How to open a tattoo parlor business plan. What the business plan gave me

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Specific enough, but profitable business is tattooing. Despite the fact that the "thug romance" of the 90s has already gone out of fashion, the popularity of tattoos is not falling, but rather growing. Moreover, both men and women apply images to their skin. Do you want to know how to open a tattoo parlor and how much can you earn on it? Check out our article!

Market research

Practice shows that there is no serious competition in the tattoo business. In small and medium-sized cities, there are usually no salons at all - usually 1-2 masters work in them at home. Several salons can operate in millionaires, but they absolutely do not interfere with each other.

The tattoo parlor brings good profit with minimal investment

Target audience: men and women aged 18 to 35. Every 10 clients will return to your salon for a new tattoo. Also, every 10 client will ask her to withdraw or convert to something more relevant.


Unfortunately, there is no separate code for a tattoo parlor in Russian legislation. Therefore, you will need to register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur. Then you will need to obtain permission for the treatment room. Fortunately, you don't need a medical degree for this, although it doesn't hurt. We recommend that you sign up for nursing courses - they only take a couple of months. You can also immediately undergo training to become a tattoo artist if you want to engage in drawing on your own or completely understand the process. average cost this course is about 30 thousand rubles.


Space requirements for a tattoo parlor are not very high. It is necessary that it has a separate entrance, water, sewerage and extractor hood, walls and floors are finished with a washable coating, and an employee has at least 12 m2 of usable area. The normal size for a salon is a room of 35-40 m2. The location of the salon does not play a big role. There is no need to choose central streets with expensive rentals - a residential area is fine for you. It is desirable that it is located next to gym, a beauty salon or a fitness center - customers often come from these establishments.

Don't skimp on hardware - you want the very best


If you are planning to do business seriously, then you will need professional equipment... You will need to purchase:

  1. A special table for applying tattoos - 15,000 rubles.
  2. Armrests for the table - 10,000 rubles.
  3. Tattoo machines in the amount of 2 pcs - 35,000.
  4. A special disinfectant for the premises - 10,000 rubles.
  5. A set of paints for the first month of work - 8,000 rubles.
  6. Specialized set for piercing - 12,000 rubles.
  7. Make-up device - 18,000 r.
  8. Hygiene products, disinfectants - 15,000 rubles.

We also recommend that you purchase a tattoo removal device. This is a modern laser installation that costs about 400,000 rubles. If you don't have enough money at first, you can buy it later. This setting very often makes up to 50% of the profit for the salon.

Client search

You need to declare yourself at least one month before opening. All means are suitable for this: classic outdoor advertising in the form of leaflets, posters, banners and signs; advertising on forums in in social networks and message boards; advertising in newspapers and mass media. Be sure to create your pages on social networks or even a full-fledged website. Regularly update information on them, post photos of the work done, talk about promotions and discounts.

Basically, that's all what is needed to open a tattoo parlor. Also, you will probably need another master - he will replace you or work independently if a second salon opens.

Note:in the tattoo parlor you can do piercings, braid African braids, apply permanent makeup. This will expand the list of your clients at least 2 times.


The total amount of investments in this business usually does not exceed 200,000 rubles. In order for the salon to pay off, it should be visited by about 5 people a day. This is a very realistic figure, even for a small town.

A serious tattoo can tighten up to 100 thousand rubles or more.

Now let's see how much you can earn.

  1. A tattoo the size of a matchbox costs about 1,000 rubles.
  2. A tattoo the size of a cigarette pack will cost 2 thousand.
  3. Overhauling an existing tattoo with correction costs 3-4 thousand.
  4. Correction of a tattoo - from 2.5 thousand.
  5. Piercing - 500-1000 rubles, depending on the zone.
  6. Permanent makeup for lips, eyelids, eyebrows - 5-7 thousand.
  7. Removing a tattoo - 250 rubles per centimeter.

The consumable part is not very large. For rent and a communal apartment, you will need to pay about 40 thousand a month, Consumables pull another 10-15 thousand a month. The second master usually works on piecework, receiving 30-40% of the proceeds.

The tattoo has existed since time immemorial, and all these millennia its meaning, and with it the popularity among people, has changed. For some peoples, it carried a sacred meaning - it protected from evil spirits and averted other mental threats. Others - it was one of the ways to scare the enemy in battle, while others - simple decoration body. In the 20th century, tattooing was practically not common among a wide range of people, it was considered the lot of outcast people. By the second decade of the 21st century, the situation had changed dramatically. Tattoo parlors literally grow like mushrooms. In large cities, there are dozens of them, and even in small settlements from 100 to 200 thousand inhabitants, you can find at least a few private craftsmen. Our business plan for a tattoo parlor with calculations will help you navigate this industry and, in detail, in order, think over every step on the way to your business. And remember that this is just an example, on the basis of which it is worth making your own plan, taking into account individual characteristics region and competition.

Market analysis

Unfortunately, due to the specificity of this line of business, there are no reliable statistics on the market. Namely: how many tattoo parlors open in large cities annually, how many people in Russia have at least one tattoo, etc. We only know that, according to the estimates of American sociologists, in the United States (where the industry ranks first in the world in terms of its development), about 15% of people of both sexes over the age of 21 have tattoos. By the way, this is more than 40 million people. Therefore, in the USA, tattoo parlors work literally at every step.

According to rough estimates of entrepreneurs who work in this business, the number of tattoo lovers in our country is several times less. However, the largest profile community VKontakte has more than 1 million subscribers, and this indirectly suggests that the demand is still very high in Russia.

Another feature of the tattoo market is the unevenness of demand in different cities Russia. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, it is the highest, both in absolute and relative terms. And the reasons are quite understandable. On the one hand, psychological. Tattooing is considered fashionable among a wide stratum of active youth, who are more numerous in the capitals than in the regions. The second group of reasons is economic. The work is not cheap average check, depending on the level of the cabin, ranges from 3.5 to 15 thousand rubles. In the metropolitan regions, there are much more people who are able to afford such a decoration. And the third group of reasons is social. In society (for the most part), a negative view of the tattoo is widespread. It is especially prevalent in regions with a large stratum of the working class, people with a low level of income and education, as well as in regions with significant confessional affiliation (first of all, Islam).

All these factors somewhat inhibit interest in the tattoo culture in the provinces, but the situation is still changing for the better. Let's say in last years Kazan has become one of the centers of Russian tattoo culture, and this is significant. It hosts many festivals, master classes by famous masters from Russia and abroad. Other cities are also catching up, which means you can start, regardless of your place of residence.

The main difficulty of working in this market is the great importance of the figure of the master. As a rule, people work with "their" tattoo artist all the time. For a new drawing, updating or revising an old one, clients will go to it. If you hire craftsmen with their own base, they will quickly bring clients to you, but just as quickly they will take them away if something happens. The optimal situation is the opening of the salon by an experienced master who has a certain status and a well-known name in the city. In this case, you will have less fear of losing clientele.

Project summary

This business plan is focused on the creation of a tattoo parlor in a large regional city with a population of about 350 thousand inhabitants. Marketing research has shown that there are 3 large tattoo parlors in the city. Average attendance is estimated based on the experience of the business founder, who worked as a hired foreman in two of these three salons for several years and gained a steady clientele.

The project creator has several important tasks:

  1. Creation of a studio with an average and above average check level.
  2. Gradual formation of the image of the leading tattoo artist in the region.
  3. Expanding the capabilities of the tattoo parlor through the provision of related services (barbershop, piercing), which are practically not common in the city.
  4. Formation of a club of interests from clients, for whose members additional commercial and non-commercial events are held (master classes by specialists from other cities, tattoo tournaments, contests for the best tattoo, etc.).
  5. Interaction with masters from other cities and countries (additional training, master classes with leaders of the Russian tattoo business, participation in offsite events etc.).

To achieve these goals, a certain starting point is required (at least 3 years of experience in the field of tattooing and at least 15 regular customers). Otherwise, it makes no sense to start in this direction.

Premises will be rented for work in a large area of ​​the city. The specifics of the business are such that they will go to a good master wherever they want, so you can choose an off-center district of the city. The tattoo is not a commodity of spontaneous demand, so there is no need to be placed in the first line of houses. Both the basement of the house and the entrance from the yard will do.

It is undesirable to be located in working areas and other locations where the factors listed in the first paragraph of the article may be relevant. Hooliganism is quite likely (smashing windows, stealing pillars, damaging outdoor advertising elements with spray paint, etc.).

Another tattoo master will be hired for the first stage. In addition, you will need piercing and barbershop specialists. Here it is worth starting from the availability of professionals in the city. This could be a problem.

Selection of premises

We choose a semi-basement area of ​​65 sq. m. According to the standards of existing large tattoo parlors, work zone for one master requires 12 sq. m. If it is smaller, the room will be cramped and uncomfortable. We need to organize 4 workplaces, respectively, the zoning of the premises will be organized as follows:

  • Working area - 48 sq. m.
  • Reception room - 11 sq. m.
  • Bathroom - 3 sq. m.
  • Mini-warehouse of consumables and antiseptics - 3 sq. m.

We take into account that the legislation regarding tattoo parlors is vague. Such a business may be subject to serious requirements from the regional department of SES. If you are required to comply with standards at the level of a medical treatment room, it will be almost impossible to open, and you will have to think about changing your geo-registration.

In our case, there is no such problem by indirect indications, since there are several salons operating in the city that have already been registered.

The cost of renting this premises will be about 26 thousand rubles. If the amount is large, you can look for smaller options (for example, reduce the size of the reception area, remove one workplace).

A small cosmetic repair should be made in the room. About 70 thousand rubles are allocated for these purposes. The bathroom is being repaired, high-quality lighting is being installed and sockets are being laid. We paste bright posters with tattoo demonstration on the walls.

The reception requires the purchase of furniture and equipment. More details in the table:

The TV will be used to show clients videos and videos on tattoo culture. You can also show employees videos with master classes and jointly discuss the introduction of some new chips.


To carry out work in accordance with the law, it is planned to obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur. To do this, we submit an application to the Federal Tax Service at the branch or via the Internet. The amount of the state duty is 800 rubles.

In accordance with the legislation, it is necessary to establish cash register complying with the provisions of Law No. 54-FZ. It will cost about 25 thousand rubles. It is also worth getting a terminal for paying with bank cards. This is another 10 thousand rubles.

A bank account is opened for accepting cashless payments.

In addition, you need to equip the consumer corner at the checkout. This will require another 1-2 thousand rubles.

The business does not need special permits and certificates.

Taxation system - STS 6%.

OKVED: 96.09 "Provision of other personal services"; 96.02 "Provision of services by hairdressers and beauty salons."

Equipment purchase

This article will be the largest in the company's starting budget. It is assumed that the business owner already has one set of equipment for himself. Further options are possible: if you fully equip places for employees at your own expense, the start-up costs will be higher, but the costs in the process of work will be lower. If the personal tool of the craftsmen is used, the opposite is true.

We will purchase our own equipment, as it introduces fewer risks in working with personnel and is more profitable in the long term. More details in the table:

Name Price Qty Cost
Professional set of tattoo artist 11 000 1 11 000
Armchair for tattoo artist 8 000 2 16 000
Tattoo holder 2 000 2 4 000
Couch 10 000 1 10 000
Cart 2 000 2 4 000
Equipment for the piercing master (set of tools, table, 2 chairs) 15 000 1 15 000
Equipment for the barbershop (chair, mirror, cosmetics stand, hair and beard clippers, trimmers, etc.) 50 000 1 50 000
Miscellaneous (antiseptics, consumables, office supplies for the administrator, etc.) 30 000
Total 140 000

Note that the price is indicative, calculated for a low price category. The real cost of similar equipment, depending on the brand and supplier, can be up to 350 thousand rubles.

In the future, it is planned to gradually update the equipment, to acquire a better one.

Recruiting staff

Since in the tattoo business important role the "party" is playing, most likely, you will not have any problems with finding employees. Surely, you can find people among your friends and acquaintances.

It is not necessary to make high demands on the second tattoo artist if you have a certain skill level. On the contrary, it is more profitable to take a beginner specialist with little experience and gradually educate him as a professional. This can have a positive effect on his loyalty to you in the future.

In small towns, there may be difficulties only with a master for a barbershop. Special skills are needed here, the experience of a generalist from an ordinary beauty salon will not be enough.

If you can't find a ready-made master in your city, you can pay for the generalist to take additional courses in a large city in your region. In this case, to labor contract it is worth making an additional agreement in which these costs are prescribed. If an employee decides to quit before the deadline (say, 2 years), it will be possible to collect this amount forcibly. Landmark on staffing table- in the table:

Salon opening hours: from 10:00 to 20:00, closed on Monday.

The work schedule of the masters is set, depending on the number of orders.

The administrator works on a 6/1 or 5/2 schedule (in the second case, the business owner will replace him on a floating schedule for one day).

An administrator should be hired with an interest in the tattoo culture. It often happens that an administrator hires a novice master who, in parallel with the work, looks at the work of professionals, learns himself, makes test tattoos under the supervision of an experienced specialist. When the business scales up or if an employee leaves, he can take the position. If necessary, it can work as a substitute. This approach is quite beneficial for business.

Advertising and marketing

V modern conditions it is quite possible to organize the promotion of a tattoo parlor with minimal costs. The Internet and social networks in particular are very active in this area. They allow you to group your audience in one place, which is very important. In addition, tattoo is a very “visual” sphere of business, it allows you to make video work, photographs of finished tattoos. All this has a positive effect on the image of the salon and the popularity of the craftsmen among the target audience.

Outdoor advertising does not work so well, for the already stated reason: a tattoo is very rarely an impulsive demand service. In most cases, clients will spend a long time studying the market, watching the works of different masters. People often need a lot of time to decide on a tattoo: from several weeks to a year or more. This is also a point that needs to be taken into account when working out a marketing strategy.

From the starting costs, you will only need the costs of outdoor advertising (a sign and a pillar, about 15 thousand rubles) and the production of business cards (10 thousand rubles). Next, social networks will come into play, which will be dealt with by the business owner himself with the participation of the salon administrator.

It is worth organizing video filming and photography, for which purchase quality equipment... Alternatively, a good smartphone with a high-quality camera will do. Photo and video reports about the work of the salon can be done at least every day.

Financial plan

Start-up costs

* Calculated based on the room load by 40% of the possibilities.

** Calculated on average, the real indicator will be a variable depending on the attendance.


The income table is formed from several directions: small one-time jobs (correcting, updating tattoos, caring for a drawing), basic work (developing sketches, applying new tattoos), additional services (piercing, barbershop).

At the first stage, the barbershop will be an additional service (plus, its popularity among the public is small), therefore, its profitability will be small in the total profit.

Income line Volume per month Average check Total income
One-time work 30 1 500 45 000
Tattooing 18 7 000 112 000
Piercing 25 2 000 50 000
Barbershop 30 1 500 45 000
Total 252 000

Excluding tax payments, about 80 thousand rubles will remain at the first stage. Note that the calculation was made when the time of the masters was loaded at 40% of the maximum possible.

The profitability will be 60%, but it can be increased up to 150%. The payback period will not exceed six months, and with a rapid increase in the number of customers, it can be reduced to 2-3 months.

Development prospects

Scaling up in the tattoo business is complicated by its dependence on the personality of the artist. And he is limited by the possibilities of his working time. An important area of ​​work for a large tattoo parlor is teaching the art of tattooing. Your graduates in the future may become masters in your new salons.

Another nuance that is relevant for owners of tattoo parlors from small towns is that profits and the number of clients served quickly hit the ceiling. Even if you offer an exclusive service and charge above the market average for it, your customers' options are limited. In a city with an average wages in 20-25 thousand rubles there are few interested people who can pay 20-25 thousand rubles for a tattoo.

Therefore, having gained fame in small towns, the owners of tattoo parlors often move them to regional centers or move to the capital, where the target audience is larger. Sooner or later, the markets of the capital cities and regional centers oversaturated, but so far this situation is quite commonplace. You need to be prepared for this.

Opening a network of tattoo parlors in the premium segment is almost impossible, again due to the specifics of the work. And the salons in which inexpensive tattoos are made from ready-made sketches in a hurry are not in demand.

We plan to develop our business in accordance with the tasks set earlier: to constantly improve our own skills, train masters, make professional acquaintances and use them to attract customers and increase the level of loyalty.

It is possible to pack a franchise at the union in a tattoo parlor, piercing and barbershop and sell it to other regions.

Business risks

The main risk in this business is reputational risk. That is why it is highly undesirable to open a large salon without experience in this area. Having damaged a reputation once, it will be almost impossible to restore it due to a relatively narrow target audience. Even if you open another salon with a different name, people will quickly find out who works in it as a master, and you will not wait for good attendance.

It is necessary to constantly work on the reputation:

  • Provide high quality service every time, no relaxation. Better to reschedule work for another day or take a short vacation if you can't get ready for work.
  • Carefully monitor the work of employees. This is the main difference between a private master and a salon owner. You need to be ready to be responsible for others.
  • Actively maintain social networks, communicate with the audience, and respond to reviews.
  • Periodically improve their qualifications, including trips to other cities and countries to festivals and master classes.

Initial investments are not that great, so the financial risks are negligible.

There is a risk that the tattoo will go out of fashion, but so far there are no prerequisites for this. But even if that happens, demand will not drop lightning fast if you have a large core of existing customers.

Seasonality in this business is relatively insignificant, but it is there. According to statistics, the demand for tattoos and piercings is growing in the spring and summer period and weakens in autumn and winter. Barbershop is more stable in this respect - there is no seasonality as such.

Increased competition is also a significant factor that should be taken into account. However, at the moment it is roughly proportional to the increase in demand, so if this trend continues, there will be no serious problems. On the contrary, tattoo parlors quite actively communicate with each other, interact, organize joint actions, festivals and popularize the tattoo culture.

The underlying risk is dependence on public policy... Almost all consumables are supplied to Russia from Europe (Italy, Poland) and the USA. 2014 has already hit the industry with skyrocketing paint prices and some supply disruptions.

In the event of an increase in tension, the situation may repeat itself.


Tattoo parlor - very specific business, which, however, can bring substantial dividends to its creator. The business is highly profitable, since the costs of consumables are low. The work of the master is expensive. If the owner of the salon will be engaged in the provision of the service himself (which is usually the case), the profitability will be very good.

If you can draw and love the tattoo culture, you will probably find growth opportunities and good income in this business. But be prepared for difficulties, everything goes smoothly only on paper.

The business plan, which is presented below, is devoted to the development and implementation of a tattoo parlor with all the necessary economic calculations, taking into account the experience of working on similar projects and the specifics of the target market. All necessary calculations were performed in Excel. You can use this business plan as a basis for developing your own project for assessing the attractiveness of a business, for investment purposes or submission to the bank.


Project goal: opening a tattoo parlor in Nizhny Novgorod

Project objectives: launching a tattoo parlor for the target audience: young people (18-35 years old) with incomes: average and above average relative to the regional level.

Initiator of the project

Initiator experienced master a tattoo artist who wants to get away from the “at home” format or rent a workplace in other tattoo parlors and make original tattoos based on their own sketches. The future salon is aimed at clients with an average income and above in the region.

Investment costs

Directions of initial investments (in rubles):

  • Registration of individual entrepreneurs and medical records - 16,000 rubles.
  • Permission from SES - 10,000 rubles.
  • Security under the lease agreement - 108,000 rubles.
  • Repairs - 680,000 rubles.
  • External registration of the entrance - 65,000 rubles.
  • Initial investment in advertising - 60,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment, furniture, gearboxes, office equipment (general) - 340,000 rubles.
  • Initial purchase of consumables - 150,000 rubles.
  • Unforeseen expenses - 100,000 rubles.

Total initial investment - 1,529,000 rubles.

Workroom - non-residential semi-basement non-residential building of 2 rooms and a bathroom near the city center and 2 large shopping centers... There is only one entrance to the premises. The entrance is made out with a sign made by special order. The design was proposed by the initiator of the project. The rented premises will be renovated.

Financing the project

The total amount of investments is planned in the amount of 1,529 thousand rubles, of which 529 thousand rubles are planned. own funds initiator and 1000 thousand rubles. bank loan.

Payback of the project

Payback data of the tattoo parlor:

  • NPV - 966,000 rubles;
  • - 4.17 years;
  • - 5.25 years old.

Suppliers and contractors

The premises will be repaired to bring it into line with SNIP and interior design standards. Repair is being carried out construction company chosen by the initiator. The interior design was developed by the initiator, the project and the period renovation works agreed with the construction company.

Furniture and equipment are purchased from a company that supplies professional tattoo equipment. A contract for the supply of consumables is signed with her. This allows you to get a long-term discount. The choice of the supplier is made by the initiator based on own experience, quality and design of equipment, quality of consumables, pricing policy suppliers and reviews.


The main services of the tattoo parlor:

  • applying new tattoos;
  • correction and overlapping of old tattoos;
  • tattoo removal;
  • work with scars;
  • glitter tattoo;
  • Permanent makeup;
  • temporary tattoos (henna, author's transferable tattoos);
  • piercing.


Practice shows that by ordering a business plan from specialists, you will save time, increase the quality of the finished document by 4-5 times and increase the chances of receiving investments by 3 times.

Investment plan

Investment size

Initial investments amount to RUB 1,529 thousand, which are distributed as follows:

Name of works / goods / services





Registration of individual entrepreneurs

Obtaining a medical book

Obtaining permission from SES

Room decoration

The cost of finishing materials

The cost of plumbing equipment

Price construction works

Login registration

Neodymium laser for tattoo removal

Master cases

Tattoo machine

Armchair for tattoo parlor

Tattoo parlor couch

Armchair-chair for working with the neck-collar area

Working chairs for the master

Swivel armchairs

Workplace administrator

Visitor sofa

Coffee table for visitors

Lighting lamps with magnifying glasses

Lighting equipment stoics



Website development

Printing and distribution of leaflets

Unexpected expenses

Total initial investment

1 529 000

Investment work plan

The procedure for preparing the tattoo parlor for the opening is carried out according to the schedule:


1 month

2 months

3 months

4 months

Organizational expenses


Registration of individual entrepreneurs

Obtaining a medical book

Obtaining permission from SES

Premises costs

Security deposit under the lease agreement

Room decoration

Purchase of equipment, furniture, office equipment (general):

Initial purchase of consumables

Marketing events

Making a sign above the entrance

Login registration

Website development

Printing and distribution of leaflets

Production plan


A separate non-residential semi-basement with a total area of ​​28 m² is rented for the tattoo parlor, of which 17 m² is a retail space, 8 m² is an office space, and 3 m² is a bathroom. There is only one entrance from the side of the street.


Professional tattoo equipment is purchased from the distributor of the manufacturer of this equipment. Office furniture and furniture for visitors are ordered at furniture factory... All equipment and furniture are designed in the same style, developed by the initiator of the project.

Initial consumables are also purchased from the supplier's company, and if discounts are agreed by the supplier, a supply contract can be concluded.

Working hours

The working hours of the tattoo parlor are from 9.00 to 21.00 without breaks and weekends. In case of processing or holding a session outside the schedule of the salon, the working time is agreed with the master. To ensure uniform loading of the schedule, on morning hours discounts are provided.

Service delivery process

The provision of services is carried out in the following order:

  • the recording is made by the administrator of the tattoo parlor
  • first, the plot of the new tattoo is agreed upon, as well as wishes for re-filling or correction. The client's documents must be checked. For persons under 18, tattoo services are provided only with the permission of the parents in their personal presence.
  • the visitor chooses a tattoo from ready-made sketches, proposes his own or asks to develop a new one. When developing a new sketch, it is possible to agree with the client in a remote format.
  • the number of times and sessions is agreed with the master.
  • during the session, only sterile disposable needles and high-quality consumables are used.
  • payment is made for each session
  • the workplace is cleaned and instruments are sterilized.

The time of the plot, the size of the tattoo and the time of the sessions are necessarily negotiated with the clients, about which a corresponding entry is made in the contract for the provision of services. Agreements are signed in 2 copies, one of which the client receives in his hands.

Cost of services

The cost of the service includes the cost of consumables, the recalculation of the hourly rental rate, the wages of the foreman, taking into account insurance payments, as well as the average costs of maintaining the salon.

The price is determined taking into account the cost of production, the margin is not less than 30% of the cost of consumables.

Marketing plan

Tattoo is becoming one of the leading trends in modern fashion and tattooing services are becoming more and more in demand. This is evidenced by the data of sociological surveys, and marketing research... Even in the context of the sanctions crisis, the demand for tattoos remains, and for some types of tattoo services it is even growing.

Below is the seasonality graph:

The target audience

The main motive for tattooing is a fashionable desire to show individuality. The decriminalization of tattoos, the prevalence of tattoos among representatives of the most fashionable music and sports trends contribute to fashion.

The target audience of tattoo parlors is youth from 18 to 30 years old. Additional services: correction and reduction of tattoos expand the target audience to people aged 40-45.

The use of tattoos for cosmetic purposes, which increases the target audience at the expense of girls who prefer more complex, multi-color and highly artistic, as well as cosmetic tattoos

Competition and location

There are not many tattoo parlors in the city, so clients interested in these types of services know all the main points, as well as homeworkers. The competition is significant because The main channel for disseminating information among clients is word of mouth and special forums and groups in social networks.

The tattoo parlor is located near the city center, next to 2 large shopping centers. This location will allow for a significant influx of customers.

Range of services

The planned structure of tattoo parlor services is as follows:

Most of the tattoo parlor services are typical. However, in Russia, “mehndi”, a temporary henna tattoo, widespread in India, is becoming more and more widespread. There are few tattoo parlors in Nizhny Novgorod offering mehndi tattoos. This will allow the salon to gain initial customers.

As the salon develops, it is planned to sell tattoo sketches, paraphernalia, etc., as well as conduct paid training and master classes.

Price policy

Above average prices for the region, but taking into account discounts may be lower. It is important to play in contrast, quality services are always expensive, but for a client you can always go to a meeting.

During the first half of the year from the opening of the salon or until the time when the salon becomes famous and customer base, prices can be set on average for the region. Then prices rise slightly.

There is a markup of at least 30% on costs, taking into account the current pricing policy and the system of discounts.

Volume of sales

The average cost of a session is 4000 rubles. The average load of the salon at the time of opening will be 50% and according to the plan should increase by 5% monthly to 100% of the working time schedule (12 hours) for 2 workplaces.

In case of downtime, it is possible to rent equipment. And in the future, as demand grows, expanding to 3 craftsmen.

Below is a graph of revenue growth:

SWOT analysis

Let's analyze the solution based on the SWOT matrix


  • central location
  • lack of such tattoo parlors in the immediate environment
  • relatively low prices



  • expanding the range of services;
  • holding promotions to attract additional clients;
  • search for new suppliers
  • use of the internet community
  • offer of unique services (temporary tattoos)
  • development of sketches of a tattoo to order
  • control and audit of advertising control
  • creating a certain cozy or, on the contrary, brutal atmosphere for clients


  • use of marketing promotions
  • application of loyalty programs aimed at expanding the clientele
  • use of disposable consumables
  • constant monitoring of the cleaning of premises
  • periodic sanitization;
  • control of employees' health books
  • renovation (tiled floor and wall covering)

Advertising strategy

Broad advertising is quite costly with low efficiency. You should focus on the system of discounts for regular customers, use the "bring a friend" technique, actively promote the salon website, create a group on social networks and apply SMM methods, participate in professional forums.

Organizational plan

Business form

Registration of the initiator of the project as individual entrepreneur by UTII.

This form of organizing the work of the salon will save on expenses for the initial period and simplify the work when submitting tax reports to the Federal Tax Service.

Personnel and staff structure

The initiator manages the salon and is the senior tattoo artist. In addition to him, 3 more people will work in the salon: tattoo artists, an administrator and a cleaner.



(thousand roubles.)



Senior tattoo artist

Tattoo master


Cleaning woman


The senior tattoo artist has an irregular work schedule.

Tattoo artists work in shifts 2 through 2.

The administrator accepts orders, monitors the workload of the masters and the schedule of work with clients, monitors the work of the cleaner, monitors advertising, provides information about the work of the salon and the procurement of consumables and equipment. Work schedule: 5 days. on work days.

Financial plan

Financing the project

Initial investments are planned in the amount of 1.529 million rubles, of which:

  • 529 thousand rubles own funds.
  • 1000 thousand rubles bank loan at 18% per annum for 3 years secured by an apartment.

Funds in the amount of 1.529.000 rubles. go to financial security initial investment costs, consumables and other working capital.

The calculation of payments on the loan is annuity (equal payments), the loan is taken in the 1st month 112 thousand rubles, in the 2nd month 256.7 thousand rubles, in the 3rd month. 456.2 thousand rubles and in the 4th month 175.1 thousand rubles. Repayment from the 5th month The amount of monthly payments is 27.8 thousand rubles, the interest on the loan is taken into account in the payment.

Return of own funds to the initiator of the project after the loan is repaid within 20 months. in equal shares, taking into account inflation, but without interest.

Payback indicators of the project

The payback of the tattoo parlor is calculated on a planning horizon of 10 years:

  • contributions to social funds 30% (PFR - 22%, social insurance fund - 2.9%, medical insurance fund - 5.1%);
  • tax rate 15% (UTII);
  • annual inflation rate of 10%.

Performance indicators were calculated at a discount rate of 15%:

  • NPV - 966,000 rubles;
  • payback period with direct cash flow - 4.17 years;
  • the payback period, taking into account the discount, is 5.25 years.

Risk analysis

Calculations have shown that the project is of interest to the initiator and to the credit institution. The credit organization receives a refund earlier, and the initiator receives a salary in the salon during this period. At the same time, there are difficultly predictable events, parameterization and assessment of the degree of impact on the project is difficult. These include:

  • decrease in the income of the population. People are cutting down on unnecessary services in the first place, while utility bills and rent will continue to rise. Working methods: control of costs and price levels, tracking new trends in the market that may be of interest to potential clients;
  • the fashion for tattoos is dynamic, both the drawings themselves and their relevance change. It is advisable to keep track of new trends, work techniques, etc. and, as far as possible, try to introduce them into the work of the salon;
  • the opening of another tattoo parlor in the same area. Price competition is possible, as well as enticing the masters from competitors. V this business name and quality are valued. You can add new services that are not available to competitors in the structure of services.


Calculations have shown that the opening of a tattoo parlor in the city of Nizhny Novgorod can give good financial indicators that will allow the initiator and potential investors to earn money. Low level risks allows you to confidently assess the success of inv

Officially, tattoo parlors are equated with ordinary treatment rooms. This means that, on the one hand, it is not so difficult to create such a business - the main thing is to comply with basic sanitary requirements, but on the other hand, this area of ​​activity will require a special approach. And before deciding how to open a tattoo parlor, an entrepreneur will have to consider a lot of serious aspects.

How to start a tattoo business?

First of all, you need to decide on the concept of the enterprise (for a start, an ordinary individual entrepreneur is registered). It can work like:

  • shop - the owner will simply sell supplies and equipment for making tattoos
  • school - master classes and lessons for beginner masters will be held in the salon
  • direct tattoo parlor, which will offer drawing on the skin

The latter option may also involve the provision of other services. But no matter how many of them there will be, each employee will have to receive a health certificate, and it is from receiving it that work will need to start. Medical education is not required in this situation.

The next step is training in skill (if this has not been done earlier), after which it will be possible to select a room for the office. It should be located where the target audience will find it easily, and the service itself will be in demand. The best way- open a tattoo parlor in resort town, in places of congestion of tourists. You can also find premises near universities, large entertainment and shopping centers, on a pedestrian street for walking.

The office can be small: it is quite possible to build a tattoo business in one small room, where 1-2 masters can work. There you can also arrange all the equipment, put a couch or sofa for the client, place necessary inventory... The ideal option is to rent a former dental office: you will not have to do too serious repairs there, and everything you need (including the supplied communications) will already be at hand. Regardless of which place is chosen, the opening of the office will need to be coordinated with the SES - only she will be able to give the go-ahead to start work.

How much does it cost to open a tattoo parlor?

When creating such an enterprise, it is important to take care of both the costs of a suitable premises (renting it can cost from 20 thousand rubles a month) and the costs of equipment. The success of the work will depend on the quality of the latter. In general, it is important to allocate funds for:

  1. A tattoo machine is a so-called pistol that costs from 15 thousand rubles (the simplest, but not very high-quality options) to 240 thousand (foreign analogues of very high accuracy and quality, the ideal option is British machines)
  2. Flash sets with sketches - one will cost from 30 thousand rubles (they are especially important for those who cannot draw, but want to offer customers high-quality images on their bodies)
  3. A set of needles - 100 pieces will cost 600 rubles
  4. A set of paints - one tube of paint will cost 750 rubles

Also, about 50 thousand (minimum) will have to be spent on furniture - tables for craftsmen, a couch or sofa for clients, various cabinets and racks for storing inventory. And, of course, the tattoo business will not do without good repairs in the room - it will cost at least 80 thousand rubles. Monthly payment will cost 10-20 thousand utilities... Another 25 thousand rubles will need to be allocated monthly for wages one master.

As for the profit, the calculations are carried out ... in cigarette packs! Drawing on a skin area equal to one pack usually costs 8-10 thousand rubles. This is the minimum amount that each client leaves in the salon, but most often his expenses are higher. Tattoos are different and complex designs are more expensive. Serving up to 10 clients a day, a businessman will be able to earn from 100 thousand rubles, and this profit will be enough to work only in the warm season, and rest in winter (usually the tattoo business is considered seasonal, and dies down in cold months).

If an entrepreneur wants to earn extra money, he can offer courses for masters (from 80 thousand rubles for training). Also, profit can be brought not by tattooing, but by their reduction! One square centimeter of the skin to be bleached will cost the customer 5-8 thousand rubles. True, in order to offer such a service, additional investments will have to be made - a laser device for tattooing will cost from $ 1.5 million.

However, no matter how much it costs to open a tattoo parlor, the optimal payback period is considered to be 2 years. During this time, the entrepreneur not only covers all expenses, but also manages to prove himself excellent, after which he can develop the business and even open its branches in other districts or other settlements.