Types of motivation in history lessons. Master class "Motivation of students in the lessons of the humanitarian cycle on the example of teaching history and social studies

Modern system education is now going through the next stage in the search for effective ways of organizing the educational process that meet the needs of society. Today, the leading goal of education is to focus on student-centered learning, the development of the child's abilities and his subsequent self-realization. Therefore, today it is necessary to revise the traditional approaches focused on the translating role of the teacher and the reproductive activity of students.

New approaches in education: Activity-oriented - focuses on the formation of the personality and its abilities through the active activity of the student himself. Competence - aimed at the formation in the process of mastering program knowledge of a complex of supra-subject, universal, general educational knowledge, skills, various types of activities and the development of the student's abilities.

New approaches in education: Research (problem-heuristic) - provides for the predominance of the method associated with the independent search and solution of certain issues by schoolchildren. The role of the teacher in all cases is reduced to the direction, management and correction of students' activities.

Already familiar Although the above approaches are innovative, their elements have long been used in different lessons, so the need to update the educational process does not mean a complete rejection of traditional forms and methods of teaching. In this regard, it should be noted that the lesson will remain the main form of the lesson for a long time to come.

Motivation is the teacher's task Therefore, one of the main tasks of the teacher in the lesson is not so much the use of these methods, but the development with their help of students' knowledge, abilities and skills that will help them to more actively engage in future adult life after graduation. That is, students need to explain why they need it, what benefit they will gain from mastering this or that method, and how this ability will be useful to them in the future.

Motivation is needed! Creating conditions for motivating the educational activities of schoolchildren is the most important requirement in the organization modern lesson... Only this approach turns the student into a subject of cognitive activity (the subject is the one who carries out the activity), that is, it is necessary to create such conditions for the child to want to learn himself. To show the practical significance of the material being studied, the need for formed competencies in later life - this is what the teacher should try to do at each lesson.

Motivation is needed! Of course, it is much easier to motivate students in the course of studying the branches of economics and law that are relevant for today, than in the study of problems of a philosophical level. In this case, the teacher should, for example, help students realize the fact that it is the ability to think abstractly that distinguishes a developed personality and allows them to achieve high results in different types activities, developing non-standard solutions to various life and work situations. (!)

Motivation: must be deliberate! The student must see that the universal competences (abilities, skills) formed in the learning process will allow him to apply the existing knowledge in new, changing conditions at any stage of life. Ultimately, the student must understand that what he learns in school will help him enter the adult world (socialize), but how successful this entry will be depends on himself.

Development of cognitive motivation DA - technologies of critical thinking The solution of the above tasks (the success of training, its practical orientation and subsequent socialization) is carried out primarily through the use of technology for the development of critical thinking. To be able to think critically is to be able to work with a variety of information: find and select it in the context of the tasks being solved, analyze and evaluate it, formulate sound conclusions and make decisions. Development of critical thinking in the lesson is helped by working with text, documents, tables, maps, statistical data ... (History, social studies, law, literature, Russian and foreign languages, geography, economics, biology).

YES - information technology A modern lesson is unthinkable without active application information technologies... Multimedia equipment, which allows the use of text, graphics, video materials, significantly expands the possibilities of using a computer in the educational process. Using computer presentations to explain new material, preparing students for homework using Internet resources - these are just some of the ICT applications. This not only contributes to the activation of the cognitive interest of students and allows the use of the latest factual material in the classroom, which is absent in textbooks, but also forms the competencies that are extremely necessary in the information society.

Yes - group activities Intensive socialization of students is facilitated by the use of integral educational technology, which is based on the organization of group activities of students to solve certain problems: studying and analyzing documents, statistical data, works of art, drawing up structural and logical diagrams, tables, performing creative tasks. Such activity not only leads to a conscious and lasting assimilation of knowledge, but also develops his abilities for self-education, self-organization, enriches with communicative experience, and gives skills for constructive interaction with others.

Yes - discussions Classes should be organized so that most of the time in the lesson, students talk, reason, argue, and not the teacher. As a result of systematic participation in discussion lessons, high school students acquire the ability to participate in group decision-making, resolve controversial issues, accept and respect a different point of view. Great benefit for the inclusion of adolescents in situations real life bring various business games.

NO - categorical. The common thread through all the lessons should be the fulfillment of the following condition - the analysis of any phenomenon (especially the phenomenon of social life) should not be one-sided. Strong, uncompromising answers are highly undesirable. Pupils must learn to find both positive and negative aspects in every phenomenon. This will contribute to the development of their tolerance, tolerance for the opinions of others and readiness for cooperation, partnership - qualities that are so necessary in the modern world.

YES - positive emotions In order for all of the above and other methods and techniques to "work" on the formation of the child's cognitive motivation, his interest in learning, it is necessary to take into account the following important factor as psychological comfort. The creation of a favorable emotional environment at school, in the classroom is one of the most important conditions for the formation of high cognitive motivation of students.

Emotional well-being at school is one of the most important criteria for attitudes towards school and towards learning in general. The term "emotional well-being" in this case should be understood as "the child's satisfaction with his activities, relationships with teachers, classmates, security in this team, inner peace."

NO - psychological anxiety. A child may be uncomfortable, uncomfortable, or bad at school due to: Bad relationships with classmates or teachers, resulting in constant criticism of an individual student and leading to his alienation from the classroom. Poor academic performance due to the complexity of the subject and, as a result, negative assessment from teachers and more successful classmates. Lack of encouragement from the teacher of small (and not so) personal achievements of an individual student, which is very important for him personal growth and the state of satisfaction with the work done. Unsatisfactory general classroom discipline. Dirt, debris, clutter in the classroom and other school areas. Negative assessment of the school and teachers by parents.

How to determine the level of psychological anxiety of an individual student? Personal observation of the child and the general situation in the classroom. Questionnaires and various types of surveys with subsequent analysis. A confidential conversation with a specific student or his comrades (perhaps not always). Conversation with other teachers, parents on issues of concern. Transferring the created real situation to yourself: “Would I like it so much? Would it be convenient for me, comfortable in such an environment? "

To summarize: Psychological comfort and all of the above methods of conducting a modern lesson should lead to the fact that a student, coming to school, should get into a large family, where he will be interested, where he will be taught something new and useful every day. In this family, he will feel calm, safe, he will be sure that his achievements will not be ignored, and his mistakes will not be ridiculed.

A teacher (like a parent) is an area of ​​activity where daily self-improvement of one's personal and professional qualities, constant work on oneself are necessary. Because the most best training Is teaching by example. This means that the teacher has no right to be ignorant, uninterested, unprepared, irresponsible for the results of his work, unfriendly, inattentive towards children. He should be taller and better than children in everything, so that they always have a model before their eyes to which they should strive. Therefore, I wish all colleagues success in this difficult work.

The topic of motivation is very relevant now, since one of the problems facing the modern school is a decrease in motivation. The plans for the second standard of education include the introduction of a compulsory subject directly related to history and social studies "Russia in the world." Therefore, I seriously took up the problem of motivating modern schoolchildren to study these subjects.



The topic of motivation is very relevant now, since one of the problems facing the modern school is a decrease in motivation. The plans for the second standard of education include the introduction of a compulsory subject directly related to history and social studies "Russia in the world." Therefore, I seriously took up the problem of motivating modern schoolchildren to study these subjects. The term motivation is a relatively new term for Russian pedagogy. In Soviet pedagogy, it was believed that a child should be initially motivated to acquire knowledge, and therefore there is no need to specifically engage in the development of motivation. However, modern children are not motivated to learn. What for? Marks? The average score of the certificate is not taken into account. Admission to the University? A tutor and money will help you prepare. To gain credibility among classmates? There are tons of other ways. Task modern school- the formation of a competence-based approach, that is, not only to be able to apply knowledge in practice, but also to understand that knowledge is not an abstract abstract set of formulas, it is born from the everyday activities of people from their needs. Knowledge is not a frozen dogma, it is a living phenomenon.

In this regard, we can talk about large blocks in the structure of the lesson, one of which is motivational. (slide).

Let's consider the main components of the motivational block.

  1. Organizational part. The expected results are announced or jointly formulated, the rules of work are established, the roles are determined, the assessment system is communicated, and instructions are given. Unlike the traditional goals and objectives of the lesson, the expected results are set as concretely as possible, using the technique of fixing the expected result (to give definitions the following concepts, name at least three characteristics of such and such a phenomenon, give two examples, etc.); they are addressed to students and are formulated on their behalf (“As a result of the lesson, students will be able to ...”), affect not only knowledge components, but also the areas of skills, values, relationships.
  2. Content part. In this case, we are talking about the desire to directly interest students in the topic being studied. Specific examples I'll give you later.
  3. The problematic part. The statement of the problem can be carried out with the help of leading questions, acquaintance with different (opposite) views, conflicting images, graphs, etc. A simple formulation of the problem by the teacher is also possible.

The formation of motivation involves a variety of forms and techniques with the help of which the majority of students are involved in active educational work. It should be understood that the development of learning is not an end in itself, but just one of the means of developing the student's personality.

Amusement of presentation (examples, experiments, facts), an unusual form of presenting the material (causing surprise), the emotionality of the teacher's speech, cognitive games, situations of dispute and discussion, analysis of life situations (connection with the everyday life of students) contribute to the strengthening of interest.

Often, motivation is viewed by teachers only as a factor that arouses students' interest in a topic, creates a positive, emotional atmosphere. At the same time, it is necessary that motivation is associated with the actualization of certain knowledge and the skills of schoolchildren.

Motivation can be seen as a structural component of a lesson. Then it helps to realize the goals of a specific lesson: explain, form, work out, consolidate, compare, learn, supplement, etc.

Motivation can also be viewed as a result of an increase in the level and quality of training. In this case, we can talk about the formation of students' skills such as the ability to draw conclusions and assess events, compare and analyze phenomena, work with several sources, extract information, independently formulate a problem and create an algorithm for its solution.

And now I want to give some techniques for conducting the motivational part of the lesson.

  1. Consideration of the situation. Situational methodology is of great importance in teaching social studies and, to a lesser extent, history. The situations offered to the students should be close to Everyday life and at the same time cause controversial assessments and approaches. During the discussion of situations, it is important that students not only discuss the proposed plot, but also find material that allows them to give them a legal or moral assessment of what happened. Situations can be real and imaginary, but based on real facts. (Case in the store and about Paul 1)
  2. An event that has a wide public response (about Georgia and Abkhazia. Ossetia)

Graphic image. Painting, drawing, photography, caricature can be the beginning of a discussion of the problem. The figurative thinking and creative abilities of students are involved (photo of N. Khrushchev and anecdote)

Khrushchev died. He walks through the afterlife and sees two letters on everyone's chest - TK. He ran to the Politburo beyond the grave to the Maker of Destinies and asked: why did everyone have the letters TK, but they passed me around?

Now I will give instructions, and you will be awarded the title of TC.

And what does it mean?

You see, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels are walking around - they also have a shopping mall! These are the theorists of communism. Vladimir Lenin is reading on a bench - the creator of communism. Soso Dzhugashvili, or, in your opinion, Joseph Stalin, is sitting, his TK means the tyrant of communism.

Well, and I, who am I? - asks Khrushchev.

And you are corn aphids!

Is it true that for Lately Has Comrade Khrushchev's health deteriorated?

Yes. He suffers from a hernia from virgin soil, a stomach ulcer from corn, shortness of breath from competition with America and verbal diarrhea from no one knows what.

  1. Using multiple terms or concepts. A number of concepts or terms representing semantic unity can be proposed for an independent definition of the topic. In addition, the teacher can use several definitions of the same concept, asking him to choose the most appropriate and explain. Effective way motivation is an invitation to students to insert the missing words into a statement, a sentence

“Equality of rights is not that everyone enjoys them, but that they are given to everyone” (Seneca)

“Women will only achieve equality with men when they agree to be bald and find it exquisite” (A. Camus) The values ​​of democracy. You need to understand the purpose of the lesson, you can serve as a topic for discussion.

  1. Works of fiction. In Andersen's fairy tale "The King's New Dress", the king buys a dress from tailors, that is, he is a consumer. What clarification should be made in the text of the tale so that the king ceases to be one? (at the end of the lesson, the students will explain that the consumer is the one who buys things for personal use. If we assume that the dress is workwear, then the king is not the consumer)

"Goodbye, our red flag, -

You didn’t slide off the Kremlin like that,

How did you climb -

Punched, proudly, deftly

According to our "so-rastak"

To the smoldering Reichstag

Although it was then

There is a fly around the shaft ...

Lies our red flag

In Izmaylovo there are vratsyag.

For his dollars

Push for luck.

I did not take the Winter Palace,

Did not storm the Reichstag,

I'm not a commie

But I stroke the flag and cry. "

  1. Role-playing game. (jacket case)
  2. Document. The beginning of the lesson can be devoted to the discussion of the letter, interview in the newspaper. In addition, documents can represent the views of well-known historical figures, publicists, scientists.

“Life was in full swing, and the general get-together acquired grandiose proportions. A lot of extravagantly dressed young people appeared in the streets ... The metal workers frightened passers-by with black leather and a bunch of iron rivets. The breakers plodded with a springy gait in everything sporty and American. The old hippies were reborn - they called themselves "System" .. Who else is there? Yes, new dudes in boots and suits are bursting at the concerts "Bravo" and "Mister Twister". (A. Troitsky)

  1. Aphorism. “Small knowledge gives people pride, great knowledge gives humility: so empty ears of corn raise haughty heads to the sky, full of grain incline them down to the earth, their mother” (Merezhkovsky) Diversity of ways of knowledge.
  2. Video plot. (Parfenov, 9th company)
  3. Unfinished sentence. The citizen paid taxes. Parents must educate their children.
  4. Definition of the author. Assumptions about the author, the topic of the work. The timing of its creation can turn the beginning of the lesson into an exciting game and arouse interest in the topic under study.
  5. Structured training discussion.

The choice of the type of motivation depends on many factors: the topic of the lesson, the level of preparedness and the emotional mood of the class, technical capabilities schools and even the psychological aspects of teacher-student interaction. But one thing is certain: motivation is not an epigraph to a lesson, it is an important component of a lesson. You can return to motivation during the lesson, at the stage of reflection, formulate your homework on its basis. And, of course, motivation should be used in the system of lessons, and not from case to case, otherwise all meaning is lost.

Municipal educational budgetary institution

secondary school № 3 r. p .. Oktyabrsky

"Increasing the motivation of students in the lessons of history and social studies"

(materials for the report)

Prepared by: Yu.V. Seltsova,

history and social studies teacher

Nina Ivanovna Podoprigora,

teacher of history,

MBOU SOSH №76, item Gigant,

Rostov region.

Motivation for learning as a condition for the active activity of students in the lessons of history and social studies.

Success in mastering the foundations of the sciences depends, first of all, on the child's desire to acquire these foundations. The computerization of society, together with new opportunities, gave rise to new problems, one of which is the decline in interest in learning. It is much easier and easier for children to find ready-made answers on the Internet than to think over and analyze the source, the attentive behavior of the student in the lesson does not make sense, since the content of the material can be found on the website. The guys stopped thinking, they lost interest in the subject, which led to a decrease in the quality of knowledge. The answers of schoolchildren in social networks on historical events, personalities, chronology are surprising. Vyazemsky, in assessing the results of knowledge, cited examples of students' answers to children's questions about history, which demonstrated complete illiteracy, lack of factual knowledge. Any citizen of the Fatherland should know the main milestones in the development of their state and society, historical personalities - statesmen, military leaders, cultural workers. Unfortunately, today interest in history has faded, society is increasingly accepting sensational events, and not always true ones. To eliminate this gap in the process of personality formation, it is necessary to increase attention to motivation, interest in the study of history. Most students are not inclined to devote themselves to a continuous learning process, focusing only on their desire to learn about an almost unknowable world. It is important to identify the origins of the initiative of students who have applied for additional training.

The main factor that determines the quality of education is motivation. This is a link that connects the elements that determine the capacity and power of the personal intellectual reserve of the formation of knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Motive translated from Latin means to carry out a movement, to push.

This is a motivation for activity associated with the satisfaction of a person's needs. The motive is the vanguard, bearing the main load of the “activity” function.

Motivation is an impulse that causes the body to be active and determines its direction.

Motivation is a set of motives for activity.

Motivation describes the characteristics of the elements located at the very beginning of the sequence of elements of the educational process, i.e. motivation sets the image, the scheme of stimulated goal-setting of the learning process, its structure. Motivation should be understood as a person's desire for self-realization in accordance with his innate abilities for certain types of activities and perseverance in mastering them at a creative level. Motivation determines the focus and degree of expediency and productivity of educational activities. Its influence is always present and monitored at almost all stages of training. Motivation in learning is viewed as a condition of activity and as an object to which this activity is directed. A strong, emotionally bright motive significantly affects the goal of the activity, while the phenomenon of a shift of the motive to the goal occurs. It follows that deep learning motivation, stable cognitive interests, duty and responsibility of students for success in learning are needed.

In order for a child to develop successfully, he must not perform any actions, but rather certain ones. What prompts him to perform these actions, what directs and regulates his activities in the learning process? In other words, what motivates, i.e. motivates and directs the student's activities? The teacher must learn to manage the activities of students in the learning process, and for this he must be able to form the necessary motivation in them. And if we cannot do this, then “all our ideas, all searches and constructions turn to dust, if the student does not have a desire to learn” (VA Sukhomlinsky). The teacher must be able to evoke this desire in the child, which means that he must form in him the appropriate motivation.

It is this factor that the teacher must take into account when preparing for the lesson. The first minutes of communication between the teacher and the student should arouse a genuine interest in the latter to the material being studied and the learning process as a whole. Systematic work in this direction will lead to the expected result. It is necessary to stimulate the student's desire on the basis of a combination of life situation, his experience, lesson objectives, taking into account the psychological characteristics of the student.

It is important to feel the hobbies and horizons of children and through them go to motivation. The availability of a solution to the problem posed creates joy and a desire to lead throughout the lesson. For example, while studying the topic "Olympic Games" in grade 5, I entered the class with a ball, disc, rope and asked the question: “What do I have in my hands? Why do you think I brought sports equipment today? What is the main sporting event awaiting our country and the whole world? Where and when will the Winter Olympics take place? Do you want to know where the Olympic Games originate from? " This beginning of the lesson prompted the children to further active activities during the lesson.

The social studies lesson in the 6th grade on the topic "Rules and norms of behavior in society", which was held in December, began a round dance to the New Year's song. Then I posed a problem to the guys: “What holiday are we going to celebrate soon? How do you prepare for it? Are there differences in behavior at school matinees and in everyday life? Do you want to draw up rules of conduct in in public places

Sensual perception always arouses emotional interest in students, and after it logical reasoning is generated, which grows into the definition of the goals of the lesson, its tasks by the students themselves. This systematic work allows you to develop skills in project activities. It is very important for the teacher to determine the main, essential, so to speak, the key competence of the lesson, to associate it with a certain subject, thing, and then the cognitive interest will be directed in the right direction, will lead to the expected result.

In a history lesson in grade 8, while studying the reform of the abolition of serfdom, I used a small golden packaging bag and from the first minute of the lesson I asked the children: "What do you think I put in this bag and brought it to class today?" The answers were different, and the correct one sounded - the earth. "Why did I put her in a golden bag?" - the question was immediately substantiated by the students. The key word has been named, its value has been determined, and we can begin to solve the problem: on what conditions did the peasants receive land.

Such a non-standard start of the lesson is carried out not only at the middle level of education, but also in high school. In the 10th grade, at a social studies lesson on the topic "What is the meaning of life," for the first time minutes of the lesson, the guys from plasticine sculpted flowers. “Was it easy to change the shape of the clay? Is it easy to change a person's views, his worldview? " The problem posed aroused interest in the discussion, which gradually grew into an active project activities.

Applying various technologies and operations in the study of new material, it is necessary to maintain cognitive interest. At this stage of the lesson, activation is carried out through individual, collective and group forms of work. The teacher always pays a lot of attention to this moment, its specificity depends on the complexity of the topic, on the goals and objectives set, on the level of preparation of the class and the teacher's experience. I stimulate the cognitive activity of students through didactic games (plot, role-playing) visibility (IK T), creative work, cognitive tasks, puzzles, individualization (taking into account not only abilities, but also interests), differentiation (multi-level tasks), the use of game, personal - oriented, developmental, problem pedagogical technologies.

The final stage of the lesson presupposes a self-evaluative nature of the student's work in the lesson. In psychology, this is called reflection - a person's thinking, aimed at analyzing himself. Reflection (from late Latin reflexio - turning back, reflection), form theoretical activity a person aimed at understanding their own actions and their laws; this is the subject's attention to himself and to his consciousness, in particular, to the products of his own activity, as well as some kind of rethinking of them. For the implementation of a competent approach to teaching, it is very important to lead the student to introspection of his activities in the lesson. Reflection is carried out in different ways depending on the age and the topic being studied. It is possible to invite students to traditionally give answers to the questions: what did they learn new in the lesson, what terms they learned, what caused the difficulty of assimilation, why. I propose a more complex version of reflection: draw up a graph according to the assessment scale of your knowledge. In grade 5, for self-assessment, I give unfinished sentences of the following nature: in the lesson I learned that ... I would like to know ... for this I need ..., this knowledge will be useful to me ..., I do not understand ... .. To assess myself in the lesson broadly I use emoticons, the guys draw them depending on their feelings. I apply psychological method display your activities with colors. The teacher is given the opportunity to see the level of knowledge and the level of interest of children in the lesson. Monitoring the result allows the teacher to determine the learning objectives in a prospective way, to identify gaps in knowledge and opportunities to eliminate them.

Motivation has the most big influence on the productivity of the educational process and determines the success of educational activities. Lack of motives for learning inevitably leads to a decrease in academic performance, personality degradation.

From the above, the following conclusion can be drawn:

1. Motivation is a particularly important and specific component of learning activities.

2. Through motivation, pedagogical goals are quickly transformed into mental goals of students.

3. Through motivation, a certain attitude of students towards academic subject and realizes its value for personal development.

4. Through the formation of positive motivation, you can significantly improve quality indicators cognitive processes, and this is a priority task that today must be realized in pedagogical activity.


1.V. Shogan Methodology for teaching history at school: new technology personality-oriented history education: textbook. manual / Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2007.

2.R.S. Nemov. Psychology of education. // M. Vlados 2001.

3.N.G. Luskanova. Diagnostics of school maladjustment. // VNIK 1993.

4. N.V. Nemova. Motivation of educational achievements. // M.2001.

interesting methods and techniques of working in the classroom, which will help make the lessons more interesting, exciting and help improve the quality of students' knowledge.

"Motivation of educational and cognitive activities of students in the lessons of history, social studies"

All schoolchildren are naturally curious, young and old alike, this is worth using.

A) Entering the classroom with music. Music must be matched to the topic of the lesson. For example, the topic "Industrialization in the USSR" - "The March of Industrialization", the topic "The Beginning of the Great Patriotic War"-" The song of the defenders of Moscow ", the theme is" Stalin's personality cult "- the song" Long live Stalin! " and etc.
Hearing a song at recess, children begin to ask: “What is this? What is it for? What are we going to do? What is the topic? "

The intrigue is created, the learners are impatient.
For some songs, you can print the text, one, two verses, distribute to everyone on the desk before the lesson begins. At recess, they will read the text and can already formulate, if not the topic of the lesson, then some points that will be considered in this lesson.
And if you also put problematic questions to the lyrics of the songs, come up with interesting tasks- the success of the beginning of the lesson is ensured, and time has been saved on formulating the purpose of the lesson.
Example: an excerpt from the "Song of the Defenders of Moscow"
(for children it is better not to include the title of this song)
Attack with steel ranks
We are walking firmly.
The native capital is behind us,
Our border has been appointed by the Leader.
Platoons equal on the march
The earth is humming underfoot,
Behind us are our native factories
And the red stars of the Kremlin.
What historical event are we talking about?
What significance did this event have in the history of our Motherland?
What would you like to know about this event?

B) "Black box".
An equally intriguing moment at the beginning of a lesson can be a thematic subject. Any box is placed on the desk, preferably a larger one, an object related to the topic of the lesson is hidden in it.

For example, in social studies, the topic "Family" is three figures of a person of different sizes cut out of paper; you can put a thematic photo in the theme "Global problems" - a photo of a nuclear explosion, a terrorist attack, a garbage dump; by law, starting the study of a separate branch of law - family, criminal, labor codes, etc., in history it can be a figure egyptian pyramid, coins and banknotes of different periods, small busts of Stalin, Lenin, portraits of political leaders, household items and other material historical sources.

In order to open the box, you need to guess what is hidden in it from the leading questions.
And when the subject became known, the teacher asks a series of questions: Why do you think this particular subject was hidden? What information can he give us? Etc.

C) The game of meteorologists. I use this game regularly in my lessons. Moreover, my students are not meteorologists, but economists, bankers, political scientists, historians. In economics lessons, I study the topics "Stock Exchange", "Money", "Banking System", schoolchildren predict the exchange rate of the dollar, euro, precious metals. At the beginning of the lesson, everyone writes on a piece of paper the current exchange rate of the monetary unit and predicts its change in a week (since we have an economics lesson once a week). Students eagerly await the next lesson to see if the prediction came true.
We make the same forecasts during election campaigns. Which parties will get into the State Duma in the parliamentary elections, what will be the ratio of the votes received. Who will win the presidential elections in the United States. Topics can be different. This game not only helps to increase the motivation of students, but also stimulates their cognitive activity outside the classroom.
D) "Hello, sit down!" A banal phrase with which most teachers begin their lesson. I suggest trying to sit at the desk in different ways.

Those who believe that the architect Ton K.A. was the author of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior;

Those who believe that the Cathedral of Christ the Savior is located in Novnogod will sit down;

These can be dates, terms, events, people, sayings ( better questions display and accompany with images.

And such options "Hello, sit down!" there may be many, different pictures, maps, diagrams, dates, questions. You can use the video series, ask oral riddles. Such a game gives several effects: actualization of knowledge, clarification of pressing questions, activation of interest, training.

The modern lesson must change both externally and internally.
A simple rearrangement of desks changes the child's attitude to the lesson. In my office, the desks are not in rows, when the letter "P", when two desks together, when one large table. Schoolchildren are very happy about this little thing, they are all motivated for the lesson and ready to work, expecting something interesting (in these conditions, there should be work rules that everyone is familiar with in order to avoid possible risks).

As for the forms of work in the classroom, based on the new requirements for the results of education, the group form of work prevails. When organizing work in pairs and groups, each student has the opportunity to express their opinion, argue, prove their point of view. And what is especially important, the group form of work allows you to solve the problem of an individual approach in the context of mass education. Students learn to discuss problems, look for solutions, distribute responsibilities in accordance with their abilities, and present a joint result.

In a group, any work, even the most boring one, becomes interesting, especially if you add an adversarial aspect.
I will not delve into technology group work, but I will give examples.

Social science. The topic of the lesson is "Typology of Societies".

Groups of 3-4 people clearly represented different types societies, and then, based on the results presented, carried out comparative analysis formational and civilizational approaches.
Group work helped to quickly master a large amount of material, easily highlight the similarities and differences between these approaches and all students get grades.
As a reinforcement on the topic "Management" (economics), the students answered the question "Who is a modern manager?"

At the same time, before starting work, the students independently developed criteria for evaluating this work:
1. The degree of disclosure of the task (information content)
2. Consistency, accuracy, correctness of performance.
3. Creativity (creativity).
"0" - the criterion is not disclosed,
"1" - there are comments,
"2" - the criterion is fully disclosed.
And each group evaluated the work of classmates according to these criteria, based on the points scored, grades were set.


Perhaps for many teachers there are no problems with homework, but in our school this problem has arisen for a long time. Most of the students do not complete their homework and parents cannot, and often do not want to, deal with this issue, considering it not important.
One methodologist said: “The homework should be such that the child can do it in one change on the school windowsill” (of course, we are not talking about all the subjects, all the topics). Probably, partly, he was right. If the student managed to do his homework during the break, then the whole topic was passed in the lesson, the student learned everything, he did not have any difficulties. I would add to these words: "Homework should be such that the child wants to do it." Of course, not all homework can be interesting, but whenever possible, I use the homework form as a motive for studying the topic.

Moreover, if a mistake is made in the video, then the video becomes for the teacher also a task for the class. (Point out the inaccuracies made by the author; find an erroneous judgment or contradiction).

But the most powerful incentive for schoolchildren is success. That is why it is necessary both in the lesson and in the homework to give the opportunity to make a choice. The child should be able to choose for himself the form of work, its volume and complexity.

"Story. Social science. The theme of the experience: "The use of techniques and methods of problem-based teaching as a means of increasing the educational motivation of students in the lessons of history and social studies Author of the experience: ..."

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Kustovskaya secondary school

Yakovlevsky district of the Belgorod region "

Story. Social science.

Experience theme:

"Using techniques and methods

problem learning as a means of increasing

educational motivation of students in history lessons

history and social studies teacher

MBOU "Kustovskaya secondary school of Yakovlevsky district, Belgorod region", honorary worker of general education of the Russian Federation Reviewer: Kashchavtseva Galina Dmitrievna, deputy. Director for Water Resources Management, MOU "Secondary School No. 3 with in-depth study individual items ", Builder Grebyonkina Svetlana Anatolyevna

1. Information about experience… …………………………………………… .3

1.1 Name of the experiment. ………………………………………………… 3

1.2 Conditions for the emergence and formation of experience. ……………… ..… .... 3

1.3 Justification of the perspectivity and relevance of the experience. …. ………... 4

1.4. The leading pedagogical idea of ​​experience. …………………………….… 4

1.5 Theoretical basis of experience. ……………………………………… ..…. 5

2. Technology of experience. ……………………………………………………… 7

3. The effectiveness of the experience. …………………………………………...….12

3.1. The level of quality of knowledge of students. …………………………….….12

3.2. Study of motivation for learning ……………………………………………………………………………………… ..... 12

3.3. The effectiveness of the GIA and USE …………………………… ...… ...… ..13

3.4. The effectiveness of municipal and regional Olympiads. …………………………….……………………………………thirteen

3.5. Effectiveness of participation in competitions …………………………… .. 13 List of used literature ………………………………… ..… ..15 Appendices to experience ………………… …………………………………… ... 16 Grebyonkina Svetlana Anatolyevna Section I. Information about experience Conditions for the emergence and formation of experience projects, new approaches to teaching are used, providing for a revision of the construction of the educational process based on changes in the educational needs of children and their parents.

Based on the restructuring and optimization of the network of educational institutions located in rural areas, the tasks of providing quality education, increasing the competitiveness of rural schoolchildren, and shaping the personality traits demanded by modern society are being addressed.

Municipal educational institution "Kustovskaya secondary school" is located in the village of Kustovoye, Yakovlevsky district, Belgorod region.

The student body is diverse and represented by various social groups:

1) families of workers - 42%

2) employees - 24%

3) unemployed participating in various types of entrepreneurial activity –21%

5) parents with higher education – 23%

6) with secondary and specialized secondary education - 74%

7) with basic education - 3% The consequence of this is a different level of intelligence and motivation of schoolchildren.

Perhaps all these factors, as well as insufficient potential opportunities traditional teaching influenced the decline in student interest in learning.

The beginning of work on the topic of experience was a diagnosis to identify the level of educational motivation of grade 8 schoolchildren at the beginning of the school year. According to the diagnostic results, only 7.32% of students with a high level of motivation were found; 47.67% of students were at the intermediate level; 45.01%. - at a low level (Appendix No. 1).

It turned out that the majority of students need to increase their learning motivation. Thus, the need for techniques and methods of problem learning was dictated by different levels of motivation and training of students.

The relevance of this work experience In the context of the modernization of Russian education, the problem of increasing the educational motivation of students in the context of the development of a modern school becomes dominant.

To increase the educational motivation of students, it is necessary to create conditions for the preparation of graduates capable of:

Grebenkina Svetlana Anatolyevna to navigate in a changing life situation, independently acquiring the necessary knowledge, applying it in practice;

independently think critically, see emerging problems and look for ways of their rational solution using modern technologies;

be sociable, contact in various social groups, be able to work together in various fields, in different situations by preventing or skillfully getting out of any conflict situations;

With the traditional approach to education, it is very difficult to bring up a person who meets these requirements.

All these tasks can be realized in the conditions of active student activity when the teacher uses problematic methods and teaching techniques.

Working on the problem of this experience, the teacher revealed the following contradictions: between the high requirements for the level of preparation of schoolchildren and their low motivation for school education, between the social requirement to achieve high quality of education for rural schoolchildren and the characteristic features of rural schools that make it difficult to fulfill this requirement (weak equipment of schools methodological support and information and communication technologies).

The relevance of the topic of experience is confirmed by the identified contradiction, and the urgent need to take into account characteristic features the conditions of a rural school, and the modern tasks of education to strengthen the motivation of students, as well as to develop their own civic position, stimulating independent decision-making, a sense of responsibility for the fate of the country.

The leading pedagogical idea of ​​the experience is to create the necessary conditions to enhance motivation in the study of history and social studies, by combining techniques and methods of problem learning.

Duration of work on experience Work on experience covers the period from 2007 (grade 8) to 2011 (grade 11) and took place in several stages:

Stage I - 2007-2008 Diagnosing, detecting contradictions, defining goals, setting goals, choosing methods and means of solving them;

Stage II - 2008 - 2010 Correction of techniques and methods for achieving goals;

Stage III - 2010-2011 Generalization of experience, identification of performance.

Range of experience The range of experience is represented by a system of work to increase the level of educational motivation, both in the classroom and in extracurricular activities.

Extracurricular forms are preparation for subject Olympiads, Grebyonkina Svetlana Anatolyevna conducting quizzes and competitions, the activities of the club of future voters.

The theoretical basis of the experience.

At the heart of teaching experience the ideas of I. Ya. Lerner, G.K.

Selevko, M. A. Matyushkina, M. I. Makhmutova, M. A. Danilov, S. L. Rubinshtein, M. V. Matyukhina.

To develop techniques and methods of problem learning, the following concepts were used:

"Problem learning";

"Organization of problem learning";

"Techniques and methods of teaching";

"Problem situation";

"Learning motivation".

Problematic learning. In the pedagogical literature, there are a number of attempts to define problem learning.

Here are some of them:

1) I. Ya. Lerner sees the essence of problem learning in the fact that “a student, under the guidance of a teacher, takes part in solving cognitive and practical problems that are new to him. a certain system corresponding to the educational goals of the school ”.

2) G. K. Selevko sees the essence of the process of problem learning in the advancement of didactic problems to students, in their solution and the mastery of students with generalized knowledge and principles for solving problem problems.

3M. I. Makhmutov believes that problem-based learning is a type of developmental education, which combines the systematic independent search activity of students with their assimilation of ready-made conclusions of science, and the system of methods is built taking into account goal-setting and the principle of problematicity.

Thus, problem-based learning is a type of learning in which the teacher, systematically creating problem situations and organizing the activities of students to solve educational problems, provides an optimal combination of their independent search activities with the assimilation of ready-made conclusions of science.

Organization of problem learning. The most prominent didactics M.A. Danilov and V.P.

Esipov formulate the rules for activating the learning process, which reflect the principles of organizing problem-based learning:

lead students to generalization, and not give them ready-made definitions, concepts;

occasionally acquaint students with the methods of science;

develop the independence of their thoughts with the help of creative assignments.

Techniques and teaching methods. At all times, the teacher was worried about the problem of how to make it possible to develop the student's personality with the help of history, what techniques and methods should be used?

The teaching methods should be understood as the methods of teaching work of the teacher and the organization of educational and cognitive activities of students to solve various didactic tasks aimed at mastering the material being studied. Reception of teaching is an integral part or a separate side of the teaching method.

Verbal methods are best developed by A.A. Vagin, in whose works it is emphasized that the living word in the lesson appears in a monologue and in a dialogical form. AND I. Lerner and M.N. Skatkin developed general teaching methods based on the nature of the educational and cognitive activity of students in mastering the studied material: explanatory - illustrative, reproductive, problem presentation, partly search, research.

Particular cases of the problem-search method are those proposed by M.I. Makhmutov binary methods: explanatory motivating and partial search, motivating and search. The system of problem learning methods is an organic combination of general and binary methods.

Problematic situation. A problem situation is understood as an intellectual task, as a result of which the student must reveal some desired attitude, action.

What does the concept of "problem situation" include?

In a problematic situation, as S.L. Rubinstein, there are three main features: the unknown, the contradiction and the need.

Matyushkin includes three main components in the psychological structure of the problem situation:

1. the need to perform such an action in which a cognitive need for a new attitude, method or condition of action arises;

2. unknown, which must be disclosed in a problem situation;

3. the student's ability to fulfill the assigned task, to analyze the conditions and discover the unknown.

Learning motivation is the result, the internal expression of the activity. L. S. Vygotsky wrote about the importance of upbringing internal stimuli: “Motivation has a significant impact on all forms of our behavior and moments of the upbringing process. Whether we want to achieve better memorization on the part of students or more successful thought work, we still need to make sure that both activities are stimulated and motivated. It is necessary not only as a means for better memorization and assimilation, but also as a goal. "

The methodology for diagnosing the levels of educational motivation was developed by M.V. Matyukhina.

Grebyonkina Svetlana Anatolyevna Theoretical analysis, carried out on the problem of research in the process of the formation of experience, made it possible to develop a system of techniques and methods of problem-based teaching in the lessons of history and social studies.

The novelty of the experience lies in the use of various techniques and methods of problem-based teaching, aimed at increasing the educational motivation of students in history and social studies.

Section II. The technology of experience description The purpose of the pedagogical experience is to provide positive dynamics of the growth of educational motivation of students in history and social studies, through the use of a system of techniques and methods of problem learning.

Achieving the planned results involves solving the following tasks:

the use of methods and techniques of problem learning aimed at increasing the motivation of students to study history and social studies;

identifying and substantiating conditions that contribute to improving the quality of students' knowledge of history;

psychological readiness of students and teachers for joint cooperation on a partnership basis;

creating conditions for self-realization and self-affirmation of the student in the educational process.

The organization of the educational process is based on the use of the following methods of including students in educational and cognitive activities in the classroom using techniques and methods of problem-based teaching:

In the 8th grade, the stock of students' knowledge is revealed, the development of their thinking and intelligence is determined. (Diagnostics of motivation is carried out).

In grades 9-10, differentiation by groups is carried out.

Differentiated work is organized in different ways. Most often, students with low level motivation (group 1) are offered reproductive tasks, and students with an average (group 2) and high (group 3) level of motivation are offered creative tasks.

(Appendix 2) In grades 10-11, when organizing problem-based learning, a number of methods are used:

1) the arrangement of educational problem tasks for the explanation of phenomena or the search for ways of practical solutions. An example is any research students.

2) encouraging students to analyze the facts and phenomena of reality, which generates contradictions between life ideas and scientific concepts about these facts.

3) making an assumption, formulating conclusions and testing them.

Grebyonkina Svetlana Anatolyevna

4) encouraging students to compare, contrast and contrast facts, phenomena, rules, as a result of which a problem situation arises.

The structure of a problem lesson creates opportunities for the management of independent learning activities of students. (Appendix 2).

Features of the management of the technology of problem learning:

Stage I - target setting in the form of a pedagogical problem situation, directing students to perceive the manifestation of a problem, awakening the student's interest, the need to satisfy this interest. A certain potential for creating problem situations is contained in the designation of the topic of the lessons. For example: "Ivan IV - a tyrant or a reformer?"

Stage II - the translation of a pedagogically organized problem situation into a psychological one: the state of the task - the beginning of an active search for an answer to it, awareness of the essence of the contradiction, the formulation of the unknown.

Starting the study of a new one, a problem is put forward, accompanied by an explanation of questions and tasks of a search nature. Students solve a problem that has been solved by science for a long time. But the students need to "rediscover" it, for example: to determine what was the progressiveness of the economic policy of the government of Peter I.

Stage III - the search for a solution to the problem, overcoming the contradiction. The teacher encourages students to express different points of view, clash them, compare, collate and generalize information.

When explaining new material, two forms of problem learning are used: problem statement and exploratory conversation.

(Appendix 3).

In the problem statement, the problem is posed and solved by the teacher. He does not just present the material, but reflects on the problem, considers possible approaches and solutions. Students learn the logic of reasoning, analysis, and assimilate the material deeper. It is used when the material is too complex and new to organize a search conversation.

Example. In grade 8 on the topic: "Internal policy of Alexander I"

students are divided into groups (depending on motivation). One group is given a more difficult task (analysis of the laws of M.M. Speransky), and the second performs a task of a reproductive nature (according to the text of the paragraph). At the stage of consolidation, children express their opinions reasonably.

The meaning of the search conversation is to involve in solving the problems put forward in the lesson with the help of a system of questions prepared in advance by the teacher. Search conversation can be used in cases where students have necessary knowledge for active participation in the solution of the put forward problems. More often than not, the search conversation does not cover the entire new material studied in the lesson, but some part of it.

Grebyonkina Svetlana Anatolyevna Example. In the 8th grade on the course "Social Studies" ("What is Economics"), students found it difficult to determine how in the process of development, historically changed human labor activity.

Sample concretizing, guiding questions of the teacher can be the following:

1. What do you think is the main factor driving human evolution? Why is this factor always developing dynamically?

2. Explain what is the significance in human evolution of the need to satisfy physical needs (safety, food)?

3. What role do you think adaptability has played in the development of society? the oldest man to nature?

In this case (together with the students), several stages of production development should be distinguished in order to understand how needs influenced the development and complication labor activity human:

Creation of tools of labor, with the help of which man obtained from nature for himself the means of subsistence;

Production from natural raw materials of the very means of subsistence necessary to meet human needs;

Production and reproduction ourselves natural conditions its existence, i.e. living environment(artificial seas and reservoirs, soil, air purification, recreation of small representatives of flora and fauna).

Stage IV - the primary consolidation of the new material with the help of simple, diagnostic questions and tests. (Appendix 6).

When consolidating the topic "Education of medieval cities" in the 6th grade, a question is asked, which prompts one to reason:

How did the successes in the economy lead to the separation of handicrafts from agriculture?

This more specific question begins to activate the students' thinking.

Other questions of a narrower nature are posed:

What were the successes in the economy were in Europe in the X1V-XV centuries?

Why do artisans appear with success in the economy?

Why do the "craftsmen" leave the village? Where do they go? Where do they settle?

Thus, as a result of a heuristic conversation, a logical chain is created that leads to an answer to the question asked about the emergence of cities.

Stage V - the organization of independent or creative work of students on the secondary consolidation of new material individually, in small groups according to "working cards". This is a kind of control of "promising learning outcomes" in this lesson. It is possible to create a situation of assumption, which is based on the ability to put forward your own version of the causes, nature, consequences of historical events. Example. In the village of the tribal community, large Grebyonkina Svetlana Anatolyevna, spacious houses with an area of ​​up to 200 sq. meters. What conclusions can archaeologists draw upon discovering the remains of such a dwelling?

It is possible to create a situation of choice when students are asked to choose and justify one of the several presented answer options, which is the most convincing in their opinion.

Stage VI - the results of the lesson are summed up, oral or written reflection is organized (short questions for understanding, self-control, assessment of the significance of the topic studied; short essay for homework).

In accordance with the set goals and objectives of pedagogical activity, within the framework of the presented experience, a variety of techniques and methods of problem-based learning are used:

1) monologue;

2) reasoning;

3) dialogical;

4) heuristic;

5) research;

Problem-search methods are used mainly for the purpose of developing the skills of creative, educational and cognitive activities, they contribute to a more meaningful and independent mastery of knowledge. These methods are especially effective in those cases when it is necessary to achieve the formation of concepts, theories, and not the communication of factual information.

Storytelling, explanation, and lecture are monologue or informational teaching methods. In the form of a story, the material is presented, firstly, in the study of historical events of great educational value. For example, the uprising of Spartacus, the Battle of the Ice, the Battle of Kulikovo, the events of the Great Patriotic War.

Secondly, when it is necessary to form a specific, accurate, figurative idea of ​​a phenomenon that is new to students. Studying in grade 5 the sources of slavery in Ancient Greece, a personified story is used, which is conducted on behalf of several slaves, about how each of them fell into slavery.

Thirdly, the teacher's story equips students with historical facts, the analysis of which leads to important conclusions and generalizations. So, the story in the 10th grade about the annexation of Novgorod in the topic "The final stage of the creation of the Russian state" brings students to an understanding of the place, role and significance of this annexation.

Conversation is a dialogical method of presenting educational material. The essence of the conversation lies in the fact that the teacher, through skillfully posed questions, encourages students to reason, analyze the facts and phenomena under study in a certain logical sequence and independently approach the corresponding theoretical conclusions and generalizations.

Grebyonkina Svetlana Anatolyevna The basis of problem learning is the concept of a problem situation and ways to resolve it (Appendix 7). The forms of solving problem situations can be: problem tasks and tasks, problem lecture, research tasks, discussions, work with historical documents. The teacher needs to master the technology of developing problematic questions and tasks and develop them independently.

The methodology for developing problematic issues is as follows:

1. An important historical position (fact, event, idea) is taken, corresponding to the course program and submitted for discussion by students.

2. A search is carried out for an alternative position (fact, event, idea) containing a contradiction (educational, apparent, real) in comparison with the first.

3. On the basis of both provisions, a problematic task or question is formulated. (Appendix 8) The problem teaching method is aimed at organizing the search cognitive activity of students in the classroom and in extracurricular activities.

Example. In the 11th grade lesson, a problematic situation arises: “From Afghanistan flew planes with a load of“ 200 ”,“ black tulips, and the newspaper “Moskovskaya Pravda” on February 15, 1989 wrote: “Almonds blossomed in Termez, but if nature did not present such a gift, these February days would still remain in the memory of the inhabitants of the ancient city as the most solemn and joyful. The orchestra burst out. The country welcomed the return of their own sons. Our guys are returning, having fulfilled their international duty ... Over the years, Soviet soldiers in Afghanistan have repaired, restored and built hundreds of schools, colleges, three dozen hospitals and the same number of kindergartens, about 400 residential buildings, 35 mosques, many dozens of wells, about 150 kilometers of canals ...

They were engaged in the protection of military and civilian objects in Kabul. " So who are they, the soldiers of Afghanistan?

To answer this question, the guys form two different-level groups. The first group receives the task: to trace how the position of the authorities changed on the introduction of Soviet troops into Afghanistan.

The second group answers the question: how the Afghan war affected life Russian society... After this work, the groups move on to answering the problematic question. (Appendix 4) Like any type of learning, problem-based learning has its own pedagogical "pluses" and "minuses".

The "pluses" include:

Development of independence, creativity, learning activities;

Development of productive thinking;

Development of critical thinking;

Formation of your own attitude, position to what is happening around;

Grebyonkina Svetlana Anatolyevna

The disadvantages include:

The complexity of the preparation of the lesson;

Difficulties in management, control, assessment of the cognitive activity of students;

Takes more time to reach the goal of the lesson.

Effectiveness: creating a problem situation, the teacher directs students to solve it, organizes the search for a solution. Thus, the student is placed in the position of the subject of his learning, and as a result, new knowledge is formed in him, he masters new ways of action.

The role of the teacher is changing. He is a consultant, assistant, observer, source of information, coordinator. The teacher becomes the organizer of the students' independent educational knowledge.

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Analysis of the table allows us to conclude that if the level of educational motivation at the beginning of teaching history in grade 8 was not high, then by grade 11 the number of children with low educational motivation was 12.78%, and the high level reached 57.33% of the total. students of the class.

The theoretical analysis carried out on the problem “The use of techniques and methods of problem-based teaching as a means of increasing the educational motivation of students in history and social studies lessons” in the process of developing experience made it possible to highlight the dynamics of the growth of the quality of knowledge in history and social studies.

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The data in the table of USE results in the 2009-2010 academic years in history and social studies confirm the presence of an average score in history and social studies among students of the Kustov secondary school higher than the regional average.

Graduates of the 2009-2010 academic year, based on the results of the USE in history and social studies, entered universities and study at budgetary basis at Belgorod State University and Belgorod Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

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Bibliographic list Vagin A.A. History teaching methodology in high school – 1.

M.: 1984.-342s.

Vygotsky L.S.Pedagogical psychology / L.S.Vygotsky (Moscow: Education, 1991) 364 p.

M., 2005, Ch. 4, 5.

Matyukhina M.A. Methodology for the diagnosis of educational motivation 5.

schoolchildren / Badmaeva N.Ts. Influence of the motivational factor on development mental abilities: Monograph. - Ulan-Ude, 2004, pp. 149-150.

Makhmutov M.I. Organization of problem learning. - M.

Pedagogy 2004

Matyushkin A.M. Problem situations in thinking and learning.

M. Pedagogy 2003

Monakhov V.M. Introduction to the theory of educational technologies. - eight.

Volgograd: Change, 2007.

Rubinshtein S.L. Fundamentals of General Psychology / L. S, 9.

Rubinstein. - SPb .: ZAO Publishing House "Piter", 1999. - 720 p.

10. Selevko G.K. "Pedagogical technologies based on information and communication means", M., Research Institute of School Technologies, 2005.

11. Shevchenko N.I. Pedagogical technologies: socialization of schoolchildren in social studies lessons. - M .: OOO "RS", 2008.- p. 10

Grebyonkina Svetlana Anatolyevna

Appendices Appendix No. 1 - Methodology for determining the level of motivation.

Appendix No. 2 - Stages of the lesson using the technology of problem learning.

Appendix number 3 - Synopsis of a history lesson in grade 10.

Appendix # 3 - A fragment of a social studies lesson in grade 11 using a search conversation.

Appendix No. 4 - Fragment of an integrated lesson in grade 11 using problematic tasks.

Appendix number 5 - Fragment of a history lesson in grade 9 with drawing up a diagram.

Appendix № 6 - Tasks for the use of the "apple from apple tree" technique.

Appendix 7 - Rules for creating problem situations.

Appendix number 8 - Examples of problematic tasks in grade 8.

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1. I understand that a student must study well.

2. I strive to quickly and accurately fulfill the teacher's requirements.

4. I want to be a cultured and developed person.

5. I want to get good grades.

6. I want to get the approval of teachers and parents.

7. I want my comrades to always have a good opinion of me.

8. I want to have many friends in the class.

9. I want to be the best student in my class.

10. I want my answers in the lessons to be always the best.

11. I want not to be scolded by parents and teachers.

12. I don’t want to get bad grades.

13. I love to learn new things.

14. I like it when the teacher tells something interesting.

The key to the test


1. duty and responsibility: 1 - 2 judgments;

2. self-determination and self-improvement: 3 - 4;

3. well-being: 5 - 6;

4. affiliations: 7 -8;

5. prestige: 9 - 10;

6. avoidance of failure: 11 - 12;

7. educational and cognitive (teaching content): 13 - 14;

8. educational and cognitive (learning process): 15 - 16;

9.communicative: 17 - 18;

10.creative self-realization: 19 - 20;

11. achieving success: 21 - 22.

Processing of test results When processing the results, only the cases of coincidence are taken into account, when in two or three series the subject had the same answers, otherwise, the choice is considered random and is not taken into account.

Grebyonkina Svetlana Anatolyevna

Questionnaire 2:

1. Do you like school?

Not good


I do not like

2. When you wake up in the morning, are you always happy to go to school or do you often want to stay at home?

More often you want to stay at home

It's not always the same

I go with joy

3. If the teacher said that tomorrow it is not necessary for all pupils to come to school who want to stay at home, would you go to school or stay at home?

Would stay at home

Would go to school

4. Do you like it when your lessons are canceled?

I do not like

There are different ways


5. Would you like not to be asked homework?

I would like to

Would not like

6. Would you like to see only changes in the school?

Would not like

I would like to

7. Do you often tell your parents about school?

I do not tell

8. Would you like to have a less strict teacher?

I do not know for sure

I would like to

Would not like

9. Do you have many friends in your class?

No friends.

Grebyonkina Svetlana Anatolyevna

There are three levels of learning motivation:

High level of development.

These children have a positive attitude towards school, there is a cognitive motive, the desire to most successfully fulfill all the requirements of the school. As a rule, these guys learn the study material easily;

fully master the program, are diligent; listen carefully to the instructions of the teacher; execute orders without external control; show interest in independent work, all subjects; they are willing to carry out assignments;

occupy a favorable status position in the class.

Average level.

good school motivation. With average indicators of school motivation, the child has a positive attitude towards school; understands the teaching material; learns the basics of the program; independently solves typical tasks; attentive when performing tasks, assignments, instructions, but requires control; focused on interest, prepares for lessons, carries out assignments; is friends with many children in the class.

Low school motivation.

These children have a negative or indifferent attitude towards school and are reluctant to attend school. In the classroom, they often engage in extraneous matters, get distracted, violate discipline, and as a result, they learn the teaching material fragmentarily. Thus, children with a low level on this test are in a state of unstable adaptation to school. They need the supervision and help of adults, they constitute a "risk group".

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Stages of the lesson using the technology of problem learning.

I. Organizing time, motivation.

II. Knowledge update stage.

III. The stage of introducing new material.

IV. Primary consolidation of new material.

V. Self or creative work students on the secondary consolidation of new material.

Vi. Lesson summary, homework, reflection.

Flow chart for designing a training session using elements of problem learning

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Appendix 3 History lessons in grade 10 (basic level) Lesson topic: "FINAL STAGE OF CREATION OF A UNIFIED RUSSIAN STATE".

Lesson objectives: to create conditions for the assimilation of the main directions of the internal policy of Ivan III; describe his activities in collecting Russian lands; develop students' skills to work on historical documents, analyze articles of the Code of Law of 1497, compare historical events, evaluate the personality of Ivan III, his merit in the fall of the Horde yoke.

Equipment: presentation on the topic of the lesson, demo map "Creation of a unified centralized state", atlases on the history of the Fatherland, handouts, event cards Type of lesson: combined

Lesson outline:

I. The moment.

II. Repetition of the material studied.

1. Comments by students of the plan-scheme "Battle of Kulikovo".

The total number of Mamai's troops was 60 thousand people, and the Russians in Kolomna - 40-45 thousand people, the Russians had 3 echelons of defense, an ambush regiment - Vladimir Serpukhovsky, Dmitry Bobrok-Volynts. Dmitry Ivanovich fought with the advanced regiment, and Mikhail Brenok fought in his armor. The battle lasted for about four hours.

2. Repetition of historical events that took place in Russia. Game "+" and "0"

Dm. Donskoy 1240? class 1380 1382? teachers Battle on the Ice 1410 Battle on the river. Leader

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Oleg- Igor-… ..- Svyatoslav- Vladimir - ……… - Vladimir Monomakh- Yuri Dolgoruky- …… ..- V. Big Nest- ……… .- Ivan Kalita- Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy- ……… - Vasily II - …… ...

III. Actualization of the subjective experience of students.

1.Formulation of the main goals and objectives of the lesson together with the students.

2. Formulation of the problematic task:

In what ways did Ivan "collect" the land? What was his policy towards appanage princes?

IV. The stage of learning new material.

1. Accession of Novgorod. Problematic presentation.

Political and social tensions in Novgorod were characteristic feature his inner life. It was caused by the struggle between two groups: the first, consisting of the majority of the Novgorod elite, led by Martha Boretskaya (Posadnitsa), considered the possibility of concluding an alliance with the Lithuanian state, provided that the liberties of the Novgorod Republic were preserved. The second group advocated unification with Moscow. In Novgorod, broad democratic townspeople hoped to find their patron in Ivan in the struggle against the urban aristocracy, so here Ivan, being a monarch himself, patronized the democratic element. 1471 - the Boretskys party concludes an agreement on behalf of Novgorod with the prince of Lithuania and the king of Poland Kazimir Yagailovich, who was recognized as the prince of Novgorod and in the event of a Moscow campaign pledged to lead the defense.

- Why did Ivan accuse Novgorod of betraying Orthodoxy and converting to "Latinism"?

Then the word "Latin" meant adherence or sympathy to Catholicism.

2. Stages of the conquest of Novgorod. Work on the map and atlases.

1) 1471 - on the Sheloni River, where Moscow troops defeated the Novgorod militia, which Kazimir did not help. Conclusion of an agreement between Moscow and Novgorod: the city retains its independence, but refuses from the alliance with Casimir. Ivan is again a Novgorod prince;

2) 1475 - Ivan's trip to Novgorod. Ivan's courts, at which he dealt with rivals;

3) 1478 - liquidation of the independence of Novgorod; removal of the veche bell.

- Why did Ivan visit the Moscow landowners in the Novgorod territory, and transferred many noble Novgorodians to other cities?

3. Checking the task:

Supporting synopsis: Novgorod Republic

1. Martha Boretskaya For the union with Moscow For the union with Lithuania 1471 - the battle on the river. Sheloni Grebyonkina Svetlana Anatolyevna 1478- annexation of Novgorod to the Moscow principality

2. Commenting on the illustration in the text of the textbook p. 178 Ivan III expanded the state, using different methods and ways.

He ruled the country for 43 years, and lived for 64 years. For the 15th century, this is a fairly long period, and in this he was helped by an active domestic and foreign policy, as well as an active lifestyle that he led.

4. Group work on the document of the Code of Law.

Group 1- Analyze 15th century legal proceedings and compare with modern legal proceedings.

Group 2- How did the situation of the peasants change in the 15th century? Give examples.

Group 3 - Describe the situation of the slaves.

Knowledge check.

1. In the 15th century, the court was conducted by boyars, okolnichi, governors, volosts. Judges received rewards from the defeated side, torture was allowed, the death penalty for all criminal offenses.

2. The peasants had the right to transfer from the landowner for only 2 weeks (November 26, St. George's Day), serfdom was formed in Russia.

The peasants had to pay the elderly - money for the yard and buildings that were erected with the material assistance of the owner.

3. A slave is one who sold himself into slavery, or was born of a slave, or was married to a slave. He could become free in 3 cases:

being captured or escaped from captivity, for a "leave" letter.

5. Accessions in Russia. Work on the text of the textbook p. 180 and atlases.

In the end of the 15th century Vyazma was annexed to Moscow.

In n. 16th century - Chernigov, Bryansk, Mtsensk, Rylsk, Gomel.

1514- Smolensk, 1510- Pskov, 1521- Ryazan.

Conclusion: a single, independent state, Russia, has emerged.

6. The opinion of historians about Ivan III Vasilievich.

In 2012, our state will celebrate a holiday dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the Russian statehood. N.M. Karamzin wrote that

Russia Olegov, Vladimirov, Yaroslavova died in the invasion of the Mongols:

present-day Russia was formed by John. "

How do you feel about this statement? Confirm with arguments from additional materials.

/ Students work with materials from Karamzin N. M, Kostomarov N. I., Ilovaisky D. I., Bellyarminov I. I. / IV. Primary fixing of the material.

A. Solving the problem problem: "How did the family of Ivan III influence his domestic and foreign policy?"

The family played a significant role in Ivan's life, thanks to family ties, he was able to both establish order within the country and achieve international recognition of Russia.

Grebyonkina Svetlana Anatolyevna Ivan Vasilievich in the 12th year was married to the Tver princess Maria, at the age of 18 he had a son, Ivan the Young, in 1467 he married the niece of the last Greek emperor Zinaida, Sophia Paleologus.

B. Game "Continue and write down the phrase" ...

1. Sovereign of all Russia Kalita, the proud, dark oblique Shemyak, V. "Guess the picture" of the artist:

What event did the Russian historian K. Slutsky write these lines about?

And Novgorodians, do not cross. They looked like a pale crowd.

Like a brass bell from their veche, by the will of the king, removed down with.

- "St. George's Day" S. I. Ivanov G. Creation of new bodies of state power. Drawing up a diagram.

Sovereign of All Russia Boyar Duma ... ../ Treasury / Palace V. Summing up the lesson.

In what ways did Ivan "collect" the land? What was his policy towards appanage princes? (Ivan's policy was planned: first, he finally conquered the lands that were previously under the control of the Moscow princes - and only then moved on to external conquests.) VI. Homework.

P. 18, write out the main directions of the policy of Vasily II.

Vii. Reflection.

Compilation of syncwine "Ivan III", "Sophia Paleologue"

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Fragment of a social studies lesson in grade 11