when it is in harmony with the activities that it performs.

It often happens that a great practitioner becomes a poor administrator after a proper appointment. Therefore, in your future service, think and weigh before agreeing to a tempting offer. And if you are not interested in the activities that you go through, it is better to stay on previous work... Otherwise, disappointment awaits both you and those people with whom you will work.

The concept of social status is closely related to the concept prestige. Prestige is an assessment by people themselves of the importance of their position in society.

In a civilized society, social status and prestige usually coincide.

For example, the social status of a doctor, scientist, policeman, teacher, and skilled worker is very high. At the same time, these professions are very prestigious in developed countries.

The lower the level of civilization of a society, the more social status and prestige do not coincide.

So, in the early 90s in the former republics of the Union it was very prestigious to be a "shuttle", director of a commercial bank, a private entrepreneur. At the same time, many were simply embarrassed to admit that they work as engineers, teachers, doctors - these professions were so not prestigious at that time. But without them that society cannot exist!

Do you think this situation still exists in our Republic?

The individual and society are in active relationship with each other. Society forms a person, develops and educates him.

And the more society gives to a person, the more it can expect from him.

At the same time, a person is also responsible to society.

When establishing mutual relations between a person and society, the most complete realization of the personality's abilities is possible, and how

the consequence is of the whole society.

Swedish society can be cited as an example.

For a long time, the state encouraged the production of material values ​​here, stimulated market relations under the control of the state, and regulated the even distribution of income among the population. By the way, Sweden ranks first in the world in terms of the even distribution of income among the country's population. The country has one of the highest living standards in the world.

The state covers the rent if it unnecessarily burdens the Swedish family's budget.

Each child under 16 years old is charged up to 5000 kroons if there is one parent in the family.

The state largely assumes the costs of medical care for each citizen.

Excellent conditions for work and rest are created.

But every resident of Sweden has grasped the truth: well-being does not arise from nothing, it cannot be personal, isolated from society.

Swedes give more than 50% of their income to the state in the form of taxes. They are distinguished by a very high level of citizenship. Sweden is one of the most law-abiding countries.

As we can see, there really is a very harmonious relationship between society and the individual.

Realization of human abilities is also associated with ensuring guarantees of individual rights.

And this depends on the political regime that is taking shape in society. The mode can be of three types: democratic, authoritarian and totalitarian.

Democratic regime- This is the most progressive political order, as it creates conditions for true freedom of the individual, his creativity and self-expression in all spheres of activity.

(showing slide No. 1)

In a democratic regime, an individual has the ability to influence the process of making and implementing the most important political decisions.

(showing slide No. 2)

Totalitarian regime - represents the violent political domination of a group of "chosen ones" led by a leader.

(showing slide No. 3)

Under the conditions of a totalitarian regime, the personality is completely suppressed and is completely subordinate to the ruling group.


Thus, each of us can realize himself as a person only by living in society, occupying a certain social status.

The social status of an individual is determined by both objective and subjective reasons. The individual and society are closely related to each other. With the establishment of harmonious relations between them, the most complete realization of the individual is possible, and as a result - of the whole society.


- English evaluation, social; German Bewertung, soziale. Approval or disapproval that a group, organization or society shows towards its members in response to the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of the requirements presented to them.

Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009

See what "SOCIAL ASSESSMENT" is in other dictionaries:

    SOCIAL ASSESSMENT- English. evaluation, social; German Bewertung, soziale. Approval or disapproval that a group, organization or society shows towards its members in response to the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of requirements presented to them ... Explanatory Dictionary of Sociology

    Or analysis of regulatory impact (influence), RIA / ARV (Impact Assessment, Regulatory Impact Assessment, Regulatory Impact Analysis, RIA, German Gesetzesfolgenabschätzung, GFA, French l évaluation des politiques publiques et aux ... ... Wikipedia

    Social policy policy in the field social development and social security; a system of activities carried out by a business entity (usually the state) aimed at improving the quality and standard of living of certain social ... ... Wikipedia

    Social engineering is a collection of applied social science approaches that focus on purposeful change organizational structures that define and control human behavior. On becoming and ... ... Wikipedia

    SOCIAL HYGIENE- SOCIAL HYGIENE, the science of the laws of society. health and health care. Unlike Medico Biol. and clinics. disciplines studying the body of a healthy and sick individual, S. of. arose and developed in the process of differentiation of honey. and… … Demographic Encyclopedic Dictionary

    social epistemology- SOCIAL EPISTEMOLOGY (English social epistemology, German soziale Erkenntnistheorie) is one of the modern areas research at the intersection of philosophy, history and sociology of science, science of science. For the last 30 years it has been actively developing ... ... Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science

    EVALUATION MORAL is one of the types of assessment, the act of identifying and substantiating the moral value of certain phenomena (actions, intentions, etc.), which make up a conscious human activity; judgment (statement) expressing ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    SOCIAL EXPERTISE- a comprehensive assessment of the state of social, including labor, relations in the organization (organizations located in one administrative territorial unit) and the development of practical recommendations parties to social partnership; ... ... Russian encyclopedia of labor protection

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