What does watch mean. Rotational work method - what is it? Labor Code, regulations on rotational work in Russia

The rotational method of performing work is determined by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in which Ch. 47 regulates the conditions and peculiarities of work for citizens working "on shift". In addition to the Labor legislation, the specifics of labor regulation in Russia are determined by the Resolution of the USSR State Labor Committee of 1988, as amended, and the Regulation providing for rotational work.

What is a watch

The rotational work method is certain conditions labor of citizens in enterprises located far from the place of residence of workers, in which it is impossible to return home.

The enterprises where the watch is used are located in sparsely populated regions of the North, geological exploration and drilling rigs, floating bases for fishing and processing fish, construction of new facilities in remote and sparsely populated areas.

As practice shows, the rotational method is most effective in areas with harsh climatic conditions, making it difficult, and sometimes impossible, for permanent residence of people.

How work is organized on a rotational basis

Shifts, or shifts, provide for the performance of work at the enterprise, without returning to the place of residence, for a certain number of days. Shift time of work alternates with rest between shifts.

The optimal duration of the shift is 2 weeks, which is replaced by 2 weeks of rest with the return home. In law labor time should not be more than 30 calendar days.

With rare exceptions, by agreement with the republican trade union committee, permission of the relevant ministry or department, a shift period of up to 60 working days is allowed at special facilities.

Rotational workers and their service personnel live in rotational camps, equipped with everything necessary for temporary accommodation, food and recreation. Rotational camps meet the requirements for providing workers:

  • heat, water, and power supply,
  • mobile communications,
  • medical care,
  • organization of social and cultural facilities

Objects where labor activity is directly carried out are considered a place of work. In the event of a change of location or relocation of the object of work, the transfer of an employee from one object to another, for the performance of the activity, is not qualified as a transfer, and the employee's consent is not required.


During hiring, the possibility of shift work is negotiated with the employee. Labor Code provides for the drafting of an employment contract that clearly defines the rights and obligations during rotational work.

According to labor legislation, it is prohibited to work on a rotational basis:

  • minors
  • pregnant
  • women with 3 children
  • persons who have not passed a medical examination and do not have a permit for shift work

The decision to switch to a rotational regime is made by the director of the enterprise, which is agreed with the trade union committee, "endorsed" by the leadership of the higher organization. Transfer to a rotational work method is agreed with the employee, for a period of 1 month before the start of the shift. The direction of an employee's rotational work does not qualify as a business trip.

The employee's working time is recorded on the basis of the work schedule. A rotational work schedule is an approved document that defines the working hours of all employees for a certain period of time. The schedule is drawn up monthly, an example sample:

For a continuous production process, the work of shift workers can be planned in advance by scheduling the outputs for 2 months or a quarter.

Time tracking

The Labor Code provides for the summarized accounting of hours worked for one or several months, but not more than for 12 months. V work time not only the time for the actually performed work is counted, but also the time spent on the way to the place of work and back, as well as the after-work rest time during the shift.

The company maintains a personal account for each shift worker, in which hours worked and rest time are taken into account on a monthly basis. Monthly credentials are summarized throughout the year.

According to the current legislation, the norm of working hours should not exceed 40 hours per week. With a five-day working week, the daily rate is 8 working hours, and 2 days off. Also, the labor code allows for a 6-day working week, and work with the provision of days off on a sliding schedule.

In any of the selected work scheduling options, the working time norm is 40 hours per week. With a schedule of 6 working days, the TC provides for a working day of no more than 5 hours on the day preceding the day off.

Features of work on a rotational basis - work should not exceed 12 hours a day. Working hours are taken into account in accordance with the work schedule.

At on a rotational basis work is difficult, and sometimes it is impossible to strictly observe the daily or weekly working time, therefore, summarized accounting is applied, which is regulated by Article 104 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In the event of a deviation from the daily or weekly rate, the summary accounting allows you to adjust the working time upward, in case of deficiency, or downward, during processing, without violating the law.

Example 1.

December 2015

27 working days with a 6-day working week, of which 5 days before the weekend, and the working time is reduced by 1 hour.

Calculation of normal working hours: 22 work. d. x 7h + 5work. d. x 6h = 184h.

Example 2.

The accounting of working time on shift work is determined in the same manner.

Watch - 15 days, working conditions are normal.

Calculation of working time with a 12 hour working day: 15 r.d. x 12h = 180h.


Payment for rotational work is carried out in different ways:

  • piecework, charged for a certain amount of work, indicating prices by type of work
  • time-based, is charged for the number of hours worked and depends on the tariff rate and category of the employee
  • for engineering and technical and maintenance personnel - for the time actually worked based on the official salary or rate.

In addition to the basic salary, bonuses and material incentives are provided for shift workers, the amounts of which and the conditions for receiving are determined by the Collective agreement or the statute on bonuses.

The main provisions on work on a rotational basis clearly define the amount of allowances, compensations and various additional payments associated with working conditions that differ from normal. The organization chooses the payment system independently and stipulates the terms of payment in the employment contract.

For workers employed on a rotational basis, including employees of organizations and enterprises of food and trade, medical institutions, transport and communications, regional coefficients are used: northern, desert, waterless, alpine. The coefficients are applied to basic wages in accordance with the applicable regulations in the given territory.

Basic wage supplements

The regulation on the rotational method provides for the payment of an allowance for the "specific" nature of the rotational work instead of the daily allowance.

The current norms of the allowance for work on a rotational basis:

  • for those working in conditions, and those equated to them, the Far North - 75 percent of the salary or accrued wages
  • for those working at construction sites - 75 percent
  • for those working at the facilities of the Far East, Siberia and the European North - 50 percent
  • for those working at facilities located in other regions of the Russian Federation

The allowance calculated for work on a rotational basis is not subject to taxes and mandatory contributions to the pension fund and social insurance funds.

The amount of the allowance is calculated every calendar day of stay on watch. Also, the allowance is calculated on the way to the place of work or returning from the shift.

The calculation of the allowance is based on the payroll method chosen by the business. Payment is made in one of the following ways:

  • hourly rate
  • daily rate
  • monthly rate or salary

The size of rates and salaries is fixed in the staffing table, approved by the director enterprises. Form form staffing table(T3) approved by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation.

The time actually worked by each employee is recorded in the time sheet. Based on the report card of exits and the number of hours worked, a payroll is compiled.

  • Calculating the hourly markup

Calculation of the monthly tariff rate:

RUB 168 per month x 60 rubles. (hourly payment) = 10,080 rubles.

Calculation of the allowance: 10 80 rubles. : 100 x 75 (75% markup) = 7 560 rubles.

Monthly salary: 10,080 + 7,560 = 17,640 rubles.

  • Calculation of the mark-up at the daily rate

Calculation of the monthly wage rate for a 5-day working week:

24 work. day x 480 rubles. = RUB 11 520

Calculation of the allowance: 11 520 rubles: 100 x 75 (75% mark-up) = 8 640 rubles.

Monthly salary: 11 520 + 8 640 = 20 160 rubles.

  • Calculation with a monthly salary

Tariff rate (monthly salary) - 15,000 rubles.

Calculation of the allowance: 15,000 rubles. : 100 x 75 (75% markup) = 11 250 rubles.

Monthly salary: 15,000 + 11,250 = 26,250 rubles.

Leisure and holidays

The shift worker has the right to a daily 12-hour rest. In case of a decrease in the rest time, the "not received" rest time is summed up and provided in the form of an additional day off. The monthly number of days off must be at least the number of full working weeks in a given month.

In case of dismissal before the end of the accounting month, in agreement with the employee, the date of dismissal is indicated taking into account the unused days of rest.

Under the current legislation, an employee has the right to an annual paid leave of 28 days, which is extended by the number of public holidays that fall within this period. The duration of the vacation period is not influenced by 5 or 6-day weekly operation.

In case of illness during the vacation, the employee has the right to extend the vacation by the number of days sick leave... Before registration of a vacation, the employee is provided with unused days of rest during the shift.

For working people on a rotational basis in the northern regions is provided additional leave- for workers in the Far North - 24 days, for equivalent regions - 16 calendar days.

Payment of sick leave

In the organization of work, an important place is occupied not only by working conditions, but also by the life of shift workers. The shift camps are equipped with medical institutions to provide the necessary medical care.

What an employee can count on in the event of injury or illness. In the event of an occupational injury during execution job responsibilities, an insured event occurs. Sick leave payments are made from the accident insurance fund.

Loss of incapacity for work associated with deterioration of health in a non-working environment is covered by the social insurance fund.

To determine the amount of sick leave payments, all amounts earned by the employee, from which contributions to the social fund were paid, are taken into account. Insurance. For a shift worker, these will be: basic wages, regional coefficient, bonuses and other material incentives.

The allowance paid for work on a rotational basis is not the basis for the deduction of insurance premiums, and the amount of the premium will not be included for calculating sick leave pay.

All types of cash payments for 2 last years work, as well as the cost of material rewards from which contributions to the Social Insurance Fund were paid, will be taken into account when calculating sick leave.

For workers on a rotational basis in the North, when calculating the amounts on sick leave, the regional coefficient is used. If an employee has an insurance record of less than 6 months, then the minimum amount for paying sick leave is set for him, on which the district coefficient is calculated.


Responsibility for the employment of shift workers lies with the head of the enterprise. The trade union committee takes part in the organization of work, and is responsible for the correct execution of documents personnel service enterprises.

The well-coordinated work of all sections helps not only to correctly arrange labor contract, but also to provide normal conditions for the watch with accommodation. This means that the shift team will “work out” the shift with maximum productivity and efficiency.


In search of decent earnings, in our difficult times, more and more questions are raised about the type of work on a rotational basis. Such employment often involves work outside the home, in the areas of production, industry, expeditions. What are the advantages and what are the disadvantages of this type of activity? Before agreeing to this type of cooperation, find out about your rights and obligations, the length of the working day, the vacation period, days off and other issues.

What is the rotational method of work

Traditionally, the rotational method is a shift activity, in season, temporary or permanent. Shift work should not be confused with shift work. After the end of the working day, shift workers cannot go home and stay for some time in the production itself, and shift work is when they have worked their working hours and left home.

More frequent vacancies are in the Far North and its sparsely populated areas, where there is production. If you search on the Internet, you can find many rotational vacancies, both for specialized qualified specialists and for ordinary handymen, cooks, security guards. The main direction is production and industry:

  1. Logging.
  2. Oil and gas.
  3. Exploration and production of minerals, precious metals, coal deposits, etc.
  4. Railway transport.
  5. Fish breeding and others.

What is the reason for the popularity of the method? The main function is the need and order of the employer for a large number of employees. Although such work is paid more expensively, more costs are required, the industry employer is ready to provide workers with all the necessary conditions, to ensure all payments. After all, the main criterion is the result - a well-established manufacturing process without interruptions and interruptions (for example, in the production of oil products, it is important to comply with all technical and time periods).

Where is such employment most common? In the first place is the hard-to-reach and sparsely populated area in Russia - for example, in the Far North. Reconstruction and construction of large objects of industrial or cultural significance, their further support and maintenance is carried out by shift workers. At the same time, long experience is not required. Attracting foreign citizens for employment in factories, manufacturing factories, and in the service sector is also a rotational work.

Features of the organization of the shift in Moscow and St. Petersburg

Not only in the North, but also in large cities, there is a great need for labor force... And large companies are more loyal to employees and do not always look at the experience, seniority of employees, education and existing skills. Large cities such as St. Petersburg and Moscow are constantly expanding, which naturally increases the need for construction companies.

The vacancies offered in the labor markets in the capitals are associated not only with construction, but also with the increase and improvement of infrastructure, foremen, drivers, movers, security guards, workers in supermarkets and hypermarkets are always needed. Not every woman will be able to find such employment for herself, but there are vacancies for them too - warehouse manager, nanny, nurse, au pair, cashier in the store and everything related to the service sector. There is a lot of competition in all these areas of activity, which increases the number of vacancies.

Such an organization of labor is beneficial to the employer, because it significantly increases productivity. At the same time, the hiring party must provide employees with all the conditions for living, ensure reception. These are either specially created residential townships or places in hostels. And, before going to work on a shift, it is worth clarifying the issue of living conditions with the employer.

Legal regulation

Before finding a job in the company on a rotational basis, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the Labor Code Russian Federation; such activity is regulated by a certain article of the Law. According to article 297 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, watch is a type of legal labor activity when the daily return of the worker to the place of registration is impossible. This type of employment is not a business trip, all working hours spent at work (shift) and inter-shift rest are considered as a shift. Registration is carried out under an employment contract.

Working hours should not exceed one month in duration, although the employer can increase the term of service up to three months, having previously substantiated his decision by an order indicating the reasons for increasing the shift and facilities. The length of a working day, by law, must not exceed 12 hours. Anything over and above can be considered for processing and is paid additionally (part 1 of article 299 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The schedule is set by the employer.

On a watch, the working time goes constantly, seven days a week, the working day is 12 hours, then, taking into account these hours, processing takes place and unused days off remain, of which there should be at least 4 per month. These overtime hours are compensated by payment of the daily wage rate, or days off. Day off or vacation, in this case, is carried out outside the rotational facility at the place of residence (part 3 of article 301 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Often, the shift is located at a considerable distance from the employee's place of residence and you need to get to the point somehow. From the collection point, which is appointed by the employing company, to the office, the cost of travel is paid by the employer, while the days spent on the trip are considered working days and are paid according to the daily rate (part 8 of article 302 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). But the employee will have to get to the collection point on his own, according to the law, the employer does not pay for this distance, unless otherwise provided by internal orders and contracts of the shift facility.

What is a watch according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

The rotational method is a special form of implementation labor process“Away from home”, the basis of which is the impossibility of ensuring the daily return of workers to their place of permanent residence (part 1 of article 297 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It is understood that the employer guarantees the provision of all conditions for living, ensures livelihoods, organizes delivery from the collection point to the destination.

The order of the enterprise on the organization of the rotational method

Before deciding on the introduction of a rotational method of labor organization, the enterprise carries out a technical, economic, economic calculation, on the basis of which the expediency and effectiveness of the transition to the new kind labor activity. The administration or the head issues an order stating that the enterprise transfers or introduces rotational work. Order approval includes:

  • the fact of change, transfer and their implementation at the enterprise;
  • summarized time tracking;
  • for what period the summarized working time is taken into account;
  • wage conditions, specifically:
  • private enterprises set their own level of watch allowance; in government agencies, this premium is regulated by law;
  • coefficient for the district;
  • allowance and percentage of allowance "northern";
  • the duration of the shift, the number of days of work and days of rest;
  • sometimes a list of employees who are prohibited from engaging in this type of activity is displayed;
  • a mark on the minutes of the meeting of the trade union (why do we need a trade union protocol in this case?
  • a mark is required that employees familiarize themselves with the content of the order.

Types of watches

There are different shifts - intra-regional and expeditionary, or between regions. If the intraregional type assumes a not too long period of activity - 2 weeks and the object itself is not too far from the employee's place of residence, then the second one is longer. An expeditionary or interregional shift not only lasts longer than a regular shift, but the facility is located further away. A research expedition can also be considered a rotational work method.

What is the difference between a watch and a business trip

Not to be confused with a business trip. There is some difference:

  • A business trip is a trip to carry out any assignment from the management. The watch is a full-fledged 12-hour shift.
  • Payment. On a business trip, a tariff working day, plus some allowances. During employment, a separate legal contract is concluded, which stipulates the terms of remuneration, composition, volume of work and the term of employment.
  • A medical examination when traveling on a business trip is not required, whereas for long-term shift activities, a medical book is required (a contraindication should be noted).
  • On a business trip, there are no restrictions on the length of stay in departure, neither minimum nor maximum. On a watch, the duration of service is no more than one month (in some cases, up to three months).

Labor organization conditions when working on a rotational basis

Such employment is beneficial for both the employee and the employer. But, it should be understood that this type of activity is not only remoteness from home and living in the employer's territory, but also difficult, many-day physical work, in harsh climatic conditions, which not every person can do. It is very important to understand that only a healthy person in good physical shape can work and not undermine his health.

Who can work

The most important selection criteria for applicants are physics and human health. To get a job in this area, you need to undergo a medical examination, which will help not only to identify diseases that hinder recruitment, but also to prevent the risk of their occurrence. Necessarily permission from a general practitioner, cardiologist (the risk of cardiovascular diseases in the Far North is very high), narcologist and psychiatrist. Examination by other doctors is regulated by the enterprise, depending on the type of activity, and is approved internal order and local act.

Restriction on hiring

  • minors;
  • pregnant women;
  • guardians of three or more children;
  • persons who did not pass a medical examination, or were not admitted based on the results of a medical examination confirming incapacity for work. For such citizens, watch service may be prohibited or a restriction may be imposed.

Organization of work and rest regime

The calculation of working hours differs from the calculation of the usual type of service. The account displays the entire working period, including the time spent on the road, and between shifts. The duration of the working day should not exceed 12 hours, taking into account the lunch break. You cannot go to work in two shifts in a row. The number of days of rest must be at least 4 and fall on any days of the week.

The shift schedule and its appointment are established by the employer. The optimal schedule is 2 weeks of work, 2 weeks of rest. But, at some sites, the shift period can be 30 and 60 days. Rest between shifts is called an inter-shift rest and is carried out by an employee outside the facility. It is understood that the place of residence. This type of holiday is periodic and is provided several times throughout the year. At the same time, vacation is paid at the standard rate, without allowances for the harsh climatic region and working conditions.

Full cycle of rotational work

In general, you can display the time taken into account when calculating for a watch from and to in the list:

  • the time spent on the way from the collection point (set by the employer) to the final destination;
  • time spent on the direct fulfillment of the employee's direct duties;
  • and in reverse order - the days spent traveling from the place of work to the collection point;
  • time period allotted for inter-shift rest.

Rotational schedule

To optimize and normalize working hours at an enterprise operating on a rotational basis, a special schedule is created. It displays the entire cycle of activity. All shifts for each employee are indicated, indicating how many hours this or that employee worked by surname. The document displays the time spent on the transportation of workers from the collection point to the shift and vice versa, and the period of inter-shift rest. The line manager is responsible for maintaining the schedule.

Shift duration

As already mentioned, the duration of the daily shift should not exceed 12 hours, while during work time is provided for a break and lunch. Sometimes the shift increases to 14 hours a day, but not more than double. And the total time of employment at each enterprise is set individually. This is a multi-temporal continuous schedule of 10/10 (10 working days for 10 days of vacation), 14/14, 30/30, but not more than 60 days according to the law of the Russian Federation.

Time relax

After graduation working day it's time to rest. All the time that remains at the end of the working day can be considered rest and the employee does not leave the territory of residence at the facility. The rest period between shifts is set individually at each enterprise, the employee travels outside the territory of residence at the facility, such vacation periods are considered long - from 10 to 60 days.

Place of residence for shift workers

It is legally established that when sending workers to a shift, the employing company must provide them with housing or a place to stay. When applying for a job, we advise you to pay attention to what kind of living conditions the employer offers. There were cases when this clause in the contract was not negotiated and the employee had to settle himself at the place of service.

They are considered temporary housing, they are specially equipped for 1.5-2 years in the immediate vicinity of the object of work. The construction of such buildings is optimal if it is not profitable for the employer to rent housing, the object of labor is located in a sparsely populated or remote place. The arrangement of the town presupposes not only the presence of residential apartments, but also utility rooms (dining room, first-aid post, bathhouse, shop, etc.) and the infrastructure must be developed.

The room must comply with sanitary and technical standards and must be equipped necessary furniture, household appliances, household equipment, bedding, security equipment fire safety... Carrying out communications - heating, sewerage, water supply, lighting is a necessary norm. The material used in the construction of villages is different - wood, sand blocks, slabs, but in Lately collapsible container blocks with connected communications are becoming popular.

Work without building a residential complex

Not every enterprise can afford the construction of an autonomous rotational camp with all communications and important infrastructure. Often, an organization (especially a construction company) provides construction trailers for living. Large enterprises allocate a dormitory for several people or a separate building. If the enterprise is located near a settlement, then the institution can provide rented housing or pay rent.


The rotational work method differs from the usual one in some changes in wages. There are guaranteed allowances for the watch, housing is provided or paid separately, travel in both directions is paid at the rate of the daily rate. There are also district (regional) allowances and payments for work in the Far North, additional paid vacations. The taxation of rotational wages is calculated in the same way as other income.

There are several salary systems:

  • time-based;
  • tariff;
  • piecework;
  • piece-rate bonus;
  • time-premium;
  • salary system.

Remuneration for shift workers is made:

  • For pieceworkers - for the amount of work performed according to the current norms and rates.
  • For time workers - for all actually worked hours in hours based on the established tariff rates of the assigned categories.
  • Foremen, foremen, heads of shops (shifts) and other line (shop) personnel who directly manage the facility (site) - for all the time actually worked on schedule (in hours) based on the established monthly salaries. The hourly rate of employees in these cases is determined by dividing the monthly official salary by the number of working hours according to the calendar of the calculated month.
  • To other managers, specialists and employees working on a shift - for the time actually worked (in days) based on the established monthly official salaries.
  • Any action, circumstance that entailed changes in wages is regulated by the legislator.

Summarized recording of working hours

Used when different objective reasons working day or working week is not standardized. In this case, working hours are recorded in a schedule with a note of the number of hours worked by a specific person. Wages are calculated for a certain period of time - for a week, for a month, for a half-year. Either the wage rate per hour or the monthly salary of a certain position is taken as the basis for calculations. Working time is recorded by months and in general for accounting period.

Surcharges and surcharges

The size, procedure for paying the allowance is established by law and is based on the Labor Code (Article 302 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), but there are also some nuances. So, the premiums are set, depending on funding (state, budget, private, and so on):

  • By the Government of the Russian Federation for employees of organizations funded by the federal budget.
  • Local authorities state power and self-government for budgetary subjects of the Russian Federation.
  • Collective agreements, local acts and orders of organizations and trade unions for employees of organizations not financed from the budget.
  • The amount of the allowance is established by law (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 51 of 02/03/2005) for budgetary organizations:
  • in the Far North and equivalent regions - 75% of the tariff rate (salary);
  • in Siberia and the Far East (and another similar natural and climatic region) - 30% of the tariff rate (salary).

Compensation for irregular working hours

The law does not indicate that the employer must pay compensation for irregular working hours. Some organizations set these payments by issuing a local order and treat them as overtime. More often than not, hours or days are added to the annual paid leave for overtime hours worked. This point, how irregular working days are compensated, what compensation is implied, should be discussed with each employer individually in advance.

Bonuses for work in difficult working conditions

Workers who work in the Far North or in regions equated to it are entitled to a separate bonus. This allowance has nothing to do with the rotational work method, that is, it is considered separately, regardless of what kind of work mode an employee of a particular organization has. compensation payment... The calculation of this allowance is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Granting additional vacation days

Employees working on a rotational basis have the right to receive not only annual paid leave in the amount of 28 days, which the labor legislation provides, but can also count on additional paid leave if the employee works in the Far North (24 calendar days) or in the region, equated to it (16 calendar days).

Payment for inter-shift rest

Due to the fact that every day of the shift can be considered irregular, then the objective inter-shift leave is considered differently, for each calendar day, and is compensated for by the processed days and hours. Calculation algorithm:

  1. Calculation of the normal number of working hours for the accounting period.
  2. Calculation of the number of working hours according to the schedule.
  3. Determination of the number of hours and the standard for processing or underworking in relation to the standards established by law.
  4. Establishing the number of hours and whole days that relate to days of inter-shift rest.
  5. The resulting processing in whole days is paid at the tariff rate or salary, and the hours are summed up among themselves and can be accumulated and transferred to another type of recreation as soon as there are enough hours to receive extra days added to the vacation.

Advantages and disadvantages of working on a rotational basis

Each job has its pros and cons. And the attitude towards them is different. We list both those and others for the rotational work method:


  • You can always find a job in your specialty in another city or region without planning a move.
  • An important advantage - good pay labor and high earnings.
  • There is a long vacation between the shifts, which you can spend at your own discretion, because you have earned a lot of money. Many employees travel all over the world during their holidays.
  • In the process of work, you can gain new knowledge that will help in moving up the career ladder.
  • Working in difficult conditions offers a number of benefits in the form of benefits and compensation. For example, you can retire early or receive housing benefits.
  • Free accommodation and meals. You can not spend the money you earn to support yourself, but save it for some needs and requirements.
  • You can take a break from gadgets, although civilization has climbed into remote corners of Russia.


  • The main disadvantage is extremely hard and harmful physical labor in difficult conditions, both climatic and psychological ("motley" team - it is difficult to live and work in the same territory with the same people for a long time), moving to remote regions.
  • Each person has his own approach and his own comfort zone, from which he will have to leave.
  • A long and difficult working day - 10-12 hours, and only one day off.
  • Not every specialty is suitable for shift work (if not a general laborer, but here the salary is lower), and if the specialty is in demand (for example, in the field of geology), then you need to be a highly qualified and qualified specialist in your field.
  • You live for weeks away from your family and home. Although distance and a test of feelings, not many families can withstand a long separation from the head of the family.
  • Living conditions are often camping, lack of the benefits of civilization and remote deployment. A person who is accustomed to all the benefits of civilization will find it very difficult to adapt and deny himself everything.
  • There is a possibility of deception. Not all employers are crystal-clear; it happens that the wages received do not correspond to the declared ones or they are not paid at all. Therefore, the source of information about the vacancy must be verified and reliable and have at least one positive feedback... It is considered mandatory to conclude an employment contract, the violation of which is punishable by law.
  • In conclusion. Bad habits... They will have to be abandoned. For drinking alcoholic beverages and being drunk at many enterprises, penalties have been introduced, up to and including dismissal without severance pay. Yes, and expensive. After all, there is no special assortment in stores.


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Rotational work method - what is it: features of working and rest conditions

Shift work is especially popular in Russia. Whole sectors of the economy function, largely relying on this format. Rotational work method - what is it? What are the features of its legislative regulation? Do rotational workers have certain preferences in terms of implementing their labor rights?

on watch?

The rotational method of work implies the implementation of labor functions by a person outside his permanent place of residence. As a rule, on a periodic (seasonal) basis. Traditionally, the rotational work method is typical for such spheres as oil and gas production, logging, development of deposits of precious metals, and fishing. The implementation of labor functions in this format is regulated by separate provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Attractive salary

One of the reasons for the popularity of rotational work is the high salary. In some cases, it is several times higher than the average for the same position in the city of permanent residence of a shift worker. Especially if it is work on a rotational basis in the North, in difficult climatic conditions. In many cases, “polar” and other kinds of allowances are added to the salary, the value of which is already quite impressive. As a result, earnings become even more.

Note that shift work is not always associated with a trip to the North. For example, this format included many labor contracts during the preparations for the Sochi Olympics. In the place where many go in order to spend well, not earn. Of course, exciting trips to other interesting places in Russia are also possible.

Working conditions

Is it easy on a rotational basis? There is an opinion that not very much. Still, wages, despite the difficult working conditions, are the factor that causes significant competition for shift jobs. Most of the companies that employ people in this format put forward rather strict criteria for candidates. Health is checked, conversations are held with the person for his real readiness to work in the expected conditions.

It is known, for example, that in the polar zones there is a much lower percentage of oxygen in the air than, say, in the middle zone. A person should understand, choosing a rotational method of work, what it is. And objectively assess your capabilities in terms of compliance with this format of work.


It is assumed that the rotational work method implies difficult conditions not only in terms of climate, but also living conditions. Everything, however, depends on the criteria by which to assess the comfort of life. As a rule, shift workers have at their disposal, albeit small in area, but quite equipped resources for living. Modern modular structures allow the employing company to quickly build housing with an acceptable infrastructure: running water, electricity, heating. In the structure of living quarters for shift workers, as a rule, there are canteens, rooms for leisure, the ability to access the Internet. The law requires the employing company to ensure that the time it takes for employees to travel from their place of residence to the site where the work is supposed to be reduced is reduced.

At the same time, the rotational shift is checked by a special commission before putting it into practical operation. It includes representatives of the employing company, officials municipality, on the territory of which the watch will operate, in some cases - employees of the trade union, specialists of various public services... Upon verification, an act of acceptance of the complex into operation is delivered. In the shift camp, it is assumed that not only hired employees will live, who will fulfill the target labor functions but also the staff. At the same time, as soon as the work season ends (the objects are erected), everyone should leave the housing complex. A variant is possible in which work on a rotational basis with accommodation is organized without the construction of a separate complex. The company-employer in this case places people in hotels or corporate apartments.

Types of watches

There are two main options for organizing shift work. Firstly, it is an intraregional format. It assumes that the duration of work on shift is rather short, on the order of a week, and the facility itself, where the work is being carried out, is located relatively close (in the same region) where the city of permanent residence of the employees is. Secondly, it is an interregional watch, sometimes called an expeditionary watch. The duration of work here is usually much longer, as well as the distance from the cities of residence.

The difference between a watch and a business trip

There is a misconception that a shift is a kind of business trip. This is not true. The fact is that a person who is sent by an employer on a business trip carries out an official assignment.

In this case, payment occurs, as a rule, within the framework of the current salary and allowances. In turn, the rotational method of organizing work implies that a person travels to a remote facility in order to fulfill not an assignment, but a separate function of a labor nature. In the second case, a separate contract is often concluded, which fixes the salary and other working conditions. During business trips, as a rule, no changes are made to the already signed employment contract.

The laws

Actually, oh legal regulation... As we said above, the main source that normalizes the rotational method is work, - Labor Codex. It contains sections that contain special wording adapted to this type of employment. Let's study them. It is believed that the rotational method of work in Russia has largely become popular not only for the reason high salary, but also due to loyal provisions in relation to hired employees labor legislation... Is it really? Rotational work method - what is it from the point of view of specialized sources of law?

The norms in question are mainly set out in the 47th article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. First of all, it sets out general provisions concerning the regulation of work on a rotational basis. In particular, the definition of such a format of work is given. According to the legislator, the rotational method is a specific type of implementation of the labor process, provided that the place of work does not coincide with the city of residence of employees, and, moreover, their return there on a daily basis cannot be ensured. This method of employment is used by companies, if you follow the wording of the Labor Code, in order to optimize the timing of the necessary work, such as construction, reconstruction or repair in areas characterized by special natural conditions. It is also possible that the rotational work method is a way to reduce the corresponding costs in the implementation of the enterprise production activities.

Labor regime

The working regime within the shift, as noted in a number of comments to the Labor Code, may differ significantly from the standards prescribed in the Code. There is an opinion among lawyers that the rights of people working within the framework in question are sufficiently protected, and especially in terms of the organization of the regime. Is it really? Rotational work method - what is it: permanent hard work or a well-balanced mode of performance by people of their duties?

As a rule, working time is taken into account by adding up hours, and the main rest is assumed after the return of shift workers to their home. The place of work is an object where people carry out their direct labor functions. At the same time, if a periodic move from place to place is required due to a change in the specific location of the task execution areas, this is not considered a transfer of an employee from one organization to another, and does not require written consent from the employees. For example, working on a rotational basis in the North often involves moving between different fields, or, if it is road construction, moving in the direction of the highway being built.


The work schedule is one of the most important local documents that regulate the implementation of labor functions by shift workers within the limits of their location at the facility. Therefore, when approving it, the employer must coordinate the provisions of this source with the opinion of employees (usually represented by people). The main document in which the schedule is documented is the Regulation on the rotational method of work, which has the status of a local regulatory legal act.

What are the main criteria by which, in accordance with the law, the employing company should be guided when drawing up the document in question? The Labor Code of the Russian Federation prescribes that the total duration of working hours for the period of stay of people on watch does not exceed the standard number of hours, provided by the Code... Moreover, the maximum duration of one shift can be 12 hours. The number of days off cannot be less than the number of weeks in a month. It is permissible, however, that the corresponding rest days will be provided unevenly - the main thing is that their number meets the main criterion.

Work schedules on a shift can be drawn up both for the entire team of employees, and on an individual basis. The second option is possible, for example, in cases when a person who finishes his labor functions and is going to leave needs to delegate authority to his future deputy.


The main legislative document regulating the rotational work method, the Labor Code, contains such a term as "inter-shift rest". Its meaning is defined as follows. These are days of rest (sometimes called rest days), which appeared as a result of hourly processing of the established working hours at the rotational facility. Some lawyers consider inter-shift rest to be a kind of analogue of vacation, but granted not on an annual basis, but due to the objective capabilities of the employer. But at the same time, the frequency of such time off can reach several times a year. Also, inter-shift rest differs from a typical vacation in the way of calculating compensation. Its base is not average earnings. The number of days of inter-shift rest is also calculated in a different way. To do this, the sum of all processing hours is divided by 8 (based on the standard working hours for the TC). At the same time, it is possible that the inter-shift rest will be paid in the amount of the salary. In practice, this is possible if the appropriate time off is provided by the employing company in the form of compensation for the extra hours within the reference period.

Regarding the ratio of vacation and inter-shift rest, some lawyers recommend paying attention to the following feature. The fact is that, as a matter of priority, leave should be provided, first of all, for processing hours. And only after a person uses them, he can go on a standard vacation. In this case, the days that make up the inter-shift leave should be included in the total length of service, on the basis of which the vacation is calculated.


The Labor Code of the Russian Federation admits that rotational workers can provide processing not only in terms of their own initiative (and in this case, qualify for inter-shift rest), but also by virtue of an order from the management. In this case, their activities will take the form of overtime work. The reasons that may lead to the corresponding initiative of the watch management may be different. There is a widespread option in which the need to perform overtime work arose due to the fact that the team did not arrive on time to replace the one that is working at the moment. If a person was involved in overtime work, then the remuneration is calculated in one and a half or double the amount, depending on the specific conditions of the employee's work functions.

It should be noted that with regard to the organization of working time and rest for employees of the medical and pharmaceutical profile, who carry out their labor functions, serving shift workers, they act on the basis of the specifics of production and its specific conditions. At the same time, the key provisions of Article 47, which standardize labor for hired employees, also apply to specialists of this profile.

Above, we set out the thesis according to which the rotational work method in Russia has become especially popular due to the loyalty of the national labor legislation. Based on the regulatory norms of the Labor Code, we can assume that in many respects this is true. Despite the fact that, for example, the law allows employers to establish a 12-hour working day, at the same time, it prescribes the granting of days off to shift workers, as well as opportunities to exercise the right to inter-shift rest and regular leave. In addition, overtime overtime is paid at one and a half or even double the amount. Russians who know what a rotational work is, leave positive reviews, often especially emphasize the fact that the Labor Code is a source of law that makes people who decide on a difficult journey with the aim of earning sufficient protection.

Adjustable Labor Code of the Russian Federation shift method of work- the specific form of labor relations between the employer and employees. In addition to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is regulated by another legislative act in the field of labor - the decree of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the Ministry of Health of the USSR« On the approval of the main provisions on the rotational method of organizing work» dated 31.12.1987 No. 794 / 33-82.

When it is necessary to use the rotational method of organizing work

V modern economy there are some economic sectors that, due to the specifics of their functioning, require workers to be located at a considerable distance from their permanent place of residence. Such activities may be associated with the construction of various construction projects, the organization of highways, the creation of closed military facilities, etc. To carry out these works, it is necessary to organize relationships between enterprises and workers who are sent to watch to fulfill their professional duties.

Resolution No. 794 / 33-82 specifies a list of organizations that, first of all, can use a watch as a form of organizing labor relations between the employer and staff. In particular, these are enterprises related to oil or gas industry, transport and communications, construction or geological exploration, forestry, etc.

What is the rotational work method according to the Labor Code

The rotational method of organizing work is a form of labor relationship in which employees perform their professional duties far from their permanent place of residence, and therefore do not have the opportunity to return home every day. They have to live in another territory for some time, and at the same time the employer is obliged by law to provide them with the necessary conditions for living. With this method of organizing work, special carriage camps are used, consisting of buildings and economic facilities, the purpose of which is to create conditions for the life of employees involved in rotational work. Also, employees sent on a shift can also live in rented accommodation (for example, in dormitories), the costs of which are financed by the employer.

The shift has economic feasibility, since it allows you to reduce the cost of transporting employees to the actual place of their work, as well as reduce the period of construction or renovation works objects of social or industrial importance and located in remote areas with specific natural and climatic conditions.

How the watch is established at the enterprise

The decision to use the rotational method of organizing labor relations is made by the management of the enterprise, which must make technical and economic calculations of the need and efficiency of using labor relations of this kind. These calculations are reflected in special design and technological documentation, on the basis of which a conclusion on the use of the rotational method is formed.

In addition, when establishing the rotational method, it is necessary to draw up an order or order, which are developed taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the trade union organization. This document reflects information:

  • on the organization at the enterprise from the established date of the rotational method of labor activity;
  • on settlements with personnel during shift work with the use of summarized accounting of working hours;
  • on the determination of the terms of remuneration, as well as the duration of the shift;
  • on the development of a watch schedule as an annex to the order;
  • on obtaining approval for the use of the rotational method from the trade union organization.

This order is mandatory for all employees who are directly related to the rotational method of forming labor activities at the enterprise.

Formation of a rotational brigade

The use of the rotational method of organizing labor relations can be used both as a whole for all personnel of the enterprise, and for its individual teams or sections. The formation of a rotational brigade is carried out through the selection of employees who agree to a temporary relocation to another territory in order to fulfill their professional duties. The employer is obliged to provide (or compensate) the delivery of personnel from a specially designated place (gathering place) to the shift and back (at the end of the shift). The movement of workers from the place of residence to the place of assembly can also be organized or compensated by the employer, but such compensation remains at the discretion of the employer.

IMPORTANT! It should be noted that a shift is not a business trip, it is just a specific form of organizing labor relations between an employer and an employee.

Restrictions associated with working on a rotational basis according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Features of labor regulation of persons working on a rotational basis reflected in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. When organizing work, there are certain restrictions that the employer must take into account when hiring and sending employees to watch in remote areas. Such restrictions apply to the following categories of workers:

  • employees under the age of 18;
  • women who are in a position or have children under the age of 3;
  • men raising children under 3 years old without a mother;
  • guardians raising children under 3 years old;
  • employees who, in accordance with a medical certificate, are contraindicated to perform work based on the use of a rotational method.

It should be noted that the list of contraindications for performing work on a rotational basis is established by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia "On approval of lists of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors ..." dated 12.04.2011 No. 302n.

It should also be said that workers sent to watch in remote areas with unfavorable or severe climatic conditions must undergo a preliminary (primary) medical examination, and then (at least once a year) - periodic medical examinations. All examinations must be carried out at the expense of the employer.

Duration of rotational work

The total duration of the shift cannot be longer than 1 month, but also the legislation allows the duration of the shift work up to 3 months, if this is required by the special circumstances of the production activity. This moment must necessarily be agreed with the elected body of the trade union organization (Article 372 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) by submitting for consideration a specially developed local normative act of the organization on the rotational method of work of employees.

Compensation for irregular working hours

Since the rotational method of organizing labor relations differs from the generally accepted 40-hour work schedule per week, the employer is obliged by law to provide its employees with certain guarantees and compensations. In accordance with this, in addition to the standard wages, employees are also entitled to a special allowance for the rotational method of performing work. It is set for all calendar days that the employee is in the territory where he performs his work duties. In addition, this allowance is paid for the days that the employee spent on travel from the place of collection to the place of his actual work and back. In this case, this allowance is calculated instead of the daily allowance, which is paid when a person is sent on a business trip.

The amount of the allowance for the rotational performance job duties and the procedure for its payment to personnel should be regulated by a special local regulatory act of the company on the organization of rotational work, a collective agreement, an employment contract.

Compensation for difficult working conditions

In addition to the allowance, employees are entitled to a regional coefficient and special percentage allowances if they are sent on rotational work to the regions of the Far North or equivalent territories. It should be noted that the regional coefficient and special percentage allowances are not charged on the allowance in connection with the rotational form of labor relations, since the allowance itself is a compensation payment, and not part of the wages on which these allowances and coefficient are charged.

Granting additional vacation days

It should also be said that employees who are hired or transferred to a rotational work method are entitled not only to the main annual paid leave in the amount of 28 days, provided in accordance with labor legislation, but also to additional paid leave:

  1. If an employee is in the Far North, it is equal to 24 calendar days.
  2. If an employee is in a territory equivalent to the regions of the Far North, it is equal to 16 calendar days.

Read more about allowances in the article .

You can learn about vacation in the Far North from the material .

Regime of work and rest during the shift according to the Labor Code

The mode of work and rest in the organization of work on a rotational basis is reflected in a special schedule, which is developed and approved by the employer, and at the same time, the opinion of the elected body of the trade union organization must be taken into account. The developed local regulatory act is obligatory for study by all employees of the organization with whom labor Relations of this kind. Employees must be familiarized with this document no later than 2 months before its approval and entry into force.

In addition to the work schedule on the shift, the schedule also includes the time it takes to get employees from the place of initial gathering to the final point of their work duties and back. This time is not included in the working period, and therefore may well fall on days related to the period of inter-shift rest.

What points should be indicated in the work schedule on the watch

This document provides for the following main points related to rotational work:

  1. Work shifts for each specific employee are directly indicated, indicating the number of hours that he must work on that day.
  2. It reflects the time it takes to travel from the collection point to the destination and back.
  3. The days are indicated during the inter-shift rest.

Using summarized accounting in payroll calculation

The work schedule is necessary in order to calculate wages employees, since it uses the summarized work time tracking. The period of such accounting cannot exceed one year. The accounting period includes the entire period of shift work, that is, not only working days, but also the time required to travel from the place of gathering to the place of shift, as well as the period of rest between shifts. Working time is recorded in the context of each employee with a monthly breakdown of the period for the entire accounting annual period.

Rotational cycle and shift duration

V general view the full cycle of rotational work can be represented as follows:

  • the time spent on the road from the collection point to the final point of performance of labor duties;
  • the time spent on the direct performance of labor duties;
  • the time spent on the road from the place of watch to the place of initial collection;
  • the time during the inter-shift rest.

The duration of one daily shift on a watch may not exceed 12 hours. The duration of daily rest can be reduced to 12 hours by including lunch breaks during this period.

Payment for days of inter-shift rest

Since each day of the shift is associated with overworking within the limits established by the Labor Code for the duration of working hours, it should be compensated for by the fact that the days of the shift rest are paid using the daily wage rate or part of the salary for calculations. Such a calculation is used in the event that a higher pay is not assumed by the collective agreement or local act on the organization of rotational work. To do this, it is necessary to calculate the number of days of inter-shift rest according to the following algorithm:

1. The normal number of working hours for the reference period is calculated.

2. The number of working hours is calculated according to the schedule.

3. The number of hours for processing or deficiencies in relation to the standard established by law is determined.

4. The number of hours and whole days is set, which refer to days of inter-shift rest.

Overworking of working hours, presented in whole days, is added to the days of inter-shift rest and is paid based on the tariff rate or salary, and non-whole days (that is, hours) are carried over to another period of rest and are summed up among themselves. After the summed up parts have reached full working days, they can be added to the shift rest in the form of additional days.

You can find out about the accounting of working time in the rotational method of organizing labor activity from the article .


The rotational work method differs to a certain extent from the standard work mode with a 40-hour work week, because the main feature of the rotational organization of labor activity is the significant remoteness of the workplace from the employee's place of permanent residence. In connection with this characteristic of the watch, a special form of relationship is established between the employer and the employee, which entails the provision of special guarantees and compensations to the employee in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

The shift method is a system of work organization, within the framework of which an employee is not able to return home from his place of work every day. In the article, we will analyze how payment is made according to the rotational work method, how to calculate the salary of a "shift worker" at the established shift and hourly rate.

What is the rotational method of work

The current labor legislation defines the rotational method as a form of labor process outside the place of permanent residence, according to which the employer cannot provide the employee with a daily return to the place of permanent residence.

The time during which an employee is outside the place of permanent residence is called a shift. The watch period includes:

  • the time the employee fulfills his job duties (work shift);
  • inter-shift rest (rest between shifts, accommodation in a rotational village, time spent on the way to the shift site and back).

According to Art. 229 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the total duration of the shift should not exceed one calendar month. At the same time, in exceptional cases, it is possible to extend the shift period up to 3 months, subject to the written agreement of the trade union.

Accounting for working hours "shift worker"

Based on Art. 300 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to keep a summary record of working time for the entire reporting period(watch time), as well as monthly if the watch period exceeds one calendar month.

The following periods must be taken into account in the "shift worker" report card;

  1. Work time ... In the general procedure for recording the working time of a "shift worker" is made in hours of the work shift. With a shift work schedule, the personnel officer takes into account the number of shifts worked by the "shift worker" during the reporting period.
  2. Time between shifts. This segment includes the rest time between shifts, as well as the time spent by the employee in the rotational camp.
  3. Travel time from the place of collection to the place of work ... Often, the rotational work method involves the delivery of an employee from the place of assembly to the place of work (mines, drilling rigs, etc.). Since the time of delivery of an employee to the place of work can be quite long, such a period is included in the accounting period of the shift and refers to the inter-shift rest.

Payment according to the rotational work method

The procedure for remuneration for work on a rotational basis is approved by Chapter 47 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to the provisions of labor legislation, the calculation of remuneration for work on a rotational basis depends on how the "rotational worker" worked - in shifts or hourly. Below we will look at examples of how to calculate the salary of a "shift worker" in shift and hourly work schedules.

Shift work schedule

If, on the basis of internal regulations of the organization, a shift work schedule is established for "shift workers", then the calculation of the employee's remuneration is made on the basis of the tariff rate in proportion to the number of shifts worked:

Salary shift schedule = Rate shift * QuantitySm,

where Tariff change
Quantity cm- the number of work shifts during the reporting period.

When approving a shift schedule, the employer should take into account that the number of working hours under the rotational method should not exceed the norm established for a 40-hour work week. The maximum duration of work shifts is determined as the product of the number of working days of the month and the standard length of the working day (8 hours).

Let's look at an example. April 2020 - 21 working days, 167 working hours (21 days * 8 hours). When approving the schedule, the employer should take into account that during the month the total duration of the shift worker's work shifts should not exceed 167 working hours.

When attracting an employee to overtime work, the organization, in addition to payment hourly pay are obliged to pay the employee an additional payment:

For the first 2 hours of processing:

Surcharge for the first 2 hours of processing = Rate change / Period of change * Period of processing * 1.5,

where Tariff change- tariff rate established for one work shift;
Processing period - processing period in hours (no more than 2)

For subsequent processing hours (over 2 hours)

Processing surcharge over 2 hours = Tariff shift / Period shift * Period of processing * 2,

where Tariff change- tariff rate established for one work shift;
Shift period - one long shift in hours;
Processing period - processing period in hours (over 2 hours).

Let's consider an example ... Dobrodeev S.L. works at the Pervaya drilling rig in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Dobrodeev's shift period is 1 month (06/01/2020 - 06/30/2020).

For the shift period for Dobrodeev, 16 shifts of 11 hours are set, the total working time is 176 hours.

The standard working time in June 2020 is 159 hours, so Dobrodeev's processing is considered a period of 17 hours (176 hours - 159 hours).

The processing period is divided into one hour for 15 shifts, 2 hours of processing falls on the 16th shift. The longest one shift according to the norms of working time (excluding overtime) is 9.94 hours (159 hours / 16 shifts).

The shift rate for Dobrodeev within the normal working hours is 3,200 rubles.

Let's calculate Dobrodeev's salary at the tariff rate:

RUB 3.200 * 16 shifts = 51.200 rubles.

The employer is obliged to pay Dobrodeev for processing in the following order:

RUB 3.200 / 9.94 hours * 17 hours of processing * 1.5 = 8.209.25 rubles.

In total, the employer is obliged to accrue to Dobrodeev a salary for the shift period in the amount of 59.409.25 rubles. (51.200 rubles + 8.209.25 rubles).

Hourly work schedule

When establishing an hourly work schedule, the salary of a "shift worker" is determined as the product of the following indicators:

  • tariff for 1 hour of work ( Rate hour);
  • duration of one shift in hours ( PeriodShift hour);
  • number of work shifts during the reporting period ( Quantity cm).

The formula for calculating the salary for a shift worker with an hourly work schedule looks like this:

Salary hourly schedule = Rate hour * PeriodShift hour * Quantity

With an hourly work schedule, the following rules for setting working hours and wages are preserved for the "shift worker":

  • the maximum amount of working time is determined on the basis of the production calendar, in accordance with working days with a 40-hour working week;
  • work in excess of the established norm is recognized as overtime and is paid in addition to the tariff rate;
  • in the event that a shift worker is involved in overtime work, the employer is obliged to make an additional payment in the amount of one and a half for the first 2 hours of overtime, then in double the amount.

Let's look at an example. Shirokov V.D. works on a rotational basis at the Tsentralnaya gas production unit.

For the shift period for Shirokov, a shift schedule (15 shifts of 12 hours) was established with a payment of 270 rubles per hour.

4 shifts out of 15 Shirokov worked overtime (13 hours each).

Calculates the wages of Shirokov (tariff + additional payment):

270 RUB * 12 hours * 15 shifts + 270 rubles. * 1 hour of processing * 4 shifts * 1.5 = 50.220 rubles.

Payment for work on weekends and holidays

Often, the rotational work method provides for the availability of work shifts on weekends and holidays.

The period of work of a "shift worker" on a holiday or on a weekend is paid by the employer in at least double the amount, based on the established hourly / shift tariff rate.

PaymentDay = Rate hour * Coeff * Change period hour,

where PaymentPartDn- payment to the "shift worker" for a shift falling on a holiday or day off;
Rate hour- the rate set for 1 hour of working time in rubles (for a shift work schedule, the value is determined as the quotient of the rate of the shift and the period of the work shift in hours);
Shift Period hour - the number of hours in one work shift;
Coeff- the increasing coefficient for work on weekends and holidays, established by the labor / collective agreement.

We emphasize that the coefficient that increases the tariff rate when calculating payment on weekends and holidays cannot be less than 2, but can be set at a higher level if it is provided for by internal regulations enterprises.

Let's look at an example. Gubarev works on a rotational basis with a shift schedule.

For the shift period (March 2020), Gubarev has 15 working shifts of 9 hours each, the shift rate is 2.920 rubles.

During the shift, one of Gubarev's work shifts fell on a holiday (March 8), four more shifts - on weekends. Thus, the employer is obliged to pay Gubarev a salary for 10 shifts at the standard rate, for 5 shifts at a double rate.

Let's calculate Gubarev's salary for the shift period:

RUB 2.920 * 10 shifts + 2.920 rub. * 5 shifts * 2 = 58.400 rubles.